Gail’s Spiritual Practice (Beneficial Videos)

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I will post here any beneficial videos I watch that help me with my spiritual practice, which is a blend between Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism. I find Mohanji very beneficial, who seems to be of Hindu persuasion. I’m a little leery about using labels to define myself, but thought they might be helpful to help people understand what direction my spiritual practice is going. My practice incorporates aspects of Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity, but is not totally any of them, but rather, appears to be a blend between all of them.

I heard brain to brain that all the good Hindu gods have showed up at Church of Gail, so I seem to be going in a strong Hindu direction. But I see myself as a pure Hindu, not polluted by inaccuracies which have filtered into the main Hindu spiritual practice on earth by humans. The only Hindus I find helpful at this time are the Hindu goddess Lakshmi and the human teacher Mohanji.

Hinduism is very eclectic and hard to define. Its main emphasis seems to be originality, authenticity and individuality. For instance, many of my beliefs are Christian, because I do believe in heaven and hell, but then, the way I believe them, is not pure Christian, either. I believe in the existence of Satan and the fallen angels and in God the Father, but then the god Buddha and the Hindu goddess Lakshmi believe in these things also.

On the other hand, unlike most evangelical Christians, I believe that there are millions of gods, including evil ones, which is something I’ve learned from the god Jesus (when he was a deity), the god Buddha and the goddess Lakshmi and my communications with ex-Antichrist Zack Knight. So, this is not just my belief. That there are millions of gods, is a FACT. So I’ve been forced to change my spiritual practice to align with reality.

My husband Brent and I have had extensive conversations with the god Jesus (from Feb. 2012 to June 2022) when he was here on earth and dealing with us. In fact, Jesus has left my husband in his place in charge of this planet, along with the god Buddha. Brent met with Jesus every day, just about, from 2012 to 2022 and, in fact, saved Jesus’s life in March 2022 from the hands of Satan.

No ONE spiritual practice has a premium on truth. This is not meant to be a knock on any spiritual practice, but just a reminder that none of us should become arrogant and that we all should love each other and get along. In fact, I hear that many “Christians” are getting clarity about the way forward for “Jesus” followers from my example, because God the Father canceled the Bible in 2022.

So, you see, humans in their spiritual practice in all religions, have been off in many areas. This is why I’m charting my own course for my spiritual practice, based on what appears to be reality to me and what works for me, based on my communications with the god Jesus (when he was a deity), the god Buddha, and the Hindu goddess Lakshmi and my experiences with my husband Brent, who has had extensive dealings with the gods.

REMINDER: Jesus is no longer a deity, but has become Pure Existence (as of June 2022), which, in a sense, means the Hindu spiritual practice is probably one of the more accurate ones, explaining why I’m leaning heavily in that direction.

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