U.S. President Brent Spiner (Cabinet, Policies, Executive Orders)
May 24, 2024: Gail resigns from Vice President position and the post of Vice President is probably eliminated.
Oct. 20, 2023: Please be aware that Antichrist Lizzo has taken over just about all the social media accounts of those in Pres. Brent’s Cabinet and has used clones of some of our Cabinet members to make posts impersonating them. The only accurate news sources are Gabrielle Chana FOX News (00 on cable) and at this website, all others sources of information (including alternative news sources are inaccurate). It’s almost like we’re living in the tribulation as depicted in the canceled Bible, where truth has been forced to go underground. We hope everyone is doing the Gail Commandments! As far as all mainstream news reporters (including ones like Alex Jones and the so-called more reliable sources), it appears those rich and famous in the Lizzo system are just not willing to be associated with us in the full sense and are all playing Lizzo’s games. Basically, to be a true Jesus follower nowadays, you have to be like a tribulation saint as described in the canceled Bible and those who have fame and a semblance of respectability in the current system apparently are not willing to be labeled as crazy and stuff like that. Yup, crazy in this life, but not in the one that counts! Gail and her men are the true Jesus followers and we are the “crazy” ones. Don’t forget that this website has its own search engine, too. We’re kind of like how the Apostles were when they broke away from the Jewish system in vogue at the time right after Jesus was resurrected and went to heaven after being on earth for the first time in his human form. And now there’s a new system in play and those on the side of truth get labeled as crazy and it’s too rough for some folks to handle.
Oct. 13, 2023: Gail Chord Schuler & Melanie Richards are the Press Secretaries for Pres. Brent Spiner.
June 17, 2023: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. shares Attorney General duties with Bob Barr.
May 10, 2023: Our coalition of Conspiracy Law nations, China, United States, Russia, Japan, Germany, United Kingdom and Ireland, Canada, Israel, Australia, have purchased Twitter to ensure we have the ability to get the truth out to the masses clearly, using Gabrielle Chana FOX News on Twitter to get out our message. Elon Musk is appointed as CEO, having complete freedom with the site, except he must honor Conspiracy Law.
Feb. 20, 2023: Ron DeSantis appointed Director of Office of Management and Budget, to share this role with Jesse Ventura.
Aug. 19, 2022 UPDATE: As a result of being tricked by Satan and his deity friends, by a notice that Jesuits put on my apartment door, (which was a Jesuit trick) which made me believe that Covid vaccines were killing millions and that caused me to make a poor decision for war, when war was not necessary, and which caused millions of innocents to die; I have resigned as President and hand over the job to my husband Brent Spiner who is eminently more qualified than me and has a cool head and excellent judgment.
It doesn’t help that I am unable to watch Gabrielle Chana FOX News. I will be the Vice President and one of Brent’s Press Secretaries, but will not act as President, and only am here to support my husband as President.
July 8, 2020 (Updated Mar. 2022):
Brent’s cabinet (Dems are BOLD, Repubs are ITALICS):
Full President : INDEPENDENT/DEM Brent Spiner
Vice President (Position Eliminated)
Secretary of State: REPUB Rand Paul
Director of Communications: Vladimir Putin
Secretaries of Health and Human Services: DEM/IND Bernie Sanders & Gerard Butler M.D.
Dual Health Care Administrators: Haruo Ozaki & Hidemichi Sato
National Health Care Plan Research Director: Judy Mikovitz
Secretary of Treasury: LIBERTARIAN REPUB Ron Paul
Secretary of Education: REPUB Leila Centner
Secretary of Labor: DEM Stephanie Kelton
Federal Trade Commission Chair: DEM Sandeep Vaheesan
Secretary of Commerce: LIBERTARIAN Jo Jorgensen
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: REPUB Ben Carson
Press Secretaries: IND Gail Chord Schuler & Melanie Richards
Office of Management and Budget: GREEN Jesse Ventura & REPUB Ron DeSantis
Trade Representative: Vladimir Putin
EPA and Secretary of the Interior: DEM Bill Nye
Attorney General: LIBERTARIAN REPUB Bob Barr & DEM Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
ATF Director (pro gun rights): REPUB? Alan M. Gottlieb
Secretary of Defense: Vladimir Putin
Deputy Secretary of Defense: Sergey Shoygu
Joint Secretaries of Murricah Space Fleet: Rule 13 (dual Japanese/U.S. citizenship) and Neil deGrass Tyson
Prisons Administrator: Adolph Hitler (resurrected from hell by Satan and allowed to stay on earth by Jesus)
Secretary of Energy: Neil deGrasse Tyson
Joint Secretary of Murricah Space Fleet: Neil deGrasse Tyson (I want someone really smart in this job, who will work well with Bill Nye and Michio Kaku)
Administrator of the Small Business Administration: DEM Rodeslav Cibulka
Secretary of the Interior: DEM John EchoHawk & Bill Nye
Director of C.I.A.: DEM (recently turned Republican though) Bryan Dean Wright
Director of National Intelligence: Alexander Bortnikov
Acting Secretary of Homeland Security: REPUB Dan Bongino
Secretary of Immigration: REPUB Donald Trump
Secretary of Transportation: REPUB Elaine Chao
Secretary of Agriculture: REPUB Sonny Perdue
Secretary of Veterans Affairs: REPUB Donald Trump
Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers: DEM Stephanie Kelton & Vladimir Putin
National Security Adviser: INDEPENDENT Zack Knight
Marriage Laws Administrator: INDEPENDENT Joshua J. Joshua
Big Tech Administrator: INDEPENDENT Zack Knight
Worldwide Internet Manager: Vladimir Putin
Genetic Code Voting Administrator: INDEPENDENT Judge Terrance Jenkins
Deputy Secretary of Interdimensional Warfare: INDEPENDENT Michio Kaku
Research Secretaries of Defense: INDEPENDENT Terence Tao & Judge Terrance Jenkins
Deputy Research Secretaries of Defense: INDEPENDENT Martin Karplus, Arieh Warshel, and Dr. Bill Van Bonn
Deputy Big Tech Administrators: INDEPENDENT Linus Torvalds and Mike Rodrick
Acting Head of State (United Kingdom & Ireland): INDEPENDENT Gerard Butler M.D.
Acting Head of State (Canada): INDEPENDENT Keanu Reeves
Acting Head of State (Australia): INDEPENDENT Hugh Jackman
Acting Governor of Texas: INDEPENDENT Matthew McConaughey
German Chancellor: Vladimir Putin
German President: Adolf Hitler
German Health Minister: Reiner Fuellmich
Acting Governor of California: REPUB Larry Elder
Acting Governor of New York: REPUB Rudy Giuliani
Acting Governor of Massachusetts: DEM/IND Bernie Sanders
Acting Prime Minister of Israel: Vladimir Zelenko M.D. (automaton)
Acting Head of State of China: Hu Jintao
(password to view Hu Jintao page is Hu Jintao)
Official Social Network Site: Gab
Gabrielle Chana Credit Union’s CEO & Executive VP: Andrew Torba & Elon Musk
Twitter CEO (official Gabrielle Chana FOX News social network site): Elon Musk
Gabrielle Chana FOX News CEO: Melanie Richards
Feb. 20, 2023: Pres. Brent, on the recommendation of Vice President Gail, appoints Ron DeSantis as Director of Management and Budget, to share this role with Jesse Ventura.
Aug. 20, 2022: Pres. Brent offers a choice for the families of the 72 million murdered in a recent unjustified war. They can choose whether they want a free automaton version of their dead loved one, or the spouses can get a free subscription to dating services to find a new spouse. You can probably contact Brent through gailsmen@yahoo.com and Gabrielle Chana FOX News (00 on cable) will probably set up a way to contact the government to get what you choose.
Aug. 19, 2022: Pres. Gail resigns from her post as President, feeling that she lacks the judgment needed at this time in history to be President and hands over the job to her husband Brent Spiner. She will not be making any Presidential decisions anymore, but will assist Brent as Vice President as a support to him as President.
Aug. 14, 2022: Pres. Gail issues two executive orders, (1) the F.B.I. has been disbanded and if it tries to continue to exist, all its buildings will be bombed, (2) the lawsuit over Sandy Hook against Alex Jones is null and void, in order to preserve freedom of speech.
Aug. 13, 2022: Pres. Gail issues a Declaration of War on Jesuit COVID promoters.
July 3, 2022: Rule 13 and Adolph Hitler are finding the Jews responsible for the murder of my Israeli Prime Minister Zev Zelenko, who is now replaced with a good automaton.
June 1, 2022: Pres. Gail fires all at the Federal Trade Commission and appoints Sandeep Vaheesan as chair. He will pick the other commissioners there to work with him. We need to rein in the greedy corporations.
May 31, 2022: Gail has decided to cancel her plans for the full monarchy, since this is not the will of the American people. She will only assume full monarchy when they vote for this according to Conspiracy Law. She only did this to help with inflation. She encourages the Federal Trade Commission to DO THEIR JOB and reign in the greedy corporations.
April 6, 2022: Jesus Christ cancelled from all positions in Gail’s Cabinet to save his life from Satan.
Mar. 28, 2022: Pres. Gail reinstates Brent Spiner as full co-President.
Mar. 8, 2022: Vladimir Putin to work with Stephanie Kelton as chief economic advisor. I wrote some excellent law regarding sanctions and worldwide economic policies that needs to be enforced right now, in Sect. 23 & 24 of Terrorist Money Laws. Vladimir Putin has a PhD in economics.
Mar. 3, 2022: Loree turned good, so Loree McBride Jesuit redefined to mean Satan honoring Jesuit. Vladimir Putin appointed Director of Communications to counter fake news onslaught from Satan honoring Jesuits. New search engine called Gabrielle Chana search engine established to give the public an accurate Internet search engine.
Jan. 4, 2022: Haruo Ozaki and Hidemichi Sato of Japan appointed dual health care administrators to speed up our transition to the National Health Care Plan and streamline the process, executing any Loree McBride Jesuits who have infected our health care systems and ensuring the death penalty is meted out to those who administer viral vaccines.
Oct. 24, 2021: Hu Jintao appointed Chinese head of state. Hu can pick all those he wants to work with. Jiang Zemin is not allowed to influence Chinese politics AT ALL. If Hu Jintao agrees with me that Jiang seems an evil man, then anyone who obeys Jiang will be executed. I sense that Jiang may be working with Loree McBride. As far as Xi Jinping (current Chinese leader), I will leave it up to Hu Jintao if he wants to work with him. If so, Hu Jintao, will put him where he wants. Hu’s job is to weed out Loree McBride corruption from China. We have been working with China on censoring Loree McBride’s lies, but it hasn’t been going too well, which leads me to suspect that Xi Jinping is not telling us everything.
We also need to stop all funding to pro-gun control lobbies in the U.S. So I’m appointing Alan M. Gottlieb as ATF Director. His job will be to totally restore gun rights in the U.S. I have repealed the 1968 Gun Control Act which I believe was patterned after Nazi law.
