Church of Gail Website (Nov.-Dec. 2011 Posts Featured)

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I have created this post to show you that there was a website and how it got started in 2011. My men posted in it a lot from the end of November 2011 to the end of May 2012. We started having problems with imposters hacking into the site around April 2012. Once Zack Knight became the Antichrist in Feb. 2012, we had all sorts of problems with imposters hacking into the site. When I, Gail, lost my job at Walmart in June 2012, my men rarely posted in it. But they kept it up till around 2014.

Oct. 31, 2023: The Doctrine Link featured my Doctrinal Statement (see my 2011 Doctrinal Statement below). The Forum link took me to our forum (see video just below), where I wrote posts to (and received posts from) my men. The Gail’s Site link took viewers to my website, which was at the time. The Gabrielle Chana Writings link took people to my Amazon page. The Fanmail link was a way for supporters to contact my men using (I believe) the email The Jesuit Website link took viewers to the Jesuit website, which was, with a warning that we did not endorse this site and those who visited it, did it at their own risk.

After about April 2012, Jesuits and imposters began hacking into the site. When I lost my job at Walmart, my evil, lying and jealous sister Sandra Metcalf working with my narcissist mother, in July 2012 wrote a LYING statement, which she manipulated my mother to submit to a judge, which stated that my men were trolls who sponsored ALL the websites that revolved around me, lumping the good with the evil Jesuit websites and, which my evil sister used to accuse me of being crazy and manipulated by trolls.

My Japanese mother’s English was not good enough for the statement which my sister wrote for her. Also, I did not discuss with my narcissist mother all the details of what I and my men uncovered about Jesuit technology, most of which, never gets reported on in the Jesuit controlled news media. For instance, human cloning technology has been in existence for a long time. Even Catherine the Great had a clone. The UFOs (fallen angels) can easily create clones and have lent their human cloning technology to the Jesuits. The Jesuits win by controlling the narrative and the news and that is why this website and Gabrielle Chana FOX News are so important. By manipulating people’s ignorance about important news items, Jesuit can literally get away with mass murder and, even worse, implicate their enemies with their own crimes, writing them off as crazy, delusional and dangerous, if they dare expose the truth about what the Jesuits are doing.

Eventually, my men decided to abandon all sites except for mine ( In our current situation, Vladimir Putin doesn’t even have control over his own official Russian President site! Brent Spiner has lost control over his own Twitter and, it appears, has abandoned his website When Brent did try to set up his own Twitter and YouTube to communicate with me, the Jesuits took him down using the excuse that the actual real Brent was an impersonator of the “real Brent” (who is actually a Jesuit clone). So you see how things stand. The only website out there that reports the news from the REAL Brent is this one. The Jesuits OWN mainstream news, even alternative news, and the Jesuits also own most of the Internet, unfortunately.

Above is what you see when you try and get to the YouTube channel the REAL Brent created for me in 2011, the conversations from that taken down YouTube channel became the book Brent Spiner’s Flames. A Brent Spiner clone took down Brent’s YouTube channel on my birthday of September 15, 2011! This clone also decided to try and kill the real Brent, but Hugh Jackman saved the day. I retaliated by publishing all that Brent said to me from that taken down YouTube channel.

We are at the point now that the only reliable news source is Gabrielle Chana FOX News (00 on cable), which also airs from this website. After all, Lizzo is the ANTICHRIST and as how the Antichrist is depicted in the canceled Bible, is a control and information-control freak, making sure that only LIES that serve her purposes prosper.



Above is the best photo I can get of the taken down site right now. My men took it down in 2014, because they wanted to destroy the Crazy Gail Wiki website and the only way they could do it was to take down their website as well.

Gail’s men created a website for Gail that had the url It was taken down in 2014. However, Gail kept records of her most important conversations on this website and will post them here for posterity. Keep in mind that Gail’s website at the time was The Jesuit websites referred to have also been taken down, they were and

They used the doctrinal statement I composed below for the site.

Dear Brent (October 14, 2011), I have composed the following doctrinal statement for our church, as every church has one and ours will be no different. However, as you can see from the doctrinal statement. Our doctrinal statement is very unique. You asked me brain to brain to compose this, and I have done it for you. I’m truly honored that you and all the men on my marriage list have gone to the trouble to create a “Church of Gail”. If you have a problem with anything below, let me know. I will listen and consider your viewpoint. Your adoring wife, Gail.


The men on my marriage list have honored me with a church. I propose the following doctrinal statement for this church. I will be modifying and updating this over the next month. This church’s doctrinal statement is that it believes every word in the English 1611 King James Bible is the inspired word of God, and that anything that the King James Bible emphasizes will be the emphasis at this church. The Bible emphasizes the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the nation of Israel and the Jews, the anti-Christ or the beast (666), and that the sins of the spirit (especially pride, which is the chief sin that leads to all other sins) are more sinful than sins of the flesh (like smoking, drinking, etc.).

Dear Brent (October 14, 2011), I have composed the following doctrinal statement for our church, as every church has one and ours will be no different. However, as you can see from the doctrinal statement. Our doctrinal statement is very unique. You asked me brain to brain to compose this, and I have done it for you. I’m truly honored that you and all the men on my marriage list have gone to the trouble to create a “Church of Gail”. If you have a problem with anything below, let me know. I will listen and consider your viewpoint. Your adoring wife, Gail.


The men on my marriage list have honored me with a church. I propose the following doctrinal statement for this church. I will be modifying and updating this over the next month. This church’s doctrinal statement is that it believes every word in the English 1611 King James Bible is the inspired word of God, and that anything that the King James Bible emphasizes will be the emphasis at this church. The Bible emphasizes the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the nation of Israel and the Jews, the anti-Christ or the beast (666), and that the sins of the spirit (especially pride, which is the chief sin that leads to all other sins) are more sinful than sins of the flesh (like smoking, drinking, etc.).

To be a member of this church and to attend this church in person, one must be a born again Christian, that is that person must have sincerely asked the Lord Jesus Christ to save them from hell, by admitting they are a dirty, rotten sinner unable to earn their way to heaven and that only the death of Christ on the cross for their sins to save them is the only sufficient payment for their sins. Though most churches allow those who are not born again to visit the church, due to the nature of this church and that Jesuits want to kill the men on my marriage list who attend this church, it is necessary for us to make it mandatory that only born again Christians attend this church. Those who are not born again, can visit the church via a website where a live broadcast of this church’s services will be. Once they become born again, they can visit the church in person.

Imagine the following scenario. We have a church service with “unsaved” visitors and the Jesuits use transporter technology to switch them out with evil terrorists in the middle of the church service. These evil terrorists start a shoot out at the church, because they bring with them guns into the service, and they shoot dead the pastor and all the church members. This is a real possibility. Therefore, only born again Christians can attend this church in person. They will arrive into the services through transporter technology. Jesuits cannot switch out a born again Christian with an evil clone, so we need to make the requirement that only born again Christians attend this church in person, to protect the men on my marriage list. The church will also have a shield around it, so that if any evil Jesuit or anyone who is not born again, tries to transport himself/herself into the services, he will be disintegrated to death. The shield will only allow born again Christians to pass through it to attend the services, and will kill anyone else who tries to pass through it.

Also, every time this church meets, the country that is hosting the church, will have maximum protection around the church area to ensure that no jets, missiles or any other military form of aggression (including nuclear attack) is launched against this church during the services. To protect the men on my marriage list, the men on my marriage list will not all attend this church at the same time. They will space out their visits to the church, so that they are not all there at the same time (too much of a temptation for a Jesuit attack to demolish all the men on my marriage list in one fatal blow). Also, mind reading technology will be employed at all times on all those who attend the services to ensure that no one with a terrorist mindset is in the services. If the mind reading scanner determines that someone in the services is a terrorist or has intent to harm or kill, the scanner will be programmed to kill that person on the spot, even if in the middle of a church service.

This church’s music will reflect Gail’s musical taste. For her musical taste, visit the YouTube videos she hosts at her website This church will teach the proper dispensations in the Bible (see Dr. Peter Ruckman and the links at my website’s opening page for new Christians), that those who lived during Old Testament times were saved with a different plan of salvation from that in our present “church age” where we are saved by grace through faith, and that those who honor God in the future tribulation period will be saved by keeping the ten commandments and honoring Jewish law, while at the same time having faith in Jesus Christ.

This church will have a strong emphasis on discerning spirits, as I expect this church to endure severe Satanic attacks. And the principles from “War on the Saints” by Jessie-Penn Lewis and Evan Roberts will be used to determine who is in the Spirit and who is NOT. The main sin preached against in this church will be pride, WHICH IS THE SIN OF THE DEVIL AND THE SIN OF THE JESUITS, WHO FOLLOW THE DEVIL. Because none of us is perfect, and the main sins are those of the spirit, like pride and self-righteousness, those who smoke or drink alcoholic beverages can be leaders in the church, as long as they don’t get drunk and don’t smoke in the church.

Faithfulness in marriage will be very important. A marriage is defined as a man and a woman who come together willingly and knowingly in the sexual union. It is not a ceremony or a license. A sexual union or marriage is defined as the literal sex organs of the man and woman coming together in a willing and knowing expression of love and commitment. Lesbian and homosexual unions are not considered a marriage, according to the Bible. However, though we don’t promote lesbian and homosexual unions, preaching against this will not be a major focus of this church, as sins of the spirit will take prominence over sins of the flesh. Though Gail has a marriage list of men who want to marry her, she will only marry one at a time. So far, she is not married to any of the men on her marriage list in the Biblical sense (the willing and knowing sexual union), though she is legally married to more than one of them, so she has not committed the sin of adultery. Once she comes together in a willing and knowing sexual union with any man, she is married to that man in the Biblical sense and can have no other sex with any other man besides that one or she will be in an adulterous relationship. This does not mean she cannot have “brain to brain” loving with more than one man on her marriage list, as “brain to brain” loving is not really the sexual union. If, through transporter technology we come up with a way for Gail to have literal sex with a man on her marriage list, so that his sexual organs penetrate hers, with real flesh touching flesh, Gail would now be married to that man and could not have sex with any other man without it being adultery. For this reason, Gail takes very seriously who she has sex with, because that man will be her husband in the Biblical sense. To be legally married to more than one man is not adultery, unless she has had sex with more than one of the men. Scriptural grounds for divorce and remarriage are adultery, desertion and death. See Dr. Peter Ruckman’s sermon on divorce and remarriage.

This church will support the nation of Israel, and will be Zionist. The Bible clearly teaches that all the land of Israel belongs to the Jews (the twelve tribes of Israel). This church believes that the 144,000 depicted in the book of Revelation are future JEWISH missionaries, who will be the spiritual leaders in the future tribulation period depicted in the Bible, which will be a time when the Jewish law and the ten commandments must be honored for salvation, and that those (during this future tribulation period) who take the mark of the beast (or the mark of the future Jesuit pope) will go to hell. This church will teach that those who honor God in the future tribulation period will be saved by NOT taking the mark of the beast (who will be a Roman Catholic pope), and by following Jewish law and the ten commandments, and by believing in Jesus Christ as their Savior.

Those who are members of other churches or religions (including the Roman Catholic Church) can join our church, we only require that they be born again to be members or to attend services, and they must arrive to the services via transporter technology. A born again Christian is defined as one who has said the prayer to ask the Lord Jesus Christ to save him or her from hell, and who has admitted they are a dirty, rotten sinner and that only the blood that Jesus shed on the cross for them is the only sufficient payment for their sins. We will test each potential church member with our transporter technology to see if they can be switched out with a person who is not born again to determine who is (and who is not) a born again Christian. Those who are not born again can “visit” our church through the online services through the “Church of Gail” website.

October 16, 2011

Dearest Brent:

You have communicated with me much brain to brain. I want to put into writing some of what we discussed. First off, I am not sure it’s a good idea for you all to have a church building for me, but I don’t tell you what to do. The danger that Jesuits will launch a terrorist attack at this church building is very high, and, unfortunately, there is not much we can do to prevent it. Though we have scanning technology, you’ve informed me that the clever Jesuits have used born again Christians as terrorists at the church services you’ve already started for me at the “Church of Gail”. I propose that the “Church of Gail’ be primarily an ONLINE church, with the services presented through a website that people can visit and interact with.

The scanners knock these Jesuit terrorists down, but we’ve had some close calls as Jesuits work very fast, and can “create” weapons from practically nothing, using genetic multiplication technology, where all they need is the genetic profile of the weapon’s precursor, which is the size of a molecule, and they can “create” a weapon from practically nothing in seconds.

Here is what I propose for any future church services, if you must have them in a building. . .Program the scanning technology that scans all persons who enter the church building through transporter technology to scan for 3 things: 1) Only born again Christians are allowed in, 2) Only born again Christians who have no history with the Jesuits, i.e., who have not had previous dealings with Jesuits in the past, which we determine through a memory analysis are allowed in, 3) Only born again Christians who don’t have parts of their memories removed (which indicates they are trying to hide something) are allowed in.

Anyone who tries to enter the church building area who is NOT a born again Christian, or who is a born again Christian, but has had parts of their memory removed, or have had dealings with Jesuits in the past (as determined by a computer memory brain read) will be executed ON THE SPOT.

I must also address who is allowed to be near me, whether at my apartment or at my workplace or elsewhere, as I feel the Jesuit noose tightening around me and they are becoming bolder and more brazen, and quick and decisive in their attempts to “get me”. As I backed out of my apartment’s parking space this morning, I had a close call, as a Jesuit driver zoomed from out of nowhere behind me, and almost hit me. Also, at work today, the Jesuits flooded the store and came to my register and used confusion tactics and mind-reading technology in a quick and decisive manner to provoke me to say or do things to help them out. They are quite clever in how they approach me, and create no-win scenarios for me at the register. They know my job thoroughly and know how I approach customers and the only solution to stop them from damaging me, is to prevent them from entering the store in the first place.

As a result of what I experienced today, where I felt quite threatened by some of the Jesuits who came to my register, I feel we must implement the followings laws in the town where I live. We will create a shield around this town, so that only born again Christians can pass through this shield and be near me, and we will carry this even further and only allow born again Christians whose brain-reads indicate they have no history of past Jesuit dealings, and who don’t have portions of their memories removed (which indicates a dangerous attempt at cover-up) to pass through the shield that protects me and other SIGNIFICANT PERSONS (such as yourself and the men on my marriage list). This shield will kill ON THE SPOT anyone who tries to pass through it, who does not meet the criteria I specified in the previous paragraph.

My Conspiracy Law defines SIGNIFICANT PERSONS, basically they are persons who are significant to ME, and who are anti-Jesuit and assist me in my war against the Jesuits. These are persons like my son, my mother, yourself, Vladimir Putin, Hugh Jackman, etc.

Though we have scanning technology at my apartment and my workplace, Jesuits thwart this by sending in “innocent” people near me, and then switching that innocent person out with their evil clone when that person gets near me, so that I am confronted with an evil Jesuit who stares at me with their evil eyes. It’s quite unnerving. It’s like looking into the eyes of Satan himself. You should see some of the stares I get, and how they say or do things to provoke me, in order to try to get me in trouble. With some of these Jesuits, I felt that if I made a wrong move or said the wrong thing, my life would be threatened. They look really vicious and are unreasonable, unfair and dangerously and quickly manipulative, and do it so quick I don’t have time to think, to come up with an appropriate response. Often, while they confront me, I sense my brain cell conversations are also being manipulated at the same time, to discredit me and make me appear something other than what I am, so that I make “mistakes” that help out the Jesuits while their agent is dealing with me.

That’s why I feel it necessary to become very strict about who is allowed in my town. Even though we program the scanners to destroy the terrorist when they are near me, if the destruction happens within feet of me, it draws too much attention to me, which we don’t want. So we must stop these people from getting near me in the first place, so I have proposed a city-wide shield that only allows “safe” born again Christians to get near me, or live or abide or visit the town where I live.

This is extreme, but Jesuits leave us no choice.

My feet have been hurting me lately, and I need a new pair of New Balance shoes.  How expensive these Jesuits make my life. Walmart does not sell New Balance. I have to go elsewhere.

The Jesuits gave me amnesia about a credit card payment and I got confused and almost suffered a late charge on my Juniper card. I forgot to make the payment, which was due on the 13th. I think the Jesuits directed my brain cell conversations to confuse me. They’ve done this to me before. I was so focused on computer problems, I thought I made a credit card payment, when I didn’t. Jesuits are relentless. They attack me with everything they can get away with. We must be very aggressive in our defense. I am not going overboard to suggest that only “safe” born again Christians be allowed near me.

Despite everything, I’m grateful you are still alive, that Vladimir’s alive and that I have not had catastrophic health problems. It could be so much worse. God is helping us. I wanted to give you an update about new laws we need to create to deal with Jesuits, and forward this to my awesome Vladimir Putin.

Devotedly yours,

Gail Chord

October 17, 2011

(From Gail to Brent) Dearest husband:

I’m so thrilled you have accepted Christ as your Savior, but, as you’ve witnessed firsthand, a born again Christian can live for the devil. However, though I believe this, once you’ve prayed that prayer to ask Jesus to save you, you can never lose your salvation, even if you do live for the devil. I just don’t want you to be discouraged over some horrible born again Christians who serve the Jesuits.

In my links for “War on the Saints” on the first page of my website, it discusses how a Christian can actually become demon possessed. Though the Holy Spirit looses the soul from the body, so that the soul is now attached to the Holy Spirit–which explains why the Jesuit switchout technology does not work on a born again Christian, the body of a Christian can still be inhabited by devils. It’s an unhealthy situation where the body houses both the Holy Spirit and a devil or devils. The soul has a bodily shape and becomes attached to the Holy Spirit after one prays that prayer, but if the Christian allows it, by totally neglecting their spiritual health and living an evil life, devils can live in a Christian’s body. It’s an unhealthy situation where the Holy Spirit and devils both live in the body. However, I believe that even a demon possessed Christian is not vulnerable to the Jesuits’ switchout technology, because the Holy Spirit never lets go of the soul. Dr. Peter Ruckman has a message about Christians and Demon Possession.

But I thought you should be aware that a Christian can be demon possessed, to give you wisdom in dealing with Jesuits.

I adore you, my good husband. I don’t believe you will ever be a demon possessed Christian who would serve the Jesuits.

To be a member of this church and to attend this church in person, one must be a born again Christian, that is that person must have sincerely asked the Lord Jesus Christ to save them from hell, by admitting they are a dirty, rotten sinner unable to earn their way to heaven and that only the death of Christ on the cross for their sins to save them is the only sufficient payment for their sins. Though most churches allow those who are not born again to visit the church, due to the nature of this church and that Jesuits want to kill the men on my marriage list who attend this church, it is necessary for us to make it mandatory that only born again Christians attend this church. Those who are not born again, can visit the church via a website where a live broadcast of this church’s services will be. Once they become born again, they can visit the church in person.

Imagine the following scenario. We have a church service with “unsaved” visitors and the Jesuits use transporter technology to switch them out with evil terrorists in the middle of the church service. These evil terrorists start a shoot out at the church, because they bring with them guns into the service, and they shoot dead the pastor and all the church members. This is a real possibility. Therefore, only born again Christians can attend this church in person. They will arrive into the services through transporter technology. Jesuits cannot switch out a born again Christian with an evil clone, so we need to make the requirement that only born again Christians attend this church in person, to protect the men on my marriage list. The church will also have a shield around it, so that if any evil Jesuit or anyone who is not born again, tries to transport himself/herself into the services, he will be disintegrated to death. The shield will only allow born again Christians to pass through it to attend the services, and will kill anyone else who tries to pass through it.

Also, every time this church meets, the country that is hosting the church, will have maximum protection around the church area to ensure that no jets, missiles or any other military form of aggression (including nuclear attack) is launched against this church during the services. To protect the men on my marriage list, the men on my marriage list will not all attend this church at the same time. They will space out their visits to the church, so that they are not all there at the same time (too much of a temptation for a Jesuit attack to demolish all the men on my marriage list in one fatal blow). Also, mind reading technology will be employed at all times on all those who attend the services to ensure that no one with a terrorist mindset is in the services. If the mind reading scanner determines that someone in the services is a terrorist or has intent to harm or kill, the scanner will be programmed to kill that person on the spot, even if in the middle of a church service.

This church’s music will reflect Gail’s musical taste. For her musical taste, visit the YouTube videos she hosts at her website This church will teach the proper dispensations in the Bible (see Dr. Peter Ruckman and the links at my website’s opening page for new Christians), that those who lived during Old Testament times were saved with a different plan of salvation from that in our present “church age” where we are saved by grace through faith, and that those who honor God in the future tribulation period will be saved by keeping the ten commandments and honoring Jewish law, while at the same time having faith in Jesus Christ.

This church will have a strong emphasis on discerning spirits, as I expect this church to endure severe Satanic attacks. And the principles from “War on the Saints” by Jessie-Penn Lewis and Evan Roberts will be used to determine who is in the Spirit and who is NOT. The main sin preached against in this church will be pride, WHICH IS THE SIN OF THE DEVIL AND THE SIN OF THE JESUITS, WHO FOLLOW THE DEVIL. Because none of us is perfect, and the main sins are those of the spirit, like pride and self-righteousness, those who smoke or drink alcoholic beverages can be leaders in the church, as long as they don’t get drunk and don’t smoke in the church.

Faithfulness in marriage will be very important. A marriage is defined as a man and a woman who come together willingly and knowingly in the sexual union. It is not a ceremony or a license. A sexual union or marriage is defined as the literal sex organs of the man and woman coming together in a willing and knowing expression of love and commitment. Lesbian and homosexual unions are not considered a marriage, according to the Bible. However, though we don’t promote lesbian and homosexual unions, preaching against this will not be a major focus of this church, as sins of the spirit will take prominence over sins of the flesh. Though Gail has a marriage list of men who want to marry her, she will only marry one at a time. So far, she is not married to any of the men on her marriage list in the Biblical sense (the willing and knowing sexual union), though she is legally married to more than one of them, so she has not committed the sin of adultery. Once she comes together in a willing and knowing sexual union with any man, she is married to that man in the Biblical sense and can have no other sex with any other man besides that one or she will be in an adulterous relationship. This does not mean she cannot have “brain to brain” loving with more than one man on her marriage list, as “brain to brain” loving is not really the sexual union. If, through transporter technology we come up with a way for Gail to have literal sex with a man on her marriage list, so that his sexual organs penetrate hers, with real flesh touching flesh, Gail would now be married to that man and could not have sex with any other man without it being adultery. For this reason, Gail takes very seriously who she has sex with, because that man will be her husband in the Biblical sense. To be legally married to more than one man is not adultery, unless she has had sex with more than one of the men. Scriptural grounds for divorce and remarriage are adultery, desertion and death. See Dr. Peter Ruckman’s sermon on divorce and remarriage.

This church will support the nation of Israel, and will be Zionist. The Bible clearly teaches that all the land of Israel belongs to the Jews (the twelve tribes of Israel). This church believes that the 144,000 depicted in the book of Revelation are future JEWISH missionaries, who will be the spiritual leaders in the future tribulation period depicted in the Bible, which will be a time when the Jewish law and the ten commandments must be honored for salvation, and that those (during this future tribulation period) who take the mark of the beast (or the mark of the future Jesuit pope) will go to hell. This church will teach that those who honor God in the future tribulation period will be saved by NOT taking the mark of the beast (who will be a Roman Catholic pope), and by following Jewish law and the ten commandments, and by believing in Jesus Christ as their Savior.

Those who are members of other churches or religions (including the Roman Catholic Church) can join our church, we only require that they be born again to be members or to attend services, and they must arrive to the services via transporter technology. A born again Christian is defined as one who has said the prayer to ask the Lord Jesus Christ to save him or her from hell, and who has admitted they are a dirty, rotten sinner and that only the blood that Jesus shed on the cross for them is the only sufficient payment for their sins. We will test each potential church member with our transporter technology to see if they can be switched out with a person who is not born again to determine who is (and who is not) a born again Christian. Those who are not born again can “visit” our church through the online services through the “Church of Gail” website.

(From Brent Spiner to Gail on November 23, 2011)

My darling Gail,

I am writing to let you, and the rest of the world, know that I am quite well. I hope that you can receive this e-mail. My new clone arm is feeling wonderful, but my dear, I have ALWAYS been typing to you with one hand.

Oh boy, I’m so adorable. I’m sorry to have been so secretive as of late, but the men and I have had to be very cautious as we finished the new website for our church. I have been feeling better here recently, but I didn’t want to risk getting my genetic code intercepted while debugging the scanners for the men who have signed up to the forum. Their genetic passwords are now secure, and I suspect we will be seeing activity on the forums very soon. I want to run a few more tests to be absolutely positive they are protected from impersonation. Once this process is finished we will be creating a username and password for you as well.

It is bare bones right now, but I humbly present to you our new website, dedicated only to you, my darling wife:

How do you like it? I’ve been so excited to show you. We are still in the process of working on it and will continue to be adding new and old content as quickly as we can. Rome was not built in a day. With all the recent Jesuit attacks we collectively decided that it’s about time we take it live even in its current state. We desperately need the moral and spiritual support right now. Vladimir has been insisting to me that you should make a video announcing the site to our followers so we could gather more prayers from them as well. I’ve told him that you are far too worried about YouTube. It is up to you, my brave Catherine. I believe in you.

