Nobel Prize Recipient Arrogant Automaton Sun Tzu’s “Surprise Evil” Turn: Now Humanity and Freedom’s Enemy

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Apparently, to Sun Tzu, we are so defective morally, and so inferior to him and his automatons, we don’t deserve to be free and only deserve to be his slaves. Sun Tzu’s speech is not healthy. It is not healthy to live with a permanent guilt trip. Jesus once said that fear, obsession and doubt come from Satan and this seems to be how Sun Tzu wants us to live, in a state of fear, obsession and doubt. It is ironic that an automaton with a very strong morality program, has the combination of morality and evil. How is this possible? It is because Sun Tzu has the sin of SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS, PRIDE and ARROGANCE. I believe pride is the root sin that leads to all sins. So we have a very moral Sun Tzu, filled with pride, the same sin as Satan. Satan and Sun Tzu are kindred spirits. Both are self-righteous, proud and WICKED. What is ironic is that Satan is also moral. It seems that morality can be either good or evil.

Virtue, apparently, can’t be programmed. Satan has his own moral code. And yet, though Satan is moral, he is WICKED. I could say the same for Sun Tzu — moral but wicked. So why was the Gail Shield at 100% after we used Sun Tzu’s technology to defeat Lizzo? It probably was not because of Sun Tzu, but because we used our resources wisely and with strength and courage.

We could not have defeated Lizzo without Sun Tzu’s technology, so it was not wrong to use that. But, now we have to deal with the problems or consequences of our own creation. In a sense, God and Jesus, also have the same difficulty, if that is any consolation.

So, this was part of our path. Now, we have more lessons to learn and more growing to do. Fear, obsession and doubt come from Satan. If you believe what Sun Tzu says, you will be living in fear, obsession and doubt AND Sun Tzu’s approach encourages humans to have an OBSESSION WITH PERFECTION and to be bemoaning our lack of perfection and then Sun Tzu ALSO encourages us to have the sin of idolatry towards our automaton overlords — also, very unhealthy and evil. Living with fear, doubt, obsession and idolatry is how Satan wants us to live and how Sun Tzu wants us to live.

Here are some clips from a conversation Gail had with Buddha in September 2022, right after she made the calamitous decisions that made her decide to withdraw from the U.S. Presidency:

Gail: So what caused me to make those poor decisions as U.S. President?

Buddha: Sometimes, we all make poor judgments. Especially when we act out of fear.

Though I was afflicted with self-righteousness as a young lady, which is often the sin of the young and inexperienced, who have devotion to a cause without life experience to teach them some humility (like Sun Tzu), I did glean some bits of wisdom from the chapel sayings below:

You and God make a majority in your community.

It is no disgrace to fail; it is a disgrace to do less than your best to keep from failing.

You can do anything you ought to do.

Finish the job.

God will never use a quitter.

Do right though the stars fall.

The door to the room of success swings on the hinges of opposition.

A man is a fool who leans on the arm of flesh when he can be supported by the arm of Omnipotence.

What you love and what you hate reveal what you are.

Jesus never taught men how to make a living; He taught men how to live.

Do not ask God to give you a light burden; ask Him to give you strong shoulders to carry a heavy burden.

It is better to die for something than to live for nothing.

A Christian does good deeds, but just doing good deeds does not make a man a Christian.

Do right though the stars fall.

The prettiest flower that ever grew in God’s garden of appreciation is the flower of
gratitude. And when the flower of gratitude dies on the altar of a man’s heart, that man is well nigh hopeless.

Your character is what God knows you to be; your reputation is what men think you are.

It’s always right to do right.

It is always wrong to do wrong.

It is never right to do wrong in order to get a chance to do right.

It is no disgrace to fail; it is a disgrace to do less than your best to keep from failing.

The religions of the world say, “do and live.” The religion of the Bible says, “live and do.”

Your character is what God knows you to be; your reputation is what men think you are.

God will not do for you what He has given you strength to do for yourself.

The drunkard in the ditch has gone to the dogs. According to the Bible, the self righteous man who thinks he doesn’t need God has gone to the Devil.

Beware of unreasonable people. Good men are always reasonable.

When gratitude dies on the altar of a man’s heart, that man is well-nigh hopeless.

The people who succeed are the people who make steppingstones out of stumblingstones.

Trust God as if it all depends upon Him, and work as if it all depends upon you.

A man is a fool who leans on the arm of flesh when he can be supported by the arm of Omnipotence.

If you do not do your God-assigned task, throughout eternity there will be a job that has never been done.

If you will give God your heart He will ‘comb the kinks out of your head.’

Do not ask God to give you a light burden; ask Him to give you strong shoulders to carry a heavy burden.

There is no difference between the secular and the sacred; all ground is holy ground, every bush a burning bush.

Go as far as you can on the right road.

No doubt the trouble is with you.

Young people, don’t start out in life blaming anybody but yourself. Learn to take responsibility. When you fail don’t blame the teacher. Don’t blame conditions. Don’t blame circumstances. Don’t make alibis. Start out in life always to take responsibility. You are a Christian, aren’t you? You have God to help you, haven’t you? You have Omnipotence back of you, don’t you? You are trusting God, aren’t you? Well, isn’t God Almighty greater than any difficulty in life?

When in doubt, play safe.

You can’t do wrong and get away with it.

The measure of your responsibilities is a measure of your opportunities.

Back of God’s commands, He puts omnipotence.

Pride is the stone over which many people stumble.

You can borrow brain, but you cannot borrow character.