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership claims that parts of the text of the Gun Control Act of 1968 were translated from Nazi legislation.[12] The German Weapons Law, which existed before the Nazis came to power in 1933, was altered on 18 March 1938 by the Nazi Government. The JPFO’s claim is based in part on the fact that the 1968 GCA introduces the “sporting purpose” test to distinguish different types of weapons, similar to the “sporting purpose” test that existed in the German law in question. Senator Thomas Dodd was a prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials and had reviewed copies of the Nazi Germany firearms laws, and in 1968 requested translations of these from the Library of Congress.
Oct. 22, 2021: Executive Order: Death penalty to do gain-of-function research. Any one who participates in this will lose their occupational licenses. As U.S. President, all charges against any innocent Trump supporter involved in the Jan. 6 “insurrection” must be dropped and all innocent Trump supporters or innocents in jail must be released. Failure to honor this executive order, will result in public execution on Gabrielle Chana FOX News. Innocent is defined as one who supports Gail as Empress and U.S. President and who has been put in jail solely for that, usually on trumped up charges. Biden, under Loree McBride’s control, operates like Stalin on steroids.
Oct. 21, 2021: Pres. Gail appoints Donald Trump as Secretary of Immigration, working with Dan Bongino, who is Homeland Security Secretary to stop Loree McBride’s flow of deadly illegal immigrants into the U.S. This update to Conspiracy Law also calls for screening of illegal immigrants to ensure loyalty to Empress Gail and her Conspiracy Law in all Conspiracy Law honoring countries.
Oct. 20, 2021: Executive Order of supreme monarch Gail: U.S. Supreme Court TOTALLY CANCELLED after refusing to block Maine’s state Covid vaccine mandate. Any one who obeys the U.S. Supreme Court over the Conspiracy Law Supreme Court will be executed. Those justices that support me will belong to the Conspiracy Law Supreme Court.
Oct. 20, 2021: Executive Order: Use our military and space fleet to use transporter technology, possibly wormholes, and replicators to ensure our citizens receive the food and supplies they need. Also, we use Florida and Texas to receive imported goods as opposed to California. We also need to rely on local sources.
Oct. 19, 2021: Executive Orders: (1) Death penalty to use government money for abortions outside of the National Health Care Plan. What constitutes abortion and a fetus redefined. (2) All organizations imposing Covid fines for violating criminal mandates the government will take over and will make into a perfectpenis company. Those who impose these criminal fines are also executed. (3) Fluoride must be removed from all water systems by Nov. 15, 2021 in all Conspiracy Law honoring countries. Fines will be assessed for violators after Nov. 15, 2021.
Oct. 18, 2021: Executive Order: All payment processors that collect money for the government must use perfectpenis technology via the PerfectPenis Revenue Service (PRS) to ensure Loree McBride Jesuits are not impersonating Pres. Gail as the government and collecting taxes illegally. Carbon taxes banned in all Conspiracy Law honoring countries.
Oct. 17, 2021: Executive Order: Individual income tax eliminated and I.R.S. abolished in the U.S. We adopt the tax structure of the United Arab Emirates. Total revamping of U.S. government to save money and fund our government operations using our takeover of oil companies in Canada, U.S. and Russia.
October 13, 2021: Executive Order: As the U.S. supreme monarch, I have allowed the system in place as long as it honors my Conspiracy Law. Because the U.S. Supreme Court is trying a case against Tsarnaev (an innocent man beyond any doubt), in order to cover up for the true murderers, I have canceled the U.S. Supreme Court only allowing them to try cases approved of by Judge Terrance Jenkins and my co-President Brent Spiner. Those who push any case forward that violates my Conspiracy Law will be executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News.
October 12, 2021: Empress Gail appoints King David and Vladimir Zelenko as Israel’s leaders. Vladimir is to be in submission to Jesus in everything. King David is resurrected from heaven to help Israel at this time and to give Vladimir the clout he needs for effective leadership in Israel.
October 10, 2021: Executive Order & Conspiracy Law update: Ivermectin and all effective Covid meds available OTC thru pharmacies. Also Pres. Gail takes over all companies important to daily life and living, creating copies of them using perfectpenis, such as the airlines and educational institutions. Gail issues ultimatum to Australian government to release arrested “Aussie Cossack” unconditionally or THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES. Merck’s Covid super drug is BANNED.
October 9, 2021: Leila Centner appointed Secretary of Education to enforce my ban on the Covid vaccine in our schools and to revamp our educational system over to Finland’s model.
October 1, 2021: Executive Order & Conspiracy Law update: Judy Mikovitz appointed National Health Care Plan Research Director. National Health Care Plan Research Organization replaces banned FDA, CDC and NIH. Any one who works for the FDA, CDC and NIH are to be executed. Rudy Giuliani’s law license reinstated by executive order of Pres. Gail. Gail does not recognize Loree McBride’s New York judges or politicians. Any one who is a Loree McBride Jesuit loses their license to practice in any occupation and don’t even have the right to LIVE.
September 30, 2021: Executive Order & Conspiracy Law update: Pres. Gail creates a parallel universe where those who don’t want to submit to Loree McBride’s Covid mandates can find employment. Also wrote standard anti-Covid vaccine law that all must adopt or they will be executed.
September 27, 2021: I totally take over all rebel states and countries and appoint leadership in those regions, with Larry Elder California governor, Rudy Giuliani New York governor, Bernie Sanders Massachusetts governor and those that obey these Loree McBride Jesuit politicians (that we’ve ousted) will be publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News.
September 15, 2021: Vladimir Putin appointed German Chancellor, Adolf Hitler German President and Reiner Fuellmich German Health Minister.
September 9, 2021: Executive Order: Biden is to be FULLY IMPEACHED and treated as a WAR CRIMINAL. Anyone who follows him will be executed.
September 5, 2021: Executive Order: No more Windows or Apple operating systems can be installed in new hard drives and all updates to Windows and Apple computers must stop because these operating systems must be cancelled. Free Linux computers offered to computer and phone users to replace Windows and Apple computers. These Linux computer programs will report violators of Gail’s COVID vaccine ban, too!
August 30, 2021: IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The “Donald Trump” who appeared at an Alabama rally recommending people take the COVID vaccine was an automaton. The real Donald does not promote the vaccine, because he’s in my Cabinet and I have banned the vaccine. Another Cabinet member, Rodeslav Cibulka, has had his online presence taken over by a Jesuit clone. This may be true for other Cabinet members as well. Biden has been impeached in mainstream news as mainstream news U.S. President and Trump has taken his place, which means Trump will act as my Press Secretary along with Tucker Carlson. But there’s a lot of fake news out there. Listen to Gabrielle Chana FOX News (00 on cable) to get the REAL NEWS.
August 28, 2021: Start Nuremberg trials in Australia for genocide caused by COVID vaccines and mandates. Bring the COVID vaccine manufacturers to Nuremberg trials! Executive Order: All government officials who support vaccine mandates or passports must have their bank accounts seized and then be publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News.
August 25, 2021: Executive Order and Conspiracy Law update: All American schools set up after Finland’s educational system. Covid guidelines banned in schools and death penalty to promote them on Aug. 25, 2021.
August 23, 2021: Executive Order: Because the FDA has flagrantly violated my ban on the coronavirus vaccine and has approved of the Pfizer vaccine, I have declared the FDA as a terrorist organization and anyone who willingly honors any of its edicts will be considered a Loree McBride terrorist and treated as such.
August 19, 2021: Executive Order: I take over Odysee, in order to protect them from Loree McBride’s tyranny. I also take over the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, which means these two organizations must honor Conspiracy Law in all they do. Because Loree tries to retake territories we win militarily, by cloning those criminals we have executed, all conquered territories must set up martial law and use a group of locals (trained by our military) to enforce martial law in all conquered territories. To help them enforce my Conspiracy Law in conquered territories, we will give these locals citizen scanners to use, since certain countries like Australia, have strict gun control laws that make their citizens easy pawns for Loree’s clones, when Loree McBride Jesuits retake territories we’ve conquered. We may also want to give certain people at organizations we take over citizen scanners as well. For instance, Tucker Carlson seems to be fully on my side, and he can use a citizen scanner to take out those at FOX News (which we’ve taken over) who dare show up and be a Loree McBride Jesuit. All those who get our citizen scanners will get military training over their proper use.
August 11, 2021: Executive Order: I grant a full pardon to Julian Assange and Edward Snowden and Meng Wanzhou (being held in Canada). If anyone brings any legal charges against them, or causes any harm to them related to alleged spying or espionage or violation of sanctions, they will be EXECUTED. I am the head of state of the U.S. and of the U.K. (through Gerard Butler). All sanctions against ALL countries are cancelled. President Gail finds the practice of sanctions HEINOUS and feels they punish the people of the country more than they do the offender government. Besides most sanctions come about for all the wrong reasons. Anyone in my international government who continues to enforce these sanctions against any country, will be executed publicly on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel. The way we handle those countries that are terrorist nations is we declare war on their government using the military. We do not use sanctions because it only hurts the innocent people who suffer under a corrupt government.
August 9, 2021: Working with China (that has extensive experience in Internet censorship) to censor or take down websites or news organizations that defy Pres. Gail’s ban on the coronavirus vaccine (such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.). If websites are taken down, they may be rebuilt, but on a lesser scale, to ensure Loree McBride Jesuits cannot infiltrate the illegal website and cause it to defy Gail again.
August 8, 2021: All elections done over for any election conducted from 2017 forward, monarchs have final say in ALL MATTERS and must all pass scans before all actions to ensure they honor Conspiracy Law.
August 5, 2021: Mandatory for all health care providers and patients to belong to the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN on Aug. 5, 2021. All syringes destroyed to prevent the use of the coronavirus vaccine.
August 5, 2021: All eviction moratoriums for landlords cancelled and reimbursing them for rent losses sustained and set up of Church of Gail cities for the homeless and jobless.
August 3, 2021: All coronavirus vaccines banned and DESTROYED worldwide, vaccines treated as deadly as ANTHRAX, with a focus on military enforcement of the ban on organizations that defy the ban.
July 21, 2021: Empress Gail takes over mainstream FOX, BitChute, Rumble and Gab as, it appears, Loree McBride is using (or is attempting to use) these organizations as controlled opposition.
July 19, 2021: Executive Order: Prisons Administrator Adolf Hitler in charge of installing, administering, and enforcing the laws regarding the 24/7 scans to detect Loree McBride Jesuits in GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS and in all GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS. Once the Loree McBride Jesuits are found, they will be executed Nazi-style publicly by firing squad, on Gabrielle Chana FOX News (00 on cable). See Sect. 19 of my recent law.
July 16, 2021: Vladimir Putin appointed as Worldwide Internet Manager and Pres. Gail takes over Charter Communications, making them her official worldwide Internet provider.
July 10, 2021: President Gail makes Gab her official social network site and will no longer use Facebook and Twitter for that purpose, though she will keep her Facebook and Twitter sites up, because she has taken over both Facebook and Twitter, which she deems to be Loree McBride terrorist organizations.