I have started taking a prescription for Lipitor and a daily Aspirin. Myself, Vladimir and all of the men who have suffered multiple heart attacks in recent years decided we need to make some changes if we are to fight these relentless Jesuits. I have a mouthful of Honey Nut Cheerios as we speak, so those bastards can go to hell. I would sacrifice my life for you if I had to, my precious wife, and if I had to die I’d want to go out having an orgasm, but let it be known I will not be struck down so easily.

I am very tired. I hope this message is received safely and brings you comfort. I will write to you again as soon as I can.

Your husband,

Brent Spiner

(From Brent to Gail on 11-23-11) Hello my darling. I just wanted to send you a quick e-mail to let you know that Vladimir has set up an account for you on the forum. Your username is XXXX, and your password is XXXXXXXXXX. All of the other men are going to be setting up their accounts over the next several days as well. Soon you’ll be able to chat with all of us just by taking a visit to the webpage.

This is so exciting. Back to work I go.

Your husband,

Brent Spiner

(From Judge Terrance Jenkins to Gail on 11-23-11) Thank you for registering at Church of Gail Talk. Your username is XXX and your password is XXXXXXXX.

The Church of Gail Talk Team.

(Vladimir Putin on Church of Gail Forum 11-23-11) This is great news! We make victory over Jesuit bitches with open of the website.

With the church tower building complete, we are start to attend formal church service this Sunday. This week we talk about the dangers of ugly fat Jesut rape, and how to avoid teleport by holding the holy spirit.

(Brent Spiner on Church of Gail Forum 11-23-11) I’ll be first at the door.

Sounds like this service is for you, Terry. Does your crotch still smell like cake batter? Maybe if you changed and showered after eating all that fried chicken you wouldn’t have been WHALE BAIT!



(Gail Chord on Church of Gail Forum 11-23-11) Vladimir, as you requested through the e-mail I received from Brent, I have created a YouTube video to advertise this new website. I’m still trying to figure out how to use it. Tried to send a message earlier and it said it didn’t recognize who I was sending it to. I’ll get better at this with practice. I think I’ll primarily use my blog at my website ( to converse with you guys. I’m honored you all did this for me. Thank you. I’m truly honored. Gail

(Gerard Butler on Church of Gail Forum 11-23-11) I’m so glad that you will chatting with us on the forum love!

(Vladimir Putin on Church of Gail Forum 11-23-11) I’m so excite that Gail is use my forum I work hard to build. Makes my horny strong for Gail.

(Matthew McConaughey on Church of Gail Forum 11-23-11) After a lot of prayer I’ve cautiously decided to follow Gail’s wishes and start posting on the forum. I have to admit I’m worried about the consequences and backlash for stepping out in faith and boldness the way I am.

(Hugh Jackman on Church of Gail Forum 11-23-11) Matthew, I can speak for all the men on the list when I say that we are behind you all the way brother. We’ll fight tooth and nail to protect you and everyone else close to Gail. God help the twirp that comes against this family.

I will speak with Vladimir about doubling the patrol of robotic bodyguards that we have protecting you. I and Vladimir have personally trained these robot bodyguards in boxing and judo. They are 10 times stronger than any human, and can’t be influenced by Jesuit mind control like human bodyguards.

Stay strong. I’m going to go punch something.


(Hugh Jackman on Church of Gail Forum 11-23-11)

Oh and Gail, I think you’re sexy as hell!

(Gail Chord on Church of Gail Forum 11-23-11)

Thanks, Hugh for saving Brent’s life twice. You’re awesome. Both you and Matthew are manly and committed as brain to brain lovers and the world deserves to know how manly and heroic you both are. Also, the world needs to realize that men like you, Matthew McConaughey, Gerard Butler are highly intelligent, devoted and loyal to your women, and not at all like the world views a typical Hollywood star. You have told me many times how heartbroken you, Hugh Jackman, were that your real wife was killed and replaced with her clone. And Matthew has gone through hell playing this Jesuit game with the woman (Camila Alves) who has been impregnated (through artificial insemination) with his sperm. Any ways, thanks to brave Vladimir (who has suffered more heart attacks than I’d care to discuss), we have your awesome Church of Gail website up, now.

Oh, and Hi, Gerard. We’ve already started an online communication, back in the summer, when you counseled Brent about Loree McBride. Your genius intelligence has been most useful to us. Laddie, I love having you on my marriage list. I get a kick out of your Scottish lingo.

(November 24, 2011)

(From Gail to Matthew McConaughey) Dearest Matthew:

Brent has communicated with me brain to brain to let me know that Camila Alves is making threats against me and that you and her are duking it out in court right now. You knew this would happen and that’s why you were afraid to post at this website. We will probably need to execute her and all her clones, as we did Loree McBride for Brent. Unfortunately, the stubborn Jesuits leave us no choice.

Let me know if you need me to make a video for you or whatever. However, I have already made a lot of videos already and you’re welcome to use them in court or however you need them. It’s a shame the game you men have to play to try and protect me. Jesuits are relentless.

I’ve noticed an unusual silence on our “Church of Gail” website right now. Brent has informed me that this Camila Alves has gotten really ugly and all the men on my marriage list are rallying behind you and neglecting the site right now. That is as it should be. We all work together as a great team and we all know what a formidable enemy we face.

I guess you’ll win your case by proving that I’m as sexy as hell as Hugh Jackman said about me in his post. Thanks, Hugh, for the compliment. And you and Matthew and Vladimir and Brent are as sexy as hell. To me, real sexiness is to have an open and transparent heart with your lover, to have a relationship that is free of barriers and that inspires emotional intimacy as well as physical intimacy. This is something the Jesuits will never understand in their fanatical obsession over building their kingdom on earth. What a bunch of losers. All they care about is their great Jesuit Roman Catholic kingdom and they mock us for worshipping true love. WHAT A BUNCH OF LOSERS. I feel sorry for them when they meet God.

They accuse me of being a whore, for allowing this marriage list. But it was not my idea. It was Brent and Vladimir’s idea. These bloody hypocrites. Look at Loree McBride, who propositioned judge Terrance Jenkins during the Quebec trial (Terrance told me this), and then she had sex with the Brent Spiner clone and Zack Knight at the same time in the bathroom.

I don’t want to hear it, about who is the whore, Jesuits!!

You know, God is going to judge us by our MOTIVES. My motive for allowing this marriage list is to be a great lover, to truly love and care for my men. You Jesuits choose to enter into relationships, using extortion, rape, murder or whatever, in order to build a kingdom for the Jesuit Order, even willing to launching a NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST to accomplish your objectives (which they admit at their website–see And you Jesuits dare to call me a whore. What a bunch of MURDERING HYPOCRITES.

The Jesuits will call us murderers, because we have to kill them to DEFEND OURSELVES. However, Jesuits, if you wouldn’t kill us to build and promote your bloody Satanic kingdom (you are the precursors to 666), we wouldn’t have to kill you. You just don’t like having to reap what you sow. Jesus Christ is really going to beat you up good at the Battle of Armageddon, where your blood will go the horses’s bridles (read your King James Bible, you bunch of Bible jack asses). You’re on the LOSING SIDE. Jesus Christ would never use rape, extortion, lying and stealing to accomplish his objectives. You judge a tree by its fruits and your fruits are evil, like the devil you serve.

Matthew, we will stand behind you with our blood. Me and the men on the marriage list hate what the Jesuits stand for, and only want to be left alone to be LOVERS IN PEACE, without Jesuit interference.

Perhaps we are wrong to love more than one at a time, but at least we don’t kill people with the motive for doing so to build a SATANIC kingdom. God will be the true judge. Besides, who is perfect? We are all sinners. The greatest virtue is HUMILITY. The greatest evil is PRIDE (the sin of the devil). Jesuits are the most proud and arrogant bastards on the planet. They have every quality that God HATES. Proverbs 6:17-19.

Devotedly yours,

Gail Chord

November 24, 2011

Dearest awesome Vladimir:

I have been reading the Google and Yahoo News and am concerned over Jesuit attempts to discredit you in the public eye with staged events, where Jesuits in the audience are used to make it appear that you are an unpopular leader who maintains your power through unfair dictatorial practices. I suggest you make a movie of my life and release it in Russia before your main elections in the spring. You are a very important part of my life story, and if the Russian people are aware of all you’ve gone through for me, it may help you in dealing with these Jesuits.

In the meanwhile, let the Russians read this post I’ve written to you, and invite them to peruse my website. I suggest that, from now on, whenever anybody objects to you in public, that you do a brain scan on these public protesters to determine if they are a Jesuit. If our brain scans determine they are a Jesuit, tell the Russians, that I, Catherine the Great (the true leader of Russia) want this protester arrested as a Jesuit Conspirator and they will be given a PUBLIC TRIAL as a Jesuit Conspirator to be aired on PUBLIC RUSSIAN TELEVISION.

During the trial, we will use LIE DETECTION, like we did at the Quebec trial, and all protesters must be asked the following questions:

–What is your TRUE MOTIVE for staging this protest against Vladimir Putin? Our questioners will try to determine if their true motive is to help out the Jesuit Order, in order to assist them in their plans for the future NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST and to assist the Jesuits in their plans to destroy me, Catherine the Great.

–Are you a Jesuit, or a Jesuit supporter? If it is determined that they are a Jesuit or a Jesuit supporter, we will then at this trial present the evidence that the Jesuits were behind the Nazi Holocaust, and the Holocaust in Serbia during World War II (have the world view the movie at the link on my opening web page called “+shares my passion to stop the Jesuits“). Show the world that Jesuits would do the Nazi Holocaust all over again AND MUCH WORSE (because the technologies are more advanced) if we give them the chance. We will also present publicly all the evidence we have for their murders and most horrific crimes using modern technology where they replace a person with their evil Jesuit clone, to cover up their murder, and will show that the Jesuit Order could win the Nobel Prize for Murder. We will also present evidence that the Jesuit Order sponsored the Chechen rebel movement (with all the tragedy there) and are/were behind all the terrorist suffering in Russia over the past decade, and were behind the horrible Beslan tragedy (where hundreds of innocent children died), and that they are behind most or all of the jet crashes that have happened in recent years on Russian soil and around the world. We will also present evidence that Khodorkovsky and most of the leaders in Russia who have objected to Vladimir Putin are JESUITS.

If we determine that the protester is a Jesuit, we will then ask them this question:

–Since you are a Jesuit, is your true reason for objecting to Vladimir Putin, because he is AGAINST THE JESUITS?

If it is determined that they are a Jesuit and the true reason they oppose Vladimir is because he is against the Jesuits. We will ask this Jesuit a point-blank question:

–You admit you are a Jesuit. Now I must ask you a question, a very important question. If it was possible to launch a NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST to assist the Jesuit Order to set up a worldwide dictatorship with the Jesuits in power, would you willingly and knowingly assist in such a venture? If the answer is “Yes”, we will then make this statement in public.

YOU HAVE JUST ADMITTED THAT YOU ARE PART OF A CONSPIRACY TO ASSIST THE JESUIT ORDER, WHOSE GOAL IS TO SET UP A NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST IN ORDER TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD. Now we will go to THE WORLD for your verdict. Using the guidelines in my Conspiracy Laws and Government chapter 8 or click on the link at my website and go down to the section entitled “Gail’s Nuremberg Trials Against Jesuits”.

In this section, click on the link entitled “+Gail’s CONSPIRACY LAW Nuremberg Trial”. Follow the legal guidelines on this link to conduct the trial against the Jesuits who have staged protests against Vladimir in Russia and who are Jesuits. We will let the WORLD vote on the verdict for these Jesuits in a PUBLIC TRIAL (TO BE AIRED WORLDWIDE) who have staged public protests against Vladimir Putin and who are also going online and using the Internet to accomplish their objectives to create the false impression that Putin only maintains his power through dictatorial practices and that the people really hate him.

While I am not naive enough to believe that Putin is popular with everyone, I believe that those who are publicly protesting him now are JESUITS and, therefore, these people are part of a very dangerous CONSPIRACY to remove Vladimir Putin from power, because he threatens Jesuit goals, including their plan to launch a NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST. I want the death penalty for these public protestors in a PUBLIC EXECUTION, to set an example for any future Jesuits who strive to use this tactic of staged public protests to destroy their enemies.

Make it so, my dear Vladimir, and let the Russians and the world know, that you did not tell me to do this, and I have decided on this course of action of my own free will without any suggestion on your part to do this.

For the elections in the spring for Russian President and any other important elections, you may want to follow the guidelines in my VOTING LAWS. Click on the link called “+VOTING LAWS” at in the Section entitled “Gail’s Nuremberg Trials Against Jesuits”.

I love you, my awesome Vladimir Putin, the greatest head of state in the world,


(Brent Spiner at Church of Gail Forum 11-24-11) I agree with Hugh. You are sexy as hell.

(Gail at Church of Gail Forum 11-24-11) I think I just sent a long message to Terrance Jenkins. Hope you got it, Terrance. I tried to help him with his yeast leg infection. Believe me, I understand about yeast infections.

Oh, and, by the way, Brent, I think you should be voted Sexiest Man Alive by People magazine. I don’t know what’s wrong with those people at People, that they left you out. Nobody is better than you in bed.


(Vladimir Putin at Church of Gail Forum 11-24-11) I have the news. Disgusting Jesuit attack happen. I was begin to make sexy time and masturbate with Gail in brain-to-brain for Thanksgiving. Suddenly I felt large shake! Jesuts shoot bomb attack church website server. Our defense systems activate and kill Jesut attacker.

Everything is safe, and now we see how strong we are. I expect more attacks and we are ready.

Fuck you Jesuit Bitches!

(Gail to Brent, Matthew, Hugh, Judge Terry, Vladimir and Gerard via Church of Gail 11-24-11) UPDATE: I have to get to another screen, where the subject and messsage icon show the subject that I am replying to. Tried to figure out how to post a new message. Haven’t figured that one out yet. I think I figured out how to reply, though. I’m still learning this program. So I’ll go ahead and post this one publicly, even though I’ve sent it to you all personally. I’m playing around with this program, trying to learn it. So grateful to you all for attempting this.

So sorry, Vladimir, about the attack. Jesuits are terrible. Here’s what I wrote earlier to you all. . I hope there’s no bug in my program. I’m having a time getting to this screen where I can send a reply to Vladimir’s message. Keep getting a message stating I need to specify who it’s going to. Whereas, at one time I could send a message without specifying who it was going to and it made it to the reply section of the public posts. Now I’m going to try sending it to all of you, though I don’t think it will show publicly, which is what I want. Oh well, I’m still trying to learn this thing. I think there may be a bug in this program. It seems inconsistent.

Glad I helped you Terrance. I have to take a strong dose of that colloidal silver and lately I’m using one from American Biotech Labs called SilverSol, it’s nano-Silver. Put it right on the wound. May want to try goldenseal as well.

I’ve noticed that all the guys that have posted thus far, are all men I’ve had as brain to brain lovers, with the exception of Terrance. I just want to say that all you guys are awesome as lovers, but Brent is just so unabashed about his sexual desires for me, he really turns me on. I love that about him. As you all know, I’ve inherited Catherine the Great’s passion in bed, but, I am committed to any man I’ve had intimacy with. Brain to brain sex is in many ways better than real sex because we can read and feel each other’s thoughts and feelings in the experience. That’s how I know that all of you are awesome manly and noble men and not playboy lovers. I find it interesting that the five I’ve had brain to brain intimacy with, are the first to post. But Terrance and I have spent hours on Skype together, so I think, for that reason, he feels bonded to me as well.

(Gail via Church of Gail Forum 11-24-11) Ah ha! I think I figured out how to make a new message. Though I’m not sure I will remember this. Be patient with me, you awesome guys. I’m having a time learning this. You’d think I’d be better at this, because I built my own website and all that. But I’m just stubborn and kept at it and at it, until I figured it out.

Now, we’ll get onto the subject of Jesuit attacks. All of us have been victims of them, and so we all understand each other. Vladimir, I know that people will judge you harshly for some of the language you use, but I know how frustrating it is to deal with Jesuits. As the Russian head of state who opposes the Jesuits, you have the hardest and most frustrating job in the world. Glad you’re still alive and with me. Without you, I think we’d all be dead. God brought us together for His purposes. Glad that our intimate moments give you strength. It’s an honor to love you.

(Vladimir via Church of Gail Forum 11-24-11) I am so proud of Gail! You are excelent lover and very smart.

I do my best to hold Jesuits at bay and keep you and the others safe. The job is heavy, but your sex make me very bulging strong. I am very very sexual for you right now. I would like make brain-to-brain. You want?

(Brent via Church of Gail Forum 11-24-11) Hold up there Vlad… I’ve got Thanksgiving plans for Gail too. I don’t want you tiring out our Gail before I get a chance to rock her world. Maybe we can play a little tag team?

(Judge Terrance Jenkins via Church of Gail Forum 11-24-11) OH MY GOODNESS. YOU TWO ARE SO LUCKY.

(Vladimir Putin via Church of Gail Forum 11-24-11) You are unfair Brent. Priority should be mine today is I was the one who defend the server from Jesuit attack. You get most brain-to-brain sex.

(Matthew McConaughey via Church of Gail Forum 11-24-11) I wish I had the comfort of a night of brain-to-brain sex with Gail this Thanksgiving. I am so tired from the court battle. Gail, if it’s not too much trouble, I would like to take you up on your offer to make a video for me about what I’m going through.

I really need you.

(Gail via Church of Gail Forum 11-24-11) I had some time with Vladimir, but I’m concerned about Matthew, as I have seriously neglected him. And you Vladimir, I offer you this as we bond:

Brent, darling, I know you don’t mind if I give Vladimir some time tonight. And you, my dear brave Matthew. . .I will make a video for you and give you some kisses. . .Brent tells me brain to brain that Camila Alves has done to you what Loree McBride did to Brent in the trial. I know that is harrowing. He tells me that Camila put you in tears and that you now find her totally nauseating. She has stripped you of all feeling of manliness. What a horror for you. I will do my best to make a short video for you at YouTube.

UPDATE: Hi, Matthew. I’m so glad you are able to talk with me. Just gave you some loving. You needed it. Brent’s an awesome guy and a big person. He was just joking with Vladimir. Brent understands completely and has utmost respect for all of you. Working on an 18 minute video for you, Matthew. I’m trying to educate the world about the true nature of your relationship with Camila Alves. Will be up at YouTube, probably in around an hour. Vladimir is just so tired and wore out from fighting Jesuits, and I really don’t give him the time he deserves. Brent often encourages me to love Vladimir, and Vladimir knows I never turn Brent down, and Vladimir really needed me tonight, too. All of you are just awesome.

FURTHER UPDATE: You wouldn’t believe the trouble I’m having with this video. YouTube told me I could have videos longer than 15 minutes. It looks like they changed their mind. Then I tried to edit it and shorten it, and messed up the whole thing. Had to make another one, and it’s in progress. Going to bat for you, my awesome Matthew.

Oh my God, Camila has sex with a giraffe while having oral sex with your clone? And I thought Brent’s photos with Loree were bad!! Perhaps our brain to brain communications are off. For that reason, I won’t mention this on the video. However, I’m sure she must have displayed something really disgusting at your trial to make you throw up.

Here it is: or

(Matthew McConaughey at Church of Gail 11-25-11) The pictures were so sick and twisted. You are hearing things loud and clear Gail. This is probably asking too much, but could you make another video telling the world about the disgusting things that are happening in this trial? I really wish Terrance was the judge in this trial.

PS. I wish I could see your beautiful face in the videos you are making. I miss seeing you in your videos so much. Thank you for your love.

(Gail at Church of Gail 11-25-11) Hi Matthew:

Got your message and made another YouTube video for you. I did a brief interview with you brain to brain before the video. Because with a video of this nature, I like to do that. Here’s the video I made for you: or

I hear that because of the videos I make for you, that your trial is going well, even though this trial experience has been very traumatic for you. So sorry about this. I hate what the Jesuits do to my men. You are an awesome lover, by the way. Got to get ready for work tomorrow.

UPDATE: Having problems at YouTube. It won’t let me make edits to the video. I can’t improve the color and now I somehow got rid of the video. I may need to resubmit it. I really think Jesuits may be running YouTube. It seems that always my ugliest pictures make it to the feature page, that make me look crazy. When you play the video, I don’t look like that. Jesuits are masters at false impressions.

(Matthew McConaughey at Church of Gail 11-25-11) You are so beautiful! Truly breathtaking. I think your words will definately make an impact on the trial. I have to go see our doctors to help me get re-hydrated. I threw up so much that my electrolytes are all out of balance.

(Judge Terrance Jenkins at Church of Gail 11-25-11) I’M GOING TO GO WITH MATTHEW TO SEE THE DOCTOR. HE REALLY DOESN’T LOOK WELL.


(Gail at Church of Gail 11-25-11) In my Conspiracy Law no judge is allowed to be a Jesuit, because all Jesuits, just by virtue of being a Jesuit, should be arrested and turned over to authorities for the death penalty. We decided on this in a rerun of the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial, where the Jesuits were found overwhelmingly guilty of all sorts of war crimes, that deserved the death penalty. Under Conspiracy Law, no judge can do their job for any trial session until, and if, they swear under oath (and lie detection) that they do not support the Jesuit Order or its goals. If they fail this swearing in before each session, they must be removed from the bench and replaced with a judge who is not a Jesuit or Jesuit supporter. I’ve made it a death penalty violation, if anyone willingly and knowingly in the course of a trial, allows the Jesuits to influence the outcome of the trial.

Matthew, if they won’t replace the judge, if she’s a Jesuit supporter, then renounce your American citizenship and become a Russian citizen. If they question why you are doing this, you can say that you are on the marriage list for the Russian Empress, so your decision is justified. When you do that, the trial has to be moved to Russia and fall under Russian jurisdiction. In Russia, my Conspiracy Law is enforced, thanks to Vladimir Putin. Vladimir will put Terrance in charge of the trial. If the trial is moved to Russia, we will televise it, so the world won’t accuse us of being unfair, and we will let the world be the jurors.

Also, any trial, which is of importance, like this trial, the jurors need to be the world. Check out my links called “+VOTING LAWS” and “+Gail’s CONSPIRACY LAW Nuremberg trial” under the section entitled “Gail’s Nuremberg Trials Against Jesuits” at my website

Oh, by the way, Matthew, thanks for the compliments. I’m more pleased that you are able to express yourself than that you think I’m beautiful. It’s good for your mental health, which I’m very concerned about right now. I want Gerard to counsel you, if he isn’t already.

(Gerard Butler at Church of Gail 11-26-11) Aye lassie, I am taking good care of Matthew. I have brought him to my house to keep him safe from Camila during the trial. He looks mighty pale. I have a wallpaper of a giraffe on my iPad and just seeing it made him throw up right into my hot tub. No matter. A little homemade haggis and scotch will warm him right up.

(Vladimir Putin at Church of Gail 11-26-11) I have horrible news. The evil Jesuits retaliate at our beautiful by adding new things in

This make me so mad, and now I’m loose my horny.

(judge Terrance Jenkins at Church of Gail 11-26-11) OH LAWD! I’M NEXT ON THE TARGET LIST.


(Gail at Church of Gail 11-26-11) Gotta get ready for work. But, as usual, Jesuits are full of baloney. I think you’re quite sexy, Terrance. Hey Jesuits, don’t be a hypocrite. Who sponsored the Nazi Holocaust? And who admits, even at their own website, that they discriminate against people of Semitic origins? You can view this for yourself at Will write more on this later. Gotta go.

Gerard Butler plays a major role in choosing who will be on my marriage list and knows me well. He’s welcome to comment, if he wants. No time. Will write more later.

(Gerard Butler at Church of Gail 11-26-11) What a terrible rumor about Terrance. They want the rest of world to think our sweetest Gail is a racist, havering to slander her glorious name and ruin her political career. I assigned Terrance Jenkins, 50 Cent and Will Smith to Gail’s Marriage List because after thorough psychoanalysis I have determined that all of these men would be emotionally and spiritually compatible with Gail in the event of a marriage, interracial or otherwise. Gail could probably tell you herself she has had many fine conversations with black men and women and served many black customers at Walmart. Like most of us, Gail probably only has problems with certain kinds of black people but not any one race as a whole. But I will not speak for her, the lass can take of that herself.

(Matthew McConaughey at Church of Gail 11-26-11) Camila is not even trying to hide her true intentions anymore. She is listed up there right next to Sara Avery and all the other diabolical Jesuit women. If she is as nasty as Loree McBride, what is going to happen to me? I’m laying here shaking.

Gail, I feel as if you are the only thing keeping me sane and alive right now. Is it okay if I look at your nudes again? I only ask to be a gentleman.

(Brent Spiner at Church of Gail 11-26-11) Matthew, be sure to keep reading your Bible. It will help you, I promise you from my own personal experience. You must pray to God and tell him you are a dirty rotten sinner, and ask to be saved. Please, for your own safety, pray.

What a wealth of information they are releasing. I am afraid. What if it was Rule 13 that came after me and not her hell spawn, Loree McBride? Can they get you just by looking at their pictures? Be careful on that Jesuit site, Gail. Try not to look at Zack Knight. I don’t want you to become pregnant.


