Indian Gail Commandments (Endorsed by Hindu Goddess Lakshmi)

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The Hindu goddess Lakshmi showed up for our Discord hang out on July 5, 2024 and endorses the following Gail Commandments which we have made specifically for the people of India.

Music video I created to celebrate the Indian Gail Commandments, which the Hindu goddess Lakshmi officially endorses. I hope these commandments help the Indian people. I want their own Taj Mahal to inspire them, because this monument was dedicated to a rare true love from an Indian emperor for his queen Mumtaz. Both Lakshmi and I stand for true and free love.

Above is an artist’s depiction of Mumtaz, who lived from 1593 – 1631. The Taj Mahal was built right after her death, because the Emperor was so grief stricken when she died, he wanted to dedicate a monument to her, now called the Taj Mahal. This is an Emperor who cared about true love.

Indian Gail Commandments (Endorsed by Hindu Goddess Lakshmi)

Thou shalt eat a balanced diet without concerns about violating taboos or cultural and religious teachings, using the method of calories-in calories-out as a guide to weight management. Protein sources such as beef, chicken and mutton should be viewed as the same in terms of morality. Thou shalt not eat poop. urine or vomit.

Thou shalt toil in activities with passion, focus and moral integrity, setting goals for completion and not taking shortcuts or scamming innocents to accomplish objectives. Do not be lackadasical about your work and duties to the point that you rely on scamming innocents to get results.

Thou shalt be a normal human being by taking time every day to self-groom, bathe, brush teeth, and stay clean.

Thou shalt use a toilet or a sanitary hole for disposing of your body’s wastes and not dispose your body’s wastes in public places. Thou shalt use toilet paper to wipe yourself after defecating or urinating or disposing of your body’s products and put the toilet paper in the toilet or the same place where you disposed of your waste in a proper hole in the ground.

Thou shalt wash your hands after you have disposed of your body’s wastes.

Thou shalt establish a place to dump garbage in as clean a manner as possible. Dispose of your garbage in a certain place, not all over the place. Set up a system for garbage disposal in all provinces and not litter or leave garbage anywhere except in areas designated for trash.

Thou shalt spend money only on food and bills. Begging when you can be working and earning a living is wrong and forbidden. Those who are genuinely disabled should get government assistance to help them be independent as much as possible. Once independence is achieved, they can get off government assistance.

Thou shalt not steal and scam. Stolen goods must be returned to the rightful owner.

Thou shalt not harm or disable your own children to get assistance in order to use your children to beg.

Thou shalt not marry a blood relative or anyone under 18. Thou shalt only marry someone you are attracted to, without worrying about class, wealth or status.

Here is the July 5, 2024 Discord conversation that led to the Indian Gail Commandments:

Discord July 5, 2024

Brad 6:03 PM Hey Gail.

Gail 6:04 PM Hi Brad. How are you?

Brad 6:07 PM I’m doing well. How are you doing?

Gail 6:08 PM Can’t complain. At least it seems we don’t have Satan here like we did last week. LOL

Brad 6:09 PM Yeah that is a positive. That guy stinks.

Gail 6:09 PM Yeah, Baphomet, Shakpona and Satan are all NOT WANTED HERE. They always attack Brent and blame it on me.

Brad 6:14 PM Wtf. why would they do that? How is it your fault?

Gail 6:15 PM Well. . . Satan seems to want us humans to seem as evil as he is. Some sort of game he’s playing with God. Satan always tries to convince God that we humans are as evil as him. I think we were meant to be the free and true love icons in Satan’s place and he got kicked out of heaven for practicing evil free love. So he claims that NO ONE can practice free love unless they are evil. That’s my guess. I guess this is how he stalls his punishment from the Lake of Fire or a bottomless pit and manages to still roam about earth and cause trouble for us. Of course, with me being Jesus’s favorite human, if he can get me to seem as evil as him, he wins his argument HANDS DOWN. So he always tries to manipulate me to be as evil as him. Then he ascribes his motives to all my actions to ensure that I appear as evil as him.

Gail 6:22 PM Hi 13. How are you?

Rule 13 6:23 PM Good! Your video was amazing! Very good media reporting!