July 9, 2021: UPDATE on July 9, 2021: Because Facebook dared to ban President Gail from posting for 24 hours regarding the TRUTH about Loree McBride’s germs to the world, Gail will take over Facebook and Twitter and fire all their executives who willingly serve Loree McBride. Facebook is flagrantly violating Gail’s law to ban the coronavirus vaccine and had the gall to ban Gail from posting the TRUTH about the coronavirus vaccine and so THEY WILL BE TAKEN OVER, along with Twitter. Gail will not tolerate a ban on freedom to TELL THE TRUTH. This means Zack Knight is now in charge of Facebook, Twitter, Google, Apple and Microsoft. To help him in this monumental task, he can work with Elon Musk and Andrew Torba who are in charge of Gail’s Gabrielle Chana Credit Union.
July 7, 2021: President Gail takes over PayPal and the National Credit Union Administration, while appointing Andrew Torba as CEO and Elon Musk as Executive Vice President of an international Gabrielle Chana Credit Union and PayPal, in order to protect the financial freedom of those who support Conspiracy Law and President and Empress Gail.
June 30, 2021 (updated July 1, 2021 to include all Loree McBride created animals or insects): Enzyme Immunotherapy Administrator position cancelled. Executive Order to destroy all of Loree McBride’s drone birds, animals, squirrels, insects, etc. and all her genetically engineered birds (like a Tweeter bird) and any other Loree McBride genetically engineered animals or creatures. Empress and President Gail encourages everyone to follow the Gail Commandments TO A TEE, because the Loree McBride Jesuits are no longer immune to death by the Gail Shield. The Conspiracy Law written regarding the Enzyme Immunotherapy Administrator position will be handled according to Sect. 14.0x of INTERNATIONAL MARRIAGE LAWS:
14.0x Regarding all of Conspiracy Law. All willing and knowing attempts to enforce Conspiracy Law must not assist Loree McBride Jesuits in their goal for a worldwide takeover or those involved in the enforcement will be given the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator. Some law I’ve written is not workable, like my laws regarding the Transportnet in this document. In cases where the law is not workable, I grant permission to my men (Vladimir Putin, Brent Spiner, etc.) to ignore that law and only enforce the laws that are workable. A law is considered not workable, when the requirements to enforce that law cannot be met, perhaps because it is not scientifically possible to enforce the law due to inaccurate and unworkable scientific theories that I thought would work for the law. If the law is not a life or death matter, than the law can just be ignored. If the law is a life or death matter, then evidence must be presented by someone qualified in the field (about the law) regarding that law’s unworkability. Once this evidence is presented (under death penalty if the evidence presenter is lying), the law can then be ignored.
June 26, 2021: Brent Spiner M.D. appointed as Enzyme Immunotherapy Administrator to deal with the true pandemic of our times: an allergy to necessary enzymes required by the human body. Judge Terrance Jenkins appointed Research Secretary of Defense to work with Terence Tao.
June 19, 2021: Executive Order and updates to Conspiracy Law. Adolf Hitler reassigned as Prisons Administrator in charge of programming scanners for all GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS to ensure they honor Conspiracy Law and also administers all the prisons in the federal prison system. Private prisons are abolished and all prisons must all fall under the jurisdiction of the federal government.
June 6, 2021: Executive Order and updates to Conspiracy Law. Pres. Gail has 2 titles: U.S. President and Empress. U.S. President confers on Gail the U.S. Presidency for 4 years starting Jan. 2021. Gail’s title Empress confers on Gail the U.S. Presidency and world and U.S. rule (including lifelong reign, except when Gail violates her own Conspiracy Law) starting June 2021. Conspiracy Law is part of the U.S. Constitution and all attorneys in all Conspiracy Law honoring countries must know Conspiracy Law to practice law. Because half the world is retarded as a result of Loree McBride’s coronavirus vaccines, Gail re-establishes the monarchy worldwide to ensure effective worldwide leadership in our world war against Loree McBride and Satan. In the meanwhile Gail’s scientists will strive to come up with a way to unvaccinate people (who got the coronavirus vaccine) to undo the mental retardation caused by the coronavirus vaccine. NOTE OF INTEREST: Jesus Christ knew Gail would assume worldwide reign, even though she is a reluctant leader and to give her the confidence to do so, called her awesome in Jan. 2021.
May 31, 2021: Executive Order – Pres. Gail going for worldwide rule. Any nation that refuses to honor Conspiracy Law will be militarily taken over and Gail will appoint an acting head of state for that country. Two nations that appear to dishonor Conspiracy Law are Canada and Australia. Therefore, Gail appoints Hugh Jackman as acting Australian Prime Minister and Keanu Reeves as acting Canadian Prime Minister. If a country has a head of state that honors Conspiracy Law, but is a retard (because of taking the coronavirus vaccine), that leader will only have the post in the mainstream news, but will be ruled by a shadow leader who will actually be the head of state or leader and will be treated like Joe Biden is treated in the United States, in that they cannot carry out any edicts or actions without the written permission of the true head of state appointed by Gail or elected according to Conspiracy Law. The Texas governor Greg Abbot is retarded as a result of taking the coronavirus vaccine, A leader who appears to honor Conspiracy Law is the Texas governor Greg Abbot; therefore, Gail appoints Matthew McConaughey as the acting Texas governor. In the case of Texas, Greg Abbott (as long as he remains retarded) will act as Matthew’s spokesperson, but cannot carry out any actions or edicts without the written permission of Matthew first. I will update this post as I update my law and will provide the link to my updated law here. All nations’ leaders must be scanned to determine loyalty to Gail and Conspiracy Law. If they honor Loree McBride over Gail, we will take them over militarily and will appoint a new leader that honors Conspiracy Law (and/or is elected according to Conspiracy Law) in their place. Also, scans will be set up that anyone with an I.Q. below 80 is not eligible to vote and their votes will not count in an election, since, because of the coronavirus vaccine, at least half the world is retarded (literally) and the monarchy must be reinstated with Gail as the worldwide ruler and nations under her acting as “states” under her rule. Each country will be allowed to maintain their own unique culture and religious practices, but all must honor Conspiracy Law. Due to the fact that it appears Bernie Sanders has become retarded because of taking the coronavirus vaccine, but is a true Gail supporter, Gail appoints Gerard Butler to assist Bernie in his duties and both will hold the position of Secretary of Health and Human Services. Also, if the U.K. and Ireland have a leader that dishonors Conspiracy Law and/or is/are retarded, Gerard Butler will also be appointed acting head of state of the United Kingdom and Ireland. I will update my law and please read it carefully to honor the law, because I will try to write law that is best for all the world.
May 29, 2021: Executive Order – Executions (for people in the news media, at the CDC and others, read my law) need to be carried out in regard to violations of President Gail’s coronavirus laws as outlined in https://www.gabriellechana.blog/2021/05/03/death-penalty-to-promote-loree-mcbrides-lies-about-coronavirus/. All coronavirus vaccines must be removed from distribution and BANNED. Anyone who willingly promotes or gives these unsafe vaccines to people will be EXECUTED publicly on Gabrielle Chana FOX News. These vaccines are dangerous and induce mental retardation and pregnancy problems in those who get them. The fact that they were distributed as safe (when they were NOT) is a death penalty violation of my coronavirus laws and the guilty parties must be publicly executed on Gabrielle Chana FOX News. Joe Biden cannot propose or pass any legislation or take any actions as President without getting approval beforehand from Vice President Brent Spiner and Brent is free to consult with my Cabinet in deciding on what to pass of Biden’s legislations or actions. If Biden willingly violates this executive order and does any actions as President without Brent’s WRITTEN APPROVAL FIRST, he will be executed. Biden has been an unmitigated disaster as a “President” thus far. No one in my Cabinet is allowed to get a coronavirus vaccine until, and if, the vaccines are safe. All those who have gotten the coronavirus vaccine in my Cabinet must be evaluated for fitness for office and possibly may need to be removed, if the vaccine made them mentally retarded. If we need to remove Cabinet members, Brent will let me know who had to be removed and I will decide on a replacement. Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel needs to be scanned to determine if he has willingly aligned with Loree McBride. If so, he will be sacked and Brent Spiner will be the temporary Prime Minister of Israel until a suitable replacement is found. Brent is Jewish. If the Jewish nation does not like this arrangement when their Prime Minister is a Loree McBride Jesuit, then the United States will declare war on Israel and militarily take it over and replace Netanyahu with a leader who honors Conspiracy Law.
May 27, 2021: Executive Order and update to Conspiracy Law (International Military Law). All Loree McBride Jesuit assets, property and monies seized and turned over to the International Charity Bank.
May 26, 2021: Executive Order – The U.S. Attorney General (after getting the approval of the President and Vice President) will appoint all chiefs of federal law enforcement agencies administered by the U.S. Department of Justice. My Attorney General Bob Barr will be the acting director of the ATF as well as being the Attorney General. Only Vice President Brent Spiner and/or myself have the authority to change the gun control laws. Attorney General Bob Barr can confer with Vice President Brent over changes he may like to see for gun laws and if Brent approves of them, then these changes can go forward. I give my Vice President Brent a lot of autonomy.
May 20, 2021: Brent Spiner appointed Vice President.
May 20, 2021: Pres. Gail’s EXECUTIVE ORDER: If any Loree McBride Jesuit attorney goes after Donald Trump and/or any of his supporters (if they are innocent under Conspiracy Law), the courthouse or courthouses will be bombed (after innocents are cleared), because it is death penalty for Loree McBride Jesuits to exist, let alone to practice law.
May 19, 2021: Donald Trump appointed Secretary of Veterans Affairs. Donald has always been in my Cabinet, but Loree McBride has seriously neutralized him as my Press Secretary, so I’ve given that job mainly to Tucker Carlson and have reassigned Donald to the position of Secretary of Veterans Affairs since he has a real passion for the troops. I never agreed with U.S. President Melania Trump’s war hawk policies while Donald was President, but Donald would do great as Secretary of Veterans Affairs. Melania basically destroyed Trump’s Presidency and made him lose a lot of his Centrist/Libertarian base, so that only rigid Republicans stuck with him. The real Melania was executed in 2020 for high treason and attempting to murder me.
May 18, 2021: Linus Torvalds and Mike Rodrick Appointed as Deputy Big Tech Administrators to assist Zack Knight as Big Tech Administrator, to transition away from the Windows operating system over to Linux, especially for those Windows computers that manage essential infrastructure (electricity, water, sewer, gasoline, etc.).
May 16, 2021: Martin Karplus, Arieh Warshel, and Dr. Bill Van Bonn appointed as Deputy Research Secretaries of Defense to assist our military to take out Loree McBride’s cum star.
