U.S. President Gail Chord Schuler's Conspiracy Law SUPREME LAW OVER U.S.
I’m hearing brain to brain that I am the U.S. President, but you’ll only hear about this at Gabrielle Chana FOX News (00 on cable). Apparently, some emergency voting took place, because of Loree McBride’s coup takeover of the U.S.
Loree McBride came to power by MURDERING HER OPPONENTS and replacing them with evil clones. https://gabriellechana.blog/2018/03/27/loree-mcbride-brent-spiners-stalker/
Loree McBride has taken over the United States’ mainstream media, politics and government, including law enforcement and just about all aspects of the U.S. that deal with law enforcement, government, voting, health care, etc. In short, she’s turned the United States in a communist dictatorship where she rules as the de facto President. This has turned out to be a stinking disaster and the American people have conducted an emergency vote for me as U.S. President to kick her out and give the death penalty to her and all her deadly supporters. If this is true, then I have declared martial law in the U.S. (https://gabriellechana.blog/2018/09/28/empress-gail-declaration-of-war-martial-law-in-place/) and my Conspiracy Law is the supreme law of the land, overriding the U.S. Constitution (where it conflicts with Conspiracy Law), and overriding U.S. Supreme Court decisions (where they conflict with Conspiracy Law). Here is a site that summarizes my latest updates to Conspiracy Law. https://gabriellechana.blog/2018/05/07/gails-latest-updates-to-conspiracy-law/
Here is all my Conspiracy Law. https://gabriellechana.blog/2018/05/07/conspiracy-law-explanation-sheet/
Those who’d like to join our military to take out all Loree McBride Jesuits, contact my men at gailsmen@yahoo.com. Jesus has instructed me not to make videos about politics though, so I won’t make a video about this.
Here is my platform as U.S. President and I also mention those I’ve installed in my Cabinet. I have a mix of Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Greens, Libertarians. https://gabriellechana.blog/2020/02/13/independent-gail-chord-schuler-for-u-s-president/
I have been writing Conspiracy Law since 2003 and there is enough law in there to deal with just about any problem a country may run into. It has been the law in Russia since 2003. Vladimir Putin was the one who encouraged me to write it. I basically run the country using Conspiracy Law, and honor the current laws in the country as long as those laws do not contravene Conspiracy Law; if they do, Conspiracy Law becomes the supreme law of any country that is a Conspiracy Law honoring nation, even overriding that country’s constitution.
The focus of Conspiracy Law is to eliminate evil Jesuit control over nations, since they are the most deadly and dangerous political organization in all of human history. The evil Jesuits are the Deep State that you hear about so often in the news. Conspiracy Law reflects my Libertarian, Green and Constitutional positions. I’m more of a Centrist, with positions from both the right and the left. https://gabriellechana.blog/2019/05/05/gail-chord-schuler-is-libertarian-constitution-on-test/
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