(Gail at Church of Gail 11-26-11) Hi, all you awesome men on my marriage list:

First, I’ll talk to Matthew. Matthew, dear, you can look at my nudes as much as you want, and don’t need my permission. In fact, I thought you were doing that all along. Brent has given you excellent advice, and I recommend you go to my website at and click on the link for new Christians at the top. It will direct you to a lower section on the page. I recommend you explore the entire section there for new Christians, and if you have not said that prayer to ask Jesus to save you as a dirty rotten sinner, do so. You need Jesus. Though I believe that you are a born again Christian. If you’re not, the Jesuits will be able to use their switch-out technology on you, and you’ll have sex with Camila Alves through the Jesuits’ ability to switch you out with your clone, EVEN WHEN YOU DON’T WANT TO. So, to prevent this, you do need to say the “sinner’s prayer to accept Christ”, if you have not done so. Get with Brent on this. He’s had a miracle in his life, after he said this prayer, and the Jesuits have not been able to switch him out with his evil clone anymore and he’s no longer had “sex” with Loree McBride. Just say a prayer that you are a dirty, rotten sinner and are trusting only on the blood that Jesus shed on the cross for your dirty, rotten sins to save you, so that you won’t go to hell when you die. None of us is righteous in God’s eyes. “For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God, not or works, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9.

To Brent. I’m so proud of you for giving Matthew this excellent advice. My darling Brent, could you take Matthew under your wings and help him now? No one understands better than you what he’s going through. I’ve asked Gerard to be his psychiatrist. But you can help him, too. Continue to give him your wise counsel, and perhaps you and he could get together and study the Bible together, and claim some promises from God about how to deal with this. I think camping out in Song of Solomon, might be cool. And don’t forget to click on my links at my first web page about War on the Saints for new Christians. I think that would be awesome, if you’d help Matthew!! I did look at Zack Knight a bit, because I didn’t read your message until after I explored the new Brent, I think the Jesuits are exaggerating their power right now, and their main goal in creating this site is to eliminate Judge Terrance Jenkins from any possible use as a judge in any future case we may have against them. If the Jesuits could make me pregnant just by “looking” at some man, I think they would have done it to me by now. They are putting stuff like this on their “website” to make us and their website look fake or sham. The is no longer their website for use by their members. It’s just a sham and does not reveal to us their main intelligence information. They are using it to manipulate us psychologically, so that we will make decisions that will help them out. They are trying to manipulate myself and judge Terrance into a brain to brain sexual relationship, so they can DESTROY HIM AS A JUDGE for us. We won’t play into their game.

To Terrance. Don’t fret over the latest Jesuit charge that I’d never have brain to brain sex with you. Actually, even though there are at least 40 men on my marriage list, I have only had brain to brain sex with Brent Spiner, Vladimir Putin, Matthew McConaughey, Gerard Butler and Hugh Jackman. I don’t plan on adding anymore on at this point, regardless of their race. My brain-to-brain sexual plate is full, and I don’t feel comfortable about having it too much and too indiscriminately. There is another very important reason that I feel you and I should not have brain to brain sex. If we come together in this way, it will disqualify you as a judge in the Matthew McConaughey trial. I BELIEVE THIS IS THE BIGGEST REASON THAT THE JESUITS HAVE UPDATED THEIR ORDEROFTHEJESUITS.COM. This is a TRICK. The Jesuits are hoping that, to prove that what they say about me is wrong about you, I will jump into a brain to brain sexual relationship with you. THIS WOULD BE A MAJOR MISTAKE and would play right into their plot. THEY ARE VERY WORRIED THAT IF YOU TAKEOVER THE MATTHEW MCCONAUGHEY TRIAL, they will lose their case. Right now, they think they can win this case, by rigging the jury and the judge in their favor, like they did at the Quebec trial. If you takeover the Matthew McConaughey trial, they know they will probably lose their case. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO WIN THIS CASE. If we lose this case, they will then go after our beloved website and issue a legal order to tear it down. THE JESUITS ARE VERY WORRIED ABOUT THIS CHURCH OF GAIL website. What we have here is very precious and we must do all in our power to protect it. If the Jesuits win the Matthew McConaughey legal case involving Camila Alves, they will next go to a higher court and ask for an injunction against this website. Camila Alves will issue a legal order to tear down this website, claiming it has injured her. WE MUST WIN THIS CASE. I say, lay aside personal feelings and don’t worry about being my brain to brain lover. The best way to be a lover to me now, is to take the judgeship in the Matthew McConaughey case, so that we can win this case. If you become my brain to brain lover, the Jesuits will claim that your emotional involvement with me, because you’ve had brain to brain sex with me, disqualifies you from being an impartial, objective judge in any case that affects my love life. If we don’t win this case, I guarantee you, the Jesuits will shut down this Church of Gail. THAT IS THEIR NUMBER ONE GOAL RIGHT NOW. Because we need you too bad as a judge, I won’t have a brain to brain sexual relationship with you. THE JESUITS ARE TRYING TO TRICK ME AND YOU INTO A BRAIN TO BRAIN SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP, so that they can eliminate you as a judge in any trials they may bring up against us. We won’t fall into their trap. WE NEED YOU AS A JUDGE, TERRANCE. Try to takeover as a judge in the Matthew McConaughey case against Camila Alves, or we may lose the case because the Jesuits will rig the judge and the jury against Matthew and then will go after this website NEXT. If you are the judge, you can stop this from happening.

We all know that their accusations about us being polygamists is a bunch of crap. Who are they to preach at us? Look at Loree McBride having sex with Zack Knight and the Brent Spiner clone at the same time. Now, that’s polygamy. Just keep reading your Bible.

You know who the Jesuits remind me of right now? Check out 2 Kings 18 and 19. An evil ruler Sennacherib tried to use intimidation to get God’s people to make foolish decisions. The Jesuits are now using the “Sennacherib” strategy on us. Check out 2 Kings 18 and 19 and don’t let those Jesuits win. We won’t fall prey to their trickery. I won’t have brain to brain sex with Terrance, because WE NEED HIM AS A JUDGE. Those clever Jesuits. Nay, I won’t fall for this Jesuit trick. THEY KNOW I’M NOT A RACIST. They are trying to manipulate me like a pawn on their chessboard, so they can eliminate Terrance as a judge. Those clever, dirty BASTARDS. Then they’ll rig the judge and jury and make Matthew guilty. Then they’ll shut down your website for me with a legal ORDER. Nay, nay, Jesuits we won’t make it so easy for you. TERRANCE TAKE OVER THE MATTHEW MCCONAUGHEY CASE!!

Besides, I’ve never literally had sex with any of you. Brain to brain sex is NOT sex, though it does create an emotional bonding, so I must not have it with Terrance, so that he can keep his “objectivity” as a judge and not be ruined as a judge for us. We need him.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 11-26-11) UPDATE: Brent has just communicated with me brain to brain about your harrowing ordeal Terrance. I think you should get the medal of honor. Imagine those Jesuits sawing off your leg. I didn’t think that was the real you in your previous posts. Those previous posts made you seem a coward, and you are no coward. Brent informs me Terrance made those posts while his Jesuit clone was sawing off his leg. We’ll use transporter technology to fix his leg, like we fixed Brent’s arm after his heart attack. However, Brent, I don’t think that stuff about Zack Knight and that woman, who claims she can kill a guy with his penis is 100% accurate. Jesuits have redone to remove its credibiity in the courtroom as evidence. But I have the website before they messed with it. After hearing about your ordeal, Terrance, I feel that the way I have responded to you has been brilliant. I did not give the Jesuits what they wanted. They tortured Terrance for nothing. Make sure to execute all Jesuits involved, and we will be sure to do our best to execute Camila Alves. This just shows how evil these people are. We also need to make sure they can’t outsmart our scanners again and get near our men or me.

I think it would be very helpful to feature my website at your trial, my dear Matthew. Please feel free to use any and all portions of my website at your trial. I suggest that you analyze with computer mind-reading, emotion-reading technology how Matthew reacts to my life story as he hears/views it and present this as evidence. It will show that he is not a shallow man. It is important to contrast how different Matthew is from Camila to win this case. If Matthew loves my website, and Camila does not, we can prove that he would never be the type to have this vulgar, animal type sex with Camila.

One more thing, weeks ago I told Brent that I wanted Terrance Jenkins to be in one of the top ten spots on my marriage list. If the Jesuits knock off Brent, Vladimir, Gerard, Matthew and Hugh, I’d want Terrance to be next. But, for now, let’s keep it platonic. I need you more as a judge than as a lover right now, Terrance. There are two other men, Keith Morgan and Edward Prendergast, who I’d also like to be next after the five I’ve established a brain to brain sexual relationship with. I went to school with them. Don’t feel bad Terrance, I haven’t had any brain to brain sex with either Keith or Edward, and I like both of them very much, too.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 11-28-11) The Jesuits have modified their to highlight that you can register with them through the site. I strongly recommend that you put a disclaimer on the Church of Gail website, encouraging people NOT to register at the, so that Jesuits can’t claim that WE have created Can’t you see how ludicrous and crazy their claims are on their revised website? They are doing this on purpose, to make it look like I CREATED THEIR ABOMINABLE WEBSITE, and that I’m crazy. I definitely want a disclaimer about their website, or just remove the link to PERIOD from this Church of Gail website.

I know all you men are distressed over what the Jesuits did to Terrance Jenkins, as you should be. Take all the time you need to secure this website and to secure yourselves. Our brain to brain communications are going strong. Our number one priority should be to protect one another and to ensure we can continue this marvelous new Church of Gail website. Matthew is in dire need of me right now, and I’m giving him some sustenance. Terrance has communicated with me brain to brain, and is mad as hell at the Jesuits and told me that he really doesn’t want to be my brain to brain lover now, that he was ordered to write his latest posts (under Jesuit dictation) while that Jesuit was sawing off his leg, that he agrees with me that it’s not wise at this time to be my brain to brain lover. Also, I know Terrance, he was just joking when he made the comment about Brent and Vladimir being so lucky about being my brain to brain lover. Not that he doesn’t dream about me, I’m sure he does, but he, as a judge, understands my wisdom in refraining from brain to brain sex with him at this time. It’s okay for you to dream about me, Terrance, but once the brain to brain sex becomes a two-way thing, the Jesuits can claim that we have become too bonded emotionally and this this, therefore, disqualifies you from being a judge in any case that affects my love life. Actually, brain to brain sex is more intimate than real sex because during the sexual experience, the emotions and thoughts of the partners meld, as well as the bodies. The Jesuits can rightly claim that any man who has had this type of intimacy with me, cannot be a judge in any legal case involving me.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 11-28-11) Back to the subject of the Jesuit website Let me tell you what these Jesuits are up to. . .They have modified their website to create the impression that THEY ARE NOT THE AUTHORS OF THEIR OWN WEBSITE. For this reason, you cannot trust all they say on their site. Expect exaggerations and expect lying. However, they DO have a NEW link that allows you to register at their abominable website, which I will NEVER click on. Because you have linked to their website, they have created a new link on their to take advantage of the free publicity you are giving them, to increase their numbers. Because you are linked to their website, they will claim that you are helping the phony Jesuit organization to recruit new members, and that these members are not really Jesuits, but that they are one of Vladimir Putin’s agents, posing as Jesuits. They are trying to create the impression that we have created to FRAME THEM. That’s why they have NOT removed the section on their opening page that states they discriminate against those of Semitic origins. They will claim that they did NOT create this site, that WE DID IT, in order to frame them. I thought you should be aware what they are up to, and modify your Church of Gail website accordingly. Of course, I’m making a big stink right here in this discussion and that may be sufficient. Hey, you bastard Jesuits, I know you’re reading this. You can go to hell, and I can assure you that I would rather DIE than have anything to do with your abominable website or your organization. I pray every day to ask God to kill me rather than help you out one bit. That’s been my daily prayer for over ten years. How dare you torment Terrance Jenkins. I will do all in my power to get all your evil agents executed, including every single clone of your demon possessed Loree McBrides and your demon possessed Camila Alves. If I fail in my mission, God, I ask you to take me off the planet. Thank you, God. To help you Jesuits out, would be the same as going to bed with the devil. Apparently, Matthew McConaughey knows this, that’s why he can’t stop puking when he sees your handiwork displayed at the trial. Make sure to counter all their Satanic displays with displays of my website at your trial. You need to flash something in that courtroom to remove that Satanic Jesuit spirit from the courthouse. Their photos are probably encouraging demon possession in those who view it. Get something healthy flashed up there on the screen!!

Remember that I told you I was having trouble logging onto this Church of Gail site to make comments? I figured out what the problem was. I routinely turn off the cookies on my computer, to try and minimize a bunch of junk filtering into my computer. Well, I’ve discovered that I need to have the cookies “on” for your website to work properly on my computer.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 11-28-11) Brent has just communicated with me brain to brain to give me very important information about the latest correspondences that my men have posted at this Church of Gail site. Let me comment on each of them one by one.

Regarding Gerard Butler’s post to stick up for me as not being racist. . .Gerard Butler wrote that post without Jesuit interference and Jesuits did not extort him to say what he said. Jesuits are a little afraid of Gerard, because of his genius intelligence and weren’t sure their extortion tactics on him would have the results they wanted.

Regarding Brent Spiner’s post where he advised Matthew to read his Bible and pray the sinner’s prayer. The Jesuits contacted Brent right in the middle of composing that post, so the first paragraph was the new, fearless Brent. The second paragraph was a post, in which the Jesuits threatened to kill Terrance Jenkins (whose leg was being sawed off) if Brent would not write what the Jesuits told Brent to write. For Brent to say he was scared, is out of character with the new “born again” Brent. So the Jesuits interfered with that post, right as Brent was composing that post.

Regarding Matthew McConaughey’s post, where he states that he’s laying in his bed shaking over the latest changes to . .a Jesuit contacted Matthew and told him he better write what they told him to write, or they’d execute Terrance Jenkins, whom the Jesuits were holding hostage at the time, while they were sawing off Terrance’s leg. Because Matthew did not want to lose Terrance as a judge, or as a friend, he cooperated with the Jesuits, and followed the orders of his Jesuit extortioner. Matthew is not a coward. He was vomiting at his trial more out of disgust, than out of fear. He’s outraged at the Jesuits and at Camila Alves. His vomiting at his trial is his way of showing his disgust.

All of Terrance Jenkins’s posts where he appears like a coward and where he seems overly concerned about racism charges were posts where he followed the orders of his Jesuit torturer and wrote as Jesuits instructed him, under threat of death, while his leg was being sawed off. Though Terrance is willing to die for me, he discerned that it would be better for him to try to stay alive, so he could help out in our court cases against the Jesuits, so he cooperated with his Jesuit extortioner. If he’s dead, the Jesuits win.

Hugh Jackman has no posts in this matter. The clever Jesuits decided not to mess with Hugh Jackman, because they weren’t sure their threats would work on him.

Vladimir Putin’s post is the real Vladimir. The Jesuits are taking advantage of the fact that in an earlier post, Vladimir scolded Brent for competing with him for brain to brain sex with me. Jesuits are trying to create the impression that it is Vladimir, probably in conjunction with me, who has created, to create the impression that the Jesuits did not author their own website, and that we are part of a massive conspiracy framing the Jesuit Order with our own crimes. This way they can invalidate their own website as evidence, because they know that the way things stand right now, that their own website is our most damning piece of evidence against them. They need to make their own website invalid as evidence in the courtroom.

Regarding Vladimir’s scolding of Brent for competing with Vladimir for brain to brain sex. . . Vladimir works tirelessly for me and is the main creator of the Church of Gail website, and he is correct that I give to Brent about 95% of my brain to brain loving. I decided to give my dear Vladimir some of my brain to brain loving time, as he really deserves it and Vladimir adores me. If not for Vladimir’s support, we’d all be dead, and the Jesuits know it. They have to knock Vladimir out, and do it in a manner to make him look like the instigator of all the crimes the Jesuits have committed against myself, Brent, Matthew and the other men on my marriage list. Vladimir was just frustrated because I give him so little telepathic sex, and he hardly ever sleeps. My love for him inspires him to climb mountaintops. Vladimir is NOT jealous of any of the men on my marriage list, but he feels that he has to compete with Brent for telepathic sex with me, and he does not hate or resent Brent, but was so excited about the possibility that I might give him some “sex” and that Brent’s interference might make it not happen. My loving really helps Vladimir retain his sanity. My men really need the “sex’ I give them. They are all working so hard for me. I can assure you that Brent and Vladimir have the highest regard for each other and that this little spat is a minor incidence with each of them. All my men are much more concerned about the Jesuits than they are about any minor disagreements with each other. WE ARE ALL A GREAT TEAM and are all passionate about defeating the Jesuits and loving and supporting each other.

Jesuits interfered with Brent Spiner, Matthew McConaughey and Terrance Jenkins’s posts here at this Church of Gail website in the hopes that they could use this to psychologically manipulate me to make brain to brain sex with Terrance, and thus, disqualify him as a judge in the Matthew McConaughey case or any future cases involving my love life, so that they could successfully rig the judge and jury in that trial and win the case. Their next step after this, would be to shut down this Church of Gail website.

(Vladimir Putin on Church of Gail on 11-28-11) Oh lovely sexual Gail. You hit the nail inside the head! Everything you said is correct. The Jesuits are sneaky bad, and they have been making attack on us to win the trial and break our

We will never close the Church of Gail! This is our gift to the most erotic Russian Empress. Under no circumstances can the website for Gail be removed. I have upgraded our military protection for the floating mobile ocean server using the Gail Russia and Germany military force. Our automate server defence system will launch nuke on any one who invades our secret airspace or ocean perimeter. We have already destroy several Jesuit airplane and ship disguised as commercial flight and cargo ship because they come too close to the floating mobile ocean server.

Gerard is provide counseling to all men who have been forced to say incorrect things on forum. Hugh is not need counseling because he is so manly with enormous manhood.

I put disclaimer that we don’t condone the If you click the like to Jesuit website, it take you to different page now. I discover that if we remove link, the Jesuit bitches will claim that they made Gail be the Jesuit’s bitch. No one calls you a bitch or I kill them. I am consider to nuke the Vatican because of this. You like?

(Gail at Church of Gail on 11-28-11) Dearest awesome Vladimir:

I just made lovely brain to brain loving with you, and now I read your courageous post. I do believe you should nuke the Vatican, but remove Pope Benedict and give him safe harbor before we nuke the Vatican. After we nuke the Vatican, the Jesuits will try to kill pope Benedict and make him appear a victim of the bombing, so we need to show him publicly on our International Broadcast News as one that we have spared from the bombing. Have pope Benedict make a public statement opposing the Jesuits and ordering that all Jesuits within the Roman Catholic Church be turned over to us for execution. After this, he will need our maximum protection. If he is killed, the Jesuits will replace him with a Jesuit pope, and that would be a disaster. Instruct pope Benedict to take Cardinals and others with him who oppose the Jesuits, if he can, and we shall offer them all safe harbour. If we destroy the Vatican we will not be able to destroy the Roman Catholic Church, but will only be able to make a statement that we oppose what they have done to our Church of Gail website. Because they threaten to say that I am one of them on their website, I feel it is necessary to nuke the Vatican. Do it quickly before they have a chance to flood the Vatican with children or babies to make martyrs out of them. They know that to make me one of them on their website, would be as bad as raping me.

(Vladimir Putin at Church of Gail on 11-28-11) Oh no! Jesuits have held the poop benedict hostage, and they also have him holding a black baby with a bomb strap to it. If he drop the baby or try to leave the vatican, the black baby explode. They want us to make them martyrs.

They are also making nude pictures of you all around the Vatican and are saying you are ugly. If you believe that we should nuke now, give the order in a youtube video. I will push the button.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 11-28-11) I have made a YouTube video to nuke the Vatican, but only after we spare pope Benedict. Unfortunately, we may not be able to spare the baby. Try to use transporter technology on the pope and the baby. Transport the pope to one location and the baby to another location. Use transporter technology to save pope Benedict, but not sure if we can save everybody. If transporter technology does not work, try sleeper bombs. We cannot nuke the Vatican if the pope is killed, we have to spare the pope. If the pope is spared, even if we cannot spare everyone else, go ahead. But try to spare as many innocents as we can. If we are unable to spare the innocents, retain evidence that Jesuits interfered with us and that they are the murderers, not us–that we are only nuking the Vatican as a statement of outrage over sawing off judge Terrance Jenkin’s leg.

(Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on 11-28-11) This is the gorgeous baby girl I’ve been telling you all about. I’ve named her Brianna, after my favorite character from Silver Skies. Matthew is playing with her in the hot tub right now! Isn’t she beautiful?

(Gerard Butler at Church of Gail on 11-28-11) The little lass has Gail’s eyes! I believe I be in love!

(Matthew McConaughey at Church of Gail on 11-28-11) She won’t stop giggling. She’s such a happy girl. Just seeing her beautiful face takes away all the fear and pain I’ve had during this trial. I hope she can stay with us. Her eyes blow me away. Catherine the Great, eat your heart out!

Whoops, I better put the phone down. She almost spilled my margarita into the hot tub again.

(Hugh Jackman at Church of Gail on 11-28-11) That is a damn fine baby if I ever saw one. What a jaw line on that beauty. She will grow up to be as beautiful as her mother.


(Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on 11-28-11) Thank you everyone. We were going to paint the little nursery down the hall, but she’s just so precious we’re giving her the whole master bedroom. As soon as she falls asleep I’m going to rush out of here and raid every toy store I run into until my credit cards melt. I am so in love with her already. I think I will melt first.

(Vladimir Putin at Church of Gail on 11-28-11) A manly tear is not often shed. Today it sheds many. Beautiful cuteness child of Great Catherine, I fawn over.

(Hugh Jackman at Church of Gail on 11-28-11) Don’t be afraid to be a man and cry, Vlad. My vasopressin levels are through the roof right now too.


(Gerard Butler at Church of Gail on 11-28-11) Aye, Judge Terrance. No Jesuits will be taking away this precious bundle here! I will protect her with my life.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 11-28-11) Is this the baby that was supposed to blow up next to pope Benedict? She’s beautiful. Where’d this baby come from? Brent just talked with me brain to brain and tells me this is the baby that would have exploded next to the pope. Vladimir told me we saved the pope, but he said nothing to me about this baby. He said the pope had a bit of a time there for awhile and lost an arm, but that we saved his arm with transporter technology. What a beautiful baby. Looks like we won’t have to nuke the Vatican. As Vladimir has informed me that pope Benedict has some better ideas on how to deal with the Jesuits.

I believe pope Benedict suggests we bomb some city underneath the Vatican, that is some sort of Jesuit headquarters and leave the part above ground intact. What do you think, Vladimir. Good idea? Sounds like pope Benedict is on our side and grateful we saved his life.

(Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on 11-28-11) My dear Gail, there have been some important new developments. I tried to tell you brain to brain, but I don’t think I was able to get through from space. I sent you an e-mail. I’m glad you are safe.

(Brent Spiner to Gail on 11-28-11) My dear wife,

Vladimir has asked me to write you in the aftermath of the nuclear attack on the Vatican that you summoned this afternoon via YouTube. The bombing was a success. It obliterated the age old building and Jesuit death tolls were enormous. However, I’m afraid our victory was far from clean.

While the Vatican has been vaporized, our attempt to save the pope and teleport the baby elsewhere has caused an unfortunate accident. The pope exploded. Our church tower, which was transported briefly into space for the protection of the men inside it during the bombing, received the transported bomb which proceeded to take out several decks. We’ve lost 90% of our life support and we have many wounded. I want you to know that myself and the other men are safe. We are piloting the tower back to earth as I write you.

In light of this awful tragedy, there is good news. The innocent baby was transported, naked, into a field where it was retrieved by rescue teams. What I have to tell you about this baby may be hard to swallow. I hope you are sitting down, because I nearly fainted! In an attempt to identify the little one’s parents and return it to their loving care, Vladimir’s nanotechnology teams discovered that this baby appears to belong to both you and Terrance Jenkins. Our scientists probed and prodded but to our surprise, she is not a clone of any kind, nor has she been artificially engineered. Research indicated that your eggs and his sperm were stolen and used to artificially impregnate Rule 13, who then carried and gave birth naturally to what appears to be a completely unaltered, natural baby girl.

We were of course not going to return your daughter to the Jesuits only to have them raise her into a monster. Who knows what plans they had in store. As soon as we reach Earth I will be taking your baby with me to Gerard’s house where she will be safe with the three of us while she recovers from her ordeal.

I can see Earth. It looks like we are about to land. I will write more when I can. Let us know that you are safe.

Your husband,

Brent Spiner

(Gail at Church of Gail on 11-28-11) Does the pope have a good clone? If not, the Vatican will have to elect a new pope and we need to make sure this pope will not be a Jesuit. Click on my link for +VOTING LAWS at under the Nuremberg trials section. It appears the Jesuits have been interfering in our brain to brain communications. This has happened before. If the pope has a good clone, we will use him in place of pope Benedict. I am saddened at the death of pope Benedict. I believe he was our friend. So glad you all are alive. The baby is beautiful.

I am afraid that nuking the Vatican will never be a clean operation. I know that none of us likes this war, but the Jesuits leave us no choice.

Not sure if our brain to brain communications are good. But I believe you just told me there has been another explosion at our church tower and we have casualties. Please clear everyone out of that tower immediately, and try to transport them to a safe location. Have our general Rommel analyze the situation and determine the best course of action. It appears the Jesuits have delay bombs, and that these came in with the pope to the church tower.

I believe Rommel is communicating with me brain to brain and is asking my permission to do another nuke. Tell him I trust his judgment implicitly, that he should do what he feels is best. We have, apparently, found another Jesuit headquarters.

