I Am A Full Buddhist CHRISTIAN
Update Aug. 27, 2022: Any new project that I consider that could take at least an hour of my time, I meditate about beforehand. However, we need to be careful about any messages that come to us during meditation. Meditation, when done right, clears our mind of demonic influence. The focus should be on staying present, being thankful and we should definitely reject any messages we receive. Thus far, after meditation, I have rejected 2 ideas that came to my mind: 1) To supply an edited audio of my phone interactions with the scammer I dealt with on Aug. 24th. 2) To supply a written transcript of my phone interactions with the scammer I dealt with on Aug. 24th. Meditation seems to tell me to move on and leave the scammer incident in the past, with valuable lessons learned. But that I should not dwell on this.
For now, enjoy some great meditation music. Though Buddha says what works for one person may not work for another. I know this works for me.