Jesuit Drone Crow “Thumbs Up” My Diet

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Jesuits used a drone crow to eat on a roof next to my home’s window, while crowing to draw my attention, to “thumbs up” the diet I talked about on my walk today (June 18, 2021). These are all photos I took of birds Jesus or Jesuits have used in the past week, with the hawk and blue jay as Jesus himself in bird form!

UPDATE on July 10, 2021: That crow was a Jesuit drone bird. Jesus has only had 3 appearances as a bird and all the birds are gone. Loree killed all the birds on the planet.

On my walk today I talked about how it seemed the low FODMAP diet was working for me, but I didn’t want to eliminate some foods that were very nutritious and could make some minor tweaks to my diet to accommodate them. I did notice a lot of crows on my walk and they seemed very protective of me and were possibly fighting off Satan birds. I also talked about how my super high intelligence caused me to learn how to master my website, so that I have learned how to code and use HTML for my website.

Here is actual video footage of the Jesuit drone crow who gave a thumbs up to how I’d use the low FODMAP diet for myself (June 18, 2021), around 8 a.m. Florida time.

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