Brent Spiner Brain-to-Brain Interviews (2016)
August 29, 2016 brain to brain interview with Brent Spiner, George W. Bush, Laura Bush, and Vladimir Putin about allegations by Alex Jones that George W. Bush cooperated with terrorists to orchestrate Sept. 11, 2001:
GAIL: Brent, as I listen to Alex Jones I am dumbfounded by what I’m hearing, but he seems to be telling the truth.
BRENT: Actually, we have a major court case going on right about this and all the horrible things Jesuits have done, using Presidents as their patsies. George W. Bush confessed with tears that what Alex Jones says is true, but that Jesuits threatened to harm his wife Laura Bush, if he would not cooperate with them.
GAIL: My, my. . .so it IS true. Well, he forced Vladimir to marry Lyudmila under threat of war with Russia, so I can believe this must be true about September 11, 2001 as well.
BRENT: Yes, it’s such a tragedy when Jesuits extort world leaders to cooperate with them in their terrorist enterprises. As I’ve told you, George W. Bush is not that bright and he loved his wife Laura. Though I can understand loving his wife, that’s not an excuse for his cooperation with the evil Jesuits. Let me ask you, Gail, under lie detection, if Jesuits threatened to kill me if you wouldn’t be a terrorist for them what would YOU do? The reason I bring this up is because that is the defense the Jesuits are giving for their agents and patsies. They said, that George W. Bush only wanted to spare the life of one he loved, and so he should not be punished.
GAIL: I would not cooperate with the Jesuits.
BRENT: Even if you knew FOR SURE they’d kill me?
GAIL: I would pray to Jesus and ask him to give me wisdom. In fact, I’m doing that right now to answer your question. I would look into my heart and ask myself what would Brent want me to do? So Brent, now it’s time for me to ask you this, “What would you want me to do?”
BRENT: I would want you to be true to yourself and your convictions and to be a great woman.
GAIL: What I would do would be to not sign any document or do anything to make it easy for Jesuits to carry out their terrorism, then I would tell THE WORLD WHAT THE JESUITS DID TO ME AND EXPOSE THEIR DIRTY BUTTS, and I’d do it VERY FAST. If I was George W. Bush, I would have gotten on Skype or any way I could to tell IMMEDIATELY to at least twenty major news organization that I trusted and would TELL THE WORLD ABOUT THE DIRTY DEAL THE JESUITS TRIED TO TRICK ME INTO and WOULD tell them that if they killed you or any of my loved ones, the WHOLE WORLD WOULD KNOW THEY DID IT.
BRENT: They would probably kill you next.
GAIL: Well, that’s what I think what I’d try to do. They may try to kill me, but I’d take my chances. So Bush is crying as he confesses his crime?
BRENT: Yeah, he says that cooperating with the Jesuits racked his conscience, but he couldn’t bear the thought of living without his wife.
GAIL: Just curious, how does Laura Bush feel about this?
BRENT: She’s a bit embarrassed, but very touched that George loved her so much to protect her like this. How would you feel, Gail, if I did what George did?
GAIL: I would lose a lot of respect for you, because I’ve always loved you for being a true humanitarian. Hey now, Alex Jones, is claiming that Vladimir Putin cooperated with the FSB to blow up government buildings in Russia to ensure he became Russian President, and that the September 1999 apartment bombings were carried out by the FSB and not the Chechens (as we heard in the press). Get Vladimir here.
VLADIMIR PUTIN (crying): Traitors inside my own government did this and ordered me not to expose them, or they would kill my wife Larisa. I did not tell Larisa about this. Larisa would not want me to protect her, but to do what was right. I knew that. They ordered me to go after the Chechens for the apartment building bombings.
GAIL: Wait a minute, you mean you did not have trouble with the Chechen rebels?
VLADIMIR (pauses): Oh Gail, this is why I do not condemn President Bush so much, even though I hated having to marry Lyudmila to prevent a war with the United States. We did have some trouble with the Chechens, but those were government plants inside Chechnya. I was not a Christian at this time. When you used Bush to lead me to Christ in 2001, I became a better man.
GAIL: Yeah, you were kind of cowardly about the Kursk incident, too and allowed Clinton’s cronies to kill 118 of your sailors and to make that look like a mechanical failure.
VLADIMIR: Do you forgive me for being such a weak man?
GAIL: Did they threaten to kill your wife, if you did not lie to cover up what the American Jesuits did to your Kursk sailors as well?
VLADIMIR: Yes, what is sad, is that I lost my wife any ways in 2000. The Jesuits knew that if Larisa learned the truth, she would have told me to let them kill her, rather than to betray the Russian people. As you once told me, “Do right, though the stars fall.” Do you forgive me, Gail?
GAIL: Well, Vlad, I was not in your life at the time you made these cowardly decisions, and I thought you were so brave to go after the Chechen rebels in 2001 when the West criticized you for this. Was I duped about you, then?
VLADIMIR: Well, actually, what happened is that the Jesuits, to make it all believable that the Chechens were troublemakers, did start using Jesuit Muslim terrorists inside Chechnya to cause problems, so I did need to get Chechnya under control. After your Conspiracy Law became the law in Russia, I was able to arrest the Jesuits involved in Chechnya and we got that region under control. If you did not come into my life and inspired me to be great, I think my morals may not have been greater than George W. Bush’s. So I have forgiven him for Lyudmila, even though the price I paid for this, was I almost killed myself, when you gave up on me from 2006 to 2010. When it comes to my wife, like George W. Bush, I was a coward. But I think he was worse than me.
GAIL: I’m not so sure, Vladimir. You did allow 118 of your sailors to die, but yes, you were also trying to prevent a war between Russia and the United States, right?
VLADIMIR: Actually, I was more worried about my wife dying. But she died, any ways. Perhaps, because she died any ways, that made me a better man. I realized that it did not pay to capitulate to Jesuits. When the Jesuits used Russian FSB agents to blow up those apartment buildings, they knew I had second thoughts about being President. It seemed the price I had to pay to be President was too great. They then said, “Vladimir, if you won’t be President and follow our directions as President, we will kill your wife.” So, when they killed her, after I did everything they told me to do, I said to myself, “What the hell! I obeyed these bastards and they STILL killed my wife.” Even worse, they tricked me and made me think she had breast cancer, and she really had a systemic yeast infection, so the doctor’s misdiagnosis was what killed her. They killed her and made it look like I did it! Her treatment for cancer killed her, because it weakened her immune system. (Vladimir wails). After she died, I said, “What the hell! I will be a man and never a wimp for these Jesuits again. I was stuck in the President’s job and trying to find a way to get out of it. But then I fell in love with you, and decided to honor you by being the great President that you believed me to be.” (Vladimir wails). “Now, you think I am a wimp, do you not?”