Gail 6:23 PM Thank you. I’m getting good at using the video editor with Linux Ubuntu.

Rule 13 6:23 PM I agree. The pictures were very helpful.

Gail 6:24 PM How is Loree?

Rule 13 6:24 PM She is recovering slowly. Very raped. Indian rape is NOT like Jesuit rape! It’s not fun at all!

Gail 6:24 PM Wow. Did she get a lot of stitches?

Rule 13 6:24 PM She had over 200 stitches.

Gail 6:25 PM Was it worse than when Brent was raped by the elephant? How many Lorees are there?

Rule 13 6:25 PM It was WAY more gross than that. Only one Loree now.

Gail 6:25 PM What happened to all the Loree clones?

Rule 13 6:26 PM Well, the rest are not on Church of Gail.

Gail 6:26 PM Really? Where are they?

Rule 13 6:26 PM Out living normal life on Earth.

Gail 6:26 PM Oh. But they are good, right?

Rule 13 6:26 PM Yes, they are good and “retired” from doing evil.

Gail 6:27 PM Is their name still Loree?

Rule 13 6:27 PM No, they all had name changes. I don’t know them all!

Gail 6:27 PM Oh, how interesting.

Rule 13 6:27 PM They just want to be normal blonde women now.

Gail 6:27 PM Do they have Loree’s memories?

Rule 13 6:27 PM Yes.

Gail 6:28 PM When did this happen?

Rule 13 6:28 PM Hmm, shortly after the main one turned good.

Gail 6:28 PM So, only one claims to be Loree and that one lives on Church of Gail, right?

Rule 13 6:28 PM Yep!

Gail 6:28 PM How interesting. Brent said he’d invite Lakshmi to our hangout tonight.

Rule 13 6:29 PM I hope she comes!

Gail 6:29 PM Oh, so it’s true.

Rule 13 6:29 PM I am glad to see Brent looking healthy and safe next to you now.

Gail 6:29 PM Me, too! Did Brent make an automaton of himself to help protect us in this apartment? I suggested it.

Rule 13 6:30 PM Yep! Good idea!!

Gail 6:30 PM Oh, thank God. I always mess up and then the Gail Shield goes down. So may as well expect it. LOL Then those evil fiends come over and torment Brent. I hate that. How many deities have returned?

Rule 13 6:31 PM Do you think the Brent automaton should get a Mecha GA1L suit too?? I don’t know yet. (Regarding return of deities).

Gail 6:31 PM I think we should consult with Sun Tzu. He’s very smart about these things. That Mecha Gail suit doesn’t seem to do much good when my Gail Shield is weak. Unless Sun Tzu can beef it up.

Rule 13 6:32 PM It is weaker, but much stronger than if Brent were just fighting as a regular human with no armor and weapons.

Gail 6:33 PM I see. Well, I think you should consult with Sun Tzu. He’s a super smart automaton. I also said we should make the Brent automaton as smart as Sun Tzu is, with a very strong morality programming.

Rule 13 6:33 PM Good idea!

Gail 6:34 PM I can’t be perfect. So we need a Gail Shield back up. Also, a Gail Shield back up for my area might be good, in case they try to drop a super bomb or missile when shield goes down.

Rule 13 6:35 PM True. It is still a good idea to keep it strong. It is our primary defense.

Gail 6:35 PM Of course. But I don’t feel good about relying on the Gail Shield alone.

Rule 13 6:36 PM There’s a knock at the apartment door. Brent says he will get it.

Gail 6:36 PM It’s Lakshmi. (Gail corrects 13 to state that with Lakshmi she has four arms, so there would be many knocks.)

Rule 13 6:36 PM There she is! It was a lot of knocks.

Gail 6:36 PM Hi Lakshmi. Good to see you. I am worried about your Indian followers after reading the report about what happened to Loree. They seem to need some help being better Hindus. They don’t do the Gail Commandments very well. Poor Indian babies.

Rule 13 6:38 PM Lakshmi agrees. They need to do the Gail Commandments!

Gail 6:38 PM How can we help them do the Gail Commandments? Rape is not a Hindu teaching, is it?

