Pres. Gail Resigns and Makes Brent Spiner President
Here are the full details behind why I made an unnecessary Declaration of War against Jesuit Covid agents, which manipulated me into murdering 72 million innocents through declaring war based on a Jesuit prank. As a result of this mistake, I have resigned as U.S. President, because I am no match for Satan and Baphomet’s tricks. Baphomet (a fallen angel demon who works with Satan and helps out the Jesuits) specializes in manipulating me where I am ignorant.
Unfortunately, I cannot control where I happen to be ignorant and Baphomet seems to know every trick in the book. He/she or it specializes in making you think you are doing something great and good, and then Baphomet gets you all excited about ideas that he/she plants in your head and you think it was your idea and it actually came from Baphomet! I believe Baphomet put the obsession into me to declare war against Jesuit Covid Agents, because he/she knew that I believed the lie that millions had died from the Covid shots and that I believed the lie that everyone was ignoring my laws that made it death penalty to do the Covid shot. So I believed I was justified to go after medical people giving out the shot, when everyone was actually getting saline shots.
The only human qualified to deal effectively with Baphomet is my husband Brent Spiner, who will meet with Buddha before making decisions. Therefore, I have resigned as U.S. President and have made Brent Spiner full President.
The Covid shots were deadly and if I had not made it death penalty to do them, we would have a very bad situation in the world. The mistake I made is that I thought I was ineffective as a President, and I believed the lie that everyone was flouting my laws and so, based on believing this lie, I felt that stronger action needed to be taken.
It seems Baphomet has become obsessed with me so that I have been making a lot of poor decisions as President. Therefore, I feel I can no longer trust my judgment as a President. He/she knows what I don’t know and uses that against me. For instance, when I decided to become full monarch and cancel the House and the Senate, I wrongly believed that the House and the Senate (which I heard in Jesuit fake news) had just approved of millions for the fake war in Ukraine. That was why I decided to become full monarch. I am being tricked more than I am comfortable with, so I HAVE RESIGNED AS U.S. PRESIDENT.
Unfortunately, I don’t get Gabrielle Chana FOX News and am a victim of Jesuit propaganda like a lot of people are and Jesuits can manipulate me and take advantage of my ignorance. This is not good. My husband Brent does get Gabrielle Chana FOX News and can also meet with Buddha and the other deities regularly for counsel.
Because I was tricked by a notice that was put on my apartment’s door from the Jesuits, that made it appear that the Covid shots were being forced on people and then I declared war that killed millions of innocents because I was tricked, I have resigned from the President job and hand the job over to my husband Brent Spiner. Will make a video about this tomorrow.
My deepest apologies to the innocents who died as a result of a Jesuit prank on me that got me to make a poor decision for war, when war was not necessary. I was also influenced by fake news, believing that millions had died from the Jesuit Covid vaccine and this was not the case and everybody was actually getting a salt water shot. I sincerely believed that millions had died from the Covid shot, because I was reading fake news and was influenced by it. When, in actuality, they were all getting salt water shots.
Unfortunately, I do not get Gabrielle Chana FOX News and have learned sadly that fake news causes me to make poor decisions as a President. My husband Brent does not have this problem and I have confidence that he will do great. He has a cool head and will be consulting with our deity friends, since I believe I am up against Satan himself.
We will make reparations to the innocents and their families who lost their lives over a Jesuit prank that got me riled up, but I have confidence that my husband Brent will do great. Brent is the President and I will be making no more executive orders or laws without consulting with him in everything. If I do write more law, I will give it to Brent for approval and, of course, he can write law all on his own, if he wants.
This is what I got on my apartment door. So, even though I have been avoiding mainstream news, the Jesuits got me riled up by posting their fake news on my door as a notice from my apartment management. It seems the only way I can be sure I won’t make a mistake like this again, is to make Brent Spiner President.
Here is a transcript of the Discord hang out night conversation, where I learned the truth about how I was tricked:
Aug. 19, 2022 Discord
Prometheus — Yesterday at 6:03 PM
Hello Gail,
Great to see you! I will be just listening for now as I am driving with a friend.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:03 PM
Hi Prometheus! Glad to have you.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:21 PM
Hi everybody.
[6:23 PM]
So how’s the war going?
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:23 PM
It turns out, the Covid rules on the doors of the apartment was Jesuit prank!
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:24 PM
Oh really? I suspected that.
[6:24 PM]
Who was behind it.
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:24 PM
The Jesuits.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:24 PM
So, is the war going?
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:25 PM
We did many bombs and made great bloodshed, but, it turn out there were no Covid supporters and we kill innocents.