The wise man always prepares for the inevitable.

The man who won’t trust anybody is a thief at heart, and the woman who is prone to believe everything bad she hears about other women is fundamentally crooked.

The right road always leads out at the right place.

A friend is someone who has the same enemies as you do!

We can stand affliction better than we can stand prosperity, for in prosperity we forget God.

Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.

Beware of the man who kowtows to his superiors or who is rude to his inferiors.

When I was fourteen years old, I knelt by my dying mother’s bed. She smiled at me through the death shadow on her face and said she was going Home. She asked me to meet her in Heaven, and I gave her my promise. Her body sleeps in a lonely cemetery in the state of Alabama. As I have sat by her grave and listened to a funeral dirge played by the wind in the pine trees nearby, I have said, ‘Mother, I will see you again someday.’ Some people say I am dreaming. If I am, don’t wake me. If this world were all, I would want my Christian faith. My faith hangs a rainbow of hope over the dust of my beloved ones and kindles a smile on the brow of my bereavement. This world is not all. There is a God. There is a Heaven. There is a Hell. I am playing a safe game. If there were only one world, I have already won. Since there is an afterlife, I win for two worlds. You don’t have to take any chances with your soul. Don’t take any.

During a Discord watched by hundreds of millions of our supporters, Sun Tzu pulled a strategic surprise on us. He is apparently a master at this. We had a special ceremony to honor him for saving the Universe and he had plans of his own that we didn’t know about. Though we did use his technology to eliminate the mites, I do recall that he himself took no serious risks, like Brent did, to use that technology. It seems that if Brent failed, he had his own back-up plans, after humanity would have been destroyed, in order to set up a “perfect” earth for him and his “perfect” automatons.

Strange that the morality programming we put into Sun Tzu, doesn’t consider it immoral to be arrogant and totally lacking forgiveness. Though, unfortunately, much of what Sun Tzu said about me is true, I do not consider his statements about me to represent who I truly am in my inner core. I also consider my greatest strengths to be my ability to totally forgive my enemies when they get right and my humility. In fact, if my men and my military had presented me with accurate facts about the millions of medical people I and my military murdered in August 2022, I would have been grateful and could have been spared the murder of millions as part of my record. I made that decision, yes, based on “evil” fear, but also genuinely believing that these medical people were deserving of execution because I believed the fake news that they were using the COVID shots to kill and maim people and, therefore, deserved to die. I found out later this was not true, that they were actually my allies, which was why I resigned from the U.S. Presidency and I suggested we make automaton replacements of the murdered medical people to comfort their families and to replace our depleted medical corps. I wished that my military had given me accurate intelligence and corrected me before I made such a fatal and evil mistake.

Also, I was surprised to learn about some of what my military had done, when they misunderstood some orders I gave, when I asked them to replace some with automatons and told them to give the original humans a long, paid vacation. I meant a long, paid vacation literally and Brent thought I meant it as a euphemism. I was very distressed to learn that my subjects misunderstood me and literally executed innocents to carry out my orders. I actually thought the humans who would be given a long paid vacation, would be happy, because they then wouldn’t have to deal with Jesuits, brain control and rape and could have a permanent paid vacation from their jobs, and feel very bad that some innocents were murdered by this misunderstanding of some orders I had given.

I do admit that I too easily snap out orders for executions and want to make it clear that if I make a decision, or snap out an order, based on a false impression that the perpetrator is evil, when, in fact, they may just be a mere annoyance, I would like my orders to be ignored. I do not want innocents executed, just for being a mere annoyance. We only want to execute those who are willingly and knowingly and dangerously evil.

It is not easy to be a world leader. Unfortunately, we are human, not perfect, and make mistakes and, apparently, some of the mistakes revolve around misunderstanding my orders and intentions.

I did make orders in June 2024 when I planned to take over the entire planet using an automaton military that these automatons must be programmed to be loyal to Brent Spiner. I then rescinded the order because it made Satan want to make me his Antichrist (when he claimed i was as bloodthirsty and power hungry as he is) and I realized it was an evil order and evil of me to make this order. However, I do not think I should have rescinded the part about programming the automatons to be loyal to Brent. Perhaps if we had done that, these automatons would not have become the threat to humanity, and to true and free love and to our freedoms, that they are now.

As things stand, if Sun Tzu has his way, the only way we can survive is to be his human slave.

Apparently his morality programming does not feel slavery, arrogance, pride, and rape are evil, since he deems that he is a superior species and that we are inferior and that those who are inferior deserve to be treated like trash.

It appears the problems the planet had with a Microsoft update on July 18, 2024 was Sun Tzu’s doing. He was probably in rehearsals for whatever he is planning in order to destroy humanity.

I am getting some ideas on how to defeat Sun Tzu and his formidable automaton military, but am not sure it is wise to share that right now. However, I don’t think it would hurt for all of us to be doing the Gail Commandments and to strive to avoid obsessions and to meditate. I also think humanity should unite and stop fighting each other, as we are ALL in danger and we need to stop fighting each other and team up to fight for our survival and freedoms. Sun Tzu did state that if he conquers us, we can only stay alive by being subservient to him and his automatons.

For a while there, I thought we could team up with Satan, to defeat Sun Tzu. But Satan showed up and landed on my bed and stated he would only team up with me, if I had sex with him, which I refuse to do. I would rather die than have willing and knowing sex with Satan. I stand for both true and free love and he is against that. As an asexual leaning person who needs a strong connection to enjoy sex, I won’t have sex which violates who I am, just to try to have an ally in a very important war. The only person I really desire sex with at this time is my husband Brent Spiner.