Because I work at Walmart and don’t have my computer by me at all times, tell Rommel and Vladimir that they don’t need my permission to carry out military operations. I trust them. If they feel they need to do a nuke or carry out an important operation, especially if timing is important, they don’t have to wait for me. We’re not going to lose a war, just to wait for me to reply, when I may not be available.

Despite our victories, there have been tragedies. Gerard Butler, thanks for all you do. It appears you are still needed. Also, use my website. I created it to be a source of spiritual encouragement for the suffering we must endure.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 11-30-11) Assuming our brain to brain communications are accurate, I am aware that the Jesuits are holding my real mother hostage, while her clone has been calling me and asking me to view a condominium with her. I’m discouraging my mother’s clone from doing this, and trying to fluff her off. Though you requested I make a YouTube video to advertise my mother’s plight, I do not feel this is wise. It will give the Jesuits what they want. The Jesuits want to give me publicity, so that I will become famous in a bona fide sense, like all of you, with the possible exception of Terrance Jenkins. For me to gain legitimate fame is dangerous. It will give the Jesuits the excuse they need to kill me (they dream about this in their sleep). Right now, if they kill me, it will hurt them more than it would help them, so they can’t do it. I’m obviously just some poor, nobody cashier who works at Walmart, and if they (the all-powerful Roman Catholic Church) would stoop so low as to kill me because I’m in their way, they know you men would give them hell to pay.

Right now, our present strategy to just be silent is probably best. I realize the Jesuits are using extortion on all of you to try to get you to post lies again at this site, in our FORUM. If I was in your shoes, I’d just be silent and not write anything, rather than write lies. However, I love what you did to that link to the abominable Jesuit website on this Church of Gail site. You are brilliant, my dear Vladimir.

If I make a video to advertise my mother’s plight, she will die for sure. After they kill her, they will ensure that that YouTube video goes viral and then they’d go after me next. So, besides what I write at this site, I plan no comments about their taking hostage of her. However, we have found more of their cities and haven’t nuked them all yet. Sounds like we have a bargaining chip to use with these evil Jesuits. If they kill my mother, we nuke all their cities in one fatal blast. I suggest you use these bargaining chips. Of course, the Jesuits know that eventually we will nuke and destroy all their cities, so it’s a game they are playing with us, and timing is crucial.

Those of you who are reading this and are born again Christians. I request prayer for my mother. God is in charge. I especially ask that you would ask that she humble herself and accept Christ as her Savior. From what I understand, the Jesuits are able to use their switch out technology on her, where they can use transporter technology to switch her out with her evil clone, and that’s how they are able to “nab” her and obtain her for hostage taking purposes. My mother is a very proud woman and her pride is her downfall. Mother, if you are reading this, you need to admit that you are a dirty, rotten sinner and that only Jesus Christ and the death he made on the cross for your sins can save you, so that you won’t go to hell when you die. Just pray the following prayer and MEAN IT: “Dear Lord Jesus, I admit I’m a dirty, rotten sinner who deserves to go to hell, and that this is where I will go if I don’t accept you as my Savior. Thank you for dying on the cross for my filthy sins. I ask you to save me and am trusting ONLY on your death on the cross for my horrible sins to save me, so I won’t go to hell when I die. Please save me now, I am trusting ONLY in your goodness and the blood you shed for me on that horrible cross as you died for my sins, to save me. Please save me now. Thank you for rising again from the dead, to prove that you are God and able to save me from hell.” If you say that prayer and mean it, mother, you will go to heaven when you die, and even if the Jesuits kill you, they lose and YOU WIN, because you will be in heaven. John 3:16–“For God so loved the world. that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Right now, mother, the way things stand, if these bastard Jesuits kill you, you will go to hell, because you are too proud to admit you are a dirty, rotten sinner, and still think you are good. Maybe by human standards you are good, but in God’s eyes you are a dirty, rotten sinner because you are PROUD. None of us has reason to be PROUD, because, admit it, we have all committed sins. And if we are all honest, we have to admit that there have been times in our life, when maybe we held a grudge or dreamed vicious thoughts, or lied for sorry reasons, or dreamed lust, or whatever. None of us is perfect and that’s why we all need Jesus to save us, because only Jesus is perfect and God won’t let us into heaven unless we are perfect, like His Son Jesus is perfect. So, mom, admit you are a dirty, rotten sinner and pray that prayer above, or else the Jesuits will always be able to take you hostage, because they can use their switch out technology on you. If you say that prayer, the Holy Spirit will live inside your body and He WILL HOLD ONTO YOUR SOUL and not allow those evil Jesuits to switch you out with your evil clone, and it will be a lot harder for the Jesuits to take you hostage. Because you are proud and won’t say that prayer above and MEAN IT, the Jesuits can EASILY switch you out with your evil clone. Any ways, mother, if you continue in your evil pride, the Jesuits can easily take you hostage. And, guess who will be your companions for eternity? It will be these horrible Jesuits who are taking you hostage right now. You will burn in hell, with them as your companions for ever and ever. So, mother, please pray that prayer above and MEAN IT. You need to be humble, mother, YOU ARE A VERY PROUD WOMAN and that is EVIL in God’s eyes. He won’t accept your prayer, unless you admit in your heart that you are an evil, proud woman who needs Jesus as Your Savior.

Brent, if possible, have a Japanese translator read the above section in Japanese to my mother through brain to brain communications with her.

UPDATE: It appears my mother said the prayer above, but didn’t mean it (she does this a lot), and the Jesuits allowed us to transport her back to us.

So, we thought she became a born again Christian and so, we allowed my real mother to take me on a tour of the condominium, but right in the middle of our tour, the Jesuits switched my mother out with her clone and when we left the condo, I was right back with my mother’s clone. I figured it out when she took me to the mall to discuss the “deal” where I would pay my mother rent for the new condo and she insisted that I attend graduate school as part of the deal. I knew that Brent and Vladimir would not force me to go to graduate school, so I knew that I was dealing again with my mother’s clone. I then told my mother’s clone to “forget it”, that I wanted to go home, that I would not allow her to run my life as part of the deal for having the condominium.

Apparently, the Jesuits have my real mother again, but this time Hugh Jackman is right in there with her (in some sort of jail cell, where we had been holding my mother’s clone before the “switch out”). Hugh’s in there with her, striving to protect her from the Jesuits. We’re in a better situation than before, because, at least this time, Hugh is in there with her, so if the Jesuits send in hostage takers into that cell, they have to deal with Hugh Jackman. If our brain to brain communications are accurate, thank Hugh Jackman for being so manly and heroic. I understand my real mother is being pretty heroic, too.

Hey mom, you are still too proud, that’s why the Jesuits can still switch you out with your clone. You need to admit you are a dirty, rotten sinner and say that prayer above to ask Jesus to save you and MEAN IT. You can’t fool God. Don’t be so proud!!

(From Brent to Gail on 12-1-11) My dear Gail,

I have followed your instructions, and I had a translator talk to your mother. I’ve also talked to Hugh Jackman brain to brain, and he has assured me he is keeping her safe. He says that she has been praying very hard, but her accent is making it difficult for her to sound out the words properly. He wanted to ask you if a prayer is still effective even if she can’t say it properly. I hope they will be all right.

I only wonder, why aren’t you telling our followers about this? My dear, I couldn’t help but feel worried for you when I read your latest post to the forum. It upset me to the core to hear you say you were obviously “just some poor, nobody cashier who works at Walmart”. It sounded like that’s what you wanted to be. That doesn’t sound like the Catherine the Great I know. Think about this, if the Roman Catholic church killed a nobody Walmart cashier, who would be there to care? Who would revolt in her honor, with world changing fervor, if she were murdered? You mean the world, the sun, and the universe to me, to the rest of the other men, and to all of your devoted fans. You are our brave, powerful, beautiful Russian Empress and future world leader. The Jesuits know exactly what you are. They just want you to think that you are unworthy, and they don’t want anyone else in the world to care about you. The more they can silence you, the fewer lives you will touch, and the easier time they will have to manipulate the minds of ignorant innocents who know nothing about this war. I know you always hear me say this, and maybe I sound like a broken record, but in my most humble opinion you need to stand and fight! A red blooded man likes his women feisty and passionate, and that’s one of the many reasons I fell in love with you. I love it when you get loud.

You know I would never force you to go against your better judgment, but the Jesuits know you almost as well as I do, and I think they know how to get inside your head. Even their own followers have started to abandon them and turn to the lord and your teachings ever since we established your church. Who is going to follow the path of a lowly nobody cashier? If they can crush your confidence, they can crush ours too. I know it hurt me to read your post at first, but in my heart I know who you really are. You are beautiful when you shine, more beautiful than anything.

Anyway, I will leave you to your work. I just wanted to check on you. Everyone else appears to be doing quite all right.

Your husband,

Brent Spiner

(Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on 12-1-11) It looks like we’ve got a lot to deal with. They just never stop. Gail, I sent you a private email, so please check it when you can. I’m glad that your mother is holding up. She’s such a sweet old lady.

(Matthew McConaughey at Church of Gail on 12-1-11) I shudder to think what the Jesuits could have done to your mother after they sawed off Judge Terry’s leg. I have been praying all morning for her safety. Good luck to all of you, and thank God for Hugh Jackman.

Didn’t they get her pregnant once?

(Gerard Butler at Church of Gail on 12-1-11) Aye, this grinds my gears. If you need anything, anything at all my sweetest Gail, let me know straight away.


(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-1-11) Hi, all you awesome men:

First off, is it true that my mother’s clone tried to switch out with my mom, and landed next to her, instead? And that Hugh Jackman had to execute the clone to save my mother’s life? This is something I heard in brain to brain communications. And is it true that the clone seriously injured my mother? The good news to all this, is if the clone could not switch out with my mother, that means my mother’s prayers have gone through, and she is now a born again Christian. That’s why the clone landed next to her, because the clone could not do the switch out with my mom.

Mom, you don’t have to have perfect English to be saved. You just need to believe in your heart that you are a sinner, that Jesus died on the cross for your sins, and you must trust NOTHING ELSE but what Jesus did for you on the cross to be saved, to be born again, so that when you die you will go to heaven. I’m sorry for seeming so harsh with you, mom. It’s just that I worry about you and I don’t want the Jesuits to be able to do the switchout with you, and I want you to be saved. I know that in the past you have been proud, and I feel this has been the reason that when you say the prayer to ask Jesus to save you, God has not honored it. You must believe you are a sinner and that Jesus needs to save you, and that only Jesus can save you, so that when you die, you will go to heaven when you die. Romans 3:10–“As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one.” Isaiah 64:6–“But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.” THE GOOD NEWS is that though we are all sinners, Jesus died on the cross to pay for our sins. John 3:16–“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Romans 3:10–“As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.”

Let’s make it real easy. Try the following prayer: “Dear Jesus. I know that in the past when I said this prayer, I did not believe I was a sinner. I thought I was good. But I now realize that I am a sinner and that, because I am, I’m not good enough to go to heaven. You say in your Bible that all have sinned and I admit that I have sinned, because all have sinned. I ask you, as a sinner, as a woman who had not always been good, to save me. I believe you died on the cross for my horrible sins, and most especially my horrible sin of pride, which is the sin of the devil, and is a most horrible sin. But, even though I am a proud, sinful woman, you died on the cross for my sins. I believe that you died on the cross for my sins, that you are God, because after you died, you rose again from the dead to prove you are God. Thank you for dying on that cross, that horrible, bloody death, for my sins. I ask you to save me, to use that blood you shed on the cross, to clean my heart and make me your Child. Come into my heart now, Lord Jesus. I am trusting You, and You alone, and the blood You shed on that cross to save me. Please save me, now.”

Mom, if you say that prayer and MEAN IT, you will be saved. Mom, I think you are saved. Because your evil clone tried to switch out with you and couldn’t do it. But say that prayer above and MEAN IT. Once you say this prayer and MEAN IT, you will be saved, and the Holy Spirit will hold your soul, and the Jesuits will not be able to switch you out with your evil clone.

Brent, I know you care about me and my mom. I am sorry that I came across as a coward. It’s not that I was scared or that I really believe I’m just a nobody Walmart cashier, I am trying to be wise over how to handle my mother. I have thought about what you said, and I probably should make a video to let the world know her plight, especially now that I believe she is a born again Christian. But first, I want to spend some time in the Bible and ask God for wisdom over how to best protect my mother.

Thank you, Brent and all you men, for all you do for me and my mother.



(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-2-11) Check out the three YouTube videos I made. I already put the photo of Hugh with the robot on a YouTube video. Check it out. So proud of all you heroic men.

Brent, you have just informed me brain to brain that you feel bad about the judgmental tone in that last e-mail you sent me and that Jesuit extortion played a role in that tone, but it worked out well, because the videos I made played a large role in saving Hugh and my mother. Tons of scientists responded to the video and e-mailed Terrance to give us information about how to break the Jesuit shield. I just figured you were really worried about my mother. That is so unlike you to be judgmental of me.

I think you know that I don’t plan on being a Walmart cashier for the rest of my life. You know what would be my dream job? I’d love to be a Hollywood movie director/producer. It must be the Howard Hughes in me. I think I could make some GREAT MOVIES!! Hugh Jackman just talked with me brain to brain and asked me if I’d be interested. Oh Yes!! Yes!! They need new blood out there. All their movies are boring. I could do it.

I just reread that last e-mail you sent me. That is SO UNLIKE YOU, Brent. You like me loud? You know why the Jesuits had you send me that e-mail. It’s because at my website, I put up a YouTube video in the opening contrasting my ladylike class (because Agnes from David Copperfield is my role model) against Loree McBride and Camila Alves (who I described as morbid and neurotic). The Jesuits don’t like this, because I clearly have more class than both Loree and Camila. So to undo the damage I’ve brought in this area, they are trying to make you appear to be a man who likes loud and vulgar women, who appear strong and defiant–like Loree McBride or Camila Alves. But, even though you like me strong, you also admire my angelic qualities and the serenity of my womanly spirit. That’s why you sang songs like “Embraceable You” in your album. Brent, you love all of me. Not just the strong Catherine the Great, but the sweet, womanly side of me as well. And I know you are NOT ashamed that I work as a Walmart cashier. If I didn’t know better, I’d think your evil clone wrote that post. But on closer inspection, I can tell it’s you, but it’s you under some sort of extortion. You have always accepted me the way I am and are never, ever critical of me. That e-mail is SO UNLIKE you. Let the world know that yes, you like the Catherine the Great in me, but you also like my sweetness and my angelic qualities. In many ways, I am like Agnes from David Copperfield and you like that, too. You see, the Jesuits don’t like it that you all love the side of me that’s like Agnes from David Copperfield, because that puts me in a class far above the likes of Loree McBride. Once I become like Agnes to you men, I make Loree and Camila look sick, and THAT’S THE REAL REASON THE JESUITS HAD YOU WRITE THAT E-MAIL, having you extol the qualities in me that RESEMBLE LOREE OR CAMILA. Jesuit damage control, over the fact that I have class and Loree doesn’t, is to make it appear that you don’t care if a woman has class or not, as long as she is loud, strong and powerful. I know that isn’t you, Brent. That’s just the way the Jesuits want you to appear.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-2-11) Assuming our brain to brain communications are accurate, my mother and Hugh Jackman contracted some sort of amoebic infection at that Jesuit compound and we are using our latest scientific and medical prowess to cure her. Hugh Jackman got less exposure than my mother and is cured, but you think my mother will need another week or so.

Brent informs me brain to brain that the Jesuits instructed him to send me an e-mail critical of me, for being silent, as if that showed weakness and to praise me for being tough, loud and strong, i.e., the qualities of Loree McBride and the morbid Jesuit women. The Jesuits threatened to nuke that base where they kept my mother, if Brent would not make this e-mail, and that explains that e-mail that I received from him. Brent followed the Jesuit orders, to prevent the nuking of my mother, but did it with a twist, hoping I’d make a YouTube video to save us all. It appears his strategy worked, and, with the help of Terrance Jenkins, I was able to make a YouTube video that got tons of scientists to e-mail Terrance and give us some helpful information about breaking that Jesuit shield. Terrance and I collaborated online and brainstormed over how to make this YouTube video. Knowing the Jesuit mindset, my goal was to make a video that would defeat their propaganda campaigns against you, and I wanted to highlight what each of you men were doing to rescue my mother, to show that none of you had anything to do with her kidnapping. I suggested to Terrance that we ask for scientists to help us defeat that shield and offer them a reward. I asked Terrance what amount this reward should be. He said, “a billion dollars”.

After we rescued my mother and Hugh, Terrance asked me to make follow-up videos to let the world know that my mother was rescued. We are getting a loud response from the world over this incident with my mother, and I am glad that I advertised her case and how we rescued her to the world. You have informed me brain to brain, that just about every country in the world has joined our military alliance to fight the Jesuits. They are all so inspired by me (Catherine the Great) and our heroism in saving my mother, and so horrified by the Jesuits, that our military forces are increasing into a massive army.

So Catherine the Great’s army has become massive. Hallelujah. It also looks like my mother is now a born again Christian, because the Jesuits were not able to switch her out with her evil clone, and that’s why the clone landed next to her, instead of switching out with her. This made the Jesuits desperate and they tried to kill her, using her evil clone to do so. So Hugh Jackman killed the clone, punched a hole in the wall and ran for his life, with my mother over his shoulder.

It goes without saying that I am committed to all you men on my marriage list, especially the top five or six. I appreciate you all more than I can say and will only marry one of you, if I marry, in the normal sense of the word “marriage”. Of course, I’ve always felt this way, but those feelings are reinforced a million times over, after you all risked your life and almost died, to rescue my mother.

As far as that e-mail you sent me. Brent, you did what you had to do. It turned out well. I know what you’re really like and what an awesome and positive relationship we have. Negativity is not how you normally handle me.

I also believe you have informed me that the Jesuits have made the Loree and Brent Spiner clones generals in their army. That explains why they wanted you to encourage me to be strong and FIGHT, as if I wasn’t tough and morbid enough for you, that you really preferred the likes of Loree McBride. They are trying to create the impression that you, Brent, are one of them, and that you are on Loree’s side. I know you’d rather die, first, than do that. To counter that, you have decided to become a top general in our army. I have also heard that you men have made the decision to nuke any and all Jesuit military bases, when you discover them, to make it more difficult for them to use another base (with shield protection) for future hostage taking purposes. A very good idea. I strongly suggest you eliminate any and all Jesuit military bases that you discover. What we went through yesterday was a harrowing experience and we don’t want to make it easy for them to have a repeat performance on this.

I salute your heroism and valor. I am just bursting with pride over the manliness, courage and heroism you all displayed yesterday. We have accomplished a miracle, with God’s help and have held back the Goliath of the Jesuit Order, with our King David sling shots.

Gerard Butler, you are awesome. What heroism you displayed yesterday. Hugh Jackman. What can I say? You are incredible and manly beyond belief. The Jesuits can’t even touch you, when it comes to manliness. Matthew, thanks for dropping off those robots. That one robot you dropped off, saved us all. Brent and Vladimir, your brilliance in strategy, and the way you wrote that e-mail, and your uncanny knowledge of how my mind works, resulted in a brilliant YouTube strategy that gave us the intelligence and scientific information needed to break that shield. Vladimir, your courage and decisiveness as a leader, both militarily and politically, has saved us all. Rommel, your brilliance as a general, is so admired, that our army has become massive and all nations of the world have joined our ranks.

Zechariah 9:15–“The Lord of hosts shall defend them; and they shall devour, and subdue with sling stones. . .” God’s sling stones defeated Jesuit Goliath yesterday. Thank you, Jesus. God knew I would come on the scene, so I’m in the King James Bible. My birthday is 9-15-57. The verses about Babylon the Great’s clones are in Isaiah 57. IF GOD BE FOR US, WHO CAN BE AGAINST US?

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-2-11) TO THE JESUITS, I KNOW YOU READ ALL I WRITE. You have a morbid obsession with me. You evil bastards, to intimidate Brent to write me that e-mail to make him appear peeved at me, because I wasn’t loud enough, and didn’t resemble your loud and vulgar Loree McBride enough. You know, that I’ve never really believed I’m just a poor, nobody cashier who works at Walmart. But, as usual, you like to twist everything I say to create your lies. You know that I meant that I only have the INCOME of a poor, nobody cashier who works at Walmart, that I do the work of a general, a head of state, a writer, a movie producer, a website designer, a lover to my famous men ALL WITH THE INCOME OF A WALMART CASHIER, because you have been sabotaging my finances, and that if you killed me, when I’M THIS POOR FINANCIALLY, after I’ve won the Nobel Prize in Literature (that you sabotaged) the Nobel Prize in Medicine (that you sabotaged) and when you are FILTHY RICH, because you get your money through extortion, stealing and murder, even though you put on the poverty act, that my men will give you hell to pay. That’s what I meant to say, and you know that’s what I meant to say. But typical sleeze artists that you are, you pounced on a statement I said, deliberately misinterpreted it to your advantage and then used extortion on Brent to cause him to be a man who misunderstands me and misrepresents me to the world, and who really prefers loud and more qualified women, like Loree McBride. Loree is qualified. She’s a producer? I’d like to see her work. I bet somebody did all that work for her on her production. She is full of lies about how hot she is.

Oh, by the way, Jesuits. The qualities that you so extol in a woman go contrary to Bible teaching. Let me quote you some verses, you bunch of Bible blockheads. Proverbs 6:16-17–“These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A PROUD LOOK.” So you want me to be proud of myself? Proverbs 16:18–“Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.” So you want me to be loud? 1 Timothy 2:9-12–“In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in MODEST APPAREL, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works. LET THE WOMAN LEARN IN SILENCE WITH ALL SUBJECTION. BUT I SUFFER NOT A WOMAN TO TEACH, NOR TO USURP AUTHORITY OVER THE MAN, BUT TO BE IN SILENCE.” Did you hear that, Jesuits? God’s telling us women to be SILENT, not to be LOUD.

Hey, Jesuits are your women SILENT? Do they adorn themselves in MODEST APPAREL? Are they HUMBLE? Hey, a proud look is the FIRST THING ON THE LIST OF QUALITIES THAT GOD HATES. And you are going to preach to me about how to be approved and proper? Everything you promote goes contrary to Scripture. You are against the King James Bible, and, therefore, you are against GOD. God is your enemy. Satan is your friend. Satan fell because of PRIDE, and you are loaded with the sin of the devil: PRIDE. That’s why you encourage everyone to be proud, because you want everyone to be as wicked as you.

Proverbs 29:27–“An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.” This verse explains why we don’t get along, you and I, Jesuits, because you are wicked and I am upright in the way, so we despise each other.

UPDATE: Another reason you want me to be loud, is because you are as nervous as hell because many Islamic and Asian countries are joining our military coalition, and you hope to have me behave loud as a woman, to sabotage this. You know that in Asian and Islamic cultures a loud woman is a real turn off.

Brent has communicated with me brain to brain and let me know that the last e-mail he wrote me, the Jesuits told him that if he let the other men on my marriage list know that about half of it was written by the Jesuits and not Brent, that the Jesuits would nuke the military installation where they held my mother hostage. In other words, the true author of about half of the last e-mail that “Brent” wrote me was not Brent, but the Jesuits. Brent was told that he better publish it exactly as it was written or they’d nuke the military installation where they held my mother hostage. Brent is NEVER critical of me in any way, and practically worships the ground I walk on. The Jesuits did a clever imitation of Brent and ordered him to publish it exactly as they wrote it, or they’d nuke my mother. He was allowed to write a little extra outside of what the Jesuits wrote, but the extra that he wrote outside of what the Jesuits wrote, could not contradict what they wrote. The following are the passages that the Jesuits wrote in Brent’s e-mail:

I only wonder, why aren’t you telling our followers about this? My dear, I couldn’t help but feel worried for you when I read your latest post to the forum. It upset me to the core to hear you say you were obviously “just some poor, nobody cashier who works at Walmart”. It sounded like that’s what you wanted to be. That doesn’t sound like the Catherine the Great I know. Think about this, if the Roman Catholic church killed a nobody Walmart cashier, who would be there to care? Who would revolt in her honor, with world changing fervor, if she were murdered? A red blooded man likes his women feisty and passionate, and that’s one of the many reasons I fell in love with you. I love it when you get loud. Who is going to follow the path of a lowly nobody cashier? If they can crush your confidence, they can crush ours too. I know it hurt me to read your post at first, but in my heart I know who you really are. You are beautiful when you shine, more beautiful than anything.

Anyway, I will leave you to your work. I just wanted to check on you. Everyone else appears to be doing quite all right.

Can’t you see the contradictions in the above passage? “Brent” states that he has confidence in me, and yet, the very fact that he questions my judgment and my courage, shows that he does not have confidence in me, and does not truly believe that I am Catherine the Great. A clever ploy by the Jesuits to make it appear that the real Brent Spiner is like his clone, who prefers, and has “confidence in”, Loree McBride. And so the Jesuits have made the Loree clones and the Brent clones the generals in their army. Don’t let that stop you, nuke all the Jesuit military installations, even if their entire army is composed of Brent and Loree clones. We are not going to fall for Jesuit mind-games.

