Baphomet Asks: Do YOU Belong on the Asexual Spectrum?

UPDATE on Aug. 2, 2022: We need to quit worrying about these SJW labels, and just be our unique, complex selves, regardless of labels. UPDATE on July 31, 2022 where I include a Skype I had with Brent about how I really felt about Jesus moving into my apartment in 2022. Explore the spectrum: guide to finding your ace […]

Baphomet Emphasizes Gail’s Demisexual Polyamorous Experience

UPDATE on Aug. 2, 2022: We need to quit worrying about these SJW labels, and just be our unique, complex selves, regardless of labels. Polyamory is the capability or desire to be in a relationship with more than one person at once. Polyamorous can be used both as a description of a relationship with more than two people and as description […]

Baphomet Claps Because Jesus & Gail’s Identity Crisis Resolved

UPDATE on Aug. 2, 2022: We need to quit worrying about these SJW labels, and just be our unique, complex selves, regardless of labels. As I work on Bible for Future Saints, I’ve come to the realization that both Jesus and I have suffered an identity crisis in the past year. Jesus suffered a greater identity crisis than myself, but […]

Baphomet’s Education about Asexuals & Aromantics

UPDATE on Aug. 2, 2022: We need to quit worrying about these SJW labels, and just be our unique, complex selves, regardless of labels. Because Jesus is asexual and aromantic, I feel a need to educate the world about asexuality. Some of those who commented below may be full romantics though, and Jesus is aromantic. But the asexual/aromantic sexual orientation […]

Baphomet Stresses the Importance of Emotional Validation (Gail’s Demisexual)

UPDATE on Aug. 2, 2022: We need to quit worrying about these SJW labels, and just be our unique, complex selves, regardless of labels. I have owned myself as a demisexual because it makes me feel validated. For most of my life, well-meaning (or maybe not all well meaning) friends have tried to force me into a mold and knowing […]

Baphomet Emphasizes that Gail’s Demisexuality Deeply Enjoys Platonic Intimacy

UPDATE on Aug. 2, 2022: We need to quit worrying about these SJW labels, and just be our unique, complex selves, regardless of labels. When I discovered I was demisexual, it gave me insights into Jesus, that I think helped him learn that he is asexual/aromantic. I told him that even though he had used me like a sex dummy, […]

Jesuit Murdered Shinzo Abe For Being Gail Supporter. Baphomet’s Behind Gail’s Bed Bugs.

Shinzo Abe, Japan’s former PM, was descended from Abe no Muneto who is one of the characters in this part one (above). I am descended from Yu and Tsunekiyo. To view the entire series, use the password Oshu Fujiwara: Abe no Muneto (安倍宗任) ABE no Muneto was a Busho (Japanese military commander) in the mid Heian period. He was a child […]