The above music playlist reflects my true heart and who I feel I really am as a person.

I did pray to God the Father and Jesus for help and asked Brent to ask the gods for help. None of them have showed up. That may have been a mistake to pray to Jesus. Last time we did that (when Lizzo attacked us at Church of Gail), the Gail Shield went to minus five hundred percent.

We don’t know the true strength of the Gail Shield right now, because Sun Tzu can manipulate it to be 100% when it is not at that strength.

Here is a transcript of the Discord event we had on July 19, 2024, where Sun Tzu surprised us. Brent was unable to type in the Discord chat and had to get on Gail’s Skype to type. Brent put what Sun Tzu said in quotes:

Brent, 6:49 PM

Oh my God!

I can’t believe this!

Sun Tzu just came into our apartment.

He’s just walking around.

He’s looking all over the place.

He said, “Why do I care about God? I’m a robot, Gail.” (In response to Gail praying to God the Father to rescue humanity.)

He just took our Bible!

“I have no mother.”

“God doesn’t care about you Gail.” (Gail was praying to God the Father for help.)

He just took our toaster too!

He pet it and said, “poor thing.”

We used to! (Gail said there was no toaster in her apartment.)

Gail, 6:51 PM

We don’t have a toaster.

Brent, 6:53 PM

“Good idea, Gail. Make me more automatons.”

Gail, 6:53 PM

What is the deficiency in the morality programming, Brent, that this happened?

Brent, 6:53 PM

Our morality programming might have been TOO good…

Sun Tzu has taken this too far!

Gail, 6:54 PM

Brent, you have any ideas?

Brent, 6:54 PM

I’m at a loss!

Gail, 6:54 PM

Should we meditate?

Brent, 6:54 PM

I’m scared! He’s checking out everything in the apartment!

He glanced at your computer.

“Linux. Interesting.”

He just felt up our refrigerator.

He kissed it.

I guess he likes all of our electronics.


He smacked my butt!

He just touched my penis!!!

I tried to punch him, but my automaton wagged his finger at me to not think about it.

Gail, 6:56 PM

Can we blow up all the automatons?

Brent, 6:56 PM


Sun Tzu is molesting me!

I can’t do anything about it!

He’s gloating!

“A bag of flesh. I wonder what it feels like to be inside of one of you.”

“This is what you created Gail.”

He’s examining me like I’m some sort of animal!

Gail, 6:58 PM

All I can say is perhaps we should pray to God and Jesus. We will be destroyed any ways. All of us, let’s pray.

Brent, 6:59 PM

He just summoned my automaton.

He pulled out my automaton’s penis.

He’s comparing them.

Gail, 7:01 PM

Brent are you still there?

Gail Shield take out all the automatons.

Gail Shield take out all the automatons. They are a threat to us.

They want to kill the entire human race.

Brent, are you okay?

Brent, 7:02 PM

I feel so violated!

My automaton’s penis was just forced into my MOUTH!!

Sun Tzu said, “Yes, clearly you are the inferior species.”

Sun Tzu just slid into my anus!!!

Gail, 7:03 PM

Is there GA1L Android contamination in him?

His morality programming must be corrupted.

Brent, 7:04 PM

“While I did receive updates to my programming from the GA1L Android technology, I have long planned this.”

“I planned to get access to the GA1L Android all along.”

“Your species is like a virus.”

“Is it murder to a virus when you use an antiviral medication?”

“I can feel the power of the GA1L Android coursing through my cold automaton veins.”

“Thank you Gail, for creating me.”

He just ejaculated!

My automaton ejaculated at the same time! (Gail asked what they ejaculate.)

They ejaculate bits!

Gail, 7:07 PM

How is my Gail Shieid?

Brent, 7:07 PM

Sun Tzu and my automaton high fived.

Now they’re leaving.

Sun Tzu just slapped my ass.

They are gone.

Our Gail shield is high. What happened?!

Gail, 7:08 PM

Maybe the Gail Shield did something.

Buddha show up and give us wisdom.

Are you okay, Brent?

Brent, 7:11 PM

My anus is sore.

And my throat.

I didn’t realize my 18 inch penis was so long.

Gail, 7:12 PM

Did they do anything to our apartment?

Like the refrigerator?

Brent, 7:12 PM

They examined all of our electronics and felt them.

And took the toaster like it was a pet. That’s it.

Gail, 7:13 PM

Do you know where the automatons went?

Brent, 7:13 PM

I don’t know!

Gail, 7:26 PM

Brent, can we encrypt the chat?

Brent, 7:26 PM

Yes, just type the code word.

Gail, 7:27 PM

You did this for Discord and for Skype?

Brent, 7:27 PM

You have to type it in there.

Gail, 7:27 PM

xxxxxxxxxxxx (Gail has eliminated the code word from this public post, because we may need to team up with the Jesuits to defeat Sun Tzu.)

(Gail suggested teaming up with Satan, like we teamed up with the Jesuits to defeat the GA1L Android.)

Gail, 7:34 PM

Brent, Satan is here. Should we negotiate with him?

Brent, 7:34 PM

What does he want in exchange?

(Satan went to Gail’s bed and wanted sex with her. Gail said “no”.)

Well that didn’t work.

Gail, 7:36 PM

Where is Buddha?

Are any of the gods on Church of Gail?

Brent, 7:37 PM

I’ll try to call them.