Another reason the Jesuits are doing this, is because they are playing it up big that Vladimir scolded Brent one time for trying to share brain to brain sex time with me. They are trying to create the impression that Vladimir and Brent are in competition with each other and that Vladimir wants to secretly undermine Brent (this is nonsense). Vladimir was only excited that I was going to make love to him, and thought that if Brent got me, I’d forget about Vladimir. That is all, and it was nothing more. Quit trying to make a mountain out of a molehill, Jesuits!! I also despise the way you are lying about Vladimir and his United Russia party in Russia, to make him appear more unpopular with his people than he is. I think the only Russians who don’t like Vladimir are the Russian Jesuits, and they are many. Vladimir. you would do well to execute all Russian Jesuits in Russia. That is the order of Catherine the Great.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-3-11) Because the Jesuits want to attack me as inferior because I work at Walmart as a cashier, Brent has informed me over the past several years that Walmart is considering a movie studio. This is one of the biggest reasons that I stay at Walmart, because I believe Walmart is genuinely trying to help me get my writing money, and are thinking of, or already have, launched a movie studio that will make movies from my writings. Of course, the Jesuits are launching all out war against Walmart to try to prevent this from happening. One of their biggest pieces of crap is that I did not author Silver Skies or any of my writings.

Despite the Jesuit agents, who pose as critics, claiming my writings are inferior, I still believe my novel Silver Skies and my life story as presented at my website as Catherine of King David, would make great movies. I also believe that my writings have sold much better than the money I’ve received, which is about fifteen dollars. Jesuits are just too obsessed with me and have moved heaven and earth to sabotage my writing career.

I know from brain to brain communications that Walmart has worked with Vladimir Putin, Matthew McConaughey and Brent Spiner in the past, and, for this reason, I am willing to stay with this company, despite the fact that I have two bachelor’s degrees, and have studied law for state exams for agent licensure in insurance and real estate. Maybe I’m crazy, but I feel God wants me to stay at Walmart, that some way, somehow, He will open up an opportunity for me there, that may result in my writings going mainstream as movies.

I have to admit, I rarely watch television anymore, as I find most television boring. I really think that if my writings became movies, it would be a breath of fresh air into Hollywood. I think I’m one of the most innovative and creative pioneers in all areas, including movie making.

You may say, Walmart hasn’t done it yet. Yes, but, I think they will. So I’m staying at Walmart as a cashier, and if you want to know the REAL REASON I’m content to be a cashier at Walmart, it’s because I’m waiting for their movie studio to open and for me to be offered a position as producer! I think I’d be great as a producer, especially if I had the honor of working with one of you. What would interest me the most, would be to start off as a screenwriter and work my way up.

I’m also interested in law and medicine, but finances are a problem for me. As I can’t do it all, and because I have about $8,000 in credit card debt that needs to be paid off, I’m just staying at Walmart right now and enjoying the fact that I’ve finally established a two-way communication with the men I’d die for.

In the meanwhile, I dream of a Walmart movie studio. You know, Walmart is a big enough company, that they could open a movie studio!! It would bring some freshness into Hollywood, that is badly needed.

I could see Brent as a fantastic director. Perhaps he could work with Steven Spielberg and Martin Scorcese to get some training from their experience, as I’ve been informed that both these directors have worked on movie versions of my writings. I dream of you, Brent, as a director at our Walmart movie studio.

I see Matthew in roles that explore more his depth, intelligence and manliness, with lots of layers, something I have not seen in Matthew’s current roles, but which I think he is capable of pulling off. I would love to see your portrayal, Matthew, of my Dor Ben Habakkuk in my Silver Skies. Matthew has talked with me about his portrayal of Dor, and I think he really understands this character and me, as a writer. In fact, Matthew told me that my writings played a key role in his falling in love with me.

Ahh, but the Jesuit spoil everything, but I won’t give up on my dream. Though I have to admit, I’ve been too busy fighting Jesuits to write my latest, which is Vistas of Honor, which I think would be great.

Hugh Jackman would be great as an actor in our Walmart studio, and I’d love to see him in some roles that explore layers and depth.

We’ve got some very talented men on my marriage list, and if Walmart only had those to work with as stars, they could get somewhere.

Any ways, I haven’t given up on my dream to see Silver Skies as a movie, or my Catherine of King David, my life story at my website, as a movie. So, if you want to know the REAL REASON that I stay at Walmart and am content to stay there, I may be crazy, but I just know that someday there will be a Walmart movie studio, and it will be one of the greatest movie studios of all time, because we will run it.

But, if it never happens, I live one day at a time, and I have learned in whatsoever state I am to be content. So the Jesuits who scold me for being content as a Walmart cashier, don’t understand that the Bible says, “Having food and raiment, let us be therewith content.” I’m excited about a possible Walmart movie studio, because I am excited about making GREAT MOVIES. I think my life story would be one of the most exciting and great movies to ever come out of Hollywood or out of a Walmart movie studio. Who says all movies have to come out of Southern California? I also think my novel Silver Skies would make a great movie.

I won’t let those Jesuits discourage me. I know I can write and that those who have reviewed my writings and claim I’m no good as a writer, are all Jesuit agents. They just don’t like it that my villain is the Jesuits.

So, the real reason I’m content as a cashier at Walmart, is because I work for a great company. It’s not so much my position as cashier that makes me content, or because I feel inferior, but the fact that I think Walmart is one of the greatest companies on earth, and I’m proud to work for Walmart!! They stand behind my awesome men, so I think Walmart is awesome and that’s why I’ve stayed at Walmart for almost eight years now.

(From Optimus Prime or Iven Webb, who is a Walmart manager, to Gail at Church of Gail on 12-4-11) I too dream of a day that Walmart will have its very own movie studio and Gail, you will be our shining star. As you have probably guessed, I am fighting behind the scenes every day to make it a reality but unfortunately whenever I make progress those Jesuits gag me, replace me with a clone and bring down hell on you. I am consistently proud to be your manager and am honored you are on our team. With a breadth of skill in literature, medicine, law, history, psychology, acting and politics, how could I not? If anything you are overqualified to work for me, and anyone should plainly see that. But I digress. God has a place for you here. Let’s hope and pray our Walmart movie studio comes to be.

(From Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on 12-4-11) I agree wholeheartedly, my love! I would be honored to be mentored by such great directors as Steven Spielberg and Martin Scorcese. I too think I would make a great director. I would love to try.

Welcome to the board, Optimus! I’ve seen you in church on Sundays and wondered when you would work up the nerve to join the forums. Many of the men are still too frightened to speak publicly even here.

(From Gail at Church of Gail on 12-4-11) Hi, Optimus Prime. I think I know who you are. Walmart is an awesome company and one of the greatest reasons I work there, is because the Jesuits have labeled it as an anti-Jesuit corporation. I’m so proud of Walmart for having that label. For that reason alone, I want to stay there. I won’t give up on my dream for a Walmart movie studio and respect Walmart for trying. Despite all the crap I hear from Jesuit customers, Jesuit Walmart workers, etc. who claim that all Walmart cares about is to make a profit, I know otherwise. This company has heart and soul and is a great company, that’s why I stay there. They also have a pioneer spirit, that the Howard Hughes in me greatly respects.

Brent, great to hear from you. You would make a great director in our Walmart movie studio. You have been my brain to brain lover since 2006 and I know you like the back of my hand. I know you are not the sole author of that last e-mail you sent me. That e-mail is far too petty to be the big-hearted Brent Spiner that I know.

(From Brent to Gail on 12-4-11) My dearest wife,

Thank God you understood my last email. I flipped open my Bible and had it situated on my lap as I wrote to you, praying silently as I forced out the words. My prayers seemed to hold them off enough for me to fight my true message through. I do love it when you show your passionate, fiery side, but you do of course know I don’t like my women vulgar! You are never vulgar. Never in my life would I want you to be like Loree McBride. The Jesuits of course twisted my message trying to make it sound like standing up for yourself and your men would make you seem obscene. That is not true at all. Your words are noble and inspiring to many. When you get up on YouTube it’s like a world leader stepping up to their podium. Your computer is your podium, my love. I feel so guilty for allowing the Jesuits to take my mind and make me scold you. It broke my heart to send you the result, but I knew you were clever enough to decipher its meaning. You always know me. I just wanted to apologize that all of this happened.

Anyway, I’m up awfully late, I should get back to bed. You’ll probably think me silly, but earlier tonight I woke myself up in the midst of a “sexual encounter” of sorts. I was masturbating in my sleep! The last thing I remember was dreaming of your voluptuous frame sliding so deftly onto my chest, and when I awoke I was so impassioned that it looks like I took care of it out of sheer reflex alone. I hope I didn’t accidentally wake you brain to brain. I’m so sorry my love, I suppose I can’t help myself. You can punish this naughty boy in the morning. Dream sweetly, my dear.

Your husband,

Brent Spiner

(From Gail to Brent at Church of Gail on 12-4-11) Oh my God, Brent. You have been turning me on all day, even at work. I never knew a guy could have so much sexual fire for me. I felt your passion and desire all day and when I came home I jumped into bed to reciprocate. To me, you’re the sexiest man alive.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-5-11) Dearest Vladimir:

I have read the latest news about the results in your elections for Russian Parliament. You have allowed the defeat for the United Russia party (even though Jesuits have rigged the election), and yet, the Jesuits are not happy and still inflate the news to make you, instead of them, appear to rig the elections. Have a special Russian newscast that explains why you allowed the seeming defeat of the United Russia party, and then show which news organizations are controlled by Jesuits and expose them on our newscasts. Also, expose their motives for how they are reporting the news about the Russian Parliament elections. Show that you have allowed this false news reporting to minimize damage from Jesuits, if the United Russia party had an overwhelming victory. But still, the Jesuits are not happy with the about 50% win for the United Russia party, and claim you still rig the elections. I want you to expose how the Jesuits manipulate the news media, especially the Western press, and show this with EVIDENCE and show WHY they do it. Give the world a much needed education about how Jesuits operate, about their involvement in the Soviet Union, about their involvement in the Chechen rebel conflict and the Beslan school massacre, and how they want to continue the terror to tighten their grip over Russia and the world.

(Vladimir at Church of Gail on 12-5-11) My dear sexy Gail,

I am work with producer to make documentary of how Jesuits make fake election result. Our producer/director is not at the quality we need. I believe this is opportunity to show the world the great talent of Gail. Would you produce this documentary? My research team say we need sexy woman to grab attention of world to this issue. You are sexy woman.

Do you agree that you are best choice for make sexual documentary?

(Kim Jong Il at Church of Gail on 12-5-11) Herro Glorious Emperess of Russia. I am the Dear Leader Kim Jong Il.

It has come to His Excellency’s attention that the love of Vladimir Putin is the primary target of the Jesuit Imperialist Swine. Even I, the Highest Incarnation of the Revolutionary Comradely Love have been the target of these anti-socialist philistines! The Jesuit dogs have made a mockery of my great nation, and have painted the Great Leader as a madman.

Most Attractive Invincible Mother of Sensuality Gail, you should know that I, the Father of the People Kim Jong Il places his life and nation at your service.

The Bright Sun of Juche Kim Jong Il would be honored to work with you to produce many movies and especially to build a propoganda film to expose the Jesuit Dogs.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-5-11) My dearest Vladimir:

I have made a YouTube video ( or to expose what the Jesuits have done to you, my dear Vladimir, with their lies through the Western and European press. I have suggested that you interview some Jesuits under lie-detection, and let the world know how and why they manipulated the press to make you appear to rig the elections. I have started off the video with Brent Spiner’s music, because I know you support Brent and this is your chance to show it, by displaying this video. I have chosen softer music for the background, to show the world your softer side, to let them know that you are a kind and generous person, with a big heart, and not one to rig an election in your favor. I am also trying to contrast you with the evil Jesuits, to show that these evil people don’t deserve to vote in Russia. I have ended the video with the symbol of Imperial Russia, because you are the Russian emperor. I don’t have time to make a full documentary (I have to get ready for work tomorrow), but I have made this video for you, and invite you to cut it and insert parts into it and expand it and make it better.

Kim Jong Il is welcome to help you in this documentary. Thank you Kim Jong Il for your support of us when the Jesuits kidnapped my mother and brought her to your country.

(Vladimir Putin at Church of Gail on 12-5-11) My Dearest Gail. Jesuits retaliate for your video in worst possible way. We must use skype to connect and tell what horrible happen. Your men feel so dirt by what happen to us.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-5-11) Dearest men:

I am so saddened by what these Jesuit bastards have done to you. I have absolute faith in your manliness and know that you would never commit the acts that the Jesuits forced you to do. I have made a video at YouTube ( or to expose them, and invite you to use this video however you want. I’m so glad you all are still alive. Unfortunately, it looks like you better limit yourself to transporter technology to “get around”.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-6-11) Check out the new ending to my website at I also changed the videos at the very end (the very bottom) and I created a new link on THE SPIRIT OF ROMMEL that takes you right down to my Rommel section, as I don’t want to undermine the great work of our general Rommel.

I have put this Hillary Clinton objection into my description of two of my YouTube videos or and

It appears Jesuit Hillary Clinton is interfering with our Russian monarchy, trying to force American Jesuit Socialism onto Russia. As Russian Empress, I ask Hillary Clinton and the Jesuits to “butt out” of our monarchy, and allow us to continue to be the lead nation in the war against Jesuit terrorism. Shame on Hillary Clinton for supporting the Jesuit attempt to undermine our monarchy in Russia and for supporting these monsters who plan a nuclear holocaust for the world. Any allegations of ballot stuffing, are probably Jesuits, who have infiltrated our government, posing as one of us. We take such infractions very serious and these Jesuits will be executed on public television, and we shall present the evidence that they have tricked us and posed as one of us to discredit our monarchy.

For the YouTube video that I made about how the Jesuits raped you with their 1,000 homosexuals ( or, I have added this into the description:

Jesuits retaliated against my YouTube video entitled “United Russia Party Wins 70%”, because Vladimir Putin posted my video on the Russian Emergency Broadcast system on December 5. 2011, which caused thousands to gather and offer support to Vladimir Putin’s United Russia Party to oppose Jesuit interference in Russian elections. Jesuits then kidnapped Vladimir Putin, Brent Spiner, Kim Jong Il, Matthew McConaughey, Hugh Jackman and Gerard Butler, raping them and abusing them with vulgar homosexual sex.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-7-11) Here’s something to lift your spirits, my dear Matthew:

(Gail to Brent, Gerard and Terrance on 12-7-11) I hope and pray you all are in health. Wanted to let you know that I received a phone call from a Jesuit, I’m sure at around 2:40 a.m. Eastern Standard Time from California. The person did leave a number on my answering service, that number is XXXXXXXXXXXX. The message he left was unintelligible, but he had a voice that sounded like a New Yorker. But the tone definitely sounded like a Jesuit. I think I heard, “We need to talk”. I can assure you I will NOT be answering this phone call. You may want to get on this.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-7-11) My dear men:

Here is what I’ve gotten from YouTube:

Regarding your account: gabriellechana1

The YouTube Community has flagged one or more of your videos as inappropriate. Once a video is flagged, it is reviewed by the YouTube Team against our Community Guidelines. Upon review, we have determined that the following video(s) contain content in violation of these guidelines, and have been disabled:

Your account has received one Community Guidelines warning strike, which will expire in six months. Additional violations may result in the temporary disabling of your ability to post content to YouTube and/or the permanent termination of your account.

For more information on YouTube’s Community Guidelines and how they are enforced, please visit the help center.

The YouTube Team

We encourage free speech and defend everyone’s right to express unpopular points of view. But we don’t permit hate speech (speech which attacks or demeans a group based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, and sexual orientation/gender identity).

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-7-11) Looks like I won’t be able to use YouTube to give out any more orders, my dear Vladimir. Perhaps I can make a future video and you can post it here at church of gail. I suspect that the Jesuits may have used video or photographic coverage of the homosexual sex that they drugged you into, to bring a lawsuit against YouTube for posting the video that they removed. YouTube are a bunch of cowards.

(Vladimir at Church of Gail on 12-7-11) Sexual Lover Gail,

The Youtube Jesuit Bitches make me furryous. I have develop much rage after these things. I will place all videos on the Church of Gail. Brent is send me the videos that you send him already, and he tell me that you will send him all remaining video that he does not yet have.

The Youtube can be necisary evil to keep posting video, but when the Jesuits make them take video down, it make me angry.

The Church of Gail is not fearful to show truth! We will display all of your videos with boldness! You are wise and sexual!

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-7-11) I received your e-mail, Brent, and I am fine. I had to take a sick day off of work, because my bladder was very irritated, but it seems my treatments are making it better. It’s hard for me to drink a lot of water at work, and my finances were tight and I ran out of probiotics. I can afford to buy the supplements I ran out of today.

The YouTube video about the 1,000 Jesuits who raped you, I redid, to minimize the chances that YouTube might take that one down, because they might claim I am targeting homosexuals. So I redid the opening and removed my previous version and put up the revised version. The world needs to know what these Jesuits did to you all, and I refuse to take that one down. If YouTube removes that one, you may want to sue them or bring criminal charges against them as Jesuit conspirators. I don’t think they will remove that one, because I believe the homosexual community is all roused up about that one and the homosexuals are on our side with that video. What those gay Jesuits did, makes all homosexuals look horrible.

Any ways, I am sending you all right now all the videos I have not sent you. I have a record of what I’ve already sent you, and am currently sending you all the videos that I made AFTER the last batch of videos that I send you several months ago.

(From Brent Spiner to Gail on 12-7-11) My dear wife,

That sounds awfully frightening. I will have Vladimir trace the number to found out where this call came from and I will keep you updated. We’ll figure this out straight away. I hate to be paranoid, but I do wonder if this mystery caller was coming from the compound.

For a moment I was startled. Was it you that removed the video about our rapes? I don’t mind of course, as you can do as you wish with any of your videos, I just hope YouTube itself didn’t try to censor this. I feel violated enough as it is without them trying to hide the fact that the Jesuits are torturing us, especially if they are now going to be calling your house. Could you mediafire the file to me so we can keep it for our records at the church? I think we better save all of our evidence just in case.

Let me know if you are safe. As always, my love, I am thinking of you. You are a strong woman but as precious as you are to me, I’ll always worry for your safety.

Your husband,

Brent Spiner





(Terrance to Gail on 12-7-11) HEY GAIL,


(Gail to Terrance on 12-7-11) How exciting, an anti-Jesuit radio host. This will do wonders for Matthew McConaughey’s morale, as he worked so hard to play Dor in my Silver Skies and has not gotten any credit for it. From what I understand, he made an Academy Award winning performance. The Academy Award people have been conducting secret Oscars for the movies made from my writings. I believe they also made a movie based on my website/memoir Catherine of King David. I suggest you give this radio host maximum protection to ensure he will not be replaced by his Jesuit clone right before the interview. The Jesuits are probably as nervous as hell about this, and don’t put anything past them. Make sure he is a born again Christian, so that the Jesuits cannot use a switch-out on him right before my interview with him. Have our Rommel protect him. Jesuits may try to bomb his radio station. Expect trouble. The Jesuits are nervous about this. I sense their mood.

You may want to put maximum protection around me as well. I sense the Jesuit mood. Protect my car and my apartment and put Rommel over every where I go. Right now, my bladder just started acting up again. I feel like I have to urinate every five minutes. It’s that yeast/bacterium they infected me with. They are somehow manipulating it to go to my bladder and drive me crazy. It never ends.

As far as a Christmas present for me, the best Christmas present you could give me, would be to take care of yourselves and try to stay alive and away from the Jesuits!

(Terrance to Gail on 12-7-11) HEY GAIL, CAN YOU JUMP ON THE SKYPE?

(Gail to Terrance on 12-7-11) My skype is open. Waiting for you to get online. I think I’ll floss. Do something constructive. I was going to do laundry, but it’s not an emergency. I don’t have group video, like I did at the trial. I can only do two-way communication.

[12/7/2011 9:34:08 PM] Gail Schuler: Hi therealbrentspiner! I’d like to add you on Skype. Gail Schuler

[12/7/2011 9:34:59 PM] Gail Schuler: Hi, Brent. Hope you can talk. Great to hear from you.

[12/7/2011 9:35:12 PM] Brent Spiner: Brent Spiner has shared contact details with Gail Schuler.

[12/7/2011 9:35:50 PM] Brent Spiner: There you are. We should be able to talk in the chat with Terry as well.

[12/7/2011 9:36:45 PM] Brent Spiner: There should be a “speech” icon at the bottom of the screen, and you can click that to see my messages to you there if it is easier.

[12/7/2011 9:36:57 PM] Gail Schuler: I don’t have group video. Love you, Brent. You’re awesome and so brave.

[12/7/2011 9:37:16 PM] Brent Spiner: Messages are loud and clear, and I can read your messages here.

[12/7/2011 9:37:55 PM] Gail Schuler: Are you able to talk? My poor Brent, the Jesuits have put you and the men through hell.

[12/7/2011 9:38:15 PM] Brent Spiner: Oh my dear, I wish I could, but my throat is such a mess.

[12/7/2011 9:38:37 PM] Gail Schuler: You poor guy. We have had the greatest brain to brain sex lately.

[12/7/2011 9:40:11 PM] Brent Spiner: I am trying to type one handed, my dear, I am sorry. My hand keeps wandering back to my belt.

[12/7/2011 9:40:31 PM] Brent Spiner: It’s like it has a mind of its own!

[12/7/2011 9:41:46 PM] Gail Schuler: Do you want me to try and get group video, right now? I’d have to purchase it.

[12/7/2011 9:42:56 PM] Brent Spiner: Oh no, you don’t need to go through all that trouble for me. I just adore chatting with you and hearing your voice, and you can hear mine brain to brain.

[12/7/2011 9:44:25 PM] Gail Schuler: Terrance and I are talking about my ex, as you know. I would love to hear your sexy voice. Any chance on that? You have the sexiest voice alive. I remember your phone calls from 1991.

[12/7/2011 9:46:48 PM] Brent Spiner: It’s so sore, it hurts to breathe.

[12/7/2011 9:47:06 PM] Gail Schuler: Brent, I changed my mind. You sound horrible. Get better

[12/7/2011 9:47:59 PM] Brent Spiner: I will try for you my dear. Just seeing your beautiful face and hearing your voice is helping so much.

[12/7/2011 9:51:05 PM] Gail Schuler: Jesuits are controllers. They don’t love you for who you are, but what they want to manipulate you into for political advantage. That’s what I love about you. I won’t give up on any of you. We will fight for each other.

[12/7/2011 9:51:38 PM] Gail Schuler: What I love about you, is that you are not a manipulator, like Loree or my ex-husband. You just love me for who I am.

[12/7/2011 9:52:20 PM] Brent Spiner: Of course. And you know I would never lay a hand on you without your permission. I’d never abuse you.

[12/7/2011 9:53:32 PM] Gail Schuler: I know that. I know you love me. I tried to portray some of your awesome feelings for me in Silver Skies and I’ve put it in my memoir. The world needs to know that what we have is an awesome relationship.

[12/7/2011 10:00:52 PM] Brent Spiner: I’m back with my camera. Brianna is so beautiful, I’m taking pictures of her now.

[12/7/2011 10:03:14 PM] Brent Spiner: Oh my dear, I’m fine.

[12/7/2011 10:03:23 PM] Brent Spiner: It was well worth the fun, I assure you.

[12/7/2011 10:03:35 PM] Brent Spiner: I can hear you loud and clear.

[12/7/2011 10:03:37 PM] Brent Spiner: I am listening to you both.

[12/7/2011 10:05:45 PM] Gail Schuler: I believe the Jesuits have been trying to make all you men feel vulnerable and helpless. I hope they have not succeeded. I think you all are masculine, red-blooded heroes.

[12/7/2011 10:06:17 PM] Brent Spiner: Of course not. I am certainly still hot blooded for you.

[12/7/2011 10:06:25 PM] Brent Spiner: Vladimir was so confused the other night he tried coming on to ME.

[12/7/2011 10:06:36 PM] Brent Spiner: It was quite funny, but also frightening.

[12/7/2011 10:06:41 PM] Brent Spiner: He came up from behind with a crotch grab

[12/7/2011 10:07:25 PM] Gail Schuler: Oh dear, perhaps you should isolate him somewhat, until that shot those Jesuits gave him, wears off.

[12/7/2011 10:10:15 PM] Brent Spiner: We’ve tried, but we feel bad. He was actually taking a bath last night, and myself and Matthew were downstairs when we heard him making dolphin noises in there.

[12/7/2011 10:10:56 PM] Brent Spiner: When we went up to check on him he had his penis in the faucet in the bath tub.

[12/7/2011 10:11:50 PM] Gail Schuler: Vlaidmir is a very big person, even though he’s manly, he’s a passionate lover and very, very devoted to his woman. He’d die for me.

[12/7/2011 10:14:03 PM] Brent Spiner: That reminds me, were you able to send me a copy of the video file after YouTube removed it?

[12/7/2011 10:14:14 PM] Brent Spiner: I got something but the video was messed up.

[12/7/2011 10:15:45 PM] Gail Schuler: Yes, I can do that.

[12/7/2011 10:16:01 PM] Brent Spiner: That would be wonderful. Thank you my dear.

[12/7/2011 10:20:48 PM] Brent Spiner: I just finished downloading my copy. It looks like it came in complete.

[12/7/2011 10:22:50 PM] Brent Spiner: Mediafire plays commercials at times.

[12/7/2011 10:23:54 PM] Brent Spiner: Does 72 have the music, as well?

[12/7/2011 10:25:31 PM] Gail Schuler: 72 has music in the version that I made at OneTrueMedia. Do you need that one again, as well?