Rule 13 6:38 PM Not at all! Lakshmi has never put poop in her vagina.

Gail 6:39 PM What kind of Hindus are these?

Rule 13 6:39 PM They are bad ones.

Gail 6:39 PM So, how do we inspire them to be good ones? I come from a Christian background, but in the past two years, I’ve become a bit of everything.

Rule 13 6:40 PM Hmm. Maybe you can talk to them.

Gail 6:40 PM Really? Will they listen to me? I’m not really a Hindu. They might think I’m insulting their culture.

Rule 13 6:41 PM Well, you are very inspiring.

Gail 6:41 PM Well, thank you. I have an idea. I am working on like 10 Gail Series stories at the same time. Perhaps, I will sideline the one I’m working on and write one about the rape of Loree and offer my insights in the story. Then they can air the film version in Indian broadcasts.

Brad 6:42 PM Maybe a video directly dedicated to it.

Gail 6:42 PM I can point out how the goddess Lakshmi helped me find myself as a sexual person and that I think I inspired Loree with my stories about how Lakshmi helped me.

Brad 6:43 PM “10 lessons for all hindus to stop poop raping”.

Gail 6:43 PM Oh, you don’t think I should write a story, Brad?

Rule 13 6:43 PM I like that idea!

Brad 6:43 PM A story would be lovely but I think everyone would be much happier if you were to read it to us, your voice is so insightful.

Gail 6:43 PM Really? I wouldn’t know where to start? Oh, I see. Jesus did once say that my presence is inspiring. He always wanted me to show my face in the videos.

Rule 13 6:44 PM Maybe you could write them 10 Gail Commandments, but for Indians?

Gail 6:44 PM Now, that’s an idea! How do they overcome their pheromone programming? It sounds like an addiction.

Rule 13 6:45 PM It is more like an evolved trait. It is hard, because Indians smell bad no matter how much they bathe.

Gail 6:47 PM Do the Indians need to take Seroquel? Are a lot of them infected with yeast?

Rule 13 6:47 PM They shouldn’t need Seroquel.

Gail 6:48 PM How are they with a balanced diet?

Rule 13 6:48 PM They need to stop eating poop or urine.

Brad 6:48 PM Umm.. gail have you ever seen Indian food?

Rule 13 6:48 PM And maybe eat more beef instead.

Gail 6:48 PM Okay, so eating poop and urine would be an unhealthy obsession?

Rule 13 6:49 PM Or a violation of the diet commandment?

Gail 6:49 PM You know, they won’t eat beef! They worship cows! Lakshmi, is it a Hindu teaching to worship cows? Why beef, 13? Perhaps they can eat another meat?

Rule 13 6:50 PM Lakshmi told me to look it up.

They eat other parts of the cows! They might do “Thou shalt eat one hamburger a day” if Lakshmi told them to??

Brad 6:51 PM This is how they eat, gail.

Brad 6:53 PM Beef is the food of great nations like America and Mongolia.

Gail 6:54 PM Yeah, Lakshmi, would you update the Hindus in India, like 13 suggests?

Rule 13 6:55 PM Yes, she says she can tell them anything we come up with for their new commandments.

Gail 6:56 PM What meats and protein sources are available in India?

Rule 13 6:56 PM They will do chicken and goat.

Gail 6:56 PM How do you know all this, 13?

Rule 13 6:56 PM Lakshmi says!

Gail 6:58 PM Here’s the first one. Thou shalt take Seroquel, if it is prescribed by a physician and is necessary to combat yeast.

[7:00 PM] Thou shalt eat a balanced diet without concerns about violating taboos or cultural and religious teachings, using the method of calories-in calories-out as a guide to weight management. Protein sources such as beef, chicken and goats should be viewed as the same in terms of morality.

Rule 13 7:00 PM Instead of goat, they call it mutton. Also, thou shalt not eat poop or urine! Yeah! (referring to Gail’s post)

Gail 7:02 PM Thou shalt eat a balanced diet without concerns about violating taboos or cultural and religious teachings, using the method of calories-in calories-out as a guide to weight management. Protein sources such as beef, chicken and mutton should be viewed as the same in terms of morality. Thou shalt not eat poop. urine or vomit.