GAIL: Vladimir, you are not the man who made the wimpy decisions in 1999 and 2000. When I came into your life, you changed and became that great President you longed to be.
BRENT: Oh Gail, Vladimir’s crying so much, he left us! Actually, I think this part of his past has haunted him. Oh my, he’s going to Bush and hugging him, and now Laura Bush wants to say something.
LAURA BUSH: George, I don’t want you EVER to make a decision that harms innocent people just to try and keep me alive!
GEORGE W. BUSH: Laura, will you forgive me for being a wimpy President, like Gail has forgiven Vladimir?
LAURA: I’ll always love you, but you need to trust Jesus more, George.
GAIL: The real evil ones in all this are the JESUITS. Jesuits be DAMNED. They deserve everything they are getting from the Gail Shield! They all deserve the death penalty. Vladimir, did you cooperate with Jesuits in harming innocent people after I came into your life?
VLADIMIR: Gail, you inspired me to be a better man. When I realized that Jesuits would kill my wife (who died in 2000) even if I did what they wanted, I decided I would never cooperate with them in any manner that would make you lose respect for me. I’m sure Larisa in heaven is very ashamed of what I did in 1999 and 2000.
GAIL: Well, being a President is very hard. If I did not have Jesus in my life, it’s very possible I may not have done much better than you, Vladimir. I mean, look at my sister. She has genes much like me and she’s BFF with terrorist Loree McBride. The only difference between me and her, is that I love Jesus and she does NOT. Well, let’s sign out and hope that people will learn from what we have had to go through because of the Jesuits. I pray we can be examples of how to deal with Jesuits when they try to extort you.
August 27, 2016 brain to brain interview with Brent Spiner about allegations that George W. Bush, Colin Powell, Donald Trump, and several Republicans used email in a criminal manner, and they are hypocrites for picking on Hillary:
GAIL: What’s up with this Newsweek article that alleges that Hillary is not alone in erasing important emails and using private emails and they accuse Colin Powell of being a liar when he says he can’t remember his conversation with Hillary recommending she use a private server.
BRENT: Oh Gail, have those Jesuits created a convoluted mess to try and cover up for their patsy Hillary Clinton! Well, we both know that George W. Bush was a Jesuit patsy and he certainly was guilty of eliminating important emails, but that doesn’t excuse Hillary. As far as the rest of the culprits mentioned, it appears the guilty ones were actually Jesuit clones of the real person. What this means is if you have a Jesuit clone or a look-alike or even an automaton, and the Jesuits want to frame you with any crime, it’s a piece of cake to do so. By creating the impression that EVERYBODY DOES IT, the Jesuits are trying to deflect attention away from Hillary’s emails and get the focus back onto Trump as a racist and utterly unqualified for the Presidency. By the way, Colin Powell was not lying when he condemned Hillary for blaming him for her email problems, because it was HIS CLONE who recommended to Hillary that she have a private server. As far as the book that lies about Colin Powell and claims he did recommend a private server to Hillary, well, we both know how Jesuits will put out lies in books, the media, the Internet, website and all sorts of propaganda, and keep it all organized and tallied with sophisticated computer programming (so they can keep up with all their lies and make sure the lies don’t contradict each other). The bottom line is this. Hillary Clinton has been murdered, and so we only have the evil Hillary Clinton clone running for President, unless we can get a good automaton of her to be President instead. But we haven’t had much luck with automatons. It is far better to have the real person in the Presidency. As you may have noticed, when Jesuits murdered the real Barack in April 2012, that’s when Barack Obama’s Presidency started going down. Jesuits messed with his automaton. If you’ll notice, Jesuits are really trying to poke fun at you for saying Hillary has been murdered, because they don’t want people to know this. As long as people believe the REAL Hillary is running for President, then the focus will be on Hillary’s PAST, which the Jesuits can easily defend by using clones of her accusers to discredit any evidence brought against the evil Hillary Clinton clone’s past actions. Jesuits, using their clones and propaganda and absolute control over the media, think they can overcome whatever exposure the evil Hillary Clinton clone will get when her emails or any other “corruption” comes out about her. As we both know, the REAL Hillary was not responsible for Benghazi or the email scandals. What is more important with Hillary is not so much what she did IN THE PAST, since most of that bad stuff was the work of her clone, but WHO SHE IS IN THE PRESENT. The past Hillary is no longer with us, the PRESENT HILLARY IS THE ONE WHO WILL END UP AS PRESIDENT AND THE PRESENT HILLARY IS AN EVIL JESUIT.
GAIL: Jesuits sure know how to look out for their own. Jesus, please, may your will be done in this election and don’t let it be a victory for the evil and lying Jesuit Order.
August 25, 2016 brain to brain interview with Brent Spiner about total destruction of Jesuit and UFO spacefleet in deep space.
GAIL: Looks like we’ve had a major military victory with the Jesuit Order due to my Gail Shield and their entire space fleet is gone and all their military and soldiers destroyed (which may explain why God sent the Rome earthquake), but the Roman Catholic Church is creating a new Jesuit Order to replace the old one. Until all this falls into place, I will stop reporting news until I can be sure I am reporting accurately. Back to work on my book Jesuit Empire’s Secret History. Looks like the next phase in our battle against the Jesuit Order will be political. My news site is still up, but Brent and I are waiting to see how the Catholic Church will respond to the destruction of the entire Jesuit military arsenal, which happened yesterday, I believe. All the current Jesuits died as the Gail Shield caused their super nukkake that they sent to the earth to ricochet back to the Jesuit Order in deep space and destroyed their entire fleet. From what I understand, it also destroyed the UFOs’s space fleet as well, and the only Jesuit alive from this battle is Zack Knight, who cannot be killed and is floating inside the ocean in deep space, which got so filled with Jesuit semen from the ricochet, that it drowned the entire Jesuit space fleet and destroyed all the UFO space fleet. Zack Knight and the UFO fallen angels are all floating inside the (now) Jesuit semen ocean in deep space inside bubbles. All the other Jesuits out in deep space died. Zack Knight and the UFO aliens or fallen angels are alive, but they are each trapped inside a bubble and cannot escape from their bubble inside the semen ocean. Satan is furious, and, it appears, he is working with the Catholic Church to create a new Jesuit Order, though they are not able to create a military due to my Gail Shield. Not sure how my Gail Shield will respond to this, or how it will affect the current election for U.S. Presidency yet. May not report any major news, until this all settles out and we see what direction the Catholic Church goes with the Jesuit Order. The Vatican is currently recruiting new Jesuits for a new Jesuit Order, which means we have not defeated the Jesuits yet. The Roman Catholic Church seems unfazed by God’s expression of outrage over their attempt to annihilate the entire earth (in order to ensure their survival and victory), and are recruiting Roman Catholics to form a new Jesuit Order. Not sure if they will be able to use cloning technology, because that was part of their military arsenal.