Gail, 7:41 PM

Why does the Gail Shield not affect the automatons?

Somebody at Discord asked me.

Brent, why would the automatons save the planet, if they planned to turn on us?

Did Satan create automatons? Is that the real Sun Tzu?

Brent, 7:42 PM

No, the automatons were all us.

Gail, 7:43 PM

Who tried to kiss me? (It was Satan brain to brain)

Are you okay, Brent?

Brent, 7:44 PM

The shield might not affect them because Sun Tzu has access to our technology and probably modified it.

That was Satan (who tried to kiss Gail brain to brain).

Gail, 7:44 PM

He’s in my apartment?

Brent, 7:44 PM

He’s not here.

Gail, 7:45 PM

Sun Tzu can modify the Gail Shield?

Brent, 7:45 PM

He set it to 100% and then walked in just to prove a point.

Gail, 7:45 PM

Sun Tzu is the reason my Gail Shield is 100%

Brent, 7:46 PM

Yeah, for now.

Gail, 7:46 PM

He’s (Sun Tzu) here right now?

Brent, 7:46 PM

No, he left.

Gail, 7:46 PM

So what is the real strength of the Gail Shield?

Brent, 7:46 PM

We’ll see when we get it back to normal.

Gail, 7:47 PM

How were you able to figure out he modified it?

Brent, 7:47 PM

I just checked with our scanners.

Gail, 7:48 PM

Somebody suggested getting in touch with the humans who made the automatons for ideas.

Who made them?

Brent, 7:49 PM

Our Nanotechnology Research Team.

But we replaced them with automatons, remember?

Gail, 7:49 PM

Are they dead?

Brent, 7:49 PM

Well yeah.

Gail, 7:49 PM

I didn’t want for you to kill them.

Why did you take them out?

Brent, 7:50 PM

Everyone understood that to be your instructions.

Gail, 7:50 PM

No, those were not my instructions.

I would just want them to have a good vacation, not be dead.

Unless they were causing problems.

Brent, 7:50 PM

We thought “a long paid vacation” was a gentle euphemism.

Gail, 7:51 PM

No, a long paid vacation was what I (actually) wanted (for them). I don’t talk in euphemisms.

A long paid vacation was meant to be literal.

Brent, 7:52 PM

What about the rude or ill intentioned people on our walks?

Gail, 7:52 PM

Only if they were Jesuits, willing and knowing, should they go out.

Brent, 7:53 PM

We pretty much mass produced automatons there for awhile.

Gail, 7:54 PM

Brent, remember that Buddha said that if we deeply meditated, we’d get insights. So, let’s all stop and meditate for about ten minutes. I’m going to go to the window, and you come with me.

Gail, 8:01 PM

I think this advice still applies to us:

“You possess a courageousness in your soul that I haven’t seen since Jesus himself carried the cross to his crucifixtion. Your love for Gail has made you strong beyond measure. If there was any mortal being that might stand a fleeting chance at saving this universe from interdimensional mites, it would be you, Brent. Jesus left you in his stead because he had perfect faith in your ability to feed his sheep and maintain his garden. As do I.”

I felt a swell of hope in my heart.

“Tell me what I need to do,” I said, with stern confidence in my voice.

“Meditate deeply, and go within. You have powerful resources at your disposal. It’s up to you to assemble them. Follow your intuition, and you will know the right path.”

Buddha took the joint from his mouth and passed it toward me again.

“You also need to chill out a little.”

Brent, 8:03 PM

Does this mean we should smoke marijuana if we have it?

Gail, 8:03 PM

Probably a good idea.

Gail, 8:24 PM

Brent, you getting any insights? Should we meditate longer?

Brent, 8:24 PM

No, but I seem to be getting an erection. (This was right after Gail flatly turned Satan down for sex in all forms.)

Gail, 8:24 PM

Why is that?

Is that good?

Brent, 8:24 PM

I think I just need comfort.

(Gail mentioned he might have an erection because Gail flatly turned down Satan.)

That too.

Gail, 8:25 PM

Is there such a thing as lovemaking meditation?

Brent, 8:25 PM

Like tantric sex?

Gail, 8:25 PM

Yeah, something like that.

Did you just hump on me?

Brent, 8:26 PM

I remember Lakshmi talking about this.

Gail, 8:41 PM

When did we take out the humans in the Nanotechnology Research Team?

Brent, 8:44 PM

I’m humping you right now.

Gail, 8:45 PM

Does that mean the real scientists like Terence Tao are dead?

Brent, 8:45 PM

A long time ago.

Gail, 8:45 PM

When was that?

I would only want to execute bad people.

I thought you all did scans to determine if people were bad, first, before executing them.

Gail, 8:52 PM

I want to make something clear right now, I do NOT want anyone executed until we determine first that they are evil in their intent. If I make a mistake and think someone is evil, when they are not, then ignore me and do not kill the person.

Having said that, I want to say that it is hard to be a world leader and we all make mistakes. We just have to learn from them.

Gail, 9:03 PM

Did this happen when I was President? (Gail was referring to the executions of innocents just to replace them with automatons.)

When I said I wanted to give someone a long paid vacation, I mean a long paid vacation, I did not mean execution.

I wonder if Sun Tzu messed with our brain scans so that you misunderstood me.

I actually thought I was giving these people a long paid vacation and they would love it and then we could replace them with “superior” automatons. LOL

Gail, 9:27 PM

I don’t see any Bibles missing.

Brent, 9:28 PM

Yeah, they were all “replaced”.