[7:02 PM] How’s this for the second one?

Rule 13 7:02 PM Pretty good!

Gail 7:03 PM How are the Indians with sleep?

Rule 13 7:03 PM Hmm. Lakshmi says, Indians have a different problem. I am asking her more. She says, Indians always do things half assed, rather than work hard. They need to be less lazy! It is called “Jugaad”

Brad 7:06 PM Yeah. Many of them would much rather earn money via scamming or outright fraud. Rather than hard work.

Rule 13 7:06 PM Yeah! They need to stop being scammers and doing phone scams! Maybe that can address the 10th commandment at the end?

Gail 7:08 PM Thou shalt toil in activities with passion, focus and moral integrity, setting goals for completion and not taking shortcuts or scamming innocents to accomplish objectives. Do not be lackadasical about your work and duties to the point that you rely on scamming innocents to get results.

[7:08 PM] How’s that?

Rule 13 7:08 PM Hey! That’s good!

Gail 7:09 PM Thou shalt honor the Lord’s temple by taking time every day to self-groom, bathe, brush teeth, and stay clean.

This one seems good as it is. Except maybe we can change the Lord’s temple, to some Hindu god?

Rule 13 7:10 PM Hmm. Lord can refer to any god I think?

Gail 7:10 PM So you think it’s okay as is?

Rule 13 7:11 PM Maybe something like, “thou shalt be a normal human being by taking time…”

Gail 7:11 PM Does Lakshmi have any ideas about what to use in place of the Lord’s temple?

Rule 13 7:11 PM Lakshmi thinks that would be good.

Gail 7:12 PM Normal human being? Or Lord’s temple?

Rule 13 7:12 PM Normal human beings. She said, we don’t have to copy the Gail Commandments. We can focus on rules specific to Indians.

Gail 7:13 PM Thou shalt be a normal human being by taking time every day to self-groom, bathe, brush teeth, and stay clean.

[7:13 PM] Okay, is this good?

Rule 13 7:13 PM Yeah!

Gail 7:14 PM How are the Indians with exercise and walks?

Rule 13 7:14 PM They are emaciated and walk everywhere. We can think of a different commandment. I have an idea. Let’s list all the things wrong with Indian culture, and make a list based off of that!

Gail 7:15 PM Good idea. Make me the list.

Brad 7:16 PM They do not use the restroom facilities. Even outside of India they will gleefully use the streets or public beaches. This has become an issue in Toronto.

Rule 13 7:16 PM Yeah! They need to be told to use the bathroom properly. Also, they use their hands instead of TP.

Brad 7:16 PM Shameful. They also pollute and litter at incredible rates.

Literal trash mountains where people fall in and die, they are also eternally aflame.

Gail 7:20 PM Thou shalt use a toilet or a sanitary hole for disposing of your body’s wastes and not dispose your body’s wastes in public places. Thou shalt use toilet paper to wipe yourself after defecating or urinating or disposing of your body’s products and put the toilet paper in the toilet or the same place where you disposed of your waste in a proper hole in the ground.

[7:20 PM] How’s this?

Rule 13 7:21 PM Yes and wash their hands! I agree there should be a commandment to fix those trash mountains.

Gail 7:22 PM Thou shalt use a toilet or a sanitary hole for disposing of your body’s wastes and not dispose your body’s wastes in public places. Thou shalt use toilet paper to wipe yourself after defecating or urinating or disposing of your body’s products and put the toilet paper in the toilet or the same place where you disposed of your waste in a proper hole in the ground. Wash your hands after you have disposed of your body’s wastes.

[7:22 PM] How’s this?

[7:22 PM] What is a trash mountain?

Rule 13 7:23 PM A mountain made of trash.

Gail 7:23 PM How did they do this? They use tractors?

Rule 13 7:23 PM They litter and pollute. Basically just let the trash pile up.

Gail 7:25 PM Establish a place to dump garbage in as clean a manner as possible. Dispose of your garbage in a certain place, not all over the place. Set up a system for garbage disposal in all provinces and do not litter or leave garbage anywhere except in areas designated for trash.