BRENT: That is correct, Gail. We also received a huge technology “dump” from the Gail Shield, which is giving us all the technology they had in their arsenal and it’s quite a lot to decipher. UFO technology is very complicated and our Nanotechnology Research Team is on this. I thought we had defeated them, but the Vatican response is outrage and they plan to start a new Jesuit Order to honor those who died yesterday. However, if these Jesuits did not die, the entire earth would have been annihilated. Looks like the next phase of our battle with the Jesuits will be political. Keep writing your book, Gail. People need to know the history of this evil Jesuit Order.
August 24, 2016 brain to brain interview with Brent Spiner about super nukkake (nuclear bomb with tidal waves of semen) that tried to hit Florida and then the entire United States:
GAIL: I have noticed that I have been losing cable television a lot in the past couple days and you have told me brain to brain that after we avoided the nukkake that tried to hit Central Florida at 10:15 p.m. on August 21, 2016 that around six hours later, Zack Knight sent a super nukkake to wipe out Florida but you found that by putting a shield around each person with my genetic profile in it that the nukkake ricocheted and went back to space, taking out some of the Jesuit space fleet this time.
BRENT: Yes, that is correct. And today from around 8 to 11 p.m. we had to cut off your cable television again to make an emergency announcement to all of the United States and Canada, to report to their local law enforcement so we could put a shield around everybody that would strengthen your Gail Shield and enable it to cause the nukkake to ricochet back to the Jesuit space fleet. And we were able to put the shields around everybody before the nukkake hit and it went back to its source.
GAIL: When it goes back to its source does it wipe out the Jesuit spaceship or fleet that sent it?
BRENT: We don’t know. We study fluctuations in space. But we have noticed some explosions in deep space and we think the Jesuits are paying for what they are trying to do. They are so far out there, that they are in Satan’s ocean in space and they use a wormhole to deliver nukkakes to earth.
GAIL: I just heard on the news about the earthquake that hit Rome. This appears to be from God and He’s making his statement about how he feels about these Jesuits and their super nukkake.
BRENT: Yes, the timing and location of this earthquake does seem to indicate that it is from God, and that he is making a statement about how he feels about these Jesuits and their attempts to wipe out humanity with these nukkakes.
GAIL: I expect the Jesuits to try again and I think this time they will try to annihilate the entire earth. I suggest that all people all over the world have a shield placed around them with my genetic profile to repel the super nukkake.
BRENT: Yes, we are very busy working on that now. We believe that the Jesuits are down to one spaceship and it’s the one that has Zack Knight and Rule 13 on it.
GAIL: We can’t kill Zack Knight because he’s the Antichrist, so even if the Gail Shield takes out all the Jesuits, and he remains alive, he can use cloning technology to resurrect the Jesuit Order and to replicate his destroyed spaceships.
BRENT: Yes, that seems likely. But I have faith that eventually your Gail Shield will destroy the Jesuit Order. It will probably get so strong that even Zack Knight will not be able to operate.
GAIL: I wonder if he would surrender then?
BRENT: That would be interesting, though we are not expecting it. Thank God, for you and your Gail Shield or this world as we know it would have been destroyed by now. Those Jesuits will stop at nothing.
GAIL: I find this earthquake very interesting. Something tells me that the earthquake happened at the same time that my Gail Shield did something to those evil Jesuits out there in space.
BRENT: Let me check with Vlad.
VLADIMIR PUTIN: When earthquake happened, many explosions happened (at the same time as the earthquake) inside Satan’s ocean in deep space. We think the super nukkake which the Jesuits sent to the United States returned to its origination point and took out many Jesuit spaceships out there.
GAIL: Is there a way to tell if the Jesuits are still alive or if they still have any spacecraft out there?
VLADIMIR PUTIN: Let me check with our scientists. (He goes away and comes back). Oh dear, it seems all Jesuit spacecraft are gone. But we sense that there is life inside the ocean in space.
GAIL: Well, Satan lives there.
VLADIMIR PUTIN: No, we sense human life. It appears to be a cloning lab and Zack Knight must be resurrecting his Jesuits in the cloning lab. Oh, no! Zack Knight and Rule 13 are on a UFO inside Satan’s deep ocean. It seems they are the only ones alive. Looks like now we fight the UFOs, and UFO aliens helping Zack Knight and Rule 13 by creating Jesuit babies, who will be adults within a couple days.
GAIL: Expect another big hit in a couple days. Get the whole earth ready and make sure that everybody has a shield around them with my genetic profile. We are now fighting Satan and his fallen angels, we will need all the power from the Gail Shield which we can get.
BRENT: Yes, we are working on this now.
August 21, 2016 brain to brain interview with Brent Spiner about super nukkake that tried to hit Orlando, Florida at 10:15 p.m. Eastern Standard Time in the U.S.
GAIL: You told me that the super nukkake hit Orlando at around 10:15 p.m. and because the entire area was evacuated, it exploded above the Gail Shield and flowed down to the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. Then the Gail Shield pulled up the Jesuit semen from both oceans and it twirled back into the wormhole from which it came and headed back to its origination point. You said that if we had not evacuated the area, it may have penetrated the Gail Shield, because it was programmed to go to human DNA like a magnet and as there was no human DNA there for it to target, it turned around and went back to its origination point.
