Gail Chord Schuler Jesuits & Church of Gail Worship

Gail Chord Schuler Jesuits & Church of Gail Worship

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Jesus Christ

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Charitable Donation for Jesus Christ’s Favorite Writer can be made to my PayPal. My PayPal email is

View Brent Spiner’s Rape (HERE).

Jesus Christ uploads Gail’s video to YouTube!

Loree McBride’s Jesuits, masters at character assassination, manipulate the public to focus on the messenger rather than the message, using sensationalism to distract from the truth–their tactic in the courtroom and the press, to minimize exposure. They practically own the Internet (Way2SpiritedJesuits)(Way2Spirited.screenshot)(Way2Spirited Jesuits at YouTube) and would flood sensationalistic comments onto my YouTube videos to minimize my message, distracting viewers into a focus on my character rather than my message. Jesuits invented the computer, and have hacked into Brent Spiner’s Twitter and Matthew McConaughey’s Twitter and website, posing as the real Brent or Matthew–which is how the lie started that Matthew McConaughey proposed to Camila Alves, then they flood the Internet and press with their lies. 

Jesus Followers Depressed & Fearful?

In November 1992, I had just come back from the funeral of the little girl who died of brain cancer. I opened my door to my Lynnwood, Washington apartment, turned on my CD player, and hit the shuffle mode. This 1957 song (exactly as you hear it on this link) came on. Since that day, I have claimed this song as a promise from God about my love for Brent. I was born Sept. 15, 1957 (Zechariah 9:15).

Loree McBride maintains her public status as Brent’s “woman” by threatening death on Gail. Loree is the “strange woman” in Brent’s bed in his CD “Dreamland”.

Loree McBride is now the Antichrist, and Zack Knight has excommunicated Loree McBride from Catholic Church, though she seems to have taken over the Catholic Church any ways.

DETAILED Gail Chord Schuler Jesuits Doctrinal Statement, going line by line explaining our agreement or disagreement of Roman Catholic Dogmas and Beliefs. Here is a page that is a comprehensive Gail Chord Schuler Doctrinal Statement.

How to go to heaven and invite Jesus into your heart.

Brent Spiner/Gail Chord (Spiner) relationship from August 1990 to now. In September 1992, Jesuits inserted Loree McBride (using drug rape) to destroy Brent/Gail love, to destroy Gail.

Vladimir Putin (wife Larisa died in 2000)/Gail Chord (Spiner) relationship from September 2001 to now. In November 2001, Jesuits inserted Jesuit Lyudmila Putin to destroy Vladimir/Gail love, to destroy Gail.

Matthew McConaughey (ended relationship with Penelope Cruz in 2005)/Gail Chord (Spiner) relationship from November 2005 to now. In 2006, Jesuits inserted Camila Alves to destroy Matthew/Gail love, to destroy Gail. 

Gail Chord Schuler Jesuits,
Church of Gail Music Playlists

Samples of our worship. All videos represent my heart in one way or another.

Forbidden Videos Only at Gail Chord Schuler’s Website

MOST VIDEOS BELOW ARE FORBIDDEN OR NOT AT YOUTUBE. Click on the video titles below, to view videos not at YouTube. I offer a brief description of the video.

I choose music for our church based on Philippians 4:5. We use Jewish, Christian and secular music, because we are helping the world to transition into the time of Jacob’s trouble, Jer. 30:7, which is upon us. During the future 7 year tribulation (after the rapture of the church), you must keep the ten commandments given to Moses (Rev. 14:12), have faith in Jesus, and not take the antichrist Zack Knight’s mark (Rev. 14:11), for salvation. Accept Jesus now according to Ephesians 2:8-9, while we are still in the church age. View our doctrinal statement, then contact my men at or to let us know you want to join our awesome church (where Jesus Christ Himself often leads our services), to hear more of our great music. We only respond to those who are eligible for church membership, as outlined in our doctrinal statement. This website and my YouTube channel (gabriellechana1) are used as part of our Gail Chord Schuler Jesuits worship services, so that should give you a feel for our church. You must be a born again Christian to join our church. It’s called Gail Chord Schuler Jesuits because Gail founded the church by leading all her men (including Zack Knight) to Jesus Christ, and they decided to start a church, but the leader of the church is not Gail, it’s Jesus Christ Himself, who has shown up to lead the services. Jesus has met with Brent Spiner and helps Brent lead the Gail Chord Schuler Jesuits.

Title: Sara Avery Disturbs Earth’s Gravitational Field.

Date: July 12, 2015

Description: Jesuit cloning technology threatens earth’s gravitational field. Danger of possible BLACK HOLE. Need scientists to assist us with this new threat. Scientists contact us at or When Gail discusses animals in her video, she is referring to how Sara eats LIVE animals, like household cats, and is not condemning those who are NOT vegetarians. 

Title: Gail Chord Schuler Jesuits Christian Comedy Playlists.

Date: October 28, 2012 and afterwards.

Description: Christian comedy playlists Gail has created for the Gail Chord Schuler Jesuits. Jesus Christ Himself started this by offering the first video to Terrance Jenkins called “Baby Got Book (OFFICIAL) by YouTube channel momentumchurch.


Title: King David woman’s millennial marriage to Brent Spiner.

Date: September 19, 2012 (Gail’s born again birthday).

Description: Gail talks about her marriage list and how she’s in Zechariah 9:15 & 1 Samuel 17:40 (17+40=57), because she’s the king David woman born on 9-15-57.


