Sandeep Vaheesan Appointed Chair of Federal Trade Commission

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I have taken over the Federal Trade Commission as I attempt to rein in corporate greed.

I have fired everyone at the Federal Trade Commission and appointed Sandeep Vaheesan as the chair. He will pick people for the other Commissioners there. His job will be to break up any monopolies that are harmful to the consumers, causing unfair price gouging and other problems. He should basically follow the guidelines he set up in his excellent article entitled “Privileging Consolidation and Proscribing Cooperation: The Perversity of Contemporary Antitrust Law“.

I would like him to also coordinate the creation of viable alternatives for the consumers in cases where unfair monopolies have forced consumers to be victims of price gouging, especially for necessary services and goods (like food, gasoline, housing, etc.). We will take an offensive stance to solving this problem of price gouging from greedy corporations, and not just be defensive. Defensive action is breaking up the unfair monopolies. Offensive action is creating new mergers or corporations to give consumers more choices and to bring in healthy competition and lower prices.

He will coordinate the offensive action and encourage the creation of new companies that offer consumers fair pricing and quality services and goods.

Hopefully, with more competition and the smart regulation of how businesses realign to offer fair prices and services to the consumer, we will help solve the problem of skyrocketing prices in gasoline, food, and other essential goods and services.

He has appeared before Congress and his propositions before Congress seem sound and intelligent.

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