BRENT: Yes, it was an amazing site. We were able to capture the nukkake from satellites in space and show it on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel. We have already transported the Orlando people back to their homes and they’re all having a party, celebrating a victory. We think the nukkake is headed back to the Jesuit spaceship that launched it, which may mean all Jesuits on their space fleet out in deep space may be destroyed. However, Zack Knight cannot be killed, so Satan may move him somewhere safe and use him to create more Jesuits in cloning labs to resurrect the Jesuit Order. We shall find out.
GAIL: Do you think Rule 13, Zack Knight’s military leader and true love, is still alive? And I wonder how she feels about him trying to kill me, as we are BFF?
BRENT: We haven’t heard from Rule 13 in a long time. But she IS A JESUIT. If she had to choose between her BFF status with you and her love for Zack Knight, we know who she will choose. She is being real quiet about this. My guess is that she is still alive, because Zack Knight really doesn’t give a flip about anybody except for her. In fact, it’s possible that only she and Zack Knight are alive now. But with Zack still alive, he can use cloning labs to repopulate the Jesuits and resurrect them, so we are not sure the Jesuit Order has been defeated yet.
GAIL: How soon do you think he can resurrect the Jesuit Order if they all died?
BRENT: Just got some more news in. It appears that Zack anticipated this might happen since the Gail Shield has caused several of his previous super nukkakes to boomerang back to their destination point and when the super nukkake hit Orlando, he transported all the Jesuits in his spaceship to another cloned spaceship to another location in deep space, so they all survived the boomerang. The spaceship was destroyed, but all the Jesuits were in another spaceship at another location. Looks like the Jesuit Order is still alive and well, out in deep space.
GAIL: Now, I have a question for you. Will we have to evacuate every time they send a super nukkake to us?
BRENT: Your Gail Shield is getting stronger. But when they send a nukkake that is designed to switch out the dead people with clones at once, it seems evacuation is our best strategy, because these nukkake, which we will call switchout nukkakes are stronger when they have humans to target. We are going to work with our scientists to put a shield around everybody that will repel these nukkake.
GAIL: How would that work?
BRENT: We will put your genetic profile in the shields! This will cause the nukkake to be repelled and to go back to its origination point.
GAIL: Sounds good.
GAIL: I just came back from my walk and noticed that I could not access any cable television, or watch mainstream FOX News.
BRENT: We have blocked mainstream FOX News from you, because the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel had to break in and make an emergency announcement. But it is airing in much of your county and all over Central Florida where you live. We have just learned that the Jesuit spacecraft out in deep space, has created a wormhole, which they use to deliver bombs to your area. Though your Gail Shield has, thus far, deflected all the bombs. It appears the Jesuits have created a super nukkake that is going to hit Orlando, Florida very soon and it may break through the Gail Shield.
GAIL: What is a super nukkake and how could it break through the Gail Shield?
BRENT: It is a nuclear bomb with semen in it, that when it hits, creates a tidal wave of semen that literally drowns out the area with radioactive Jesuit semen contaminated with deadly germs. We think this super nukkake, as we call it, will cause a tidal wave the size OF THE EARTH over Orlando, which may be sufficient to break the Gail Shield. They have already launched some experimental super nukkake over the Orlando area that got very low and almost penetrated the Gail Shield.
GAIL: I did notice some penis clouds over Orlando as I walked, and the whole area to the west seemed inundated with penis clouds.
BRENT: Those were the first tries. Apparently, Zack Knight thinks he can drown Orlando and Florida with the semen from this super nukkake. His goal is to replace all true Floridians with their Jesuit clones and surround you with Jesuit clones, who can then go into your county and kill you off, because even if they die off because of the Gail Shield, there will be so many of them, that one of the hit men will survive to “do the job”.
GAIL: This sounds like paranoia to me.
BRENT: Well, Gail, that is why you are unable to access cable television right now. We have an emergency broadcast all over Florida warning people to go to their nearest police station where we have scanners set up to transport them out of Florida to emergency facilities in other states. We can even transport them to their relatives in another state. This is especially true of Central Florida. We use the Star Trek like transporter technology to do this. It is the most efficient way to deal with this emergency.
GAIL: What about people in my county?
BRENT: We think they are safe, because you live there and the Gail Shield is very strong in your county. What we think will happen is that the super nukkake will hit Orlando and seep through the Gail Shield, eventually drowning out the entire Central Florida area, with the exception of your county. The Gail Shield puts a dome over where you live, and the nukkake may hit the dome and seep down around the dome drowning out all areas outside the dome.
GAIL: I thought the dome went out into deep space.
BRENT: The dome has many layers and Jesuits have created a wormhole that penetrates the layers until it gets to your county. There was a big explosion in Satan’s ocean out in deep space, and we think the Gail Shield reached the Jesuits out in deep space and may have destroyed their entire fleet with the exception of one spaceship, which is the spaceship where Zack Knight is. So Zack is getting desperate and when he’s desperate, he’s dangerous.
GAIL: So how long will Floridians in Central Florida need to stay out of Florida?
BRENT: We aren’t sure. It’s possible that the super nukkake may not be able to defeat the Gail Shield. It’s also possible that if it does, that Zack will launch a blitzkrieg of super nukkake to Central Florida to destroy everything and make it uninhabitable, which means we will have a lot of clean up to do.
GAIL: So what is your message to Floridians right now?
BRENT: Pay attention to Gabrielle Chana FOX News at 00 on cable or just watch the mainstream FOX News, as all other news stations are unreliable and follow the instructions you get from these broadcasts. If you live in Gail’s county (Brevard County), hang tight, it might get weird, but you should be okay, because the Gail Shield is VERY STRONG in the county where Gail lives.
GAIL: So what might happen to Brevard county?
BRENT: You might get radiation headaches and suffer “allergy” symptoms to yeast and mold. We are already using scanners to clean out the air in Brevard County in preparation.
GAIL: Okay, I’ll get this out on my Gabrielle Chana FOX News website. What if, because of your actions, they change their minds and hit somewhere else besides Florida?
BRENT: We don’t think they’ll do this, because everybody knows that Hillary’s Vice President is a Jesuit and they plan to make it look like we did this! Their goal is not to destroy the United States or even the world, but to destroy YOU. If they did something like this to another area, the public relations damage they would sustain would be so bad, they’d never recover and Hillary would lose the election FOR SURE.