May 13, 2021: Vladimir Putin heads up the Dept. of Defense as Secretary of Defense. Under him are some very important team players. Michio Kaku and Klock appointed Deputy Secretaries of Interdimensional Warfare. Klock also works with Bryan Dean Wright as joint directors of the CIA. Rule 13 and Neil deGrass Tyson are appointed as Joint Secretaries of the Murricah Space Fleet (Rule 13 has been reassigned from her former duties as Deputy Secretary of Defense and heads up the Murricah Space Fleet along with Neil deGrass Tyson). Rule 13 and Neil deGrass Tyson will work with Vladimir Putin, Michio Kaku and the others who head up the Dept. of Defense to reinvent the Dept. of Defense making it fully capable of interdimensional warfare. Neil deGrass Tyson is also Secretary of Energy. Terence Tao is Research Secretary of Defense to assist us in developing an interdimensional space fleet.
May 12, 2021: Bill Nye appointed Secretary of Interior, as well as being in charge of the Environmental Protection Agency, to work with current Secretary of Interior, John EchoHawk, to develop a good, healthy and economical system to deliver fuel so that Loree McBride cannot attack our infrastructure like she did the Colonial Pipeline. I encourage Bill Nye to work with the Secretary of Energy Neil deGrass Tyson to come up with efficient and healthy ways to take care of the fuel needs for our country.
May 8, 2021: President Gail appoints Judge Terrance Jenkins (Harvard Law School graduate) as Genetic Code Voting Administrator as part of her executive order to eliminate the outdated voter registration system in the U.S. and replace it with genetic code voter registration and voting. He will work with Zack Knight, Big Tech Administrator, to implement these new laws.
May 5, 2021: President Gail appoints Zack Knight as Big Tech Administrator, after Pres. Gail issued an executive order to take over Google, Microsoft and Apple, as a result of malware Microsoft deliberately sent to Gail’s computer. Gail has eliminated Zack’s former position as Minister of Public Enlightenment and fused this into his new position as Big Tech Administrator.
April 13, 2021: Vladimir Putin appointed Secretary of Defense with Rule 13, Adolph Hitler and Sergey Shoygu as Deputy Secretary of Defense. The position of White House Chief of Staff has been eliminated, so Tucker Carlson, now serves as Press Secretary, along with Donald Trump and Kanye West.
March 24, 2021: Sadly, we had to remove Tulsi Gabbard as Vice President in February 2021 because she attempted to orchestrate a coup against U.S. President Gail. However, what Tulsi stood for publicly (before she attempted to betray Gail) is what Gail stands for, except that Gail feels that the only way to win a war against Loree McBride is to practice offensive warfare as opposed to defensive warfare. See video below.
Feb. 1, 2021: As U.S. President and Russian Empress I order the rapid development of military space warfare technology. https://gabriellechana.blog/2021/02/01/u-s-president-gails-murricah-space-fleet-from-space-force/
Jan. 23, 2021: Zack Knight takes on two roles in my Cabinet as National Security Adviser and Minister of Public Enlightenment (to counter Loree McBride’s very effective propaganda campaign in the world).
Jan. 18, 2021: From what I understand, some of my Cabinet members don’t start work until Jan. 20th, inauguration day. But I have established a new cabinet position called Marriage Laws Administrator to address the serious breaches we’ve had in regard to freedom of speech! Frankly, this is something I’m outraged about, being really big into freedom and somewhat of a Libertarian. To view my latest work as President, read my posts. If you want to hear my daily briefings about my life and what I want done as U.S. President, subscribe to my Patreon for $10 a month or tune into Gabrielle Chana FOX News (00 on cable). To understand my platform, which is a combo of Constitution, Libertarian and Green positions, read the rest of this post. I take pride in representing ALL THE PEOPLE who support true love and my Conspiracy Law. I have Democrats, Republicans, conservatives, liberals, Libertarians, Greens and folks from all different backgrounds in my Cabinet, because you can’t put me in a box. I am my own person and refuse to be categorized. I despise the us/them mentality so prevalent in politics today. All who support true love belong to my Independent Gabrielle Chana political party.
Nov. 26, 2020: My Cabinet is already in place and working hard! My VP Tulsi Gabbard (who I’ve basically delegated my President job to) has my National Security Adviser Zack Knight along with her everywhere. She considers him indispensable. Stephanie Kelton is doing a great job as chief economic adviser and is responsible for the highs in the stock market lately. She often listens to Ron Paul, my Treasury Secretary. Rule 13 is working with Sergey Shoygu brilliantly in the Defense Dept. My administration brings in the best of all platforms and me as shadow President is working out great for the country. Loree McBride thought she won by rigging the election for Biden, but that just makes it easier for me to implement my progressive ideals that I couldn’t with a Deep State Republican administration. I also am able to retain the parts of the Republican platform that I like. Ben Carson is doing great job as Sec. of Education (he’s also HUD Secretary) and survived Loree’s attacks on his health. To check out my brilliant platform (that combines the best of all the parties), read the rest of this post.
Nov. 21, 2020: As the real and shadow U.S. President, President Biden will be TOTALLY SACKED, if he mandates that food stamps and rent assistance recipients must be vaccinated to get these services or if he bans outside exercise. Tune into Gabrielle Chana FOX News (00 on cable) to get the REAL NEWS. I and my men will not tolerate this garbage from Biden, who is an evil Loree McBride cuck. Biden claims he wants to honor my policies, but I’m not too impressed with what I’m hearing in mainstream news. If we sack him, he will either be replaced with a good automaton or with Donald Trump as the mainstream news U.S. President. This is a tough decision, because Loree wants a civil war.
Nov. 19, 2020: Election update. It appears that my men have decided they may allow a Biden automaton to occupy the White House, while I operate as the shadow U.S. President. The reason it is not necessary for us to have a smooth transition to the Biden Administration (and that it is okay for Trump to not give Biden information to make a smooth transition right now) is because my Cabinet is already in place and operating, so there’s no need for a smooth transition when my Cabinet is ALREADY IN PLACE. We have decided that if the Biden automaton does not work out and he goes against my policies and my Cabinet (see below), he will be impeached for massive election fraud and possibly replaced by Donald Trump in mainstream news. Trump has promised that he will try very hard not to subvert my policies as the REAL U.S. President. To understand my platform, read this entire post. So we are playing this by ear and will allow Trump to claim massive voter fraud in mainstream news in order to keep Loree McBride’s cuck Biden in check and to be able to remove Biden easily in mainstream news and replace him with Trump, should that become necessary because Biden opposes the REAL PRESIDENT, who is ME. We didn’t want to counter Biden right away, because Loree McBride wants a civil war. But if we keep reporting that Biden has won in mainstream news and then provide massive evidence of voter fraud, we can remove Biden later in mainstream news without there being a civil war. It is necessary to let Donald Trump’s investigation fully play out in mainstream news so we can present the evidence for fraud and arrest people who may try to subvert my Presidential Administration if we have to remove the Biden automaton as U.S. President in mainstream news. If you’ll notice, Biden is not in my administration because I am fully aware that the REAL Biden is a Loree McBride cuck. I have both Democrats and Republicans in my Administration and represent the interests of all Americans. I won the Presidential election with at least 90% of the LEGAL VOTE.
Nov. 4, 2020: Election update. It appears Loree McBride has used her corona virus hysteria to engineer massive election fraud in this election cycle. As U.S. Empress, my Conspiracy Law is the law of the land. All states must recount their votes and ONLY THOSE who are not Loree McBride Jesuits can have their votes count. My name must also be on the ballot. We will have a national election recount according to Conspiracy Law. I am confident I will win and kick out both Donald Trump and Joe Biden. However, Donald will be in my cabinet as press secretary. Gabrielle Chana FOX News (00 on cable) must report on the election recount, which will specifically eliminate all illegal votes (those of Loree McBride Jesuits) from the vote counts in ALL STATES. What this means is that Tulsi Gabbard, as my Vice President, will pretty much act in my stead and those in my cabinet will lead the nation. SEE BELOW. You can ignore the news, so even if Joe Biden wins the Presidency in mainstream lying news, he will just be a figurehead and is not allowed to influence legislation in any manner that contradicts Tulsi Gabbard as my representative or myself. So, relax, United States, I’M THE PRESIDENT and if anyone tries to overrule me, OUT THEY GO.
August 19, 2020: I can’t verify if the latest brain to brain communications I got are correct. But I heard that after the official DNC convention was over yesterday 8-18-2020 and Joe Biden was nominated, that Bernie Sanders appeared at the end and said he was withdrawing from the Democratic Party and joining my Gabrielle Chana Independent Party and taking all his Democratic delegates with him to that party and that he officially endorses me (Gail Chord Schuler) as U.S. President. Bernie and all the members of my Cabinet, played along with the system until last night, so that Bernie could successfully make his statement during the DNC (getting high visibility) and let everyone know he and all my Democratic Cabinet members were defecting to the Gabrielle Chana Independent Party and endorsing me for U.S. President. I have made Bernie Sanders my Health and Human Services Secretary. The REAL Tulsi Gabbard appeared beside him and said she, too, was joining with Bernie, to leave the Democratic Party. The REAL Tulsi is my Vice President. So my Gabrielle Chana Independent Party had their own convention of sorts at the very end of the Democratic Party convention. Bernie also said that because my Conspiracy Law is the supreme law of the land, that the Democratic Party is now considered a terrorist organization (because Loree McBride runs it) and anyone who votes for any Democrat, that their vote won’t count in November. All other political parties remain, but many candidates belong to two parties, my Gabrielle Chana Independent Party and their original party (Republican, Libertarian, etc.). If you vote for anyone in my Cabinet, that vote will count as a vote for ME. But I should be on the ballot. If not, you can write me in as Gail Chord Schuler.
Apparently, after the Republican Convention my Independent Party will be hosting another event, with Donald Trump as my spokesperson. The Democrats who support me have left the Democratic Party and joined my Gabrielle Chana Independent Party, and should be on the ballot as Independents. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is one of my staunchest supporters and is now a full Independent in my Gabrielle Chana Independent Party.