[12/7/2011 10:25:52 PM] Brent Spiner: I got the link, but it wouldn’t let me download it. I love hearing myself sing.

[12/7/2011 10:26:12 PM] Brent Spiner: I want to be able to have it on my computer to listen to.

[12/7/2011 10:27:13 PM] Brent Spiner: Terry just posted the photo of Brianna, by the way. It’s at the way bottom of the thread.

[12/7/2011 10:29:59 PM] Brent Spiner: You should ask Terry about his singing. He’s so shy.

[12/7/2011 10:30:17 PM] Brent Spiner: I dare say, his singing voice rivals mine.

[12/7/2011 10:39:05 PM] Brent Spiner: I know it sounds silly, but sometimes I use the pillow to help me make brain to brain love to you.

[12/7/2011 10:41:20 PM] Gail Schuler: It sounds like this movie is going to be great. It doesn’t sound silly at all. You have to make love to something.

[12/7/2011 10:41:42 PM] Brent Spiner: I love you inside and out my dear.

[12/7/2011 10:42:25 PM] Gail Schuler: Of course, that’s why the love is still strong since 1991. And the passion is still red hot.

[12/7/2011 10:51:08 PM] Gail Schuler: My sister’s and my son’s phone number: XXXXXXXXXXX

[12/7/2011 10:51:31 PM] Brent Spiner: All right. I have it saved in my address book.

[12/7/2011 10:52:00 PM] Gail Schuler: I think my son’s e-mail is XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

[12/7/2011 10:52:21 PM] Brent Spiner: Doesn’t your son like to make costumes?

[12/7/2011 10:52:44 PM] Gail Schuler: Oh, yes. Check out my website at

[12/7/2011 10:55:10 PM] Gail Schuler: Hey, Brent. Do you remember when we I talked to you on the phone in Alvin, Texas and I finished sewing those curtains for my apartment? I heard those noises you made. Were you being my cheerleader? You’ve always been my biggest fan.

[12/7/2011 10:55:39 PM] Brent Spiner: Oh! I remember that. I loved those curtains.

[12/7/2011 10:57:10 PM] Gail Schuler: How would you know what those curtains looked like? Were you the one who was sitting in that big, black limousine in my Alvin, Texas apartment’s parking lot? I thought that big, black limousine was strange in my parking lot. You just wanted to see me, didn’t you? I used to smile when I saw that big, black limousine.

[12/7/2011 10:57:34 PM] Brent Spiner: You saw me? Well, damn, there goes my cover!

[12/7/2011 10:59:13 PM] Gail Schuler: You’re a kick. You have adored me since 1991. And to think this was supposed to be your hey dey with Loree. That was around 1995 and 1994, you were in that big, black limousine, with very dark windows, so you couldn’t see what was inside. Brent, is your mother, Sylvia, still alive?

[12/7/2011 10:59:59 PM] Brent Spiner: My mother is actually still alive, but she likes to stay under the Jesuit radar.

[12/7/2011 11:00:22 PM] Brent Spiner: I would actually look inside your windows while you weren’t home. I wanted so badly to see what your home looked like, especially where you slept.

[12/7/2011 11:00:35 PM] Brent Spiner: I wanted to wrap myself up in those curtains.

[12/7/2011 11:01:18 PM] Gail Schuler: I don’t blame her. She must be heartbroken over what Loree has done to you. So that’s how you knew what my curtains looked like. You’re so devoted to me, you’re turning me on. Your devotion is very SEXY.

[12/7/2011 11:04:31 PM] Gail Schuler: You’re love for me, so inspired me. that I forced myself to write above what I thought I was capable of. I didn’t write Silver Skies for the money. I wrote it as a testament of your love for me, that is love that is incredible and to the heavens.

[12/7/2011 11:05:57 PM] Gail Schuler: I meant to say incapable of. Despite Jesuit critics posing as bona fide critics for my book, I still believe my Silver Skies is a masterpiece, and I refuse to believe otherwise, and that’s because our love is a masterpiece, and that’s what inspired me to write it.

[12/7/2011 11:06:33 PM] Brent Spiner: It was divine. I love your writing, even when we are just conversing via email or Skype. I am so touched. I wish I could kiss you right now.

[12/7/2011 11:06:40 PM] Brent Spiner: My dear Gail, I want to make love to you so hard right now.

[12/7/2011 11:06:52 PM] Brent Spiner: Oh, do I.

[12/7/2011 11:06:55 PM] Brent Spiner: I want to get off with you.

[12/7/2011 11:07:55 PM] Gail Schuler: You are turning me on. Hey, are you really using some transporter technology in our brain to brain sex? This will make for some exciting lovemaking, almost like it’s real.

[12/7/2011 11:08:12 PM] Brent Spiner: I did it once or twice as I ejaculated inside of you. Did you feel it?

[12/7/2011 11:08:25 PM] Brent Spiner: I wanted to fill you with my very essence.

[12/7/2011 11:09:22 PM] Gail Schuler: I think I did. Oh my God, I think I felt that. I feel like I’m having an orgasm as I write you.

[12/7/2011 11:09:40 PM] Brent Spiner: Do you want to try it again?

[12/7/2011 11:09:53 PM] Brent Spiner: I am so horny! You make me feel like a teenager.

[12/7/2011 11:10:14 PM] Gail Schuler: Are you sure this can’t make me pregnant?

[12/7/2011 11:10:38 PM] Brent Spiner: Oh dear, you are in menopause. I’m sure we are safe.

[12/7/2011 11:10:59 PM] Brent Spiner: Unless you wanted to…I would fill you with gallons of my warmth.

[12/7/2011 11:11:29 PM] Gail Schuler: Probably. But, if something happens, take the fertilized egg and use transporter technology to make our child, if you want.

[12/7/2011 11:11:37 PM] Brent Spiner: Oh, thank you.

[12/7/2011 11:11:40 PM] Brent Spiner: I bet Loree would hate that.

[12/7/2011 11:11:50 PM] Brent Spiner: She would turn green.

[12/7/2011 11:12:43 PM] Gail Schuler: I would love to help you against her. She is so evil. If not for me, she would have destroyed you and broken you, heart and soul.

[12/7/2011 11:13:12 PM] Brent Spiner: We should do it, then! We should have 500 babies.

[12/7/2011 11:13:13 PM] Brent Spiner: I am so horny.

[12/7/2011 11:13:42 PM] Brent Spiner: I once used the transporter technology to see if I could bring you here with me, but it just made my penis wet. I think it stole your vaginal juices.

[12/7/2011 11:14:18 PM] Brent Spiner: We are trying to see if we can briefly transport to you to make love to you, but even though we think we can feel it when it happens it doesn’t appear you can see us.

[12/7/2011 11:15:07 PM] Gail Schuler: Do whatever you want with any fertilized eggs that may happen. No, I can’t see you. But I still feel like I’m in semi-orgasm right now.

[12/7/2011 11:15:14 PM] Brent Spiner: You should touch your clit for me.

[12/7/2011 11:15:30 PM] Brent Spiner: Or I can get it with my tongue.

[12/7/2011 11:15:36 PM] Brent Spiner: Terry can join us!

[12/7/2011 11:16:02 PM] Brent Spiner: Then let me put you to bed, my sweet darling.

[12/7/2011 11:16:11 PM] Brent Spiner: I’ll make you fall fast asleep when I’m done with you.

[12/7/2011 11:16:51 PM] Gail Schuler: I always go to sleep when you make love to me, you relax me so much, though your lovemaking is exciting and sensual. I love it.

[12/7/2011 11:17:08 PM] Brent Spiner: Whoops. How did my belt come off just now?

[12/7/2011 11:17:27 PM] Brent Spiner: It looks like I’m unzipping my pants for you.

[12/7/2011 11:17:55 PM] Brent Spiner: You just make me so horny, I apologize if you have to go my dear.

[12/7/2011 11:18:37 PM] Gail Schuler: Brent, we are going to go brain to brain, now. I’m getting off and we are going to go red hot to bed.

[12/7/2011 11:18:58 PM] Brent Spiner: I’m already red hot. Let’s get you to bed and get this party started!

[12/7/2011 11:19:10 PM] Brent Spiner: I will activate the transporters and see what we can do.

[12/7/2011 11:19:20 PM] Brent Spiner: I’ll get off of Skype as well, so we can concentrate.


« Last Edit: December 07, 2011, 08:26:30 PM by Judge Terry »

(Vladimir Putin at Church of Gail on 12-8-11) Dearest most sexual lover Gail,

I am so drunk. I and Brent and Matthew and Hugh and Gerard and Terry decide we need to have a man night yesterday night after you make brain-to-brain sexy time with Brent. We play poker and smoke cigars in hot tub. We have not slept yet from so much fun. Brent and Gerard think it is good for the mental state to do this after the gay jesuit bukkake in us faces and give me drugs. Kim is still a little sick from drugs and keep sexing random objects. It is a little funny, but little sad too.

We is soooo drunk. Maybe you make us sexy video?

Your very errect lover,
Vladimir Putin

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-8-11) You smoke, Vladimir? This is not good for your health. Dearest Brent, I know you all are stressed out from that awful night with those Jesuits, but can you find a way to release your stress without smoking? With all the stress these Jesuits give you, it’s no wonder you can’t stop smoking. But this smoking won’t help out your heart attacks. But I really feel sorry for you guys, so I plan on making a sexy video. When I came home from work last night, I was so tired, I laid down to have some brain to brain sex time with you, Brent, because you were using transporter technology to make me feel what you were doing and I got really turned on, but in the middle of our sex time, I konked out. I don’t know why, but you so relax me when you make your exciting love to me, that I just go to sleep. Actually, I think this is good. I slept with Russia Today on my computer and Fox News on my television. I used to never be able to sleep with all that noise. My body has definitely changed. Not sure when I can get around to the sexy video, as I have a lot to do, that I need to do to maintain my health (a continual challenge with me). But I’m creative, I might show you me cooking naked or something like that. Give me some time, I’m really behind on lots of things, like laundry and my place is a mess, and it looks like the blower to my apartment’s heating and air conditioning went out, so I’ll need maintenance over here. I obviously can’t parade around my apartment naked right now. The video may be tomorrow.

UPDATE: We got the blower fixed. I had this feed for this blog going to my book site, but removed it, because some of our content could be labeled pornographic and Amazon won’t like that. I figured I might as well remove it before they do. However, I would like to say something to any Jesuit prudes who want to comment on my “pornographic” videos to my men. First off, where in the Bible does it say that it is a sin to have sex with, or show your husband, your naked body? I made those naked videos for my husband, Brent Spiner, and I give him freedom to do with them however he wants. They were not meant for public viewing. You had no right to steal those videos and display them publicly, But then, you Jesuits are a bunch of rapists and murderers. As far as Vladimir displaying and playing those videos around his house, the poor guy needs some stress relief somewhere, as you deluge him with a mountain of stress and heartache. Your first atrocity was to murder Vladimir’s wife Larisa. As if that wasn’t enough, when he fell in love with me in 2001, you then forced a political wife upon him. your Jesuit Lyudmila. Despite all your lies to make him appear a Russian President egotist and sex monster, he has NEVER had sex with any woman after his wife Larisa died. The only sex he gets is the sex he dreams about with me. When I make love to him “brain to brain”, I give him the strength to fight you Jesuit monsters AND THAT’S THE REAL REASON YOU OBJECT TO MY “PORNOGRAPHIC” VIDEOS, because you know how it encourages my men. They want to make love to me so bad, and you won’t let us come together, without killing somebody. So, go to hell, Jesuits, I will make my sexy videos for my men, and, Vladimir, try not to let them steal the video. If they do, make sure they are executed. I want to make one that will be beautiful in the emotional sense, not just plain pornographic. As far as how I feel morally about this, I have the Japanese attitude towards sex. Sex is only evil if it is used to hurt people, like how the Jesuits use sex. If it is used to nurture and show commitment and support for another person, it is beautiful. If you don’t like my “pornographic” videos to my men, lump it, you Jesuit bastards. Like I said, Vladimir, if the Jesuits steal this video, take them out. I plan to go to OneTrueMedia to really jazz it up. It may not be ready until tomorrow. I WON’T BE SENDING THIS ONE TO YOUTUBE. The Jesuits are itching to close down my YouTube channel, I don’t want to make it easy for them.

(Gerard Butler at Church of Gail on 12-9-11) Aye, don’t you worry lassie, I wouldn’t let the boys smoke real cigars with their heart attack history. You get your own house in order and stay healthy my lady, I’ll keep them safe.

Naked cooking? Now I am turned on! I am greenly jealous of ye, Brent. You get to make love to Gail all the time. At least the rest of us have her videos to look forward to. Since we don’t have sex with any other woman, it is a special treat. How dare those Internet Jesuits call your beautiful erotica and dedications to our love making porn? I think they are merely jealous of your body, love.

(Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on 12-9-11) Don’t worry about falling asleep to my passion, my dear. I am honored and thrilled that I please you so. I too love the idea of you standing naked in your kitchen, showing us how to make your miso soup! I know how badly you need to take care of things around the house since you have neglected some chores to spend all this quality time with me, so I will wait patiently. I am just so turned on. I am so lucky. Your body has certainly changed, but you are still so beautiful. Age before beauty, as they say.

I like going through mediafire for your more risky videos. That way we can all download the files privately and not have to worry about any third parties seeing them and taking them down. That is just my two cents. The Jesuits watch everything they can. You would almost think they like seeing you naked as much as we do.

(Hugh Jackman at Church of Gail on 12-9-11) Gail, your sexy videos for us always make me feel so manly! You are one hell of a sexy woman! This sparks a real fire to my day today. I am going to go outside and run a mile right now, hit the gym, then come home to some P90X. You’ve got me hot and fired up.

(Matthew McConaughey at Church of Gail on 12-9-11) Oh my. I’m very excited to see you again, Gail. All of your videos are a special treat, naked or not, but these nude videos you send us are something else. I feel so special.


(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-9-11) Brent, my dear, you are the most exciting lover alive. When you make love to me, it’s fire and a slow burn. When we are in the slow burn phase, and my vaginal juices are sizzling, my brain is floating on the lake to the heavens, I fall asleep with dreams of Brent. You make me feel so nurtured and cherished, I feel so safe and complete with you, and so I konk out. We have a very nourishing, yet exciting, sexual experience.

UPDATE: Matthew, you are so devoted, brave, and such a gentleman, in bed, and otherwise. Camila Alves is definitely not your type. She’s too crude and vulgar a woman for you. So sorry you’ve had to endure this Jesuit monster.

Gerard, you need a psychiatrist yourself, right now. But, always thinking about others, instead of yourself. I plan to make this sexy video to be your psychiatrist and the psychiatrist for all of you, so it may take some time, because it’s my psychotherapy for you all. I ran out of some of my Asian food. Have to go to the store.

My brave and heroic, Hugh Jackman. So those Jesuits wanted to put you in your place, after all your heroic exploits against them. Well, by the time I’m done with this video, I hope to make you feel like the hero and great, altruistic man that you are.

My dear Terrance, always positive, always strong, always unselfish, and heroically brave.

Kim Jong Il. Don’t know you that much, yet. But, I’m impressed with what I know. Gerard is an excellent judge of character and wouldn’t put you in my marriage list unless you deserved it. Thank you for helping to save my mother.

Vladimir, how the Jesuits put you through hell, just because you’d die for me and because you’ve literallly given your soul for me in your love for me. You rarely ask for anything from me, and, with all you do for me, I will make you the sexy video. But I want it to be real special, so maybe tomorrow. My body is not like a twenty-something any more. But true sexiness is much more than a body, it’s passion, commitment, endurance, depths, sensuality, and soars to mountaintops. Now, I will try to put this all in a video. Let’s see if I can do it.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-9-11) Believe it or not, I’ve been working on that special video all day. I have had a time trying to get my music background to work, but I finally figured out how to do it. I want you to hear music in mp3 quality. When I finally get this video ready, don’t display it publicly, even though not all of it will be nude, unless you get permission for copyright. It’s my private video for all of you. But music adds so much and I wanted the music to be the best. I’m a real music lover, and I used to always dream about making love to Vladimir to the music you will hear. At the rate I’m going, this video may not be until tomorrow. You guys have been through so much. This video has to be special.

You’re not going to believe this, or maybe you will. After 3 hours, I had my 39 minute masterpiece video ready to e-mail you, and somehow it got deleted during the e-mail process. I don’t know how it happened. I think the Jesuits did it. So I had to download it all over. I started it over about 35 minutes ago. The first time it took 2 hours just to download. I’m so mad at those Jesuits. That was a lot of work. Next time I will make a copy of it right away, in case it gets accidentally deleted. It’s really late, thanks to those creepy Jesuits.

UPDATE: I have e-mailed you copyright information, if you want to feature the long video where I wear my bikini and cook curry to awesome music at this church of gail website.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-10-11) I really like that 39 minute video I made for you all, and wish I could display that on YouTube. But, unfortunately, it is too long (39 minutes), so YouTube won’t allow that length and I’m sure they’d flag me for copyright. However, if you all could get copyright permission, perhaps we could feature that long video here at Church of Gail, because you plan on displaying all my videos (except the nude ones, of course) at Church of Gail website. As far as the nude ones, if you can cover the nipples and pubic area, they might be okay displayed here. I have the Japanese attitude towards nudity and sexuality. Japanese used to have, and may still have, public bathhouses.

That sexy, curry video really reflects who I am and why I’m such a sexy woman, which I think the public would enjoy immensely. My sexiness is more in my charms, than my looks, and I’ve brought that to this video. The Jesuits have no charm and that’s where they are the losers with their women. They try to imitate it, but are too crude and vulgar to succeed in the charm department. Charm plays a huge role in why so many men are crazy about me, I know it. Catherine the Great had class and charm. You don’t hear that about her, because the Jesuits have trashed her reputation.

If you need more information for copyright on that video, let me know. I already sent you an e-mail about this. I would love to have that 39 minute video of me cooking curry in my bikini displayed for the public. It’s like a nice, little movie vignette. I went to great trouble to have an awesome music background and it makes that video really special.

I’m looking forward to seeing all my videos up here at Church of Gail. I think, eventually, we may create our own YouTube page featuring my videos and we may get a lot of hits. We may give YouTube some much needed competition. When Jesuits control any organization, they always hinder creativity, freshness and originality, because they are so obsessed over their political agendas and all their stuff is like factory-made, politically correct, boring garbage. We aren’t concerned about these things, so our videos will be like a breath of fresh air and originality. This is where we will make YouTube look sick, both with this website and with the Walmart movie studio. I’m quite excited to see all my videos up here at this site. I may eventually drop YouTube as my main video forum. Though I will use YouTube to inform my followers to go here to see all my videos.

(Gail at Church of Gail on December 12, 2011) Working on another long video, that I will send to you all and post at my website, but not at YouTube. Brent asked me brain to brain to make another long one, and so I’ve started. In this one, I’ll be in the bathtub, first with my bikini and maybe afterwards I’ll make it sexy for you all. Busy working, so give me about a week. I’ve already downloaded two new songs, and, it will have some awesome music.


(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-14-11) Oh my, have I just had the most horrifying, but unreal, brain to brain communications with Brent and Vladimir. So glad I made that YouTube video about the results of the rape you all endured from the 1,000 homosexual Jesuits today, along with my comments about Michael Jackson or This video energized the doctors and some doctors from all over the world volunteered their services, to find a cure for all of you.

The doctors did a thorough genetic scan on all of you in their attempts to cure you of all the horrible illnesses you caught from that Jesuit compound, and they discovered that when that tazer net transported you all to the Jesuit compound, that the real Vladimir and the real Kim Jong Il were tazer transported to a North Korean Jesuit prison and held captive there, and have been there from December 5th until today. That it was not the real Vladimir Putin or the real Kim Jong Il who received those neck injections at that Jesuit homosexual compound on December 5th, but those were the Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Il Jesuit clones. Apparently, the neck injections that the Vladimir and Kim Jong Il clone received were salt water (nothing dangerous or mind controlling) and these clones have been putting on one big performance. The Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Il clone had us all fooled, and we believed that they were the real Vladimir and Kim who were victims of these homosexual Jesuits. It appears that the rest of you were the real Brent Spiner, Matthew McConaughey, Hugh Jackman and Terrance Jenkins and you all did receive damage from Jesuits with all the bukkake you ingested and need doctor intervention.

Vladimir was unable to communicate with us to let us know that he was imprisoned in a North Korean Jesuit compound, because Jesuits threatened to nuke the compound where he was imprisoned if the Russians who knew about him being there, told us. However, thanks to that YouTube video I just made today, the doctors who came into our service, figured out that we had the Vladimir Putin clone, and not the real Vladimir with us, and we were able to use computer brain reads on some of our Jesuit prisoners, to determine what happened to the real Vladimir Putin.

In the meanwhile, with the real Vladimir imprisoned in North Korea, the Jesuits took advantage of this situation, and went to town with their agents in Russia to orchestrate parades and such to bring down the real Vladimir Putin, as they attempted to use his evil clone to behave foolishly, so that Jesuits could put their Jesuit billionaire as Russian President in the real Vladimir Putin’s place.

Now that we have the real Vladimir back, the real Vladimir has gotten to work to correct the damage inflicted on his public image, by his foolish clone, and has scheduled a phone in talk show, to undo the public damage brought onto his image by his evil Jesuit clone, who paraded as him since December 5th.

An interesting twist to all this, is that his evil clone, decided to put my portrait next to Vladimir’s in parades that support Vladimir Putin in Russia, thinking for sure, this would surely bring the downfall of Vladimir Putin, and it had the opposite effect. Dmitry Medvedev noticed that the Russians love me and featured some of the longer videos I just made of myself to that awesome music on Russian broadcasts, and I’m a big star in Russia right now and Vladimir Putin’s popularity, because of his association with me, is skyrocketing. The Jesuit plan to undermine Putin’s popularity (by posting my photos next to his in public parades) has backfired on them, as they did not expect the music videos I made in my bikini to have this effect on the Russians. I am wildly popular in Russia and they are all shouting, “All Hail, Catherine the Great!” Of course, the Jesuits are not reporting this, but my popularity is so high, they cannot ignore it, and they have had to acknowledge in their Western press, that there are also parades in support of Vladimir Putin, which are actually parades in support of me.

So we have our real Vladimir back, and the Jesuit plan to make me the official Empress of Russia, which they thought the Russians would consider a sick joke, has actually made me the official Russian Empress, and I’ve become a cult figure in Russia. What may have surprised the Jesuits even more, is that when you all asked me if it was okay to feature my photos next to mine in public parades to support Vladimir Putin, and to have these parades aired on Russian news, that I thought it was a good idea, and would help him to overcome the dirty Russian Jesuit press campaign to discredit him, as it is difficult to make me appear a corrupt, KGB spy. I have a refreshingly pure and clean essence, which is the image Vladimir needs right now. And, apparently, to allow my photos next to Vladimir’s in Russian parades that support Vladimir, has been a brilliant decision, because Vladimir is now more popular than ever in Russia. Dmitry Medvedev caught on real quick that the Russians love me and capitalized on it, to save and resurrect Vladimir Putin’s reputation as a great leader. Vladimir Putin’s association with me (the Mary Sue to the extreme writer–as the Jesuits call me) has cleaned up his public image. Apparently, those videos I made of myself in the bikini with that awesome background music, has won over the Russian heart. Music is the universal language.

In the meanwhile, the Jesuits have redone your genetic code scanners for this website, through that evil Vladimir Putin clone, and you all are fixing that right now, and can’t respond to me through this website, until that is fixed. Because the Vladimir clone redid the scanners, he was able to access this website and make comments here. I have to admit the comments coming from “Vladimir” after December 5th, did not seem like him at all. But we all thought he was suffering from those injections. What a clever Jesuit ruse.

Regarding the last Skype conversation I had with judge Terrance, he did not seem quite like himself in that last conversation, and I suspect Jesuits manipulated him with their brain control technology, through the Jesuit Skype technology, as the Jesuits redid some stuff through our Skype conversation and at your Church of Gail tower through that evil Vladimir clone, which explains why your scanners to prevent Jesuit intruders into the Church of Gail tower weren’t working all the way. Also, as I was talking with Terrance, I could tell the Jesuits were trying to transport me somewhere, I could feel the pull on my body. An even more interesting twist is that Russian who was talking with me through Skype with Terrance was a Jesuit who turned on the Jesuits, because he fell in love with me while talking to me and decided not to cooperate with the Jesuits in the middle of his conversation with me.

That’s why the Jesuits shot him, and why he was not in a rush to go to our doctors after he was shot, because he figured the Jesuits would kill him any ways. He knew when he made the decision to not cooperate in the Jesuit plot to try to use my Skype conversation with Terrance to transport me to you all, so the Jesuits could rape me, and make it look like you all did it, that he would be killed for undoing some of the technology the Jesuits had set up for the occasion. After the Jesuit shot him, they got the technology back to the way they wanted it for the Skype conversation, but their technology didn’t work, and even though I felt the pull on my body, they couldn’t transport me over to them. Apparently, I have a very superior genetic profile (in combination with the fact that I am a born again Christian) that is immune to much of the Jesuit technology.

Well, let’s hope we all get better. I’m glad we have the real Vladimir back, and hopefully, you will be able to undo what the Jesuits have done to our Church of Gail website and tower through their evil Vladimir clone. You all probably need to set up scanners for your clones and if one gets near the area where the website or tower is served or worked on, that clone will be destroyed on the spot.