GAIL: You told me that the super nukkake hit Orlando at around 10:15 p.m. and because the entire area was evacuated, it exploded above the Gail Shield and flowed down to the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. Then the Gail Shield pulled up the Jesuit semen from both oceans and it twirled back into the wormhole from which it came and headed back to its origination point. You said that if we had not evacuated the area, it may have penetrated the Gail Shield, because it was programmed to go to human DNA like a magnet and as there was no human DNA there for it to target, it turned around and went back to its origination point.
BRENT: Yes, it was an amazing site. We were able to capture the nukkake from satellites in space and show it on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel. We have already transported the Orlando people back to their homes and they’re all having a party, celebrating a victory. We think the nukkake is headed back to the Jesuit spaceship that launched it, which may mean all Jesuits on their space fleet out in deep space may be destroyed. However, Zack Knight cannot be killed, so Satan may move him somewhere safe and use him to create more Jesuits in cloning labs to resurrect the Jesuit Order. We shall find out.
GAIL: Do you think Rule 13, Zack Knight’s military leader and true love, is still alive? And I wonder how she feels about him trying to kill me, as we are BFF?
BRENT: We haven’t heard from Rule 13 in a long time. But she IS A JESUIT. If she had to choose between her BFF status with you and her love for Zack Knight, we know who she will choose. She is being real quiet about this. My guess is that she is still alive, because Zack Knight really doesn’t give a flip about anybody except for her. In fact, it’s possible that only she and Zack Knight are alive now. But with Zack still alive, he can use cloning labs to repopulate the Jesuits and resurrect them, so we are not sure the Jesuit Order has been defeated yet.
GAIL: How soon do you think he can resurrect the Jesuit Order if they all died?
BRENT: Just got some more news in. It appears that Zack anticipated this might happen since the Gail Shield has caused several of his previous super nukkakes to boomerang back to their destination point and when the super nukkake hit Orlando, he transported all the Jesuits in his spaceship to another cloned spaceship to another location in deep space, so they all survived the boomerang. The spaceship was destroyed, but all the Jesuits were in another spaceship at another location. Looks like the Jesuit Order is still alive and well, out in deep space.
GAIL: Now, I have a question for you. Will we have to evacuate every time they send a super nukkake to us?
BRENT: Your Gail Shield is getting stronger. But when they send a nukkake that is designed to switch out the dead people with clones at once, it seems evacuation is our best strategy, because these nukkake, which we will call switchout nukkakes are stronger when they have humans to target. We are going to work with our scientists to put a shield around everybody that will repel these nukkake.
GAIL: How would that work?
BRENT: We will put your genetic profile in the shields! This will cause the nukkake to be repelled and to go back to its origination point.
GAIL: Sounds good.
August 20, 2016 brain to brain interview with Brent Spiner about national FOX News anchors and executives now living at Church of Gail after Jesuits kidnap and torture Bill O’Reilly.
GAIL: While I was out for my walk, you told me brain to brain that Bill O’Reilly had been kidnapped and transported to the Jesuit spaceship in deep space and they were torturing him and trying to force him to discredit my news about Donald Trump, to make Donald look like a loser.
BRENT: That is correct, Gail. Then you prayed to Jesus for Bill and Jesus showed up and rescued Bill from the Jesuits and brought Bill O’Reilly to Church of Gail. Bill was steaming mad! That guy is tough. We are now moving all the national FOX news anchors and news executives and their families to Church of Gail for their protection. FOX News started a one hour episode Monday through Friday in Megyn Kelly’s time slot featuring your Gabrielle Chana website and your Gabrielle Chana FOX News interviews and the Jesuits are furious at FOX News right now for this.
GAIL: I’ve never seen myself on FOX here in Melbourne, Florida. Why Megan Kelly’s time slot?
BRENT: It does not air in your county, but some of the rest of Florida can see it and it broadcasts nationwide. You are a rock star as a news reporter. Bill Shine of FOX News said you are doing such a great job and have improved the ratings for the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel so much that he experimented on featuring you for one hour in Megyn Kelly’s time slot on the main FOX News. Megyn Kelly really likes you. Remember you apologized to her for calling her a Jesuit agent. She’s willing to let you take her slot.
GAIL: So where does Megyn Kelly go?
BRENT: She broadcasts every other week, and where we can’t show you, like where you live, we either use her or somebody else.
GAIL: Okay, so you got Bill O’Reilly back, thank God, and then I expressed concern to you that Zack Knight will probably use clone versions of the Internet to prevent the real FOX from airing and will substitute it with a Jesuit version from the Jesuit spacecraft. You told me that Gabrielle Chana FOX News uses audio recordings of my interviews or have an automaton of me read the questions I asked in interviews (from my website) using a prompter.
BRENT: Actually, Zack has tried to use clone versions of the Internet to block the real FOX News from airing, but by including your show on the main FOX News, it puts the power of the Gail Shield over FOX News’s broadcast and Zack’s clone versions of the Internet don’t work – at least for FOX News! (Claps) Oh, yes, my love, Gabrielle Chana FOX News found a good automaton of you who conducts your interviews for your news hour and then the real interviewees like Donald Trump or whoever, show up for the interview. The Jesuits are really steamed about this, because the ratings for your show have been through the roof! Of course, the Jesuits went on damage control and lied and said that your show has poor ratings, and they didn’t mention your name as the one who took Megyn’s place.
GAIL: Bravo! I suggest that the main FOX News start reporting the truth that Donald Trump is way ahead in the polls (when we omit the illegal Jesuit vote). Of course, they won’t mention that the Jesuit voters are omitted. They will just say that he’s way ahead. This will make it harder for the Jesuits to rig the election in favor of Hillary Clinton.
BRENT: Actually, the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel is working with their sister news site, the main FOX News, to come up with a plan to get the truth out about the polls and that Jesuits have rigged the polls. Rather than just report that the other polls are inaccurate, they want to provide evidence that they are rigged. So they are working on these stories. Once they do this, then FOX will conduct a poll and show Donald ahead, which he is.
GAIL: Yeah, we need to get some truth out. There is way too much lying in the news media and Hillary is being treated with kid’s gloves, while they are raking Donald Trump across the coals.
BRENT: You know, I’ve never been a Donald Trump fan, but I’m afraid I have to agree. As a lifelong Democrat, I feel rather disgusted about how the media is handling Donald Trump. Featuring a nude statue of him with a protruding belly and tiny penis is way out of bounds.