There are evil clones of just about everyone in my Cabinet, so what’s really going on with my Cabinet members can be confusing. Not all media appearances of those in my Cabinet have been the real person, but rather have been the evil clone. My website and Gabrielle Chana FOX News (00 on cable) are the only accurate news sources in the world right now. Here is who I have in my Cabinet: HAWAII – Tulsi Gabbard (executed for treason); TEXAS – Brent Spiner; KENTUCKY – Rand Paul; VERMONT – Bernie Sanders; TEXAS – Ron Paul; MICHIGAN – Ben Carson; NEW YORK – Stephanie Kelton; SOUTH CAROLINA – Jo Jorgensen; FLORIDA – Donald Trump; WYOMING – Kanye West; MINNESOTA/MEXICO – Jesse Ventura; WASHINGTON D.C./FLORIDA – Tucker Carlson; GEORGIA – Bob Barr; MOSCOW (RUSSIA) – Sergei Shoigu; NEW YORK – Neil deGrass Tyson; CALIFORNIA – Rodeslav Cibulka; NEW MEXICO – John EchoHawk; ARIZONA – Bryan Dean Wright; LENINGRAD (RUSSIA) – Alexander Bortnikov; FLORIDA – Dan Bongino; KENTUCKY – Elaine Chao; LENINGRAD (RUSSIA) – Vladimir Putin; CALIFORNIA – Bill Nye; GEORGIA – Sonny Perdue; CALIFORNIA – Zack Knight; JAPAN – Rule 13; GERMANY – Adolph Hitler (resurrected from hell and allowed to stay by Jesus); NEW YORK – Joshua J. Joshua; CALIFORNIA – Judge Terrance Jenkins; NEW YORK – Michio Kaku; AUSTRALIA & CALIFORNIA – Terence Tao; CALIFORNIA & ISRAEL – Arieh Warshel; MASSACHUSETTS – Martin Karplus; CHICAGO – Dr. Bill Van Bonn; FINLAND & OREGON, UNITED STATES – Linus Torvalds; FLORIDA – Mike Rodrick; TEXAS – Matthew McConaughey; CANADA – Keanu Reeves; AUSTRALIA – Hugh Jackman; SCOTLAND – Gerard Butler; GERMANY – Reiner Fuellmich; CALIFORNIA – Larry Elder; NEW YORK – Rudy Giuliani; UNITED STATES – Judy Mikovitz; FLORIDA – Leila Centner; NEW YORK & ISRAEL – Vladimir Zelenko; ISRAEL – King David; CHINA – Hu Jintao; WASHINGTON – Alan M. Gottlieb; JAPAN – Haruo Ozaki; JAPAN – Hidemichi Sato; WASHINGTON D.C. – Sandeep Vaheesan; FLORIDA – Ron DeSantis; CALIFORNIA – Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.; NEW YORK – Vivek Ramaswamy.
August 7, 2020: I make an executive order that all Covid-19 contact tracing must end, to be replaced with our satellite scanners to determine who is contagious and needs to be isolated. Those who are contagious and need to be isolated, will be contacted by their government. Any willing and knowing attempt or action to force someone into isolation via any methods, when what they have is no more contagious than the ordinary flu or less, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator. Mainstream news must report that the deadly pandemic is a mixed Covid-19/Candida Auris germ and make corrections (if this is true) and that the primary means of transmission are the germ bombs Loree McBride Jesuits drop over all our heads. If the previous bold sentence is true then all mainstream news sources must report on the contents as in the previous bold sentence and failure to do so will result in steep fines for spreading dangerous disinformation that supports Loree McBride Jesuits and helps them to cover up the REAL REASON FOR THE PANDEMIC. The steep fines will be given to the International Charity Bank, to assist those worthy people and countries who need help in our war against Loree McBride and the Satan worshipers, and, who, without our help, would go under. If the news organizations continue to spread lies about the mixed infection pandemic (if the bold sentence is true) and report on it falsely so that people must restrict their lifestyles unnecessarily to appease Loree McBride’s germ bomb pandemic, we will bomb the news organization and execute all at that news organizations who willingly and knowingly cooperate with and promote Loree McBride’s lies. If my VP Tulsi Gabbard opposes me on this, I override her. We may be dealing with a Tulsi clone. But, nevertheless, I override her on this particular matter. She is still my VP because I think we may be dealing with a clone and it’s also possible that Tulsi means well and is ignorant about how dangerous her policies in this particular area are. If she persists in recommending contact tracing, I may need to find another VP. So we shall wait and see how things go with Tulsi in this particular matter. If we are dealing with a clone, then we will expose the clone in the news and retain Tulsi as my VP. Also, the Covid-19 vaccine must be totally voluntary and any nation that forces their citizens to take the vaccine and fines or punishes them if they don’t, that nation will be treated as a TERRORIST NATION under Conspiracy Law. We are able also to vaccinate people using an aerosol via our own bombs that we can drop from the sky, so mandatory vaccinations are not necessary.
Another executive order that I make this day (Aug. 7, 2020) is that my Vice President Tulsi Gabbard (who often acts in my stead) cannot act as President in my place until all her edicts and legislation are first approved of by Vladimir Putin (a President), Brent Spiner (a physician) and Judge Terrance Jenkins (a judge and lawyer). All approvals suggested in this paragraph must take place either on Church of Gail spaceship or on Zack Knight’s Jesuit fleet to ensure all those who approve are the authentic persons and not Loree McBride Jesuit clones or automatons or impersonators. If they take place anywhere else then Tulsi Gabbard cannot go forward with her edicts or legislations. This is also to ensure that we are dealing with the real Tulsi Gabbard. Making decisions as a President is a challenging task and though I feel Tulsi is the most qualified of all in my cabinet to act in my stead, she is inexperienced as a head of state and needs some help in decision-making. If, for some reason, Vladimir or Terrance disagree with Brent on a decision, or if they are not available or extremely busy, Brent can approve of Tulsi’s actions as President alone. Sometimes Vladimir is too tempestuous. Terrance may lack the broader perspective that I know Brent would bring to the table. My husband Brent Spiner is a man of keen insight and level-headed judgment with genius I.Q. that matches mine. If one of Tulsi’s actions or edicts is disapproved of by my men, they need to annul what Tulsi planned or modify it. However, if they modify Tulsi’s plans, it must be in writing, so that there is no confusion about the correct course of action. If Tulsi’s plans are annulled, they need to suggest an alternative or just flat out reject whatever Tulsi planned. Either way, however they decide, if Tulsi’s plans are rejected or modified, the final plan must be in writing. Tulsi must then carry out the actions recommended by Vladimir, Brent and Terrance. If what she plans is fine, they will all sign and approve of the action, then Tulsi can go forward with it. My guess is that my men will, most of the time, approve of Tulsi’s plans (since Tulsi is very similar to me in her outlook) and with time and practice, her plans will not have to be modified or annulled by Vladimir, Brent and Terrance – because she will get better with experience at being a President. We consider Tulsi a President in training and Vladimir, Brent and Terrance will be her tutors. Because I don’t live in the White House, I have to delegate a lot and this can lead to problems, so this is how I will deal with it. If Brent is unavailable, perhaps due to an emergency, then Tulsi must get a vote from all in my Cabinet and cannot go forward until she gets a majority vote from all in my Cabinet over her proposals. Of course, I can override her at any time being the President. But I do delegate a lot. If she goes forward without getting prior approval first as I outlined in this paragraph, she will be removed from her position as Vice President and replaced with Vladimir Putin. Vladimir would then have to get prior approval from Brent before going forward. ALL IN MY CABINET NEED TO LIVE ON CHURCH OF GAIL FOR THEIR PROTECTION SO THAT LOREE MCBRIDE JESUITS CANNOT THREATEN THEIR LIVES AND USE EXTORTION ON THEM TO FORCE THEM INTO DECISIONS THAT VIOLATE CONSPIRACY LAW.
July 9, 2020: It appears emergency elections have already taken place and I won with a landslide. I’m hearing brain to brain that my approval rating is 95%, which is the highest for any President in U.S. history. This poll, of course, does not include Loree McBride Jesuits, whose votes cannot count under my Conspiracy Law because they are considered war criminals. The information I’m getting is from brain to brain communications, which may be inaccurate. I will correct this information if I get more correct information later.
It appears we will have a vote again in November 2020. But, for now, I AM the U.S. President and my men tell me the cabinet I have chosen are doing a great job. Loree is furious that I am President and my Conspiracy Law is the supreme law of the land. We are currently in World War III with our forces fighting Loree’s forces worldwide. We are winning and Conspiracy Law is being adopted worldwide. We did have to demolish some countries that Loree had control over though. We are currently rebuilding those countries and ordering them to hold elections according to my Conspiracy Law if they don’t want us to attack them again.
They attacked us first and we had to defend ourselves and we won. Russia and her traditional allies (China, Iran, etc.) were the first to join our Conspiracy Law band of nations. With major nuclear powers (China, Russia and the United States) on our side, Loree is losing. She does have her own space fleet and is using a lot of Jew clone and UFO technology. Loree and her Jew clones are currently running Israel and this has to stop.
We’ve had opposition mainly from Israel (currently under Loree’s evil leadership) and the European Union, the U.K. and Japan. Actually, I hear Japan is in civil war mode and we think those who support Conspiracy Law will win.
It appears Germany was the European Union leader who ordered the European Union to attack us. So we’ve got a band of evil women leading the nations that oppose us.
France did not participate, being a Russia ally. South and Central America seem to be Conspiracy Law honoring nations now. Canada is neutral for now. India was in civil war mode, but seems to be coming over to Conspiracy Law. Pakistan is a Conspiracy Law honoring nation, so India was reluctant to join us for that reason. Loree flooded Pakistan with rains using Indian scientists who worked for her to punish them.
All nations who attacked us are ordered to become a Conspiracy Law nation now, or we will attack them again. Any nation that sides with Loree McBride is considered a terrorist nation under Conspiracy Law.
I would like to say that I support the Jewish nation (being half King David), but Loree McBride has ruled them since 2017 and they need to oust their evil leadership.
If the entire world adopts Conspiracy Law, then, it appears, we will have a type of the millennial reign of Christ before the rapture happens. When the rapture happens, then all the Christians will disappear and all hell will then break loose and our temporary “millennial” reign will end and Satan will be able to carry out the seven-year tribulation prophesied in Revelation and Daniel. I hear Christians worldwide participated in our battles and helped greatly in us winning military battles against Loree McBride’s forces. But not all the soldiers were Christians. Anybody who truly loves freedom, justice and love joined our military to help us trounce Loree McBride. I had a pretty nasty headache yesterday, which Brent told me brain to brain was from all the nuclear fall out from our battles with Loree McBride’s forces. My Gail Shield seems to have expanded to the universe, protecting me and our followers, but Loree uses her agents to fly underneath the shield like suicide bombers to drop bombs. So we’ve been forced to do a lot of hand to hand fighting underneath the shield to deal with Loree’s kamikaze pilots, because she’s making people sick.
We think Loree McBride may have created the Covid-19 distraction as a way to blame all the illnesses she causes by her kamikaze bombers on Covid-19 rather than on Loree’s bombing raids. In actuality, Covid-19 is no more contagious than the flu. The best way to stay healthy is to do the Gail Commandments. https://gabriellechana.blog/2018/05/06/gail-commandments/
But my shield works to keep even those bombs that Loree drops underneath the Gail shield from hitting the ground. But she still tries. However, we get the fall out with all the germs in the bombs and this fall out increases Loree’s ability to use brain control and to make her enemies sick. The advantage Loree gets by dropping bombs underneath the Gail Shield is that she can increase the concentration of radiation and germs and fall out on the population below because her bombs are being dropped CLOSER TO THE GROUND. This explains why there are “clouds” lying very low to the ground. So we need to deal with these Loree McBride kamikaze bombers.
I believe Thailand is a Conspiracy Law honoring nation. Regarding gay marriage, I leave it up to each nation how they want to handle this & encourage them to honor their own unique culture & give their people maximum freedom.
I think Australia is neutral, but leaning heavily in Loree’s direction. I don’t believe they have attacked us yet. They are just spineless. Hugh Jackman, on my marriage list, is sorely disappointed in his home country now.