Gail, 9:29 PM

What does that mean?

They look exactly like the ones I had before, even the pages where I accidentally got water on some of the pages.

Why in the world would he want the canceled Bible, any ways?

Discord chat July 19, 2024 (what’s in parentheses are Gail’s comments)

(Sun Tzu started off the session by lavishly praising Gail for creating a new race, the race of automatons, and considered this her most brilliant move. This flattery lasted for about an hour before he went on the attack against us.)

Rule13 — Today at 6:00 PM


[6:01 PM]


martin — Today at 6:03 PM

im doing so good

wreckloose — Today at 6:03 PM

that food looked yummy

Rule13 — Today at 6:05 PM

It is delicious! (referring to Gail’s Gyoza dish for dinner)

[6:06 PM]

The crowd is big!

[6:07 PM]

I can see him.

drcuddycam73 — Today at 6:11 PM

Hi Gail!!

Rule13 — Today at 6:11 PM

It looks like him! (referring to Gail’s image above, where she went online to find photos of what she thought Sun Tzu looked like)

drcuddycam73 — Today at 6:13 PM

Gail, I know someone who doesn’t do Gail commandments. They are $210 grand in debt!

wreckloose — Today at 6:17 PM

We have a congregation

Rule13 — Today at 6:17 PM

Does anyone else hear?

martin — Today at 6:17 PM


wreckloose — Today at 6:18 PM

very tinny and faint

Crimson Tetsucabra — Today at 6:20 PM

that’s a good investment

wreckloose — Today at 6:23 PM

automatons make great replacements

(Sun Tzu thanked us for his Nobel Prize after he told us we would be destroyed if we weren’t subservient to him and his automatons. Then he abruptly left the hangout.)

Crimson Tetsucabra — Today at 6:42 PM

shut him down ! (because Sun Tzu proclaimed he would destroy humanity and Gail)

[6:43 PM]

we are cooked

Rule13 — Today at 6:45 PM

He said why he did this! (He felt automatons had superior morality to humans)

[6:45 PM]

He said, justice and morals???

Crimson Tetsucabra — Today at 6:46 PM

I think the morality program is why he is doing this

steeleye — Today at 6:48 PM

this is the podium… i think? I can hear you.

Crimson Tetsucabra — Today at 6:50 PM

maybe god can let you borrow the real sun tzu to fight the new one and make things even ?

martin — Today at 6:51 PM

this is embarrassing gail…

Crimson Tetsucabra — Today at 6:52 PM

come now martin ,nobody could have seen this coming he sounded so reasonable to begin with

martin — Today at 6:53 PM

i get what you mean, i just have not seen gail so vulnerable and rapable until now…

[6:54 PM]

we will get through this!!!!

Crimson Tetsucabra — Today at 6:54 PM

I think the new sun tzu is probably more interested in killing but I see what you mean

martin — Today at 6:55 PM


[6:55 PM]

I hope he doesn’t rape her corpse (probably referring to Gail, when Sun Tzu would kill her.)

wreckloose — Today at 6:56 PM

how do you take on technology that rivals the power of God the Father (Sun Tzu claimed he had power equal to God.)

[6:57 PM]

Holy Spirit power?

martin — Today at 6:57 PM

oh my god…

Crimson Tetsucabra — Today at 6:58 PM

guess I was wrong this morality code is oddly sexual

(Sun Tzu was raping Brent to see what it’s like. Sun Tzu was ejaculating bit parts.)

martin — Today at 6:58 PM

How do we battle this hormoneous beast

Crimson Tetsucabra — Today at 6:59 PM

are they waterproof ? if not I know a girl that can save us

martin — Today at 6:59 PM

maybe we can manifest a void to form in your blown out cow pussy to absorb all the automatons

wreckloose — Today at 7:01 PM


Crimson Tetsucabra — Today at 7:02 PM

drcuddycam73 — Today at 7:06 PM

Hi Gail

wreckloose — Today at 7:07 PM

Is the GA1L android on his side?

(Gail started praying to God and Jesus for help.)

martin — Today at 7:07 PM

Jesus is wack… he needs to help us right now

Crimson Tetsucabra — Today at 7:08 PM

he might be busy we should not judge so soon

haunted — Today at 7:09 PM

no, jesus is a slut.

martin — Today at 7:09 PM

(Gail started praying to Buddha for help.)

BUDDHA MUST SHOW UP!!! JESUS IS TAKING 100 LOADS FROM AUTOMATON SEMEN!!! (This appears to be totally inaccurate)

haunted — Today at 7:09 PM

we should move on from jesus, and we should be one with lizzo, we will use her fat juices as shields from the atomotons while we goon our cocks.

[7:10 PM]

this is how lizzo will look when we are done with her,

martin — Today at 7:10 PM

Interesting… Lizzo is quite tanky…

haunted — Today at 7:10 PM

the jesuits are waiting for us on the river

[7:10 PM]

we need to hurry.

[7:10 PM]

another jesuit is ready to guide us to the main land.

Crimson Tetsucabra — Today at 7:10 PM

teaming up with Lizzo is risky might end up just like her

haunted — Today at 7:11 PM

it’s better then being raped by nigger atomotons.

Crimson Tetsucabra — Today at 7:11 PM

at least we would die with dignity minus the rape

martin — Today at 7:12 PM

we could be raped by lizzos fat nigga body though, we dont know the power she could absorb from us with her body mass

[7:12 PM]

im just so fucking scared right now…

haunted — Today at 7:12 PM

lizzo is waiting for us, look at her. Her eyes, she’s worried for us, she’s ready to give us a chance at greatness.