GAIL: Yeah, I saw that. It’s typical Jesuit propaganda, like how they take lewd pictures of you having sex with Loree while you were drugged out and she was raping you, and they blasted it everywhere during the Quebec trial, and they stole the nudes I sent you; and Vladimir and posted them and then stole nudes I put on my computer and didn’t send to anyone, and posted them online in a video.
BRENT: We both know the Jesuits are the lowest of the low. What they do is actually a type of concentration camp. The world is their concentration camp and those who don’t support Jesuit policies, get nuked with semen nuclear bombs, murdered, drowned, defamed, humiliated, brain-controlled, robbed, lied about, and crushed and bankrupted like a Jesuit tidal wave. We’ve been through it all.
GAIL: It will be wonderful when the Jesuit Order is defeated. Looking forward to seeing more truthful news reporting coming out of the main FOX News, now that they are living at Church of Gail, and don’t have to worry about death threats if they report the truth.
BRENT: Agreed.
GAIL: One more point. The L.A. Times always has Donald Trump up higher than the other polls. Why is this? I always thought California was Democrat country.
BRENT: Well, the Los Angeles area has been getting the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel (00 on cable) ever since it started in 2012, and so the Los Angeles folks know that the Jesuits murdered Hillary. Actually, Donald has a landslide in California. This is a progressive state.
GAIL: Is it true that Donald Trump cried when he saw Bill O’Reilly’s butchered face after Jesuits tortured Bill?
BRENT: Yes, my love. I’m actually starting to like this guy (Trump) in spite of his big ego.
GAIL: So he (Trump) is sleeping in the same room as Bill tonight to honor him for his courage, and Jesus is in there, too?
BRENT: Yeah, those Jesuits almost killed Bill O’Reilly. When you prayed and asked Jesus to save him, Jesus went in there just in the nick of time. It almost looked like a repeat of what they did to Hillary Clinton. His face looked like butchered steak.
GAIL: Oh, my God.
BRENT: Jesus gave him a pain killer, Jesus style. Jesus decided to leave the damage, so we could photograph it and show it on Gabrielle Chana FOX News. We want to honor Bill for his courage. Bill refused to give the Jesuits what they wanted. Donald wailed when he saw Bill. He insisted on sleeping in Bill’s room tonight. I’ve noticed something about Donald, he’s starting to learn some humility and I suspect after sleeping in the same room with Jesus and Bill, he might decide to become a born again Christian. Donald’s pretty bad ass. Big ego, but big heart.
GAIL: If Donald becomes a born again Christian, Gabrielle Chana FOX News will be the first to report it. One more question, what if a FOX news reporter needs to go on site on earth to do a story?
BRENT: In that case, we will use an automaton of the reporter to land on earth and do the “on earth” assignment, who will be programmed to kill any Jesuits, using scanning technology, if a Jesuit gets nearby.
GAIL: Brilliant.
August 14, 2016 brain to brain interview with Brent Spiner regarding American News corruption and the lying news media about Donald Trump:
GAIL: It really seems like the news media is totally Jesuit controlled. It’s worse now than during the Republican primaries.
BRENT: This seems ironic, but because of your Gail Shield the news has gotten worse, because your shield has forced the Jesuits to retreat to very deep space and we cannot punish the news outlets for lies. They are all living in very deep space, beyond our reach, and yet are still able to control what people see here on earth in the news. You must remember that Satan invented electricity and the computer.
GAIL: So, before the Gail Shield, we were able to punish the news organizations for publishing lies, but cannot do so now, because they are out of our reach?
BRENT: That is correct. However, I have noticed that sometimes during news coverage, the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel has been breaking in. When that happens, I and the guys clap our hands and cheer. I wonder what will happen when the Gail Shield gets even stronger?
GAIL: How is Russian news? I know that Vladimir just shuts down news channels that don’t report the truth.
BRENT: That is basically what he’s done. About the only news they get in Russia is the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel now in Russian.
GAIL: Oh, they have different language versions?
BRENT: Yes, there is a Russian version, and a Chinese version. In fact, any country under Conspiracy Law has a version in their language.
GAIL: Is it the same news everywhere, but just translated into different languages?
BRENT: Pretty much, though for Russia, they might add some extra stuff that Russians are concerned about, and the same for China and so forth.
GAIL: So which versions of the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel sponsor my website as the Gabrielle Chana FOX news correspondent?
BRENT: All of them, Gail. We’ll just have to trust Jesus. He will make all this come out right. Try not to worry too much about the elections, darling. Just follow your heart and keep obeying the Gail Commandments. Your work as a Gabrielle Chana news correspondent is doing a lot of damage and the Jesuits want you to watch the news and hear about Donald Trump’s sinking polls and give up and think what you do makes no difference and that’s simply not the case. My guess is that your Gail Shield will eventually have an impact on those Jesuits, even though they are out in deep space.
August 11, 2016 brain to brain interview with Brent Spiner regarding Donald Trump’s advertising, Twitter campaign, and tax returns for U.S. President.
BRENT: Donald Trump is using your Gabrielle Chana FOX News correspondent website for his ad campaign. He is telling people to go to your website and invites them to peruse your links and to visit the Gabrielle Chana FOX News website, which Vladimir (Putin) has connected to your web page there. This is why you are not seeing Trump ads in Florida, because he is making his number one priority in ads, to let people know about his interviews at your website! Because you live in Florida, we cannot advertise this in Florida.
GAIL: So Trump has no ads in Florida?
BRENT: I don’t know, but his primary thrust is outside of Florida. You are a rock star in Florida through your website, my love, so Trump may not need to advertise there.
GAIL: Are people able to view a live broadcast of the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel from my website?
BRENT: No. We decided against that, feeling it would be too dangerous for you. However, they can peruse portions of the main Gabrielle Chana FOX News website, especially select videos of broadcasts of interviews with Donald Trump, where he has answered the exact same questions you brought up in your interviews with him on your website.
GAIL: Wow! That’s cool.
BRENT: We have found a reporter who has a voice very much like yours, and we have modified her voice to make it sound just like yours and she has been interviewing Trump and all the people you have interviewed for your website and so we can also offers these interviews as videos for people to watch. So folks can watch these interviews and see the real Trump talking or the real Matthew McConaughey or whoever it is. What’s really interesting is that we are forcing Jesuit News to also air these videos. They are going around in circles trying to explain them away as frauds and so forth. But their arguments are really stretching believability and most people are tuning into the Gabrielle Chana FOX News at 00 on cable to watch the news (if they get it in their area) or are going to your website for the news. Right now, because of the publicity we have gotten from your website, the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel is the highest rated news channel in the world!