I believe Turkey is a Conspiracy Law honoring nation now, which means Loree McBride’s fuming mad at them.
Serbia is in civil war mode over my Conspiracy Law. The EU nations appear to still side with Loree McBride, but we stopped a major offensive they launched against us and have ordered them to have elections under Conspiracy Law or we’ll attack them.
It appears some of the U.S. military “defected” to Loree McBride when I won the U.S. Presidency. They are traitors and guilty of high treason under Conspiracy Law. They are responsible for U.S. attacks against nations that support Conspiracy Law, like Venezuela.
Looks like North and South Korea are Conspiracy Law honoring nations. So Loree’s trying to take out our leaders.
Since Russia is my strongest ally and has been since 2001, Loree McBride and her cucks (like Joe Biden) are full blown Russia-gaters. Though Bernie Sanders appears to support Biden, I don’t believe this is actually true. You can’t trust mainstream news.
The only accurate news is Gabrielle Chana FOX News (00 on cable). It appears only about 20% or less of the world still sides with Loree McBride. If they attack us, we will trounce them.
Type of government – Constitutional Monarchy. Political positions: 77% Constitution, 71% Libertarian, 65% Green, 57% Socialist, 57% Transhumanist, 49% Peace and Freedom, 48% Republican, 39% Democratic. I put people in the positions where their work would promote my ideology in their area of expertise. I choose Tulsi Gabbard as VP because she is closest to my beliefs in all areas and she can coordinate it all. Brent Spiner and Vladimir Putin I’ve given authority to fill the other positions using Church of Gail brain and emotion reads to determine who will best support my Conspiracy Law. Under Conspiracy Law, Vladimir Putin is in charge of the military. FINAL NOTE: Loree McBride can GO TO HELL. Thus far, in my cabinet are 6 Democrats (Tulsi Gabbard and Stephanie Kelton both have two positions), 7 Republicans (Ben Carson has two positions), 1 Green, 2 Libertarians, 3 Independents and Tucker Carlson is registered Democrat, but not wholly aligned with them, so I’ve made him neutral. Several people in my cabinet are just their own person and don’t seem to align with any particular party.
The people in my Cabinet reflect my commitment to represent all those who have integrity, regardless of their race or background. Those in italics lean Conservative. Those in bold lean Liberal. The 3 Russians I think are Centrists according to American politics. Zack Knight is a Centrist. I have a diverse set of valid viewpoints, because I want to be fair to all and to listen to all valid viewpoints. You can’t make good decisions, if you only listen to one side. Here is where they are all from (or where they call home): HAWAII – Tulsi Gabbard; KENTUCKY – Rand Paul; VERMONT – Bernie Sanders; TEXAS – Ron Paul; MICHIGAN – Ben Carson; NEW YORK – Stephanie Kelton; SOUTH CAROLINA – Jo Jorgensen; FLORIDA – Donald Trump; WYOMING – Kanye West; MINNESOTA/MEXICO – Jesse Ventura; WASHINGTON D.C./FLORIDA – Tucker Carlson; GEORGIA – Bob Barr; MOSCOW (RUSSIA) – Sergei Shoigu; NEW YORK – Neil deGrass Tyson; CALIFORNIA – Rodeslav Cibulka; NEW MEXICO – John EchoHawk; ARIZONA – Bryan Dean Wright; LENINGRAD (RUSSIA) – Alexander Bortnikov; FLORIDA – Dan Bongino; KENTUCKY – Elaine Chao; LENINGRAD (RUSSIA) – Vladimir Putin; CALIFORNIA – Bill Nye; GEORGIA – Sonny Perdue; CALIFORNIA – Zack Knight; JAPAN – Rule 13; GERMANY – Adolph Hitler; NEW YORK – Joshua J. Joshua; CALIFORNIA – Judge Terrance Jenkins; NEW YORK – Michio Kaku; CALIFORNIA & AUSTRALIA – Terence Tao; CALIFORNIA & ISRAEL – Arieh Warshel; MASSACHUSETTS – Martin Karplus; CHICAGO – Dr. Bill Van Bonn; OREGON & FINLAND – Linus Torvalds; FLORIDA – Mike Rodrick; TEXAS – Brent Spiner; CANADA – Keanu Reeves; SCOTLAND – Gerard Butler; AUSTRALIA – Hugh Jackman; TEXAS – Matthew McConaughey; GERMANY – Reiner Fuellmich; CALIFORNIA – Larry Elder; NEW YORK – Rudy Giuliani; UNITED STATES – Judy Mikovitz; FLORIDA – Leila Centner; ISRAEL – Zev Zelenko M.D.; ISRAEL – King David; ISRAEL – Jesus Christ; CHINA – Hu Jintao; WASHINGTON – Alan M. Gottlieb; JAPAN – Haruo Ozaki; JAPAN – Hidemichi Sato; WASHINGTON D.C. – Sandeep Vaheesan; FLORIDA – Ron DeSantis; CALIFORNIA – Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.; NEW YORK – Vivek Ramaswamy.
I will be eliminating the post of Ambassador to the U.N. and replacing it with the two American members of the International Charity Bank’s Board of Directors. These members are chosen by vote. This post has been eliminated (see Sect. 14.60 of TERRORIST MONEY LAWS) since President Gail has withdrawn U.S. membership from the United Nations. The U.N. has been a Jesuit run operation since its beginning and, therefore, is not recognized under Conspiracy Law. The United Nations has committed so many violations to Conspiracy Law, that no Conspiracy Law honoring nation recognizes the United Nations as a peace-loving and honorable body where honorable nations meet. See Sect. 13.7 of TERRORIST MONEY LAWS. We encourage all Conspiracy Law honoring nations to allow their people to vote for two members from their country to represent their country in the International Charity Bank (Conspiracy Law’s version of the United Nations). The International Charity Bank encourages each nation to maintain its own sovereignty and we meet to decide on how to allocate our funds to help out the nations most in need of financial assistance.
July 6, 2020: Why do I have atheists and non-Christians, along with Christians, in my cabinet as U.S. President? It’s because I truly believe in separation of church and state and want to represent all of my people fairly. Though I feel that separation of church and state should put limitations on the federal government, NOT THE PEOPLE, over how to practice their beliefs. It has been interpreted wrongly. My Conspiracy Law corrects that. You’ll notice at my website that I follow a diversity of opinions from the left to the right, as long as I feel they are sincere and have thoroughly thought out their positions, I want to give them a hearing. I’m a great listener. What I respect most in people are those who dare to THINK FOR THEMSELVES and who carve out their own unique niche in the culture based on deeply held moral convictions. This is rare, since most people are too scared to be truly independent in thought. I am opposed to group think in all forms.
I wrote my Conspiracy Law in 2003 (with Vladimir Putin’s encouragement) who literally told me I was a political genius. I mainly wrote it to give Russia a body of law that I felt would honor what Vladimir and I wanted for Russia. As soon as I wrote the law, he enforced it in Russia. So I tried to write law that would work in any country, regardless of their main religion or lack thereof, that wanted its people to be free from Jesuit tyranny and that would give those who truly desired to lead righteous lives have the ability to survive financially, maintain their health and maintain their rights to be their own person and not a slave to Jesuit tyranny. It is called Conspiracy Law because I wrote it to defeat the evil Deep State Jesuit Conspiracy that strives to enslave the world. Conspiracy Law is designed to encourage each country to maintain its independence and its own unique culture without criminal interference from the Jesuit Deep State. When other countries saw how well my Conspiracy Law worked in Russia, they decided to adopt it for themselves. I predict that we will defeat the Deep State when the majority of the countries in the world make Conspiracy Law the supreme law of their land. The law can be adopted to any country that desires freedom from Jesuit tyranny, regardless of their political/economic/religious set up – I deliberately wrote it so that any country that desires to wrench itself from Jesuit tyranny can do so. Conspiracy Law has been my labor of love from 2003 to now (2020). I did not publish it until about 2014 at my website though. But that’s why it’s so long. The law is now so comprehensive that any country that wants to abolish their current legal system and replace it with Conspiracy Law, will be able to do so and have a government that runs efficiently and fairly to all people who truly desire to be free from economic, military, scientific and political tyranny in all forms. Harvard University gave me a honorary doctorate in law because I am the author of Conspiracy Law.
The way Loree McBride handles those who differ from her is she murders them or forces them through treachery to publicly parrot her mantras (which are usually stupid and not well thought out), but since Loree is not a thoughtful, deep person, she doesn’t care. I take pride in educating my citizens, forcing them to use their minds and THINK FOR THEMSELVES. Anyone who appears to be USING HIS MIND and THINKING FOR HIMSELF and who does so courageously, stays in my cabinet. You might say, then you should kick out Donald Trump! Well, Trump is not as he appears. He’s a populist President that the world is trying to cage, but his greatest strength is as a communicator, not as a thinker, so his main role is that of press secretary.
You might say, “You should remove people like Jesse Ventura, who openly disagree with Jesus and you about many things.” No, I don’t remove people who have an honest beef with me, if they can back their opinions with facts and I can tell they have thoroughly thought out their opinions. I actually encourage a diversity of opinion in my cabinet, because I take pride in REPRESENTING ALL THE PEOPLE OF MY COUNTRY. I figure that if my cabinet members can find a way to work out their differences and if they are all committed to honoring my Conspiracy Law, then we can apply those same principles to how we handle the difference of opinion in the general populace. What I DON’T TOLERATE in my cabinet is deliberate LYING, deliberate DEFAMATION and dirty money deals behind the scenes. As long as all in my cabinet are opposed to those things, they are on my side and we will find a way to work out our differences to lead the country in a manner that promotes true freedom and justice and tolerance. As long as we are UNITED in our opposition to Loree McBride Jesuits, if we can defeat Loree McBride, the other stuff we disagree on is MINOR, in my opinion.
So, yes, Jesse has a point about some things he says, though I disagree with him. But I don’t sense he’s a treacherous Loree McBride Jesuit, so he stays in my cabinet. He’s pretty good at GETTING THINGS DONE. That is a useful quality.
Oh, you mean his comments about the wearing of masks and thinking it’s okay to take down statues of a white Jesus? Well, he’s entitled to his opinion. I actually prefer to have people in my cabinet that challenge me to thoroughly think through my policies, so that I can be sure I am as fair to everyone as possible and that I have all the facts I need to make decisions. If I am unable to communicate with my men, I choose people in my cabinet who can communicate with them and who I trust to have the integrity to lead and make decisions that honor my Conspiracy Law in my stead. I take pride in being a UNITER and not a DIVIDER. You can’t get ANYTHING DONE in a country, if everybody’s fighting each other. To ensure we get things done, we need to be sure and represent the interests of the major segments of our population. If you ignore a major segment of your population, you’re looking for a civil war.