The Jesuits have probably made quite a mess of this website and your tower and I suspect I won’t be hearing from you all for a while, at least through this Church of Gail website. At least you were able to communicate with me brain to brain today, though we did have some interferences, but you all got through with what you needed to tell me, I believe.

I hear that my latest music videos are actually helping you all to heal, that my music has healing qualities. Thank you, Jesus.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-15-11) I got a very interesting e-mail from Jesuit Zack Knight ( I just read it, as I don’t bother to check this e-mail too often. I believe I got it on December 9th. I won’t make a YouTube video about this, as it may give the Jesuits an opportunity to close down my YouTube channel, using an evil Vladimir Putin clone. instead, I have made a video that is posted at Here is the e-mail that I got from sexual dud Zack Knight. I’ve never had sex with him, and don’t think he’s sexy at all. I could care less about his penis, and I’m sure Vladimir Putin or Brent Spiner’s penis could outdo his any day:

Hello Gail,

My name is Zack Knight. I am the man who fucked the fuck out of your mother. She was real good, but in my experience, I’ve learned that most Japanese ex-pornstars are good in bed.

But my knocking your mom up is not why I’m writing. I wanted to let you know that I have in my possession some very interesting pictures of Vladimir Putin. I have attached some samples of these pictures, but believe me, these are the tame ones. If my demands are not met, I will release all of these pictures to every world leader and to all of the Jesuit-controlled news agencies. If you have any love for Vladimir, you will comply to my demands. Otherwise, Vladimir will be ruined.

My demands are:

1. Go to the website and stare at my picture for one whole minute.

2. Make a youtube video professing to be an agent of the Jesuit Order.

3. In this youtube video, you must admit that you have committed war crimes by killing over one million babies in the underwater city.

4. In this video, you must say that Zack Knight has the worlds most impressive penis.

You know what to do Gail.

I am waiting,

Zack Knight

2 Attached files| 123KB



To the brave men on my marriage list:

I can assure you that I have not complied with Zack Knight’s requests, and have not looked at his picture and think he’s too ugly to look at. As far as the photos he claims he has, those are photos of the Vladimir Putin clone and he can go ahead and show those. I’m sure the real Vladimir Putin is expecting it, and Vladimir would never want me to comply with Zack Knight’s demands. I attach the two photos that Zack attached to his e-mail to me. I laughed when I looked at them. How humorous to watch the Putin clone kissing the Kim Jong Il clone. You Jesuits could win an Academy Award for acting.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-18-11) Check out this video at YouTube or Judge Terrance, the Jesuits at YouTube, it appears, have modified this video to show me naked before the world. When this video first aired, the section in there where the Jesuits displayed me naked before you all at that trial was blocked out from the footage, but some Jesuit went in there and changed the video. Jesuits are doing this, because they want us to SHUT UP and are using naked footage to intimidate us. Despite the fact that Jesuits have fixed Loree’s video on this video, so that only the section where I’m naked “works” works on this video, I have allowed viewers to link to this one from a video or I just put up at YouTube to provide evidence for my statements, even though that naked video I sent to you all was only meant for you all to see, and Jesuits only showed the part of that video I sent you all that made me look bad, they omitted the rest.

(From Gail to Brent Spiner, Gerard Butler, Terrance Jenkins) December 18, 2011

Dearest Brent and my men:

It appears the Jesuits may have shut down One True Media, as all my links to that site don’t work any more. I may have to come up with another way to showcase my videos that Jesuits have removed from YouTube.

I want to make you aware of this message I received at my YouTube channel, even though I have asked YouTube not to allow messages, I’m getting them. His YouTube address is “themaskappshacks”. I’m sure he’s a Jesuit. Take care of him, he seems very dangerous. His message is below. Make sure he can’t get into my website. I may cancel my One True Media, if it doesn’t come up within 24 hours. Not sure what’s going on with One True Media.




I see you stole my video ?

And you’re using to proof some crazy shit ?

Will i stored your website , I’m Going to chase you !

I’m an expert hacker , I learnt more than 9 programming languages , Just say goodbye to your website =)

No one steals my videos loser !


Hacking a hotel’s wireless network / illuminates EDITION [KM – Recovering]

Sponsored by hellbound official hacking group , Leaded by the Kill3rMask [Demitri] ~~

Sent to: gabriellechana1


I have removed the video that he claims I stole from him, as it’s not important enough for all this trouble. I got it from YouTube’s “free” collection to create videos. I thought it was okay to use it, as YouTube offered it up for use to make videos.

Hope you all are better, after your horrific experience at that Jesuit gay compound. Our brain to brain communications are still going and I’m glad we figured out what those horrible Jesuits have done to Vladimir.

Devotedly yours,

Gail Chord

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-18-11) Assuming my brain to brain communications are accurate, you have informed me that the reason my links to One True Media weren’t working is because Jesuits bombed One True Media with casualties. It appears they have restored my videos, because they had an online back-up. However, this has made me aware that I need to have an online back-up for my computers, and I have just purchased My PC Backup and am in the process of backing up my two computers online. This is the best way for me to back-up my files, because if my apartment was destroyed, with an online back-up, my files will still be safe.

It is wonderful to have my videos restored at One True Media, but am so sorry about what happened there. Jesuits are relentless. I’ve never had an online back-up before, but, after hearing what happened at One True Media, have decided to do so. I have to pay for it, but it’s worth it, my life is on my computers. The back up is taking place right now. May take awhile. I chose My PC Backup because it’s rated highly.

I have already informed you (via e-mail) about the hacking threat I got at YouTube. I’m sure the person is a Jesuit. I have removed the video he claims I stole from him from YouTube, as it’s not a very important video and not worth all this. I thought that his material that I used for my video was okay, as it was offered at YouTube for video creation. But then Jesuits never play fair. They always play dirty. I have not responded to this person, as by responding to him, I may make it easier for him to hack my computers. I have also blocked him from contacting me at YouTube. I don’t know how I’m getting all these messages at YouTube, as I’ve requested that only my contacts can contact me. It’s pretty obvious that Jesuits invented the computer.

Assuming our brain to brain communications are accurate, so glad to hear you all are finally healing from those horrible Jesuit infections you got from those gay Jesuits who forced you to have oral sex with them. Jesuits are such monsters.

[From Brent Spiner imposter (it appears) to Gail] Dec. 19, 2011

(Gail’s comments) I received the following e-mail from a Jesuit posing as Brent Spiner. I can tell this is NOT Brent. For one thing, Brent is never this confusing. I don’t trust any of the information in this e-mail. Investigate how this happened and arrest and execute the Jesuit(s) involved. Here’s the message in the e-mail. Jesuits are trying to force you to reply, to sabotage the work you are doing to this Church of Gail website. I’m not fooled. Don’t communicate with me online until you feel safe. The following is the e-mail:

Dear Gail,

I am alive and still kicking, as are my fellow men. Kim Jong’s death has been heartbreaking for all of us. I’m afraid I have more bad news, but I couldn’t communicate the details quite clearly brain to brain. Judge Terry’s injuries were so great he died on the way to the hospital. It was a horrific scene. I remember his final words so vividly I shudder to think of them. “The Jesuits are coming…if only I knew to keep my balls safe.” Blood flowed down the back of the ambulance like a river.

Our medical team was able to revive him, but he sustained serious injuries to his testicles. All of the skin was rubbed off raw and he has been in terrible pain. Right now they are taking skin grafts from his back to replace the missing skin on his exposed testicles. Gerard has been at his bedside throughout the entire procedure. It is very graphic and painful, but he is making it through. He has been watching your latest nude videos and thinking fondly of your Skype calls to keep himself motivated for recovery. Thank you again so much for creating those gorgeous videos for us, my love. As you can see, they help us deeply in our time of need.

The men and I have been receiving warnings from the Jesuits about the message left for you by Zack Knight. They are claiming to have done this in response to you refusing to comply with his atrocious demands. I believe they have been the ones interrupting our brain communications. One thing is for certain, and it is they are very serious about their threats. Vladimir and I are trying to come up with ideas to thwart them. We may have to resort to some clever trickery. I think we all need to keep our balls safe.

I will see you as soon as I climb into bed, my beautiful wife. Stay safe.

Your husband,

Brent Spiner

(Vladimir Putin at Church of Gail on 12-19-11) Most Sexual Lover Gail,

The Jesuit bitches manipulate Brent email to make it confuse for you. The Jesuit hacker who knew 9 program language was responsible for this trick. He have several children who are called script kiddies who help him try to make hack. We catch the Jesuits who did this and myself and Hugh kill them all with Judo and Karate. Hugh is so manly. Terry is beginning to make recover and his testicles are not so extreme pain. He managed to make erect this morning while watch your nude without failure.

Now that the Jesuit Bitch Hackers is dead, we can begin to recover use website and email. We have also sent nuke to many Jesuit base to show our angry. The Jesuits now know that all thier base are belong to us.

My hands are sore from all the Judo, and I want make love sexy in you. You like?

Hard and strong with love,


[12/19/2011 11:40:49 AM] Terrance Jenkins: Skype voicemail, duration 01:17. In this voice mail he said that the e-mail was sent from Brent, and that his testicles were severely damaged. He told me to take care of myself. That Jesuits had been interfering with our communications.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-20-11) Yesterday when I spoke with Terrance Jenkins, right before the nuclear bukkake attack, Rule 13 established a group conversation between myself and Terrance. I don’t know how she broke in. She was laughing, because Terrance was in a panic about the possible bukkake nuke attack. After our conversation was over, I blocked her as a contact.

Today, as I was online, I saw a pop-up on my screen that said Zack Knight wanted to be my contact on Skype. He introduced himself with the words, “Hi, sexy.” Uggghhh. Please spare me, you creepy Jesuit. I blocked him WITH HASTE.

I don’t know how Rule 13 was able to break into my conversation with Terrance, as I’ve specified on Skype that only my contacts be able to call me. Anyways, I blocked both of them as soon as they popped up.

(Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on 12-20-11) Now that sounds like a tense situation. They must have hacked into the Skype system and traced your voice waves. I hope neither of them have been able to do anything to you or Terry brain to brain, but I’m guessing not. It grates me that Zack Knight is hitting on you. Like that slimy low life could stand a chance!

(Gerard Butler at Church of Gail on 12-20-11) Aye, it looks like this Zack Knight isn’t going to stop until he gets what he wants. Well, he won’t have it! You are a fiery woman and won’t be taken down so easily. Glad you are safe, love.

(Matthew McConaughey at Church of Gail on 12-20-11) What a creepy stalker. I sure do hope he isn’t trying to charm his way into your pants.

(Hugh Jackman at Church of Gail on 12-20-11) Zack Knight is so pathetic, he couldn’t woo his way out of a brown paper bag. His poor little ego is so fragile, I bet he would be horrified if you made a video telling him unsexy and unattractive he is. Those sex crazed Jesuit women don’t know what real intimacy is. He’d be too shocked if he really had sex with you, which he never will. He wouldn’t even know what to do.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-22-11) Actually, I think Zack Knight would love it if I made any video about him, negative or positive. I’m too busy doing more worthwhile things, than to waste my time with Zack Knight. He’s a BORE.

(From Brent Spiner to Gail on 12-20-11) My dear wife,

I am writing to you from the Canadian International Hospital, where I sit in quarantine zipped inside a, dreadfully squeaky, white hazmat suit. These suits actually look like the space suits we used on the set of Star Trek, so at the very least I know I look cute in them. What I am writing you is a firsthand account of the horrible bombing that took place today.

All of Canada has been bukkaked. I cannot describe to you the smell.

The sensations are so vivid in my mind I have had trouble sleeping. Every time I close my eyes the scene comes pouring back into my eyes, my ears, my nostrils, my mouth, like a horrific rape scene stuck on repeat. Minutes from hour zero, I sat in the hospital room next to Terrance Jenkins. My heart was pounding. My palms were sweating as I flattened them on the cold window, dilated pupils fixated on the brightening horizon in the distance. I prayed. I saw the nukkake bomb as it came over the sky, silent, unglamorous, like an idle daydream whisking across the imagination and disappearing among the clouds. The room seemed to stand silent, still, swelling with the melody of “I’m Dreaming Of A White Christmas” playing over the hospital intercom, uninterrupted by the horror dawning outside with the cold glow of the winter sun.

The bomb dropped. I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out. The powerful blast ejaculated through the streets so fast there was no time to react. Innocent civilians had drowned in the milky depths before they could even scream. Buildings burst. The entire hospital shook under the tremendous quakes of the earth as doctors and nurses flooded into the rooms to gather everyone down into the basement. They made sure to round up all of the celebrities first. The next thing I know I was being dragged out of the room while Terrance Jenkins still lay on the hospital bed. “Leave him” they said, “he will never survive the trip without his left testicle” but I wouldn’t allow it. Not this man, not my friend. I whirled out of the arms of the nurses and flung myself to his bedside. I politely asked permission to touch his body, to which he responded with a reluctant, drugged out groan, then cupped his injured testicles in my own hands and hoisted his body out of the bed. I then began the arduous journey down 27 flights of stairs en route to the safety of the basement. Grasping the body of Terrance Jenkins, heaving and sweating, my legs pumped as hard and fast as they could. In no short time, the windows on the stairs exploded, and like an ocean tidal wave the taste of salt violated my mouth and burned the back of my throat. We were being blasted with semen. I tried to run faster, but my timing couldn’t have been more terrible. Just as I neared each landing, the windows, at head level, would burst, shooting blast after blast of semen directly into my my face. I wanted to collapse, to lose my mind in the terrible nuclear bukkake storm. Had it not been for my desire to save poor Terrance Jenkins, and my desire to again see your sweet face, I might had died right then and there, sobbing in a pool of sperm and AIDS. Those Jesuits. I would not give it to them.

I was the last to arrive at the doors to the basement. I set Terrance Jenkins down on the floor while Vladimir and the doctors immediately bolted the heavy doors shut behind us. Mere seconds later came the shaking blast of ejaculate hitting the steel doors. We had made it. We were safe. I knelt to check on Terrance. To my horror, he was no longer breathing. I cried out in horror and protest and immediately began CPR. I put my mouth to his, over and over, trying so desperately to infuse air into his heavily inseminated lungs, pausing to pump my palms against his manly chest. The doctors, nurses, and all the men circled the two of us. My eyes welled up with tears as I saw the doctor shake his head. Gerard Butler removed his hat, silently praying in Irish. I strained and I pumped, unwilling to give in. With one final thrust I saw a gurgle of semen burst past his big lips. His eyes rolled open and he began to grunt. He could barely speak, his words still spraying with remnants of inhaled semen as he tried to force them out. He asked where he was, and proudly, I replied that, other than being covered in semen, of mostly unknown origins, he was safe. It was then I finally collapsed onto the floor beside him, exhausted, and slept.

Hours later we returned to the surface to inspect the aftermath of the attack. I almost gagged upon re-entering the hospital building. The odors permeated my nostrils and I immediately brought my hand to my face to cover my mouth. The only way to describe it is like the cheapest mushroom alfredo you have ever had, left to rot in the fridge for several months. Shuddering, I turned my eyes to the nearest window. My mouth fell open in a slow seeping shock, as did the protection of my hand. The streets, which I would have presumed to be flowing with the milky remnants of Jesuit semen, had hardened over in the afternoon sun, freezing the entire city midwash in a noxious yellow crust. Rescue teams were sent to chisel through the wreckage looking for survivors. The rest of us were brought back to quarantine to be dealt with.

According to Fox News, every Canadian woman has fallen pregnant. This has become a national crisis. I’m sure they are censoring this from the United States. Brianna too has become pregnant but she has chosen to have an abortion, so she should come out of this okay.

All of the men are okay. Our doctors were able to obtain enough spermicide to sanitize our bodies. We had to stand naked in quarantine and be blasted with a spermicide hose to fully eradicate all of the sperm. I am feeling itchy, but at least I am well. Terrance Jenkins is making a recovery as well. He is doing better than I could have hoped, and miraculously he still has his right testicle, although it is hanging on by a thread so he has to hold it.

I am glad you are safe, and far, far away from here. I wish I could be with you.

Your husband,

Brent Spiner

(Transcript of Skype conversation between Gail and Terrance Jenkins on 12-21-11)


(Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on 12-21-11) Great job on the transcription! This is a good piece of evidence to have on hand. Terrance was so brave to be talking to you while he was in so much pain. I just learned that he and I are scheduled to receive national awards once we get out of this mess. I heard I’ve won the Nobel Prize for Bravery and Terrance is receiving a Purple Heart. Thank you for taking the time to record and transcribe these messages. This is probably the only shred of media that will make it out of Canada into the United States.

(Gerard Butler at Church of Gail on 12-21-11) Excellent work, love. This transcription looks like it was written on a professional level. I think all of the world can benefit from the information we are providing. I can tell ye, I witnessed this nukkake firsthand and can tell you it was no walk in the park.

(Matthew McConaughey at Church of Gail on 12-21-11) What a horrible mess. I would never want to worry you, but you should know that the doctors have diagnosed me with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder today. I can’t drink milk, or be anywhere near whipped cream or cottage cheese. They served pasta alfredo at the hospital last night and I about broke into tears. I don’t know how the other men could eat that. Gerard has been by my side the entire time. He is a great psychiatrist. First Camilla Alves and now this. If it weren’t for you, Gail, I would have died from all the stress!

Thank you so much for the transcriptions and the videos, especially the nude ones. They are helping us greatly. Sometimes I fall asleep with them on.

(Hugh Jackman at Church of Gail on 12-21-11) Beautiful work, Gail. Professional transcribing. I have been assisting the rescue teams trying to excavate people out of the seminal crust outside. Just hit the showers and I am exhausted! Let’s keep up the good fight!

(Optimus Prime [or Iven Webb], a Walmart manager, at Church of Gail on 12-21-11) Gail, I have heard about this tragedy and am doing everything in my power at Walmart to break this news to the media. I pray for the other men.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-21-11) Thanks for all the support, you guys. I wish I had more time to write, but I used to live in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan and my son was born at St. Mary’s Hospital in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada. I’m thinking about some of my Canadian friends from 1986 to 1989. I wonder if they still live in Ontario and if they are alive. There was a couple named Don and Brigitte Graham. I haven’t communicated with them in years. I feel so sad over this. Canada doesn’t deserve this. I remember Canada when I lived on the U.S./Canadian border in the late 1980s. I did manage to get the full transcript up for my Skype conversation with Terrance (SEE TRANSCRIPT). Use it however you want.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-24-11) Isaiah 14:4–“. . .How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!”

Revelation 17:4-6–“And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color (official colors of Roman Catholic Church), and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus”

Revelation 17:9–“And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains (seven hills in ROME), on which the woman (Babylon or Roman Catholic Church or Jesuit empire) sitteth.”

Isaiah 14:16-24–“They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; that made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners? All the kings of the nations, even all of them, lie in glory, every one in his own house. But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcase trodden under feet. Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed thy land, and slain thy people: the seed of evildoers shall never be renowned. Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers; that they do not rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities. For I will rise up against them, saith the Lord of hosts, and cut off from Babylon the name, and remnant, and son, and nephew, saith the Lord. I will also make it a possession for the bittern, and pools of water: and I will sweep it with the besom of destruction, saith the Lord of hosts.”

Zechariah 9:6–“And a bastard shall dwell in Ashdod (Ash Wednesday earthquake in Seattle 2001, when I lived there), and I will cut off the pride of the Philistines.”
Zechariah 9:15 (my birthday in 9-15-57)–“The Lord of hosts shall defend them; and they shall devour, and subdue with sling stones. . .” I’m the king David woman. King David defeated Goliath with his FIVE sling stones, like the top five men on my marriage list.

Zechariah 9:16–” . . .for they shall be as the stones of a crown, lifted up as an ensign upon his land.”

1 Samuel 17 (cross ref. to Rev. 17) and verse 40 (40 men on marriage list): “And he took his staff in his hand, and chose him five smooth stones (top five men on my marriage list) out of the brook, and put them in a shepherd’s bag which he had, even in a scrip; and his sling was in his hand: and he drew near to the Philistine.”

Terrance Jenkins, you have crowns waiting for you on the other side. The crowds in heaven are cheering for you.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-25-11) COPY OF WHAT I POSTED AT MY VIDEO AT ONETRUEMEDIA:

I received this e-mail from judge Terrance Jenkins: OH MY GOODNESS! GOD HAS TRULY DONE A MIRACLE! THE WORLD NEEDS TO KNOW THIS.

My brain to brain communications with Vladimir Putin, Brent Spiner and Matthew McConaughey have informed me that right after I posted my Scripture at Church of Gail on Dec. 24, 2011, entitled “KING JAMES BIBLE ON BABYLON (JESUIT EMPIRE)” that judge Terrance Jenkins died, and was dead for about 15 minutes. His soul went to heaven. Then, after his 15 minute death, God returned him to us, his body became alive, and in his new body God had fixed his leg, so that the leg that the Jesuits sawed off was back on there, and he no longer had the evil clone leg (that was acting up). Also, his testicles, that evil Jesuit Rule 13 had destroyed, God restored. So God gave back to Terrance the body he had before the Jesuits tortured him. God also cured him of the AIDS virus that he acquired from the Jesuit nukkake bomb that devastated Canada (where Terrance was at the time).

Our scientists studied his body, now cured of the most resistant AIDS we’ve ever encountered, and, using the antibodies and enzymes that God gave us to fix Terrance’s killer AIDS (which was what killed him), we determined that an extract from mushrooms contained the ingredients needed to cure the horrible AIDS virus that Jesuits put into their nukkake bomb and that had infected all the Canadians and my men.

This “mushroom formula” has been sprayed all over Canada and given to the Canadians and Brent Spiner, Matthew McConaughey, Hugh Jackman, Gerard Butler and others infected with this horrible AIDS virus.

The mushroom cure appears to be working and the Canadians and my men are “on the mend” and making fast recoveries.

I have made this video to thank God for this miracle.



(Gail Chord at Church of Gail on 12-25-11) COPY OF WHAT I POSTED AT MY VIDEO AT ONETRUEMEDIA:

I received this e-mail from judge Terrance Jenkins: OH MY GOODNESS! GOD HAS TRULY DONE A MIRACLE! THE WORLD NEEDS TO KNOW THIS.

My brain to brain communications with Vladimir Putin, Brent Spiner and Matthew McConaughey have informed me that right after I posted my Scripture at Church of Gail on Dec. 24, 2011, entitled “KING JAMES BIBLE ON BABYLON (JESUIT EMPIRE)” that judge Terrance Jenkins died, and was dead for about 15 minutes. His soul went to heaven. Then, after his 15 minute death, God returned him to us, his body became alive, and in his new body God had fixed his leg, so that the leg that the Jesuits sawed off was back on there, and he no longer had the evil clone leg (that was acting up). Also, his testicles, that evil Jesuit Rule 13 had destroyed, God restored. So God gave back to Terrance the body he had before the Jesuits tortured him. God also cured him of the AIDS virus that he acquired from the Jesuit nukkake bomb that devastated Canada (where Terrance was at the time).

Our scientists studied his body, now cured of the most resistant AIDS we’ve ever encountered, and, using the antibodies and enzymes that God gave us to fix Terrance’s killer AIDS (which was what killed him), we determined that an extract from mushrooms contained the ingredients needed to cure the horrible AIDS virus that Jesuits put into their nukkake bomb and that had infected all the Canadians and my men.

This “mushroom formula” has been sprayed all over Canada and given to the Canadians and Brent Spiner, Matthew McConaughey, Hugh Jackman, Gerard Butler and others infected with this horrible AIDS virus.

The mushroom cure appears to be working and the Canadians and my men are “on the mend” and making fast recoveries.

I have made this video to thank God for this miracle.



(Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on 12-25-11) Behold the miracle God has given on his most holiest of days. To any dirty, rotten sinners out there who have not yet fallen before the glory of God and prayed for His forgiveness — what more evidence do you need? The lord is my shepherd and he has taken care of me, taken care of my wife, and saved the life of one of my very best friends! Merry Christmas to everyone! God bless!

(Hugh Jackman at Church of Gail on 12-25-11) I knew a little AIDS and testicular devastation couldn’t knock you out, Terrance. You may have had mashed genitals on the outside, but we all knew that you had balls of steel on the inside! Praise Jesus. You’re one tough monkey.

(Gerard Butler at Church of Gail on 12-25-11) Thank ye Lord! Welcome back Terrance Jenkins! I’ll drink another round of eggnog to that.

(Matthew McConaughey at Church of Gail on 12-25-11) Oh my. What a miracle. Thank you God, and thank you Gail. I believe in my heart He truly has a plan for all of us and we are far from done with his plan. Way to go Terrance, I think you deserve two Purple Hearts, one for your sawed off leg and one for the AIDS, but just being alive and fully healed is an even bigger reward than any medal. I’m glad you pulled through.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-25-11) Hi, my awesome sling stones. God is using all five of my awesome sling stones (you know, my great, great grandfather David used five stones). Yes, you are right, Matthew. God most certainly has a plan for us. We’re all in the King James Bible. Zechariah 9:15 (my birthday is 9-15-57). 1 Samuel 17:40 (the 40 main men on my marriage list). God wrote about us in his Holy Scriptures even before we were conceived. God has looked into our hearts and seen something there that He can use. Yup, us, sorry good-for-nothing sinners must be humble enough and passionate enough for God to use. The heroism you five sling stones have displayed rivals the courage of the greatest generals of history. It goes without saying that heroic Terrance Jenkins, as one of the main forty, is also part of God’s plan.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-27-11) I received an e-mail from Terrance Jenkins:

Dear Gail,
This mail was sent because the ‘forgot password’ function has been applied to your account. To set a new password, click the following link:
Username: Gail

The Church of Gail Talk Team.