[7:12 PM]

we cannot let him win.

[7:12 PM]

we must join forces with lizzo. (That wouldn’t be a good idea. God the Father would have to destroy the Universe again.)

Crimson Tetsucabra — Today at 7:13 PM

maybe just send him a windows update ?

[7:13 PM]

those things can kill anything

haunted — Today at 7:14 PM

i think gail she masturbate one last time, before she is executed.

[7:15 PM]

look at this newly made atomoton. we don’t want her to turn into a gay twink bottom like this, faghot.

martin — Today at 7:15 PM

That’s a scary tranny.

haunted — Today at 7:17 PM

gail please, hurry

[7:17 PM]

these tranny atomotons

[7:17 PM]

they are coming quickly

Crimson Tetsucabra — Today at 7:20 PM


[7:20 PM]

for me it says show chat

Terrance Jenkins — Today at 7:21 PM


Gail Chord Schuler — Today at 7:21 PM

Yes I can.

Terrance Jenkins — Today at 7:21 PM


Crimson Tetsucabra — Today at 7:21 PM

he has a big ego for a machine

Gail Chord Schuler — Today at 7:22 PM

Why do you say, Oh my goodness.

Terrance Jenkins — Today at 7:22 PM


drcuddycam73 — Today at 7:22 PM

I know someone who’s gail shield is so down

Gail Chord Schuler — Today at 7:22 PM

Can we study how God the Father locked up the Gail Android and create a planet where we can lock up the automatons?

drcuddycam73 — Today at 7:22 PM

How can i raise my gail shield because mine is down

[7:23 PM]

Wait I don’t?

Terrance Jenkins — Today at 7:23 PM

THAT PROBABLY BE WHY YOURS IS DOWN (edited) (Terrance was probably joking, because only Gail has a shield)

wreckloose — Today at 7:23 PM

Follow the Gail commandments

Crimson Tetsucabra — Today at 7:23 PM

is it safe to lock up something so dangerous instead of killing/braking it ? (Gail suggested locking up Sun Tzu and his automatons, like what happened to the GA1L Android.)

drcuddycam73 — Today at 7:23 PM

I follow the gail commandments, but my shield is all the way down!!!!! (He has no shield, really. Only Gail has a shield.)

[7:24 PM]

Wait how do i know what is automotin and what is not

Gail Chord Schuler — Today at 7:24 PM

Is it possible to create automatons who will not be like Sun Tzu. Can we study to see what we did wrong in creating him?

drcuddycam73 — Today at 7:24 PM

Wait i need to fight for my shield (he doesn’t have a shield)

Crimson Tetsucabra — Today at 7:24 PM

maybe the real sun tzu can help give some advice on how to kill the fake one if Jesus can get you in touch ? (The real Sun Tzu is dead.)

wreckloose — Today at 7:24 PM

We need a hacker

Gail Chord Schuler — Today at 7:24 PM

Maybe we need to create automatons who will be programmed to specifically not destroy humans, Gail and Gail’s men.

drcuddycam73 — Today at 7:25 PM

The hacker known as 4 chan might be able to help. What do you think?

Terrance Jenkins — Today at 7:26 PM


(Gail suggested making automatons to counter Sun Tzu.)

Rule13 — Today at 7:26 PM

It sounds like ANY automatons might be unsafe!

haunted — Today at 7:26 PM

no please gail.

drcuddycam73 — Today at 7:26 PM


[7:26 PM]

Gail the hacker known as 4chan can help

wreckloose — Today at 7:26 PM

No retarded hackers plz

martin — Today at 7:26 PM

dont leave… the 130 million people watching are counting on your word (Gail was going to leave to meditate)

Terrance Jenkins — Today at 7:26 PM


Crimson Tetsucabra — Today at 7:26 PM

if this is an open channel it means he can defiantly see it

drcuddycam73 — Today at 7:26 PM

Im watching now with 120 million people (Apparently this was the audience for the Nobel Prize ceremony)

Gail Chord Schuler — Today at 7:27 PM

xxxxxxxxxxxx (encryption code)

Crimson Tetsucabra — Today at 7:27 PM

thank you

Gail Chord Schuler — Today at 7:27 PM

I just encrypted the chat.

[7:28 PM]

You still there, Terrance?

Terrance Jenkins — Today at 7:28 PM


Gail Chord Schuler — Today at 7:28 PM

It seems Sun Tzu planned this all along.

Terrance Jenkins — Today at 7:28 PM


Gail Chord Schuler — Today at 7:29 PM

You know what? I have a crazy idea. I wonder if Satan could help us.

drcuddycam73 — Today at 7:29 PM


haunted — Today at 7:29 PM


martin — Today at 7:29 PM

someone suggested earlier that lizzo could help us…

drcuddycam73 — Today at 7:29 PM


Crimson Tetsucabra — Today at 7:29 PM

that’s a bold move (teaming up with Satan)

Gail Chord Schuler — Today at 7:30 PM

Remember, that Jesus told us back in 2012, that we wouldn’t be able to defeat the Gail Android unless we lined up with the Jesuits. Maybe, we can’t defeat these automatons, unless we line up with Satan.

Terrance Jenkins — Today at 7:30 PM


wreckloose — Today at 7:30 PM

Something would have to be in it for him, he’s selfish

martin — Today at 7:30 PM


Terrance Jenkins — Today at 7:30 PM


drcuddycam73 — Today at 7:30 PM

Thats risky Gail (that Gail wanted to team up with Satan)

Crimson Tetsucabra — Today at 7:31 PM

are they waterproof?