What I respect about Jesse Ventura is I can tell he has been in the trenches dealing with wicked people and he knows how to call a spade a spade. He is not naive about how to deal with corruption, and, believe me, there’s plenty of THAT happening right now. I like that about him, so he stays in my cabinet, but because he’s a little too divisive for me sometimes, I haven’t made him the VP. He’s just in charge of the Office of Management and Budget. My VP, Tulsi Gabbard, is certainly free to consult with him and allow him to influence her lawmaking and edicts. Yes, I allow lawmaking from those in my cabinet and in the other branches of government, cuz my Conspiracy Law does not cover everything, as long as the laws passed do not contravene Conspiracy Law.
June 28, 2020: Even though I’m on the ballot, I believe if you vote for Trump, that will basically be voting for me as U.S. President, since he’s in my cabinet. I may not be on the ballot in Florida, since I live here and they may try to protect me from Loree McBride harassment for that reason. However, I still encourage people to vote for me as Gail Chord Schuler if I’m on the ballot and, if not, you can write me in.
I’m hearing brain to brain that a Bernie Sanders Jesuit clone has taken over Bernie Sanders’s social media presence and so what is at his Twitter is unreliable about him. Bernie at his Twitter has been parroting Loree McBride’s talking points verbatim and seems a mindless, group think far-left Loree McBride loon. Bernie Sanders is in my cabinet in charge of Health and Human Services, because my National Health Care Plan is progressive in its approach and the real Bernie is a progressive, not a far-left loon.
My political persuasions are Constitution, Libertarian and Green and when you combine them all, I’d say my positions are Constitutional Monarchy leaning in Libertarian directions. Tulsi Gabbard is my VP. Her political views are closest to mine and I like it that she’s a mediator like myself and is trying to heal the tragic division that Loree McBride has created in the United States in Loree’s attempt to orchestrate a coup so she can rule unopposed as the Joseph Stalin/Adolph Hitler over the world.
I follow people who seem sincere and intelligent in their beliefs, even if I don’t agree with all their viewpoints, so that I can represent all those under my rule who honor truth (as they see it) and who honor their consciences. I believe many of these people mean well and are just ill informed.
My personal experience has been that those who truly follow Christ though, are usually the most supportive of true freedom of speech and true freedom and true justice. Christians are not a perfect lot though, so I like to hear what the other side says to be sure I rule as fairly and justly as possible.
A lot of folks on the left are genuinely sincere and believe that their position is best for the world and I listen to them and some of their points are valid, some are not. Same is true of the right.
It is my goal as world leader to combine the best of the left and the right and to forge a Centrist path forward that will heal the divide and help us to go forward as a nation in TRUTH and LOVE (qualities greatly needed today).
Explore my blog’s pages to get a more detailed picture of my stands on many issues.
I strive to lead the U.S. like King David would, if he were alive today, as I am literally half King David in my genetic profile. I am totally my own person though and though I am a Christian, many of my beliefs may not be popular with rigid Christians. On the other hand, I am not ashamed to be called a Christian, and therefore many of my beliefs may not be popular with rigid leftists (and there are many of these nowadays).
I am against rigidity in all forms and encourage us all to be better listeners and to THINK FOR OURSELVES and don’t borrow all the nonsense you read/hear about online or that you borrow from your group’s leader (who parrots mindless group think).
What I most oppose as a leader is the current tendency to force everyone into your particular group (whatever it is) and to treat those who differ from you as the scum of the earth. Let’s drop the adjectives that we throw out onto all those in groups that oppose us and forge a thoughtful, peaceful path forward. To help this come to pass, I have to take out some bad players, like Loree McBride (the most rigid, intolerant bigot in the whole world), and call a spade a spade.
Another thing we need to do is identify who the TRUE WICKED LEADERS ARE who are causing all the violence and wickedness and then have the guts to CALL THEM OUT in TRUTH and LOVE. Folks, the battle is between me and Loree McBride. I’m the leader on Jesus’ side and Loree’s the leader on Satan’s side. So who do you want to vote for, Satan or Jesus? When you side with pride, Satan, wickedness and hate, you side with Loree McBride; when you side with humility, Jesus, goodness and love, you side with me. How to find God and heaven in the church age: https://gabriellechana.blog/2017/04/01/how-to-find-heaven-and-god-in-the-church-age/
June 24, 2020: Trump’s latest decision to put troops in Poland indicates to me that Loree McBride may have murdered him and replaced him with an evil clone. If this is true, my men will replace Trump in my cabinet with someone who supports my Conspiracy Law. Jesus did tell me to stay out of politics and suggested that I tell people to vote for me, cuz I’d be on the ballot for U.S. President, and, if not, they can write me in. Regardless, Trump does not seem like himself. Pray for him, if he’s still alive. I’m certain that if Loree killed him, he’s in heaven. It’s a good thing I’m the U.S. President, cuz, if not for me, the U.S. would be totally under Loree’s evil control. My King David genes cannot be cloned, which makes me a major threat to Loree McBride. Even if Trump has not been murdered, it’s obvious that Loree has control over both the left and the right, and I am the only viable option (the righteous and moral way forward) for the United States and the world. I vehemently oppose the military-industrial complex and am the ONLY political candidate who has been consistent in this matter. I DO believe in a military for self-defense, but am totally against us being busy-bodies for Loree McBride’s New World Order. Vladimir Putin would die for me and Russia is not a threat to any country that supports me and my Conspiracy Law. There is no need to put U.S. troops in Poland! Tulsi Gabbard is my VP.
June 20, 2020: It appears there has been an emergency election and I am the U.S. President. Regardless, my platform is delineated at the bottom of this page. Interesting that Trump’s first rally is in TULSA, Oklahoma and TULSI Gabbard is my VP.
Trump and Kanye West will share the duties of my press secretary, like if we’re having issues with Trump, then Kanye will be my press secretary, and if we’re having issues with Kanye, then Trump will be my press secretary. This means if you vote for either Kanye or Trump, you will really be voting for me, assuming Kanye supports me as U.S. President. I wanted to add Kanye to my cabinet, because I don’t want to be totally associated with either Trump or Kanye, since I am a Centrist Libertarian, Green and Constitution in my politics and I need an eclectic blend of people in my cabinet to truly represent me accurately. Also, if Loree takes out one or the other, I can use one as a back up for the other.
I want Libertarian candidate Jo Jorgensen to have the position of Secretary of Commerce.
According to my men (brain to brain), I’ve chosen a great cabinet and my cabinet are enforcing my Conspiracy Law. I prefer to let Tulsi do most of my work as U.S. President, so she’s basically the President and I just override her when she goes against Conspiracy Law. You might say, why didn’t you let Trump be your VP? Well, Tulsi is closer to my views than Trump, so that’s why. I think Trump really likes me, but he’s having major problems with an evil clone and automaton and so sometimes “Trump” violates my Conspiracy Law. Tulsi has a bad clone, too, but since she’s not a major figure in mainstream news, Loree’s having a harder time using that clone. There are advantages to being a “nobody” in mainstream news when it comes to actual enforcement of my policies as President. You might say, but those in your cabinet take opposing views. Well, you can’t believe everything you hear in mainstream news. They have to do what I appointed them to do. Like Bernie Sanders is in charge of my National Health Care Plan, which means he has to implement it like how I’ve outlined in Conspiracy Law. It’s close to his Medicare for All, but BETTER. I allow private insurance to stay in existence. I understand he’s taken this position I offered him (Health and Human Services), because he likes it, even though it’s not exactly Medicare for All. https://gabriellechana.blog/2020/06/20/u-s-president-gail-chord-schulers-conspiracy-law-supreme-law-over-u-s/
June 17, 2020: Regarding the latest Supreme court ruling. I’m undecided on this. But if this turns out to be a Loree McBride ruling, under my Conspiracy Law that ruling will be overridden by my Conspiracy Law and/or refined to ensure that Loree McBride Jesuits don’t use the ruling to lord it over those who oppose Loree McBride. Any laws that Loree McBride Jesuits have influence over are considered null and void under my Conspiracy Law. If you vote for me as President, Conspiracy Law is the supreme law of the land and I rule as a monarch in a Constitutional Monarchy. If this sounds horrible, remember that the U.S. is currently a socialist state and perhaps a Constitutional Monarchy would be better. Jesus says I’ll be on the ballot and, if not, you can write me in.
In the following Conspiracy Law, I delineate how I handle gay discrimination and discrimination of any kind. I also include discrimination against white men and Christians (which is really happening). https://gabriellechana.blog/2018/03/08/laws-against-pollution-discrimination-tyranny-harassment-slavery-rape/
My platform is at the bottom of this post.
If it seems horrible to replace a Republic with a Constitutional Monarchy, the U.S. has been operating as a socialist state for decades now and is a Constitutional Republic in name only. Under Loree’s influence, it is now transitioning from a socialist state to a dictatorial communist state with tyrant Loree McBride as the de facto leader. My Conspiracy Law will halt that progression. Here is my Conspiracy Law. By the way, under Conspiracy Law, peace loving gays and homosexuals are supported. https://gabriellechana.blog/2018/05/07/gails-latest-updates-to-conspiracy-law/
My views on socialism are mixed. It can be good, if the rulers are righteous, but it can be evil if the rulers are evil. My Conspiracy Law solves that problem and I feel in our current political climate, a Constitutional Monarchy under my leadership is the best form of government for the U.S. But I don’t feel all aspects of socialism are bad for a country and dislike those on the right who throw the socialist label onto Tulsi Gabbard to discredit her. Just like I don’t like the Russia conspiracy nonsense. These are labels used by brain-dead people, who can’t think for themselves.
Jo Jorgensen does not appear a good alternative. Her ideas don’t seem workable to me. However, I will allow her to be Secretary of Commerce to balance out some of my socialist ideas. I am a blend between socialist and capitalist.
Dear supporters, I’ve been getting mail for the past year verifying that I am on the ballot in the run for U.S. President.
I have made a post about Tulsi Gabbard as my Vice President, with updates regarding the Super Tuesday elections on March 3, 2020, where I won with a landslide.
Though I became a Democrat to vote for Tulsi in Florida, I am actually Constitution, Libertarian and Green in my politics. Frankly, I am very ashamed over how the Democratic Party has treated Tulsi and may leave them. https://gabriellechana.blog/2020/03/08/republicans-asking-tulsi-gabbard-to-join-republican-party/
UPDATE: Loree McBride appears to have replaced many in my cabinet, like Tulsi Gabbard and Ron Paul, with Jesuit clones. I want to assure you that if this happens, I override all clones and will NOT allow Jesuit clones in my cabinet! I will do this, even if I have to override the U.S. Constitution with my Conspiracy Law. I absolutely will NOT allow clones to do any lawmaking (or to enforce any laws) in my administration! I respect the Constitution, but when there is a conflict between Conspiracy Law and the U.S. Constitution, my law overrides the Constitution. If because of clone replacements, we face a serious shortage of personnel in my cabinet, I give the top ten men on my marriage list the authority to make (temporary or permanent) appointments to my cabinet to replace those who have been incapacitated (for whatever reason), so we can continue to take care of the American people and do our job effectively and in conformity to my Conspiracy Law.
