Why Haven’t The Gods Returned?

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First off, I’d like to say this is all guesswork, and I could be wrong. But after spending some time in meditation, I may have gotten some clarity.

Can watch video above HERE.

UPDATE on July 7, 2024, a copy of what I sent to Brent on Skype, as to why Satan wanted to help Brent with Lizzo:

I think I know why Satan helped you when you used that weapon to defeat Lizzo. He knew you would make quite an impression on God the Father and so he wanted to be in on the act. You see, I think that Satan and Jesus have a disagreement over how to practice free love. Satan thinks that free love must be practiced with evil and Jesus feels that true and free love must go together. It seems that God the Father is rather lackadaisical about free love and maybe even antagonistic towards it. Satan takes advantage of this to make it appear that his version of free love is the only way. Earth and humans appear to be the testing ground for free love.

Until God the Father is convinced that Jesus is right, that free love can be practiced with true love, Satan is allowed to roam around to make his point that free love must be practiced with evil. I guess if Satan wins the argument that free love must be practiced with evil, he gets earth. If Jesus wins, Satan gets locked up or punished somewhere. Apparently, earth and humans are the free love testing grounds.

If this is the case, it only makes sense that Satan would want to get in on the momentous act of defeating Lizzo, because you are on Jesus’s side. Get it?

Satan wants to get some credit for defeating Lizzo.

This way Satan can say that free love style evil played a role in defeating Lizzo and that he deserves to rule earth and “free love” humans, for that reason.

God the Father apparently wanted to lay down an Old Testament style morality for sex and love and Jesus said that free love can be practiced with goodness and disagrees with his dad on this. Satan is the reason that God feels free love can only be practiced with evil, because I think Satan used to be the free and true love icon in heaven.

Jesus apparently feels that Satan should not ruin free love for those who practice it with goodness.

Satan is apparently too proud to apologize for how he messed up free love because of his own vanity and ego. He’d rather mess up free love for everyone than apologize and admit that it’s his pride and ego that have messed up free love and that those who practice it with humility and goodness exist and should be allowed to do so.

Satan wants his own free love kingdom and doesn’t care if he ruins it for free lovers everywhere to do so. Jesus cares so much about this, he died on the cross for free lovers.

If Satan wins his argument, I think free love WILL BE BANNED IN HEAVEN and throughout the good section of the multiverse and Satan will get his own evil section to practice free love. This, apparently, breaks Jesus’s heart.

These are guesses and I could be wrong, but it makes sense to me.

If Satan loses his argument, he gets locked up and punished and free lovers who practice it with goodness will be allowed to do so in all the good sections of the multiverse. Right now, the fate of free love is apparently undecided.

This would also explain why Jesus won’t give up on his free love dream, despite seven failed earth projects. He just feels that Satan shouldn’t ruin it for everyone.

Apparently, earth and humans were created to be the free and true love icons in Satan’s place, which explains Satan’s obsession to rule over earth and humans.

Bottom line: Satan is a SUPER PROUD ASSHOLE, who doesn’t mind screwing free love for EVERYONE, just so he can be spared from the humiliation of having to admit that it’s his OWN FAULT that free love turned evil with him and his followers and Jesus says that free love should NOT be blamed for evil. Satan says he’s evil because he’s a free lover. Jesus says Satan’s evil because he is off his path and chose evil over good, and that free love has nothing to do with it.

God is apparently undecided whether free love can be practiced with goodness and thinks perhaps Satan is right, which is why Satan has been spared thus far.

Apparently, Satan was a very beautiful angel inside and out as the free and true love icon before he became evil and this is part of the reason Jesus is having such a hard time convincing God that Satan is to blame for his own evil and that free love should not be blamed for Satan’s evil.

Satan gets out of severe punishment for his practice of free love, because, thus far, Jesus has not been able to convince his dad that Satan is wrong that free love MUST BE PRACTICED WITH EVIL.

So by blaming free love for his evil, Satan is able to stall his severe punishment. It helps that God’s OWN SON is a free love promoter.. So Satan takes advantage of this, to try and convince God that free lovers MUST BE EVIL.

If Satan wins this argument, Jesus will have to give up his free love dreams to remain on his dad’s side.

I also suspect that Satan got kicked out of heaven for evil practice of free love and this is why he’s able to blame free love for his evil.

Rather than take personal responsibility for his own actions, Satan blames his evil on the fact that he is a free lover, stating that it is impossible to practice free love and be good. He is taking advantage of the fact that God’s OWN SON is a free love advocate.

This would also explain why Jesus hates it when I honor any of Satan’s teachings about free love, like all his SJW categories. Jesus wants to draw a line in the sand to separate himself from Satan’s version of free love.

Apparently, to Jesus, free love is a natural expression of true love and he feels Satan is a baloney factory to make it appear that free love must be separate from true love.

The SJW categories make free love appear to be a separate entity from true love.

July 2, 2024 Essay I Wrote:

Even if I’m wrong and the reason for the gods not returning after we defeated Lizzo has nothing to do with my guesses, it certainly wouldn’t hurt to do the Gail Commandments, to meditate, to try and not live a life full of obsessions and to be good. Huh?

I think God may be deciding what the new rules will be for Satan. Satan seems to be claiming that humans are just as evil as him and, therefore, he’s entitled to use more of his powers with us, since we are as evil as him.