GAIL: What about folks at my Facebook page or my Twitter page, where I am posting all my interviews?
BRENT: We have instructed people who are able to contact you online that they must not mention their ability to connect to the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel from your website, or they will lose that privilege – which, by the way, is the REAL reason you no longer hear from Jane Agni, your reporter friend. We actually started this around 2014, with select people who go to your website, but decided, for Trump’s sake, to extend this privilege to the general public, simply because there is a real emergency right now for people to KNOW THE TRUTH about Trump. Jesuit LIES ARE FLOODING THE MEDIA ABOUT HIM. This is for your protection, that they cannot tell you about their ability to go to the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel. We are kind of playing along with the Jesuit perception that you are delusional to protect you from Jesuit harassment where you live. As you know, Jesuits violently attack Trump supporters and have intimidated a lot of them to be SECRET Trump supporters. Now that people are becoming more aware of the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel, many are demanding that they can watch the live broadcast at 00 on cable in their area.
GAIL: Are Floridians able to watch the live broadcast at 00 on cable?
BRENT: No. It is too dangerous for you, but Floridians have been going to your website in droves to peruse the links.
GAIL: How did Floridians find out about my website?
BRENT: Donald Trump ran some ads in Florida advertising your new Gabrielle Chana FOX News website, but those have stopped now that most of Florida know about you and are spreading the word by online shares and word of mouth. And, as you know, the actual views of your website are now going into the billions. Jesuits are able to make it appear that hardly anybody goes to your website, so that people may see that there are ten Facebook shares for your website, and you really need to multiply that by millions (the actual count). We play along with this to protect you from Jesuit targeting. As you know, the views for your YouTube videos have always been in the millions, even though Zack Knight has manipulated the count to make it appear mere hundreds. Trump is getting a lot of support now from people going to your website.
GAIL: What if Hillary wins in the Jesuit News?
BRENT: Don’t worry about this, my love. If that happens, we will make sure she is not able to act as President, even though Jesuit News will lie and say she is President. The only sad part to this, is that if people really want to know what the real President (Donald Trump) is doing, they will have to tune into the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel or your website, where we can relay the information to you using brain to brain.
GAIL: I have a question regarding Trump’s Twitter. . .
BRENT: Shoot, Gail.
GAIL: I have noticed that Hillary tweets a lot more than Trump now, though her tweets seem really mechanical and scripted. Is Donald having trouble with his clone and other Jesuit impersonators hacking into his Twitter account, as has happened to you (where your clone has literally TAKEN OVER your Twitter)?
BRENT: Oh, God, what my clone has done to my Twitter! But this is about Donald Trump. . .Well, he has about eighty percent control of his Twitter. In fact, most of the tweets “Donald” makes that the press jumps all over Donald about, have been from his clone or from ZACK KNIGHT (the illustrious Antichrist himself). This explains why Donald has really cut back on his tweets, because, like me, he is losing control over his Twitter. Actually, I have LOST control of my Twitter and Donald has seen what Jesuits have done to me and the rest of us guys on your marriage list, so he has really cut back on the tweets. Right now, his main thrust is your new Gabrielle Chana FOX News correspondent website, because he knows what the public reads there about him is reliable.
GAIL: It’s horrible what the Jesuits have done to your Twitter. I don’t believe I’ve seen a tweet from you in almost a year.
BRENT: Unfortunately, that sounds right. I’m still fighting my clone in court over this. I even tried to take down my Twitter, but he says I have no right to take down his Twitter page which he stole from me!
GAIL: Why won’t Donald release his tax returns?
BRENT: The answer to that is simple. What will be released will be lies. Jesuits will present false documents to the public and make them appear to be Donald’s. He is above board in his business practices, Gail. Jesuits are blowing smoke. As far as Hillary and Tim Kaine releasing tax returns, those will all be lies, using fabricated documents that present a LYING picture of Hillary and Tim Kaine’s returns.
GAIL: But wasn’t the REAL Hillary okay in her tax returns?
BRENT: Yes, she was. But in the past month, because Hillary is no longer Hillary, she has been conducting a lot of criminal activity financially. Also, Hillary’s Jesuit clone did do some bad things and those are conveniently eliminated from Hillary’s returns. The tax returns only present a false picture of both Hillary and Tim Kaine.
August 11, 2016 brain to brain interview with Brent Spiner regarding witnesses who heard Donald Trump say something he did not say.
GAIL: Brent, I’m watching CNN and a man said he heard Donald Trump say that “Maybe the Second Amendment people. . .I don’t know,” and that he was embarrassed for Trump. Donald told me that he did NOT SAY this, that Zack Knight edited the video to make him appear to say something he did NOT say. Is this witness lying or what?
BRENT: Gail, remember how you tried to give me the account number to one of your accounts, so I could give you some money and I was not able to read the numbers right, no matter what you did, so you couldn’t give me the account number because Zack Knight controlled my brain so that I could only see what Zack wanted me to see? Well, Zack used something similar to those who attended this Donald Trump rally. Even though Donald did not say that outrageous Second Amendment comment that all the media is raking him across the coals for, everybody there heard him say it BECAUSE OF ZACK KNIGHT’S BRAIN CONTROL, which controlled their perceptions while they attended the Donald Trump rally.
GAIL: Brent, this is AWFUL. Zack Knight has power like God.
BRENT: Yeah, it’s pretty awful. That’s how you and I can have a love that towers to the heavens (from 1990 to now) and yet, we cannot be together, because Satan and Zack Knight don’t want that.
GAIL: Don’t worry, Brent. Jesus is on our side!
August 8, 2016 brain to brain interview with Brent Spiner regarding forest fire in San Bernardino:
GAIL: Brent, as we both know, Loree McBride (who claims to be your wife) is a rapist and pyromaniac (setter of fires). Did she set the fires raging in San Bernardino right now?
BRENT: Hold on, let me check with Vlad. Oh, my God. What happened is that Loree and Camila got torches and threw them everywhere in California starting fires all over the state. There are actually many fires out there and Jesuit News is only reporting the one in San Bernardino.
GAIL: First off, how did Loree and Camila manage to stay alive long enough to do this?