[7:26 PM] How’s this?

Rule 13 7:26 PM That addresses it.

Gail 7:27 PM How are they with money? Do they spend money foolishly?

Rule 13 7:27 PM They have a begging problem. Lots of panhandlers.

Brad 7:28 PM They are 2 fold, many many beggers and thieves. But also they will take that money they steal and beg for to buy luxury clothes to impress others.

Gail 7:29 PM How do you know all this, Brad?

Rule 13 7:29 PM Yeah! Indians like to seem impressive and brag a lot. They are judgmental and egocentric.

Brad 7:29 PM I work with the cleaner Indians, and have watched a share of documentaries, as well. Lakshmi and I are good friends these days.

Gail 7:35 PM Thou shalt spend money only on food and bills. Begging when you can be working and earning a living is wrong and forbidden. Those who are genuinely disabled should get government assistance to help them be independent as much as possible. Once independence is achieved, they can get off government assistance. Those who steal and scam must be treated as criminals in the law. Stolen goods must be returned to the rightful owner. Harming your own children to get assistance or to beg is off limits and forbidden.

[7:35 PM] How’s this one?

Rule 13 7:36 PM This addresses that problem for sure.

Gail 7:37 PM How are the Indians with saving money?

Rule 13 7:37 PM They are too poor to save. Yeah, what else do they have problems with? That is true. (Gail mentioned that Indians from the upper castes go to America and send money back to India, which could be a type of savings.)

[7:38 PM] The upper castes have good savings.

Gail 7:38 PM How are they with hoarding?

Rule 13 7:38 PM Not much! They do a lot of incest and child marriage.

Gail 7:40 PM Why do they do this?

Rule 13 7:40 PM It keeps wealth and status within the family to marry with incest. The child marriages are because Indian men are gross.

Gail 7:40 PM So you’re talking about the upper castes here?

Rule 13 7:41 PM Yeah, but it should apply to any caste.

Gail 7:42 PM How do you feel about marrying a half sister or brother? Like my son has done.

Rule 13 7:42 PM So they should be told thou shalt not marry blood relatives or anyone under 18.

[7:42 PM] I think every situation is different. Indians have a problem with it.

Gail 7:43 PM Thou shalt not marry a blood relative or anyone under 18.

[7:43 PM] How’s this?

Brad 7:43 PM With them, it’s less about love and more about power and convenience

Rule 13 7:44 PM Hmm. Maybe they should only marry someone they are attracted to, without worrying about class, wealth or status?

Brad 7:45 PM Definitely.

Gail 7:45 PM Thou shalt not marry a blood relative or anyone under 18. Thou shalt only marry someone you are attracted to, without worrying about class, wealth or status.

[7:45 PM] There it is.

Brad 7:46 PM True and free love. Not gross political ties.

Rule 13 7:48 PM How many rules are we up to?

Brad 7:48 PM I counted 7.

Gail 7:51 PM Indian Gail Commandments (Endorsed by Hindu Goddess Lakshmi)

Thou shalt take Seroquel, if it is prescribed by a physician and is necessary to combat yeast.

Thou shalt eat a balanced diet without concerns about violating taboos or cultural and religious teachings, using the method of calories-in calories-out as a guide to weight management. Protein sources such as beef, chicken and mutton should be viewed as the same in terms of morality.

Thou shalt not eat poop. urine or vomit.

Thou shalt toil in activities with passion, focus and moral integrity, setting goals for completion and not taking shortcuts or scamming innocents to accomplish objectives. Do not be lackadasical about your work and duties to the point that you rely on scamming innocents to get results.

Thou shalt be a normal human being by taking time every day to self-groom, bathe, brush teeth, and stay clean.

Thou shalt use a toilet or a sanitary hole for disposing of your body’s wastes and not dispose your body’s wastes in public places.

Thou shalt use a toilet or a sanitary hole for disposing of your body’s wastes and not dispose your body’s wastes in public places.

