What I Want In A Man (Written in 2002)
WHAT I WANT IN A MAN (I WROTE THIS IN 2002 and updated it in Feb. 2006 below)–please notice that I didn’t focus on looks, financial status, fame or physical attractiveness. What I put asterisks (**) by is what I have doubts about in Vladimir right now, and I’ll really have doubts if he allows my checks to bounce, because […]
I Am Helen Andelin’s Fascinating Woman
There’s an old book that I got from my paternal grandmother that describes the REAL ME. I am 80% the ideal woman (from a man’s point of view) as described in Helen Andelin’s book Fascinating Womanhood (download book on this link as Kindle book). My mother, my whole life, always encouraged me to be a woman’s libber, but deep down […]