[6:25 PM]
President rating went down by 40% after this.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:25 PM
You talking about at the CDC?
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:25 PM
But, from now on, we refrain from war and violence without meditation first.
[6:25 PM]
Yes, we bomb and kill everyone.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:25 PM
Good idea. I did suggest trying to spare innocents. This was not possible?
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:25 PM
They say, you are most bloodthirsty president in all of history.
[6:26 PM]
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:26 PM
Where did you bomb?
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:26 PM
We will all calm down and meditate before launching war and bloodshed from now on, and forget Covid.
Garbage Man — Yesterday at 6:26 PM
You should try some tea
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:26 PM
We bomb every CDC building in the country and most hospitals.
Garbage Man — Yesterday at 6:26 PM
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:26 PM
Were they giving out the COVID shot?
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:27 PM
No, we just assume because of the flyers in the apartment.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:27 PM
When did you discover that was a Jesuit prank?
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:27 PM
This afternoon.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:27 PM
Why did it take so long?
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:28 PM
We were so eager to follow supreme monarchy orders, we did not relax and meditate first and do investigation.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:28 PM
Are the COVID shots being given out?
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:28 PM
Nope, it is all saline.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:28 PM
I see ads for them everywhere.
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:29 PM
These are Jesuit prank.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:29 PM
Like on Facebook.
[6:29 PM]
It sounds like we were set up, in order to cause me to lose favor with the people.
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:29 PM
Yes. Jesuits say, “ha ha! Gail is so scared of everything and quick to violence, she will fly into panic rage and order bloodshed!”
[6:30 PM]
They laugh and make fun. This is how we find out
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:30 PM
Can we punish the people behind these pranks?
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:30 PM
Yes, we will go after Jesuits.
[6:30 PM]
They were anonymous Jesuits.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:30 PM
We need to find them and blame them for all the bloodshed.
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:30 PM
Nothing is ever Gail Chan’s fault!
Prometheus — Yesterday at 6:30 PM
They should be whipped.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:31 PM
I was tricked and the murderers are the pranksters and they need to be punished.
[6:33 PM]
Why were we not able to determine whether there were innocents in these buildings?
[6:33 PM]
I assumed you guys would try to clear out innocents.
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:33 PM
We have no way to know who at CDC is against covid.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:33 PM
I will admit I did give an order to bomb the CDC. That’s my fault.
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:33 PM
We bomb them immediately because of Presidential order.
[6:33 PM]
Based on flyers in the apartment.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:34 PM
I got a notice on my door supposedly from the CDC.
Prometheus — Yesterday at 6:34 PM
Were you aware of the possibility of innocents in the building?
[6:34 PM]
CDC building
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:35 PM
Formal apology may help return Presidential ratings, also help reputation for most bloodthirsty President ever.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:36 PM
How did the Jesuits get in my apartment?
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:36 PM
They use brain control on staff and hand them the Covid flyers, and say it is from the CDC.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:37 PM
How did they do the brain control? (edited)
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:37 PM
They give them drug brownies.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:37 PM
Who got the brownies?
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:37 PM
All the staff.
[6:37 PM]
There was pot in them but also brain control drug.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:37 PM
How long have they been drugged out?
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:37 PM
They were drug for 24 hour.
[6:37 PM]
Now they are okay.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:37 PM
How many days?
[6:38 PM]
What day was this?
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:38 PM
The same day as the flyer.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:39 PM
So are there any COVID shots given out anywhere in the country? Why do we have to do salt water shots? Why can’t we just stop this nonsense altogether?
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:39 PM
The shots make people feel comfort.
[6:39 PM]
They like to pretend they do something.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:39 PM
Are they all under brain control?
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:40 PM
They are easily scared, and do not think before they do such things. They are quick to act.
[6:40 PM]
Hm! So, an example is to admit you were rattled by Jesuits trying to scare you. Then, tell everyone we should calm down and not be scared.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:41 PM
So how many people died from the bombs?
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:41 PM
72 million.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:41 PM
All the doctor’s offices?
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:41 PM
Mostly medical staff, so, we lose many medical resource.
[6:41 PM]
This will take many years for the country to rebuild.
[6:42 PM]
To be President is so stressful!
Garbage Man — Yesterday at 6:42 PM
I work at a doctors office!
[6:42 PM]
Hopefully it’s still there on Monday
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:43 PM
We try, but this is clean on paper and dirty in real life.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:43 PM
What happened when you tried to clear out innocents/
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:43 PM
It is messy to determine who is innocent and not.
[6:43 PM]
You can take the call.
