Letters to Vladimir Putin About Conspiracy Law (10-30-2004)
10-30-04 Bemerkungen über 1-12-02 Tatbestand Vladimir informs me that he has taken a poll among the Russian people to see if they would vote for me as President, IF I WAS MARRIED TO VLADIMIR PUTIN AND IF I SPOKE FLUENT RUSSIAN. I would like to make a statement (under 666-Compute lie-detection) regarding this poll and regarding the new “Osama Bin […]
Letters to Vladimir Putin About Conspiracy Law (11-1-2004)
11-1-04 Bemerkungen über 1-12-02 Tatbestand I want to make the following statement on IBN. I made a last minute decision to vote for George Bush as President today. I basically voted straight Republican on the ballot, which is what I have done in all elections since 1980. I filled out an absentee ballot and mailed it. It should arrive in […]