BRENT: Zack Knight has come up with a shield that he places around certain elite Jesuits, who have a very strong genetic profile, who have some resistance to your Gail Shield. Though they cannot stay alive under your Gail Shield for long, they are able to stay alive long enough to cause all sorts of trouble. Then when things get too rough and they feel exhausted because of your shield, Zack beams them back up to the Jesuit space ship, which is way out in deep space right now.
GAIL: They can beam to earth from deep space?
BRENT: Apparently so. It’s a very advanced technology they just developed, working with their UFO buddies.
GAIL: It seems we are not just at war with Jesuits, we are at war with the UFOs!
BRENT: Exactly! That is why we needed Jesus’ help to defeat the Jesuit Order. Without your Gail Shield, I don’t think it would be possible.
GAIL: It doesn’t seem to be working very well. They are able to still do terrible things.
BRENT: Actually, most Jesuits are now living on the Jesuit space fleet out in space, very deep space, by the way, so your shield is forcing them to live way out in space. I’m surprised they can stay alive so far out!
GAIL: I was thinking that Satan has an ocean out there. Perhaps by keeping the space fleet inside of Satan’s ocean in deep space, they are able to resist the Gail Shield. But surely Jesus would have known about this and made the Gail Shield so that we could defeat Satan’s ocean.
BRENT: If you are right, it may take awhile, because Satan is very powerful. He is the most intelligent being out there, almost on par with Jesus and God the Father.
GAIL: Why in the world would Loree and Camila want to set California on fire?
BRENT: Oh dear, Gail, I think I’m getting sick.
GAIL: What’s wrong, Brent?
BRENT: Oh God, this is awful. Vladimir got some footage of Loree and Camila. They got a bunch of kittens, who are actually a blend between human and kitten, made from my stolen semen and set them on fire and used them to torch California!
GAIL: I don’t get what Loree and Camila think they are accomplishing by doing this.
BRENT: Well, I have been fighting that bitch in court, because she and the Brent clone have stolen all my money, and I no longer conduct any financial transactions on earth, depriving her of my income. All of us work at Church of Gail movie studios for our income.
GAIL: Yes? I still don’t get it!
BRENT: Well, in court she used the half kitten/half human creatures as proof that I love to have sex with animals. Excuse me, I have to take a break. (pause). I told the jury that I would never want to make love to a cat, unless I was under brain control drugs! And then she set the creature on fire, right there in the courtroom and laughed until it died, burning it to death. She then said, that she and I do this for entertainment! When I threw up as she tortured that creature, nobody in the jury believed her, and she lost her case and though I still have not got my money back, she is no longer entitled to use my credit cards. So she’s furious.
Apparently, she is placing pictures of her torture of these creatures all over California, showing her and my clone torturing these creatures and setting them on fire. Jesuit News is reporting this all over California, stating that I am a sadistic animal abuser. My career as an actor is TOTALLY ruined now. And, as I’ve already told you, my clone is taking jobs in MY NAME and he can’t act worth a hoot.
GAIL: Oh dear, so she started the fires to destroy your career as a type of revenge because she can no longer steal your money. What a horrible b——. Okay, Brent, I need to take a shower. One more question, why is Camila doing this?
BRENT: Oh, I forgot to tell you that the pictures they are showing all over California, while they are setting these fires, also shows Matthew McConaughey setting these creatures on fire and some of them are half Matthew and half kitten. That’s probably why Matthew has been throwing up in court.
GAIL: I don’t get it, because the Matthew clone is now at the Olympics posing as the real Matthew, who plays that he adores his Brazilian bomb rapist Camila.
BRENT: Well, the Jesuits are so violent and vulgar and we proved this in court. So they think that by making us to appear to be as vulgar as they are, that they can prove we are in a secret alliance with the clones and only use the clones to help us get away with crimes, in some sort of clever ruse. That we secretly enjoy the violent and vulgar Jesuit lifestyle.
GAIL: I happen to know that both you and Matthew are not like this AT ALL. Jesuits are never happy unless they contaminate everybody with their filthiness. They surely deserve to be annihilated. Brent, how can your clone get a job, if he’s like this and ADVERTISES IT?
BRENT: He can only get jobs from JESUIT PRODUCERS and DIRECTORS. Hollywood is about HALF JESUIT OWNED. Loree and my clone know that I would never want to work for Jesuits, so basically they have RUINED my career.
GAIL: But out here in Florida nobody knows about all this. Maybe you need to move out of California PERMANENTLY.
BRENT: Well, as you know I’m selling my house in Malibu, because I can’t afford to pay for Loree’s house anymore! And I basically have moved permanently to Church of Gail.
GAIL: When we finally defeat the Jesuits with my Gail Shield, and we tell our story, you may not get your acting career back, but you won’t starve. Jesus will take care of us. You’re so talented in so many areas, when God closes a door, he opens a window.
August 8, 2016 brain to brain with Brent Spiner regarding the new Star Trek series and his part in it:
GAIL: Hey Brent, what’s up with this?
BRENT: I’m afraid my clone is running out of money, as he’s lost all his court cases against me and nobody believes he is me anymore, so he is unable to steal money from me, like he has in the past. His impersonation, which allowed him to steal all the money in my bank account, has come to an end.
GAIL: So he’s going to be acting in this?
BRENT: Yeah, I’m sure his acting will stink. It nauseates me to think what he will do to my acting career!
GAIL: Well, you DO have your job at Church of Gail movie studios working on productions made from my writings.
BRENT: Thank God, you are such a brilliant writer! Jesus knew what he was doing to lead you to be a writer. It’s kind of heartbreaking what my clone has done to my acting career, though. Now that he’s started acting and pretending he is me, it makes me look like a dork as an actor.
GAIL: That must be very frustrating. At least those who watch the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel know the truth.
BRENT: Yeah, but so many are under Jesuit brain control, including producers and directors in Hollywood and they get my clone confused with me!
GAIL: My darling, I will always think you are brilliant, and the truth will go out and set you free. I shall continue to write and tell our story.
BRENT: You know, I adore you. What would I do without you?
GAIL: Jesus will make a way for us. He promised. Hey, I got another question. Because of my Gail Shield, how is your clone STAYING ALIVE?
BRENT: He actually lives on the Jesuit spaceship, which is way out there. But they will be producing this new series from that spaceship and make it appear that it’s happening on earth!
GAIL: It will be interesting to see how the Jesuits will play this, when my Gail Shield finally overcomes all the Jesuit spaceships.
BRENT: I can’t wait!
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