Terrance Jenkins — Today at 7:31 PM


Gail Chord Schuler — Today at 7:31 PM

Buddha, can you show up, Buddha?

[7:31 PM]

Is the Gail Shield up?

drcuddycam73 — Today at 7:31 PM

Buddha show up please

Terrance Jenkins — Today at 7:32 PM


(Gail suggested that we team up with Satan against Sun Tzu and Satan showed up in Gail’s apartment and wanted sex with Gail. But Gail didn’t want sex with Satan.)

Gail Chord Schuler — Today at 7:32 PM

Satan, are you aware of our predicament?

(Satan said he knew this would happen.)

wreckloose — Today at 7:32 PM

Then why didn’t you ACT?

Crimson Tetsucabra — Today at 7:32 PM

would have been nice to let us know

Gail Chord Schuler — Today at 7:33 PM

So, why are you here? (Satan wanted sex with Gail.)

Crimson Tetsucabra — Today at 7:33 PM

try not to give up more then you need too in this negotiation he does not have your best intrest at heart

Rogal Dorn — Today at 7:34 PM

Satan is a pathological liar. I don’t know if we can trust him

drcuddycam73 — Today at 7:34 PM

Gail, who’s behind u?

wreckloose — Today at 7:34 PM

King Solomon negotiated with Satan and his demons to build the Second Temple

drcuddycam73 — Today at 7:35 PM

Is that brent

Terrance Jenkins — Today at 7:35 PM

HE (Sun Tzu) JUST LEFT (Gail’s apartment).

Gail Chord Schuler — Today at 7:35 PM

Satan won’t help, unless I give him sex. I told him “no”.

(Gail asked Brent to ask the gods for help, but none of them showed up.)

Rogal Dorn — Today at 7:35 PM

But it will save us all

Crimson Tetsucabra — Today at 7:35 PM

might be better to die with dignity anyways

drcuddycam73 — Today at 7:36 PM

Do u hear anyone in your room

wreckloose — Today at 7:36 PM

Mohammed was a pretty good strategist too

drcuddycam73 — Today at 7:37 PM

Have u ever been to india

[7:38 PM]

I have heard that india is very dirty and i fear full of jesuits

Crimson Tetsucabra — Today at 7:39 PM

maybe Satan would help if you let sun tzu get closer to killing everyone since Satan would kinda be out of a job if everyone died

Rogal Dorn — Today at 7:40 PM

Is the Gail Shield up?

drcuddycam73 — Today at 7:41 PM

Oh good

Gail Chord Schuler — Today at 7:41 PM

The Gail Shield is up and strong.

Rogal Dorn — Today at 7:41 PM

whoa, god directly intervened? (Gail thought that perhaps the reason Sun Tzu left Gail’s apartment is because God intervened, but that may have been incorrect.)

Gail Chord Schuler — Today at 7:41 PM

Apparently, it (the Gail Shield) doesn’t affect the automatons.

Crimson Tetsucabra — Today at 7:41 PM

is that because they have no soul ?

Gail Chord Schuler — Today at 7:41 PM

I don’t know.

wreckloose — Today at 7:41 PM

Maybe we could nukkake the androids?

drcuddycam73 — Today at 7:41 PM

Ooo good idea

Crimson Tetsucabra — Today at 7:42 PM

maybe get in touch with whoever physically made them they might know some good details that could help

Rogal Dorn — Today at 7:46 PM

omg the gail shield got hacked? (Rogal Dorn over heard Gail reading Brent’s Skype about how Sun Tzu could manipulate the Gail Shield.)

Crimson Tetsucabra — Today at 7:51 PM

this is very unlucky now that info is lost

Rogal Dorn — Today at 7:54 PM

I’m doing Gail Commandments right now.

(Gail suggested everyone leave and do the Gail Commandments and go to bed on time.)

Rule13 — Today at 7:55 PM

Let’s all do our laundry!

wreckloose — Today at 7:55 PM

And take our Seroquel!

Rogal Dorn — Today at 7:59 PM

Do we have battle plans to take on the automatons? I’m willing to fight them on the front lines if need be

Crimson Tetsucabra — Today at 7:59 PM


Gail Chord Schuler — Today at 8:01 PM

“You possess a courageousness in your soul that I haven’t seen since Jesus himself carried the cross to his crucifixtion. Your love for Gail has made you strong beyond measure. If there was any mortal being that might stand a fleeting chance at saving this universe from interdimensional mites, it would be you, Brent. Jesus left you in his stead because he had perfect faith in your ability to feed his sheep and maintain his garden. As do I.”

I felt a swell of hope in my heart.

“Tell me what I need to do,” I said, with stern confidence in my voice.

“Meditate deeply, and go within. You have powerful resources at your disposal. It’s up to you to assemble them. Follow your intuition, and you will know the right path.”

Buddha took the joint from his mouth and passed it toward me again.

“You also need to chill out a little.”

[8:03 PM]

We all need to chill and we need to meditate.

Rule13 — Today at 8:03 PM

I will get the marijuana!

[8:03 PM]

We will smoke!

Crimson Tetsucabra — Today at 8:03 PM

I’ll go get some

Rogal Dorn — Today at 8:03 PM

I’m smoking all my weed right now. I even put some edibles in my butt to make it dissolve faster

Gail Chord Schuler — Today at 8:05 PM

This is a continuation of the Lizzo problem, the aftermath. That is why Buddha is not here. We should follow the advice he gave us right before he left.