[6:44 PM]
I think being most bloodthirsty President in history is kind of cool achievement, ha ha.
Bradhesive bandages — Yesterday at 6:45 PM
Like Andrew Jackson but better
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:46 PM
Why was our intelligence so bad?
[6:46 PM]
Didn’t we know that these were all salt water shots?
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:47 PM
This is harsh reality of war. This is why war is so messy and nobody ever look good after.
Garbage Man — Yesterday at 6:47 PM
Can we blame it on the fat chicks?
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:47 PM
Innocents are always kill in war, this is why leaders must be careful when choosing war
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:47 PM
How many people have died from the COVID shots?
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:47 PM
.005%, the shots mostly make people retard like Garbage Man.
Garbage Man — Yesterday at 6:47 PM
I got the shots and still got covid twice!
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:48 PM
Perhaps, this is why Jesus does not like news media!
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:48 PM
Even the alternative news has been wrong.
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:48 PM
All news is fake news.
@Garbage Man
I got the shots and still got covid twice!
Prometheus — Yesterday at 6:48 PM
And became extra retarded
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:49 PM
It is hard to be President and make big decisions.
[6:49 PM]
Perhaps, one should not be so quick to bloodshed and death.
[6:50 PM]
Oh! President Brent!
[6:50 PM]
He is very wise.
Bradhesive bandages — Yesterday at 6:50 PM
We will miss president Gail. You were probably the best. even considering this miscalculation.
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:53 PM
Does this mean no more supreme monarchy orders?
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:54 PM
What do you mean no more supreme monarchy orders?
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:54 PM
So, only Brent is in charge of orders for the country?
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:54 PM
What it means is, that I won’t give out any orders or write any law without getting Brent’s approval first.
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:54 PM
This sounds good.
[6:55 PM]
We can slowly retrain more doctors and rebuild hospitals.
[6:55 PM]
Perhaps we build memorial for the mistake, for the fallen doctors and medical staff in this mistake war.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:56 PM
What does Brent think we should do? (edited)
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:56 PM
Brent say that reparations and memorial sound like best idea.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:57 PM
What kind of reparations does Brent recommend?
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:57 PM
Money, and also free membership to dating sites so widows and widowers can find new spouses.
[6:57 PM]
Yes, all spouses.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 6:58 PM
Brent’s the President. Whatever he suggests we will go with.
Rule13 — Yesterday at 6:58 PM
They should be permitted free sex therapists and escorts for companionship.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 7:09 PM
Didn’t I set up a permanent Presidency?
Rule13 — Yesterday at 7:09 PM
Yes, supreme permanent presidency thanks to President Gail.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 7:10 PM
Is Brent willing to take this job?
Rule13 — Yesterday at 7:10 PM
Brent has taken the job.
[7:10 PM]
He has a cool head and will consult with Buddha before any decision.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 7:11 PM
Yes, throw a party for Brent. He’s the President.
Rule13 — Yesterday at 7:33 PM
Ha ha! Brent is making humping motions in the air!
[7:33 PM]
He say, “we should have a private party tonight.”
[7:38 PM]
Gail Chan! What will be the next short story you will write for your book series? Pen Pals is so good.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 7:39 PM
The next short story is going to be about how Satan was easing in on me and caused me to be intimidated into signing an agreement to allow the state to educate me about how to be a mother.
Rule13 — Yesterday at 7:40 PM
Oh! That sounds so interesting. I see why Jesus wanted you to write this series. I am on the edge of my seat.
[7:41 PM]
So each short story will be its own book, Brent said. This is brilliant marketing idea.
[7:41 PM]
Pen Pals made me learn so much.
Rule13 — Yesterday at 7:51 PM
Prometheus has raccoon eyes. Sleep well!
Prometheus — Yesterday at 7:51 PM
Good night
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 7:51 PM
Who is the Jesuit leader?
Rule13 — Yesterday at 7:51 PM
It is unknown who the earthly leader is.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 7:52 PM
I think it’s Satan himself.
Bradhesive bandages — Yesterday at 7:52 PM
He’s probably got some sort of twink lover as a earthly leader. like an evil twink hitler clone
Rule13 — Yesterday at 8:01 PM
How do you feel Brad?
[8:02 PM]
Perhaps, he fall asleep!
Bradhesive bandages — Yesterday at 8:02 PM
Oh sorry
[8:02 PM]
I had gotten my chicken out of the oven
[8:02 PM]
was there a question?
[8:02 PM]
I feel great though. Love getting to hang out
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 8:03 PM
Do you all want me to make a video now to announce Brent is President tonight? Or should I do it tomorrow?