Perhaps, if we humans impress God enough, God may lay down some strict rules for Satan, where Satan will not be allowed to use Baphomet, Shakpona, brain control and all the stuff he does to get us to be as evil as he is.

Apparently, there were no rules from the time that Jesus left us in June 2022 to the time that we almost lost our universe to Lizzo (June 2024) and that was why we were tormented with Shakpona, Baphomet, unlimited brain control (so that I cannot even use a phone safely), and all sorts of things.

Now that human Brent has made quite an impression on God, God may be deciding on new rules for Satan for this eighth earth project ( our current earth). Like if Satan violates these rules, he goes to the Lake of Fire, or gets locked up. Perhaps the deities cannot be here now because Satan can claim we humans were only righteous because of the deities and their influence.

So, my guess is, if we can prove to God, that we humans can be righteous (or at least more righteous than Satan), even without deities around to force us to be that way, perhaps the new rules for Satan will be in our favor and if he violates them, he gets locked up and put away.

Satan seems to be going out of his way to prove that we humans are as evil as him and, therefore, he’s entitled to do whatever the hell he wants with us, using brain control, his deity friends and all else. It’s a really uneven match and not very fair, if you ask me.

Then after he rapes us using his friends, he has the gall to claim it’s what we really wanted all along and that’s why he’s entitled to use these methods.

So, let’s all do the Gail Commandments, meditate, not get obsessed, stay thankful, peaceful, joyful the best we can, so that God will make the new rules better for us and so that if Satan crosses them, OUT HE GOES.

We just want to be lovers IN PEACE. We don’t want to be evil and we don’t enjoy murder, bloodshed and all the evil that has befallen us because of the sin curse that happened in the Garden of Eden.

I don’t think the deities will return until the news rules are decided upon. Let’s make quite an impression on God so that the new rules will be in our favor!

No obsessions. Stay balanced, peaceful and joyful and thankful.

Do the Gail Commandments.

Try to be good.

Live a life of loving, peace and joy.

Let us prove that we humans can be the icons for free and true love. I think that is what Jesus intended when he created humans. I believe this is what Satan was before he fell and now because he blew it, he’s claiming that no sentient being can be an icon for both free and true love AS HE USED TO BE. That free and true love cannot coexist happily. Satan seems to be claiming that any of us in his shoes would be as evil as he is now. That it is impossible to live for both free and true love. That they cannot coexist.

Let US PROVE HIM WRONG. Jesus created us to be the icons for free and true love TOGETHER (I believe) and Satan fell because he used to be that icon for both free and true love and he is that no longer. He got too high on his horse and ruined it for free lovers in the process. Jesus doesn’t think this is very fair, which is why he created humans.

We humans were meant to be the icons for both free and true love IN SATAN’S PLACE.

This is why Satan is so eager to get control over this planet and to manipulate humans to be as evil as he is. Satan did something wrong while practicing free love and got kicked out of heaven for it. Now, he’s claiming the kick-out wasn’t fair and that ANY BEING IN HIS PLACE AND PRACTICING FREE LOVE WOULD BE AS EVIL AS HIM.

I don’t think it’s very fair that Satan insists that free love be evil. Why does free love HAVE TO BE EVIL?

Satan says YES, that free love MUST BE EVIL. I say NO, that free love can coexist with true love and MUST.

Free and true love can COEXIST. We must prove this is so, so that Satan can be locked up and FREE LOVERS can live IN PEACE.

What is free love? It is any type of sex or loving you do that does not violate true love. This means if you are gay, but do it with true love, you are righteousness. Or if you are polyamorous and do it with true love, you are righteous. This means that righteous loving goes beyond just monogamy, being heterosexual and stuff like only Ten Commandments style loving. It’s ANY TYPE OF LOVING OR SEX THAT DOES NOT VIOLATE TRUE LOVE.

Satan says this is impossible. I say Satan is full of crap. He just needs to get off his high horse and admit he goofed and not let his pride ruin it for free lovers in the multiverse.

It appears the fate of free love depends on us humans, because we were created to be the icons for free and true love in SATAN’S PLACE. This was why there were such strict rules about Jesus not getting involved with us, because Satan claims that we are only good because of Jesus’s involvement, you get it? That if we were left to our own devices, we would be as evil as Satan is in the practice of free love.

Satan got kicked out of heaven because he practiced free love with evil and his excuse is that it is impossible to practice free love and be good (as God defines goodness). Jesus seems to feel that Satan has ruined it for free lovers and doesn’t think that’s right and that’s why I feel Jesus created humans to prove that Satan is wrong and that free and true love can coexist..

Unfortunately, Satan has done a good job of proving his point that free love can only be practiced with evil, since the previous seven earths before ours crashed because the free love humans became pretty evil.

Satan also loves it that Christianity on this eighth earth project has gone cock blocker, cuz that also furthers his point that free love can only be practiced with evil. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if Satan is behind the cock blocker emphasis in Christianity.

Why humans? Because if we were gods, Satan would say we were motivated to be icons for free and true love by a lust for power. But if we practice free love with true love as humble humans, then the argument is won more soundly that free and true love can coexist.

Though Brent is monogamous, he is married to me, and I’m poly-amorous and we have true love. So Brent and I are prime examples of free and true love co-existing together. We are also friends with free lovers everywhere who practice true love with free love. My own son is bisexual and practices free and true love together.

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