Jesuit Website Tells the Truth about Loree McBride, Camila Alves & Lyudmila Putina

Loree’s Jesuits admitted at their website about Jesuit Lyudmila Putin–2001 to now (who was forced onto the real Vladimir Putin by Jesuit-led President George W. Bush in 2001), Jesuit Loree McBride–1992 to now (who was forced onto the real Brent Spiner by Jesuit-led Paramount studios around 1992/1993), and Jesuit Camila Alves–2006 to now (who was forced onto the real Matthew McConaughey by the Jesuit-led tabloids and press) who are Jesuit agents assigned to Vladimir, Brent and Matthew to sabotage their undying love for Gail Chord [1],  [2][3]or “Catherine the Great” [1],  [2].


Acting Lessons


Actors Discuss Preparation

Materials Model.

The Weight Model.

Four Circles of Attention.

Stanislavsky in Practice.  

3 Part Model of an Action.

Actors Discuss Stanislavski (1)

Feelings Model

Rehearsal Models

A Tradition of Acting

Soviet Acting Models

Act and React

Stella Adler on Hamlet

Creating Comedy

Comedy Reel2

Comedy Reel1

Comedy Reel3

MICHAEL CAINE, ACTING ON FILM (though most videos have been removed at YouTube, just do a search on Michael Caine or Uta Hagen):


Time Limit
Developing Characters
Voice Pacing

Standing Positions
Facial Gestures
Poor Monologue Choices
Practicing Monologue
Monologue Example
Monologue Types
Voice Dialects
Character Posture
Finding a Monologue
Word Emphasis
What is a Monologue
Use Text to Develop Monologue Character:
What is a monologue?
How to act a monologue.
Memorization tips for monologue

Acting Unspoken Thoughts
Moving in Monologues
Hand Gestures
Voice Pitch:
Memorized Monologues





Hymns Triumphant (Amen Choir & orchestra)


Zechariah 9:15 read from Bible.


Brent Spiner & Gail Chord Schuler singing.




Gail made this soundtrack for her book THE SHIMMERING SEA: Robin Williams Murder to honor courageous Robin Williams for trying to go public about his love for Gail Chord Schuler, and the price he paid.

Jesus Tells Gail to Make a Rap Song about her Hood Mentality


Jesus Christ asked Gail to make this video GAIL’S HOOD MENTALITY on December 18, 2015, after she violated Jesus’ rule with her to only spend money on food and bills and to NOT use credit cards. Though she did not go into debt with her cards and was paying them off, the cards were encouraging her to make purchases for items that were wants and not needs when she could not afford them. So Jesus instructed her to make this video. Judge Terrance Jenkins, who grew up in Compton, California assisted her with the video, because he himself had fallen victim to the Hood Mentality (concept from Ice Cube’s music). Loree’s Jesuits accuse Gail of racism in making the video. But Terrance insisted Gail wear the black make-up because this is gangster rap music and he wanted her to look the part. Jesus agreed with Terrance, and gave Gail permission to purchase black make-up and red lipstick for her face. The video’s message is that we all can be victims of the Hood Mentality if we have lived in a culture of deprivation, whether we are black or not. Because Loree’s Jesuits have stolen most of Gail’s money and keep her in poverty, despite her celebrity lovers, Gail understands the heart of those caught up in a culture of deprivation.

Can also hear a video about Jesus rap music here. Jesus Christ asked Gail to make the video Gail’s Hood Mentality, so when YouTube said it needed to go down because of inappropriate content, YouTube has accused Jesus of hate speech. Jesus appears to have put a “bug” at YouTube making them unable to totally remove the video. CORRECTION: After Gail filed a complaint that her video was an art form and not derogatory, YouTube reinstated the video.


David Livingstone

Gail Chord Schuler’s Heroes from History

These were Gail’s heroes when she was in her twenties.

Hudson Taylor
J Hudson Taylor

James Hudson Taylor  (1832 – 1905)
(text below and first portrait above from Canton Baptist Temple’s Christian Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio)

Pioneer missionary, James Hudson Taylor, was born in Barnsley, England, the son of a Methodist minister. After studying medicine and theology, he went to China in 1854 as a missionary under the auspices of the China Evangelization Society.

In 1858, after working in a hospital for four years, he married the daughter of another missionary. He returned to England in 1860 and spent five years translating the New Testament into the Ningpo dialect. He returned to China in 1866 with sixteen other missionaries and founded the China Inland Mission.

In 1870 his wife and two of their children died of cholera. He remained in China and before his death, established two hundred and five mission stations with eight hundred and forty-nine missionaries from England and one hundred and twenty-five thousand witnessing Chinese Christians. He died in Changsha, China, in 1905.

Maria Taylor
Maria Dyer Taylor

Maria Dyer Taylor (1837-1870)
(text below and first photo above taken from Christian Biography Resources)

Daughter of one of the first missionaries to China, she was orphaned at the age of 10. She was a missionary to China when she married Hudson Taylor, January 20, 1858. They had seven children: Grace, Herbert Hudson, Frederick Howard (who would later co-author Hudson’s biography), Samuel, Maria, Charles Edward, and Noel. Being fluent in the Ningpo dialect, she helped Hudson with translation work. They had been married for 12 1/2 years when at 33 yrs. of age, Maria died of cholera in 1870. She was a “tower of strength” and a comfort to her husband. In her own words, she was “more intimately acquainted than anyone else can be with his trials, his temptations, his conflicts, his failures and failings, and his conquests.”

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Young Charles Spurgeon

Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834 – 1892)

Mrs. Charles (Susannah) Spurgeon
Susannah Spurgeon

Mrs. Charles (Susannah) Spurgeon (1832 – 1903)

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