[8:03 PM]
If I do it tonight, I would leave an hour early. I will let you all decide.
Rule13 — Yesterday at 8:04 PM
Perhaps, stay on in case others want to stop in late.
Bradhesive bandages — Yesterday at 8:04 PM
We will have him see justice once and for all
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 8:04 PM
Okay. I’ll stick around.
[8:04 PM]
So, 13, how are you feeling about Brent being President?
Rule13 — Yesterday at 8:04 PM
I think this is good idea!
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 8:04 PM
13, do you think Satan is the Jesuit leader? (edited)
Bradhesive bandages — Yesterday at 8:05 PM
Do you think there is a chance the Jesuits will use the evil clone to slander our Brent?
Rule13 — Yesterday at 8:05 PM
He (Satan) is the orchestrator for sure, but he usually like to have an Antichrist.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 8:05 PM
Yeah, but Jesus said he cancelled the Antichrist.
Rule13 — Yesterday at 8:05 PM
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 8:06 PM
I think it’s Satan himself, cuz the Jesuit moves against me have been too brilliant.
[8:06 PM]
It kind of reminds me of when we invited Satan to the courtroom. The Jesuits are TOO GOOD at manipulating me.
[8:07 PM]
I have noticed that the Jesuit strategy against me ever since Loree came to our side, have been super brilliant. So I think it’s Satan, who is calling the shots.
[8:07 PM]
I think he decided to be the boss after Loree left, cuz he doesn’t trust his Antichrists anymore.
Rule13 — Yesterday at 8:08 PM
He has other deity friends too.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 8:08 PM
That’s true. Baphomet is really good at tricking me, too.
Rule13 — Yesterday at 8:11 PM
This is big turning point in history.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 8:12 PM
I agree, 13. This is a big turning point. Brent will do great.
Rule13 — Yesterday at 8:13 PM
It is hard to ignore the news. Especially when you think it is trustworthy news.
[8:13 PM]
Only good trustworthy news is Gabrielle Chana Fox News.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 8:14 PM
That’s true. I was influenced by the news, both times (the time I decided to be full supreme monarch and the time I declared war on Jesuit Covid agents).
[8:14 PM]
Unfortunately, I don’t get Gabrielle Chana FOX news, so that’s another reason I need to put Brent in there.
Rule13 — Yesterday at 8:14 PM
True, he has access to more information.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 8:15 PM
I make decisions based on faulty information, so I can’t be the President.
Rule13 — Yesterday at 8:15 PM
It is better to be full time author.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 8:15 PM
Writing is what I excel at.
Rule13 — Yesterday at 8:15 PM
Besides! Having joy as an author, and doing the book series Jesus likes, will strengthen the Gail Shield and make our side more powerful.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 8:15 PM
I’m really excited about writing these books for Jesus.
[8:15 PM]
I agree, 13.
[8:16 PM]
How’s the Gail Shield doing right now?
Rule13 — Yesterday at 8:16 PM
It is 100%.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 8:16 PM
How was it yesterday?
Rule13 — Yesterday at 8:16 PM
Still 100%.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 8:16 PM
It doesn’t sound like Jesus is upset about anything.
[8:17 PM]
The Gail Shield is an extension of Jesus.
Rule13 — Yesterday at 8:17 PM
It sounds like everything is going according to plan. Jesus said he could trust us.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 8:20 PM
I think Jesus wanted Brent to be President and knew this would happen.
Bradhesive bandages — Yesterday at 8:22 PM
Hey Gail. I have to leave a bit early but it was a lot of fun. Have a great night.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 8:22 PM
Yeah, thanks for the support! Have a great night.
Rule13 — Yesterday at 8:25 PM
What are you typing Gail?
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 8:28 PM
I made a post at my website that Brent is the President. Are they reporting it on Gabrielle Chana FOX News?
Rule13 — Yesterday at 8:28 PM
It is breaking news on the GCFN!
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 8:29 PM
Yes!! What is the public reaction?
[8:29 PM]
Of course, that won’t change my mind. . . .
Rule13 — Yesterday at 8:30 PM
The public is very happy with this decision.
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 8:31 PM
Rule13 — Yesterday at 8:34 PM
I will go to bed early too, Gail Chan. Perhaps, you still have time to make your video?
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 8:34 PM
Yes, I think I will do that. This video will give Satan an ulcer. I can’t wait!!
Rule13 — Yesterday at 8:34 PM
He will puke for sure!
[8:34 PM]
Have a good night. This is great day in history!
Gail Chord Schuler — Yesterday at 8:35 PM
Goodnight 13. It will work out for good.