However, my password works fine, so I’m not going to that link, unless you guys feel I should. I have no problems accessing the Church of Gail site.

Received the following phone calls from Zack Knight today from my mother’s phone number. However, she is not at her home, but in Atlanta with my sister, and will return on the 29th.

4:22 p.m. on Dec. 27, 2011. Gail, this is Zack Knight. Yeah, I’m gonna do you and your mom. It’s gonna to be good. It’s gonna be real good. Yeah. Gimme call back, bitch.

4:27 p.m. on Dec. 27, 2011. Hi Gail. This is Zack Knight again. Umm. You know, I came on a little too strong with that last call. What I wanted to tell you was that I want to make sweet, sweet passionate love to you kind of like Brent Spiner does, but, you know, just a little bit more exciting, because I’m much more impressive than he is. So, ummm, I hope we can really you know put that last message behind us and, you know, just kind of move forward from there. It’d be really cool if you could give me a call back. Alright. Bye bye.

From what I understand, when I listened to his messages on my cell phone, he attempted to use transporter technology to transport me over to him, but the transporter beam turned evil on him and zapped him. Then he tried to use tazer technology to tazer transport me inside of my car over to him (I was on my lunch break at Walmart) and the tazer beam came back to him and vaporized him and killed him and a couple of his clones. It also took off one of Rule 13’s arms. She was there with him, prepared to torture me with lesbian sex, while Zack planned to torture me with sex.

Assuming my brain to brain communications are accurate, I’m rejoicing over the death of evil Zack Knight. Thank you, Jesus! Apparently, my king David genetic profie is immune to their transporter and tazer technology and turns evil on them when they try to use it on me to transport me over to them. It’s even more evil, when I’m filled with the Holy Spirit, which, apparently, I was, when they tried to beam me over to them.

Thank you, Jesus! Zack Knight is dead. GOD KILLED HIM.

In the meanwhile, I’m battling a cold. I guess I was bound to catch something, after all I’ve been through this past couple weeks and all the sick people I get exposed to at Walmart.


(Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on 12-27-11) The nerve of that man thinking he could be as hot and wild in bed with you as I am. I’m glad Zack Knight never got his hands on you before God struck him dead. That slick Jesuit wanted to “rape” you for real. Good job, God!

(Vladimir Putin at Church of Gail on 12-27-11) Sexy Gail,

I am excite that the bastard Zack Knight is final dead. He was so weak and not strong like your sexual lover. We have achieve great victory, and Jesuits can go to hell.

Your most ejaculate lover,
Vladimir Putin

(Hugh Jackman at Church of Gail on 12-27-11) Zack Knight would have had hell to pay if he ever got his devilish paws on your body. I’d have pummeled that bad boy! Glad he’s dead. I’m so angry.

(Matthew McConaughey at Church of Gail on 12-27-11) Oh my. I concur with the other men, I’m glad he didn’t have a chance to do you or your mom. I’m looking forward to attending church service tonight. I hope you get over your cold soon, all this stress with the Jesuits can’t be helping.

(Gerard Butler at Church of Gail on 12-27-11) Interesting why this shady Jesuit character would want to do both you and your mother. He sounds like a hothead for sure. Aye. We’re trying to get ready for the church service and Hugh just wants to challenge me to another eggnog drinking contest. Talk about hotheads. He tried to get Matthew to do it and he ran off so I’m next. Cool it, fella!

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-27-11) Though I’d be honored to be with you all on Skype at your church service, this cold has me really knocked out. I think I need to go to bed. However, our brain to brain communications are going well, and if I’m still up when you start celebrating, you can still communicate with me brain to brain. Perhaps you could make a video of it and post it up at Church of Gail, when, and if, you get your video part up. I had a little bit of brain to brain loving with Brent, who is far more exciting than Zack Knight could ever be. From what I understand, some Zack Knight clones broke into brain to brain communications with me, because the Jesuits have been throwing nukkakes over the United States where I live (but our shields and God are destroying their nukkakes) and these Zack Knight clones tried to make love to me brain to brain and God knocked out all their penises AND the Zack Knight clones in the process. It seems whenever a Jesuit or their clone tries to make love with me, by whatever means, God kills them.

UPDATE: Thanks for being so understanding, all you guys. I just konked out and got some rest, but still tired. I think I’d upgrade this cold to a flu, but it appears, it’s a mild case, but the flu, nevertheless. I have a standard regimen that I follow whenever I get an upper respiratory infection. I need to go to the liquor store and buy some cognac as I’m about out. I take about a tablespoon of cognac with a clove of minced garlic and swallow it down about morning and evening to help with congestion and cough. I also take a lot of other things, like black elderberry, zinc, echinacea, goldenseal, etc. So, let’s get my medicine chest organized and I have to go out and replenish my medicine cabinet. Gotta go to the store. Those Jesuits made me sick again. I get flooded with their agents who come into the Walmart store with all sorts of illnesses. It’s a miracle I don’t get sick more often. I increase my nasal irrigations whenever I’m sick to twice a day, with saline solution with colloidal silver.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-27-11) I decided to make a YouTube video and let the world hear how creepy Zack Knight is: ( or

I’m sure it must horrify you, Brent, that Jesuit Loree McBride, who claims to be your wife, proudly associates with this creepy Jesuit named Zack Knight.

(Matthew McConaughey at Church of Gail on 12-28-11) Wow. What a creep. That second message on the machine is especially spooky. It sounds like Satan himself.

(Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on 12-28-11) This man should get a Nobel Prize for Creepiness. You said he left these messages from your mother’s phone number? I remember another instance where this Zack Knight character called you from that same number back when he was attempting to impregnate her. He’s obviously paying visits to her home. Who knows where she was during this time.

(Gerard Butler at Church of Gail on 12-28-11) It sounds to me like this Jesuit stud is making his rounds again. First your dear old mother, and then you, lass. I worry for you dear. I would be wary where your thoughts go. From what I read, apparently these high ranking Jesuits are known for their telepathic prowess.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-28-11) This video that I put up at YouTube, is the phone recording of the original Zack Knight BEFORE God killed him. However, I believe he has clones and that you all are in the process of finding and eliminating them now, using voice prints from the video of Zack Knight’s voice on that video that I posted at YouTube. If we are being threatened now, it is NOT from this Zack Knight (on the video I put up at YouTube), because God killed him, but from one of his many clones.

Assuming our brain to brain communications are accurate, God killed the acting JESUIT GENERAL. Zack Knight was the Jesuit General (the top dog in the Jesuit Order). My guess is that his clones are powerful, but not as powerful as the original Zack Knight (who was the Jesuit General), whom God killed. We need to get as many of the Zack Knight clones as we can. I will keep my video up at YouTube to assist you all in using Zack Knight’s voice prints to locate and destroy all his clones. If God got the top dog, He can get the rest.

(Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on 12-28-11) Indeed, we are working on finding the Zack Knight clones now as I type this. What is most threatening though is that despite these clones’ lacking of power from their original predecessor, they all share a common goal, not unlike those dreadful Lorees. If you all remember from the trial, as soon as we shot Loree #4 dead, Loree #5 took her place as if nothing ever happened, right in step. It is truly creepy.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-28-11) Vladimir, check up on Brent, Matthew and Gerard and make sure they are okay.

Vladimir, we need some sort of programming or alarm on each person, so that if anyone is tazer transported away from us into Jesuit territory, we will be notified immediately.

I have put a prayer request on the text portion of that YouTube video I put up, as only God can win this battle. In the meanwhile, I need to get to bed. I have the flu and this germ seems to love my sinuses right now. I can barely breathe. I will take a third round of cognac with garlic, to try to keep my sinuses open so I can sleep. I’ve called out for tomorrow at work. This germ started slow, but it’s strong.

My dear Brent, I have the utmost respect for you and my men, but I fear the Jesuits are extorting you to have a fearful spirit, and after what you all have been through, I totally sympathize. “Call unto me, and I will answer thee and shew thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not.” Jeremiah 33:3. As a wise Christian once said: “”Work as if it all depended on you, and pray as if it all depended on God.” After we’ve done that, there’s no more we can do.

Where is my triumphant and heroic Brent who braved a tidal wave of bukkake to save Terrance Jenkins? Something is amiss here. I do not recognize the spirit of the great Brent Spiner I have known. Perhaps that last entry was not the real Brent Spiner, but his clone? There is an excess of negativity in the latest comments from Matthew, Gerard and Brent–so unlike the heroic and brave men I know Brent, Matthew and Gerard to be.

(Vladimir Putin at Church of Gail on 12-29-11) Most Sexual Lover Gail,

I with Gerard am meet with the other men and have found the post trauma stress disorder inside them. We read the bible inside the Church of Gail sanctuary and God show us to read 1 Kings 19. God show us that Brent and Matthew and Hugh had moment of fear like Elija when scary Jezebel make scare after he make victory of kill prophets of balls worship. God show us that evil fear spirit was make Brent temporary act like sissy man, so we stay awake all night in church to use name of Jesus to remove spirit of fear. This makes me so exite! Brent and Matthew and Hugh are healed return to manly macho men again.

This makes ironic that even Vladimir Putin should help Gerard act as therapist. I want to make love inside you with my fat penis brain to brain loving.

Your always strong throbing lover,
Vladimir Putin

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-29-11) My manly Vladimir. You always thrill me. Thank you for all you do.

(Vladimir Putin at Church of Gail on 12-29-11) My Sexual Gail,

You is most thrill me. Myself and Brent and all other men make you a Christmas present. It was late because I make mistake in shipping. The mail work different in Russia. I accidentally write Gail address in the return address part, and our address in send part. I was embarasing when the package return to us as delivered.

I have use a trusted courrier to sent the package again to ensure that it is deliver properly this time and without any Jesuit interfere. You should get package soon!

Me and Brent work very hard to special design this present. We would like to make Skype group call to watch you open! I am so excite!

Your most thoughtful sexual Vladimir.

(Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on 12-29-11) Thank you Vladimir, I owe you my gratitude, as certainly do all of the other men. I woke up this morning feeling like a new man after our session last night. You’re a friend. You knew just what I needed.

I feel as though I have to apologize to you, Gail. You know that I’m no “sissy”, and I certainly don’t like to write to you when my head is not on straight. You’re amazing. Thank you for understanding me so well, and always being there to support me. God has truly blessed me.

(Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on 12-29-11) Excellent! You should have just let me handle it, Vladimir. You are an awfully busy man these days. At least it is sent and taken care of now.

I want to be there on Skype to see you open the present, my love. I don’t want to ruin the surprise, but I had a very personal part in making it for you. I can’t wait to see the look on your face. You’re going to treasure it.

(Gerard Butler at Church of Gail on 12-29-11) Oh, the lady is going to blush like a bed of roses! I adore her when she is happy. Merry Christmas, Gail.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-29-11) Here is my Walmart work schedule, if you need it:
December 30—10 to 7
December 31—1 to 10
January 1—11 to 8
January 2—11:30 to 8:30
January 3—10:30 to 7:30
January 4—OFF
January 5—OFF

My best Christmas present is for you all to stay alive and healthy. Make sure the Jesuits don’t put a bomb or poison in or around this package! Excuse my appearance, if I get your present, I have been battling the flu and Jesuits this month, and don’t look like a beauty queen.

I don’t check my mailbox every day. When I come home from work, if I see strange people around my box, I skip checking the mail and check it another day. When I get packages they either leave it at my door, at my apartment manager’s office with a note on my door, or at my mailbox (with a special mailbox key inside for me to go to another box to get the package).

(Matthew McConaughey at Church of Gail on 12-29-11) Oh Gail, you always look like a beauty queen. You could probably still model if you wanted to. It is in your genes. That’s why you’ll be such a good movie star when Walmart opens its movie studio. Cameras love you.

I hope you love this present. I’m excited too.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-29-11) Brent, you are no sissy, but Jesuit brain-control technology and all their other technologies and their Satanic power is horrifying. But, if God be for us, who can be against us? I know you, Brent, and I recognize when you are not the great man that I have loved through the years. I have always loved you for your special inner manly essence that I know like the back of my hand, so I recognize when another spirit takes the place of my heroic and big Brent Spiner.

Read Romans 8:31-39. After the major spiritual victories we have had the past week, I recognized immediately the Jesuit Satanic spirit in my men and knew something was amiss.

(Hugh Jackman at Church of Gail on 12-29-11) I’ll be on call all night with Vladimir’s team while your present is being delivered. Vladimir had it sent through a pretty damn secure channel so I don’t think there will be much to worry about. I’ll keep you safe, Gail. I eat Jesuits for breakfast.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-29-11) Those creepy Jesuits are putting my allergens in the air. They’re giving me a nauseating headache. They’ve done this before. It’s the end of December. This is not allergy season. I don’t know how the Jesuits come up with all this stuff. See if you can execute the Jesuits involved. They never give up. I’m on the tail end of the flu and now this.

Jesuits, you think God is impressed that you put my allergens into the air I breathe? I guess they want me to have a migraine when your present arrives. It looks like the Jesuits are all competing for the hottest spot in hell. When God sends the sinners to hell, they won’t all have the same temperature. My guess is that God will reserve the hottest spots for the Jesuits!!

Vladimir, your brain to brain loving comforts me while I endure this horrible, allergy headache the Jesuits have given me. Just yesterday the Jesuit flu I endured stuffed my nose so bad I could hardly breathe, but it won’t stop me from loving my men! That you and my men are alive to be my lovers is the greatest Christmas present I could have. Nothing thrills me more than to make love to an honorable, red-blooded, masculine, heroic man–and that is YOU Vladimir.

Oh my God, I’ve never had a headache this bad in ten years. Kill the Jesuits. I hope this Christmas present is worth all this.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-30-11) Just woke up and headache seems better, but still have it, but then allergy headaches always get worse at night. I got some sort of Skype message from Terrance Jenkins, but it was totally unintelligible. The only thing I could make out was the word “Brent Spiner”. Honest, the best Christmas present you all could give me, is to be alive, healthy and true to God, righteousness, the King James Bible, and what is courageous, honorable, pure and true. I also enjoy our brain to brain loving which reflects courage, honor, passion, truth and purity of soul–that is all I could ask. To enjoy the presence of a great soul is the greatest Christmas present. That is what puts you all far above any Jesuit.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-31-11) You guys have me all curious. I got a UPS notice on my door, that a package from some woman is waiting for me at the apartment manager’s office. I’ll have to pick it up around 9 a.m. tomorrow morning. Assuming that this package is from you, since I don’t recognize the woman’s name. Let’s make the Skype appointment for opening the package at 9:30 to 10 a.m. my time tomorrow, Dec. 31st.

In the meanwhile, I’m going to try to get my dinner and dishes done and get all ready for tomorrow early, so I can hit the sack early, to leave tomorrow morning open. I have to be at work by 1 p.m. tomorrow. I’m still dealing with this flu and have to get all my medications ready, do my nasal irrigation, take my cognac with garlic, etc. I had several, lovely cough spasms at work today–thanks to this lovely germ–the Jesuits’ Christmas present to me.

The Jesuits have been trying to switch me out all day (I could feel it), but to no avail, the Holy Spirit won’t let them take me. Those fools. They work so hard for the devil. They’re all competing for the hottest spot in hell and I’m sure they’ll get it.

Gotta go. I have lots to do. Need to take care of myself, that is a job in itself. Want to hit the sack early. I’ll try to call Terrance or Brent tomorrow on Skype (depending on who’s online) around 9 to 10 a.m.

(Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on 12-30-11) Very good, it sounds like the package arrived safely. One of Vladimir’s men had it sent from one of our most top secret locations so that the Jesuits wouldn’t think to notice it. You know they would have intercepted it just like they did my letters to you back in the 90’s. If it smells like me or Vladimir, away it goes!

I just checked with everyone’s schedules. Would it be all right if we save the Skype session for later in the day, after you get off of work? I know how excited you must be.

I hope you get to feeling better soon, my love, those coughing spasms sound awful. You get some rest. Going to bed early sounds like a great idea tonight. I wish I could join you.

(Matthew McConaughey at Church of Gail on 12-30-11) This flu sounds terrible. Rest well tonight Gail, I know you need it. I wish I could help somehow, but having no medical training I wouldn’t know where to start. It looks like you know how to handle this, anyway. You’ve had to become your own medical expert over the years since ordinary doctors have no clue how to fight these Jesuits. You’ll be back up to speed in no time.

Oh, by the way, I was the one that wrapped your present. The other men said I’d be the best at wrapping gifts since my hands are so gentle and soft. I’m sure you can attest to this from our brain to brain loving.

(Hugh Jackman at Church of Gail on 12-30-11) Mission success! We had to be very clever with this package. It looks like it made it under the radar.

You may have to deal with this flu, but if that’s the best they can do, it is sure pathetic. You’re so intelligent when it comes to medicine and knowing your body. They may be able to stump some doofy doctors but they damn sure can’t fool you.

(Gerard Butler at Church of Gail on 12-30-11) That sounds like our box all right. This will be lovely.

Rest well tonight, dear Gail. These little Jesuit pranks come and go but at the end of the day we’ve got them licked. You could diagnose circles around those Jesuit doctors anyhow.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-30-11) Okay, the Skype appointment to open the package will be 10:30 to 11 p.m. tomorrow. I get off at 10. This will be a New Year’s Eve Skype appointment. We can’t stay long on Skype because I have to be at work at 11 the next day.

I’ll pick up the package in the morning, and leave it on my bed while I’m at work, and won’t open it until I get off at 10. If any unauthorized person enters my apartment–kill them. We don’t play games with Jesuits.

(Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on 12-30-11) Wonderful. That sounds like a good plan. We’ll keep our surveillance teams focused around your entire apartment complex. Nobody suspicious comes in or out of there.

I know you’re feeling under the weather, so you can be off to bed whenever you’d like to afterward. This naughty boy promises to behave himself.

(Vladimir Putin at Church of Gail on 12-30-11) Dearest Most Sexual Gail,

I grow impatiently about see you open the present. I try to rally the men in morning so we can see you open tomorrow morning instead of tomorrow night. You like?

Ever sense Vladimir was little boy, was never good at waiting with patience. I want to see you open present in morning. I want to see you play with toy.

Your sexually aroused stallion of Martial Arts Judo.

Vladimir Putin

(Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on 12-30-11) Oh Vladimir, this is just like you. There’s no arguing with that passionate energy once you get yourself all worked up. I don’t mind the original morning time frame that Gail suggested. In fact, I didn’t think of it, but that would probably be best considering her illness. She also wouldn’t have to leave the package alone in the house while she’s at work. Good thinking. You’ve really been ahead of the team lately.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-31-11) I can’t believe I’m still up. Though I regularly check your messages to see if anything new has come up. I have one serious concern. . .whenever all of you get together, the Jesuits always do something awful. Please be careful. They love it whenever you all get together in one spot. It’s such an opportunity for them to knock all of you out at once, and take out all the top five men on my marriage list. I think of that tazer net kidnapping, when you all headed towards the McDonald’s in Las Vegas. Then I think of when you all were together in Canada to visit Terrance. It seems whenever you all get together in one spot, the Jesuits always try to come up with something to kill all of you with some sort of devastation. Be careful. I will be in prayer for you all. I always get nervous whenever you all get together as a group. Jesuits love this. Make sure that none of you is a Jesuit clone! As far as the morning. Make it around 11 a.m. and I won’t have a lot of time.

(Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on 12-31-11) You make a very valid observation, my dear. I agree, I do think we all need to be more careful in groups. I’ll take my Bible to bed with me tonight, and I’ll read it until I fall asleep with it over my heart. I encourage the other men to do the same once they read this. Don’t you worry about your heroes. Your love makes us strong. We are ready to face anything for you. We may rise and fall into danger, but I have faith that God will keep us from harm through all of our tests and trials.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-31-11) My apologies, you guys, but when I went down to the apartment manager’s office to pick up my package, the door was locked. The apartment manager’s office is closed on Saturday and Sunday and we will have to wait until Monday, January 2nd, when I can pick up the package in the morning. The Skype opening of the present will have to wait until Monday night, I’m afraid, that would be the night of January 2nd. Let me go down and check one more time, as this office used to be open on Saturday mornings, but, apparently, no longer, Keep a strong surveillance over the apartment manager’s office until I’m able to get there on Monday morning. I completely forgot that the manager’s office is closed on the weekend!

I’ve been informed with brain to brain communications that we may have a problem with Matthew McConaughey–a possible heart attack? Is this accurate?




(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-31-11) Just read your message, Terrance. Gotta get ready for work. Keep in prayer and in your Bibles, you guys. God gave me a promise, we’d have a major victory. But the Lord is the One who wins the battles. Isaiah chapters 29 through 31. And we happen to be in Proverbs 31 today. I read from Proverbs according to the day of the month.

(Gail at Church of Gail on 12-31-11) You guys, I deal with Jesuits every day at work, and I’ve dealt with them for many years and have gotten to know them well. It just occurred to me that there is one quality that EVERY Jesuit has, with NO EXCEPTIONS. That quality is PRIDE. They are all full of themselves and feel very self-important. I thought perhaps we could set up our scanners to detect the presence of anyone who is full pf pride, as Jesuits have an unusually high amount of this quality and this would be a sure way to detect that they are near.

I’m not saying that every proud person is a Jesuit. However, Jesuits have a very high amount of pride, so we could set up our scanners to detect whenever a person with a ton of pride is around and this would alert us to a Jesuit. Every person who supports the goals of the Jesuit Order is always, always, full of pride. I have found no exceptions. I’ve seen them put on the poverty act, but their motive for doing so is PRIDE. I’ve seen them put on the handicapped act, but their motive for doing so is PRIDE.

It makes sense when you think about it, because pride is the sin of the devil and Jesuits are devil worshippers. The whole Roman Catholic belief system is based on devil worship. I’m not saying that every Roman Catholic is proud. I know many humble Catholics. However, every Jesuit is proud. A Jesuit would not be a Jesuit unless he/she was proud. There’s no such thing as a humble Jesuit, because their entire belief system is centered around the belief that they have the right to kill, maim, or do anything to anyone who opposes the goals of the Jesuit Order for a worldwide dictatorship. That is a very proud, arrogant attitude and so you can’t be a Jesuit unless you are proud and arrogant. That’s how we detect them.

So, let’s say that all you guys get together and our scanners say that one of you, all of a sudden, is full of pride–that should alert you that a possible Jesuit clone may have replaced one of you guys. If we had these scanners set up when Vladimir and Kim Jong Il were kidnapped and sent to North Korea, we may have figured out a lot sooner that the Vladimir and Kim Jong Il who acted like they were victims of mind-control injections, were proud Jesuits putting on a very good performance!! And because we figured this out so quickly, perhaps Kim Jong Il would still be with us.

So, I say let’s program our scanners to detect the presence of any person who is loaded with pride, so that Jesuits will have a harder time camouflaging themselves.

Because I have made brain to brain loving with the top five men on my marriage list, I happen to know that you top five guys are actually pretty humble, despite your fame, money or looks. Jesuits are much more full of themselves and have such a high opinion of themselves, they think they are above everyone. But that is not Hugh Jackman, Brent Spiner, Vladimir Putin, Terrance Jenkins, Matthew McConaughey or Gerard Butler. I know you guys. You guys are actually quite humble, especially compared to a Jesuit. So, if one of you, all of a sudden, becomes proud, we know that we need to suspect that the original person may have been replaced with a Jesuit clone.

Don’t limit it to us, though. We can use this PRIDE DETECTOR to find Jesuits EVERYWHERE!

I HAVE NEVER MET A HUMBLE JESUIT, unless the Jesuit was getting ready to defect from the Order, and we don’t execute those Jesuits. We try to help them. So, let’s set up our scanners to detect the presence of an arrogant, proud, stuffed shirt and we’ll find a lot more Jesuits. We need to track these arrogant creeps down and get them, before they get us!

(Vladimir Putin at Church of Gail on January 1, 2012) Dearest Sexual Gail Most Beautiful Woman on the Planet Earth,
You are so very genius for idea to set scanners to detect the pride mind of prideful Jesuits. We modify scanners and catch many Jesuits already. Vladimir believe that you understand the Jesuit pride because you is so humble. Examples of Gail humble for world to see:

  • Gail never say she is most beautiful woman and need to be vote sexiest woman alive. It was her men who say this and the world authorities on sexiness who say it because it is true.
  • Gail is never say she need 40 men on marriage list. Her men believe she is so important, so we make marriage list despite her humble protest.
  • Gail never ask for special genetic profile make her best woman on earth with King David and Cathrine the Great. God know that Gail is better than everyone else and make her that way.

Gail will not deny the above, but she stay very humble. The Jesuits are so pride even when not special like most sexual Gail. the Jesuits are disgust.

Vladimir Putin


Skype May 19, 2014:

[1:50:02 AM] Gail Schuler: Why is down?




[1:51:22 AM] Terrance Jenkins: WE HAD TO MAKE A HARD CALL


[1:51:50 AM] Terrance Jenkins: WE PLAN TO HAVE IT UP SOON (Note: they never put back up)

[1:52:05 AM] Gail Schuler: What’s going on with my website?


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