Silver Skies 1996 Version & Millennium Music Themes
These are music albums I made to inspire me as I work on Silver Skies 1996 version. There is a Silver Skies 1996 theme that starts off with the Dor Ben Habakkuk Theme, then the Brianna Wilhelm theme, then the Franz Wilhelm theme.
For Silver Skies 1996 Version, I have also created a Jewish longings theme to portray the heart of the nation of Israel during the tribulation:
I started working on this novel in 1994 and am still working on it. It was written to honor the awesome true love I found in Brent Spiner.
Silver Skies: The Millennium is the sequel to Silver Skies 1996 Version and is about Jesus Christ’s millennial reign for 1,000 years over the earth.
Gail Chord Schuler