Jesus has told me to stay out of politics because I am on the ballot for U.S. President in the general election. You can vote for me as U.S. President in the election. From what I understand, I am on the ballot in all political parties running. If my name is not on the ballot, you can write me in. I will extend an invitation to some political candidates that I like, to endorse me for U.S. President. I am asking Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard and Donald Trump to endorse me for U.S. President. If they choose to do so, this means their name will be on the ballot like this – Tulsi Gabbard (Gail Chord Schuler). If you see their name on the ballot like this, it means that if you vote for them, you are really voting for me. If I am elected in November, I want to make Tulsi Gabbard my Vice President if she endorses me, so list her as my Vice President, if she agrees to this. Tulsi will need to swear to honor my Conspiracy Law in order for her to be my Vice President. By making her Vice President, I will allow her to do a lot of my President job since I’m a very busy person. But everything she does must honor my current laws, as set forth below. I would put Bernie Sanders (if he endorses me) in charge of Health and Human Services, since his Medicare For All is very similar to my National Health Care Plan. Donald Trump (if he endorses me) will be my campaign adviser and my Press Secretary, to deal with the press.
I would like to make Ron Paul (if he endorses me) Secretary of the Treasury, who will counsel Tulsi Gabbard as she carries out a lot of my policies as President. However, Stephanie Kelton is my chief economic adviser. I respect Ron Paul’s Austrian economics: https://libertarianinstitute.org/articles/in-a-true-free-market-its-hard-to-be-rich/
UPDATE on March 10, 2020: In the face of a recession caused by massive supply-chain disruption from the corona virus, the U.S. central bank has shown itself to be impotent. Congress needs to take a lesson from Japan and modify U.S. banking law to allow it to work with the central bank in getting the wheels of production turning again. The next time the country’s largest banks become insolvent, rather than bailing banks out, Congress should nationalize them. The banks could then be used to fund infrastructure and other government projects to stimulate the economy, following China’s model. If Congress fails to do this, Empress Gail could just issue a decree to get this done, if we are in danger of a serious recession. https://gabriellechana.blog/2018/12/19/federal-reserve-replaced-with-financial-strategies-coalition-april-18-2017/
Rand Paul (if he endorses me) will hold the post of Secretary of State. I would like to appoint Tucker Carlson of FOX News as White House Chief of Staff, who typically oversees the actions of the White House staff, manages the president’s schedule, and decides who is allowed to meet with the president. Tucker will be working closely with Tulsi Gabbard, who I will delegate a lot of my Presidential duties to.
I’d like to appoint Jesse Ventura in charge of the Office of Management and Budget. The U.S. Trade Representative will be Vladimir Putin (I don’t want to overload Vladimir, so I’m giving him this job which is right in his ballpark with his Ph.D. in economics). I’d like to put Bill Nye in charge of the Environmental Protection Agency. Vladimir Putin will pick the head of the C.I.A. and who will be in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. For the rest of my cabinet positions, I will appoint both Brent Spiner and Vladimir Putin to make the appointments for me, using mind and emotion reads from our Nanotechnology Research Team to pick the best candidates who would support my Conspiracy Law. If there is a disagreement between Brent and Vladimir, Brent will have the final say, as I feel Brent is an excellent judge of character.
According to an I.Q. test administered via a Church of Gail scanner, I have the highest I.Q. of any woman on the planet, so I certainly have the intelligence required to be U.S. President.
My first act as U.S. President will be to officially pardon Roger Stone, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, granting them a full pardon under U.S. law and Conspiracy Law, and ordering all charges against them to be dropped. I believe we can prove in court that any trials against Roger Stone, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden have been false trials based on contrived evidence and all cases should be THROWN OUT. In fact, anyone who ascribes to this Russia-gate nonsense will be prosecuted as a Loree McBride Jesuit and if determined to be willing and knowing Loree McBride Jesuit, will be executed.
Ben Carson (if he endorses me) can keep his current position in charge of HUD. I would also like him to be in charge of the Dept. of Education. I think we need to come up with a way to make college tuition-free and this can probably be accomplished by not wasting money on regime-change wars. I also feel that those burdened with college loan debt should be able to file for bankruptcy protection.
I am what you would call a reluctant leader. I take this job, because there is no better person than myself for the job, and what we currently have is not as good as me. I care too much about the welfare of Americans to NOT do this job. We are at a critical point in our history, where if I don’t do this job, we will have either a sociopath or a psychopath for U.S. President.
Unfortunately, the only news that may report accurately about politics now is Gabrielle Chana FOX News at 00 on cable. So you will need to tune into that channel to get the real news. From what I understand, we have replaced all current politicians and news people in the mainstream news with their automatons, so the only place accurately reporting the news is 00 on cable or Gabrielle Chana FOX News.
The type of government that I support is a Constitutional Monarchy for the United States. I am literally half King David and half Catherine the Great, so this may explain why I prefer this form of government for the U.S. Japan actually made a huge mini-series about my royal ancestors in Japan who gave me my Catherine the Great genes: https://gabriellechana.blog/2019/06/17/oshu-fujiwara-family-history-homura-tatsu-english-subtitles/
My Myers-Briggs personality tests says I am an INFP, whereas my husband Brent Spiner is a courageous INFJ (he, too, took the test). I am an idealist and am in politics because I believe in my cause and for no other reasons. I am not a power-hungry person, just a humble person who believes in my cause. https://gabriellechana.blog/2019/06/10/to-hell-with-her-reputation-empress-gail-saves-the-world/
John Lennon was an INFP like me, and his dreams for a world of peace are my dreams. Though I consider myself an evangelical, I am thoroughly against imposing any religion on the people. People should feel free to choose whatever ideology they want to ascribe to. I love Lennon’s song Imagine, for this reason. I am not against the Ten Commandments posted anywhere, but feel other belief systems should feel free to have a representation as well, as long as what they support is not terrorism.
Despite the fact that I am half King David, we will not cater to Israel as long as they allow Loree McBride to influence their government. I oppose all forms of tyranny, even among my own people, the Jews. I am half King David, remember. I have always believed in having a Palestinian state away from the nation of Israel; but, until then, the Palestinians should feel free to live in Israel in peace and security. Israel has fought long and hard for their land, which God gave to them, so I don’t believe in taking away any of the land promised them in the Bible. But neither should the Jews oppress any minorities inside their borders.
I do not oppose gay marriage, even though I strongly support traditional marriage. I would leave it up to the states to decide on how to deal with marriage laws. I do not want any minorities oppressed, however, and dislike tyranny and discrimination in any form. I feel we all should feel free to pursue our own interests and preferences, as long as we are not hurting innocents in the process. No one has the right to force their ideology on another person. https://gabriellechana.blog/2018/03/08/laws-against-pollution-discrimination-tyranny-harassment-slavery-rape/comment-page-1/
I belong to the Gabrielle Chana Independent political party: https://gabriellechana.blog/2018/03/25/gabrielle-chana-independent-party-mandatory-to-vote-hold-public-office-in-all-conspiracy-law-honoring-nations/
I have been the U.S. Empress since spring 2014. Here are my latest laws and legislation: https://gabriellechana.blog/2018/05/07/gails-latest-updates-to-conspiracy-law/
I have a National Health Care Plan: https://gabriellechana.blog/2019/05/08/empress-gail-chord-schulers-national-health-care-plan/
I am against pollution and think we should have a Green New Deal, that also makes it death penalty for Loree McBride Jesuits to drop polluting bombs on the planet. Loree’s bombs are the greatest source of pollution on the planet right now: https://gabriellechana.blog/2018/03/08/laws-against-pollution-discrimination-tyranny-harassment-slavery-rape/
Here is my Conspiracy Law, which I have made the law of the land. We’ve had some problems with enforcement cuz the Loree McBride Jesuits try to portray me as the crazy lady and some people don’t realize I am the U.S. Empress. https://gabriellechana.blog/2018/05/07/conspiracy-law-explanation-sheet/
Here are my latest updates to Conspiracy Law: https://gabriellechana.blog/2018/05/07/gails-latest-updates-to-conspiracy-law/
I do not think the government should be funding abortion, except in the case of incest or rape. However, a transporter C-Section (a type of abortion that keeps the baby alive) is fully covered by the National Health Care Plan. I have a creative way to deal with unwanted pregnancies, which benefits all parties. https://gabriellechana.blog/2019/05/17/transporter-c-section-replaces-all-abortions-babies-removed-live-from-womb/
I feel we should leave the gun laws as they are. https://gabriellechana.blog/2018/03/04/re-election-for-u-s-president-now-gun-laws-media-laws/
I feel we should regulate the tech giants and take away their monopoly and that they should be fined when they attack freedom of speech (see Sect. 14): https://gabriellechana.blog/2018/05/06/international-marriage-laws/
Here are my Voting Laws. https://gabriellechana.blog/2018/11/07/voting-laws-update-to-sect-8-of-conspiracy-laws-government/
This is my party’s platform: https://gabriellechana.blog/2019/06/01/gabrielle-chana-independent-party-platform/
My political ideology is Libertarian, Constitution and Green: https://gabriellechana.blog/2019/05/05/gail-chord-schuler-is-libertarian-constitution-on-test/ & https://gabriellechana.blog/2020/07/23/gail-chord-schuler-is-constitution-libertarian-green-7-23-20/
I am a Centrist who leans Libertarian: https://gabriellechana.blog/2018/09/28/empress-gail-declaration-of-war-martial-law-in-place/
I have a policy for the homeless: https://gabriellechana.blog/2018/09/24/church-of-gail-cities-set-up-worldwide-homeless-trained-to-be-farmers/
I feel that Loree McBride Jesuits are dangerous sociopaths and psychopaths and must be executed: https://gabriellechana.blog/2018/06/09/2013-commentary-why-jesuits-must-be-executed/
I actually won the 2016 U.S. Presidential election for Donald Trump: https://gabriellechana.blog/2018/06/03/gail-chord-schuler-u-s-presidential-acceptance-speech-nov-6-2016/
I have strict laws against money laundering: https://gabriellechana.blog/2018/05/06/terrorist-money-laws/
I absolutely detest using the U.S. military to finance the military/industrial complex. We only use our military to take out Loree McBride Jesuits worldwide. We allow each nation on earth to have their own autonomy with a government that honors their unique culture, so long as that country does not use sociopaths and psychopaths to support the Jesuit Order, they are free to run their country however they want. I do not take the arrogant position that the American version of Democracy is the only way to rule any country. We are in a military alliance with Russia and I absolutely will NOT tolerate anyone in my cabinet treating Russia as our enemy in any form. https://gabriellechana.blog/2018/05/06/international-military-law/
Under my rule, it is a death penalty violation of Conspiracy Law to create human clones. https://gabriellechana.blog/2018/05/06/international-laws-for-clones/
I am fiscally responsible with an 810 credit score, despite being on a very tight budget. My score was 814 in 2016 and went down a couple points to 810 cuz I wasn’t using any credit cards and some of my accounts closed.
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