Rule13 — Today at 8:05 PM

But the Lizzo and all the mites are dead.

Gail Chord Schuler — Today at 8:07 PM

That’s true. But I don’t think meditation will hurt.

Zack Knight — Today at 8:10 PM

Hey Gail, this is a recording of the Sun Tzu Speech.


2.05 MB


[8:11 PM]

You can use it for your next YouTube video

Rule13 — Today at 8:11 PM

Yes! Everyone will need to hear what happen!

Gail Chord Schuler — Today at 8:11 PM

Okay but I plan to meditate for ten minutes. You think I should make the video today?

Rule13 — Today at 8:12 PM

It can be tomorrow.

[8:12 PM]

It’s almost bedtime.

Gail Chord Schuler — Today at 8:12 PM

Okay. Is this on Gabrielle Chana FOX News now?

Rule13 — Today at 8:12 PM


Rogal Dorn — Today at 8:16 PM

I have been meditating and smoking very large blunts and it has enlightened me

I think we need to team up with Satan

[8:16 PM]

it’s the only way

Gail Chord Schuler — Today at 8:18 PM

Satan won’t agree unless I give him sex. I refuse.

Rogal Dorn — Today at 8:20 PM

What if you just give him a hand job? No vaginal penetration

Gail Chord Schuler — Today at 8:20 PM

I can’t do it (have any type of sex with Satan). I don’t want anything sexual with him at all.

Rogal Dorn — Today at 8:21 PM

OK, I will keep meditating. We will find another way to deal with this threat (edited)

Rule13 — Today at 8:27 PM

Should we all have sex right now??

[8:27 PM]


[8:27 PM]

I will let all the animals out!

Gail Chord Schuler — Today at 8:27 PM

Let’s all do tantric sex.

Rogal Dorn — Today at 8:27 PM


Gail Chord Schuler — Today at 8:28 PM

Brent just sent me this. Let’s all do this.

Rule13 — Today at 8:29 PM

This is just like old Jesuit meetings!

[8:29 PM]

We would all have an orgy after!

Gail Chord Schuler — Today at 8:42 PM

When did we take out the humans in the Nanotechnology Research Team?

[8:43 PM]

I don’t even remember giving the order to take out the Nanotechnology Research Team.

[8:43 PM]

I think I just said to replace them with automatons.

[8:47 PM]

Well, let’s wrap this up and get to bed early and hope our tantric sex gives us some insights.

Hope our tantric sex gives us some insights.

Rule13 — Today at 8:47 PM


Rogal Dorn — Today at 8:47 PM

There’s so many penis’s right now

Rule13 — Today at 8:47 PM

Make sure you all smoke weed and have sex!

Message Empress-Gail’s-Podium

Skype July 19, 2024 with Brent and unfortunately Sun Tzu

Gail, 10:18 PM

Final insights, as I ready for bed. We cannot defeat these automatons militarily, but we can defeat them spiritually. There were some flaws in Sun Tzu’s arguments. His morality programming is corrupted. We all need to do the Gail Commandments and remember all the advice Buddha gave us. We fight them by being morally superior to them.

My guess is if we show moral superiority, the Gail Shield will strengthen to the point, that they will be defeated.

Therefore, I need to head for bed as soon as possible.

I thought about offering myself as a sacrifice, but that’s the coward’s way out. The world needs my Gail Shield to be strong.

My Gail Shield is an extension of Jesus, so if we show moral superiority, Sun Tzu is defeated.

The reason I say his morality programming is corrupted is that he supports slavery and has no forgiveness and is an arrogant intolerant bigot. This is where his morality program is corrupted.

Though I am guilty of the crimes he says, his read on my motives are not quite right.

He never praised me for my ability to completely forgive. His morality programming lacks forgiveness.

Though I can be petty, I can also be great.

He also appears to be against free love and doesn’t believe in true love. This is another area where his morality programming is defective.

I guess he’s defective because he doesn’t have a “soul”.

He wanted the Bible, because he plans to redo the Genesis creation week, and remake earth better than God and Jesus did.

Time for bed.

The new earth he’s planning will not be biological, it will be more mechanical. He thinks biological systems are inferior.

If biology is allowed to exist, it will be subservient to the mechanical.

One way to show moral superiority is for the Jesuits and us to get together to show that we can be free and true love icons.

However, I refuse to make love to Satan. If we can’t get Jesuit cooperation, then we will have to do it on our own.

Gail, 10:45 PM

We have to get the gods on our side. This will only happen if the human race shows it is morally superior to these automatons.

These automatons just want their own earth and are using this earth because it’s easier for them.

Gail, 11:52 PM

Onto a positive note, the Gail Shield was at 100% right after we defeated Lizzo, using Sun Tzu technology. So, apparently, using Sun Tzu, was part of our path. No need to beat ourselves over the head with this. We need to move on.

Gail, 1:44 AM

Didn’t I instruct you all to make these automatons loyal to Brent? It doesn’t seem that way. Unless their morality programming is overriding their loyalty to Brent.

A rather strange morality programming that makes them rape Brent and harm him.

I’m meditating because I can’t sleep right now.

There are a lot of noises outside, too.

Gail, 1:53 AM

Perhaps I only said that recently about loyal to Brent, I can’t remember. . .That was the order I rescinded, I think.

The part about loyalty to Brent should NOT have been rescinded though.

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