Thou shalt use toilet paper to wipe yourself after defecating or urinating or disposing of your body’s products and put the toilet paper in the toilet or the same place where you disposed of your waste in a proper hole in the ground. Wash your hands after you have disposed of your body’s wastes.

Establish a place to dump garbage in as clean a manner as possible. Dispose of your garbage in a certain place, not all over the place.

Set up a system for garbage disposal in all provinces and do not litter or leave garbage anywhere except in areas designated for trash.

Thou shalt spend money only on food and bills. Begging when you can be working and earning a living is wrong and forbidden.

Those who are genuinely disabled should get government assistance to help them be independent as much as possible. Once independence is achieved, they can get off government assistance.

Those who steal and scam must be treated as criminals in the law. Stolen goods must be returned to the rightful owner. Harming or disabling your own children to get assistance or to use them to beg is off limits.

Thou shalt not marry a blood relative or anyone under 18. Thou shalt only marry someone you are attracted to, without worrying about class, wealth or status.

[7:52 PM] So, how’s this?

[7:54 PM] If this is good. I can read it in a YouTube video. And make a post at my website.

Rule 13 7:54 PM That’s 11?

Gail 7:55 PM Too long?

Rule 13: Some can be combined, and the Seroquel one isn’t needed.

Gail 7:59 PM Indian Gail Commandments (Endorsed by Hindu Goddess Lakshmi)

Thou shalt eat a balanced diet without concerns about violating taboos or cultural and religious teachings, using the method of calories-in calories-out as a guide to weight management. Protein sources such as beef, chicken and mutton should be viewed as the same in terms of morality. Thou shalt not eat poop. urine or vomit.

Thou shalt toil in activities with passion, focus and moral integrity, setting goals for completion and not taking shortcuts or scamming innocents to accomplish objectives. Do not be lackadasical about your work and duties to the point that you rely on scamming innocents to get results.

Thou shalt be a normal human being by taking time every day to self-groom, bathe, brush teeth, and stay clean.

Thou shalt use a toilet or a sanitary hole for disposing of your body’s wastes and not dispose your body’s wastes in public places. Thou shalt use toilet paper to wipe yourself after defecating or urinating or disposing of your body’s products and put the toilet paper in the toilet or the same place where you disposed of your waste in a proper hole in the ground.

Thou shalt Wash your hands after you have disposed of your body’s wastes.

Thou shalt establish a place to dump garbage in as clean a manner as possible. Dispose of your garbage in a certain place, not all over the place. Set up a system for garbage disposal in all provinces and not litter or leave garbage anywhere except in areas designated for trash.

Thou shalt spend money only on food and bills. Begging when you can be working and earning a living is wrong and forbidden. Those who are genuinely disabled should get government assistance to help them be independent as much as possible. Once independence is achieved, they can get off government assistance.

Thou shalt not steal and scam. Stolen goods must be returned to the rightful owner.

Thou shalt not harm or disable your own children to get assistance in order to use your children to beg.

Thou shalt not marry a blood relative or anyone under 18. Thou shalt only marry someone you are attracted to, without worrying about class, wealth or status.

[8:00 PM] Here’s the update.

[8:00 PM] There are 10 of them now.

Rule 13 8:00 PM That looks good! This will completely change India if it is implemented.

Gail 8:01 PM So does Lakshmi endorse this?

Rule 13 8:02 PM She likes it! She will promote it.

Gail 8:02 PM Okay. So make a video about this tomorrow?

Rule 13 8:03 PM It can be next week’s video. That was a lot of videos this week already.

Gail 8:03 PM I can put it up at my website tonight.

[8:03 PM] Okay. Next week.

Rule 13 8:03 PM Now you already have your content!

Gail 8:03 PM That’s true.

Rule 13 8:03 PM So you don’t have to come up with something last minute.

Gail 8:03 PM Good idea. I’m glad we can help the Indian people out. Hopefully, we can help prevent tragedies like what happened to Loree recently.

Rule 13 8:04 PM Yeah. This was a good idea.

Gail 8:18 PM This should make all the good gods happy, too. There are a lot of people in India.

[8:25 PM] The web page is up (It is THIS PAGE). Here it is and feel free to use it. I’ll make the YouTube video next week.

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