I Am A Full Buddhist CHRISTIAN
Update Aug. 27, 2022: Any new project that I consider that could take at least an hour of my time, I meditate about beforehand. However, we need to be careful about any messages that come to us during meditation. Meditation, when done right, clears our mind of demonic influence. The focus should be on staying present, being thankful and we […]
Demonic Enlightenment (8-29-22, 8-30-22, 8-31-22): Rapture Coming, Tribulation/Millennium COMBINED, Multiverses in New Prophecy
NOTE: Buddha warned me to be careful about any messages I receive through meditation. I suggest we combine War on the Saints with Meditation and disregard any “messages” below as most likely coming from a demonic source. I leave this up for educational purposes, so we can be aware of how evil spirits operate. Meditation Probably Demonic Enlightenment on Aug. […]