Satan Makes Gail His Antichrist (WITHOUT Gail’s Permission)
Goddess of Free and True Love Here is what Gail wrote to her men at Skype regarding her new powers. After this, you can read the Discord conversation and what happened and how Gail reacted to the news that she is Satan’s Antichrist, whether she likes it or not. Skype on Aug. 3, 2024 to Gail’s men: 5:43 AMBrent has […]
Automatons are the DEATH of Free Will
I love this music because it exemplifies, to me, what having a soul with free will and true love, is all about. Meditation and being at peace helps us feed the good dog. We must strive to avoid fear, obsessions, and doubt in our lives and believe in the goodness of the multiverse. Though we are currently at war with […]