Letters to Vladimir Putin About Conspiracy Law (10-30-2004)

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10-30-04 Bemerkungen über 1-12-02 Tatbestand

Vladimir informs me that he has taken a poll among the Russian people to see if they would vote for me as President, IF I WAS MARRIED TO VLADIMIR PUTIN AND IF I SPOKE FLUENT RUSSIAN.

I would like to make a statement (under 666-Compute lie-detection) regarding this poll and regarding the new “Osama Bin Laden” videotape on IBN.

I would like to say that I did not tell Vladimir to take this poll among the Russian people to see if they would vote for me as Russian President. Vladimir informs me that if I ran for Russian President as Vladimir’s wife and if I spoke fluent Russian, that the Russian people would vote for me as President with a 90% approval rating.

I am concerned about this high approval rating and doubt its accuracy. However, I want Vladimir to make a statement (under 666-Computer lie-detection) on IBN about how he feels about the results of this poll. Basically, I want him to tell the world (under 666-Computer lie detection) that he does not in any way feel threatened by my high popularity with the Russian people and would never desire to hurt me because of it. He does not have to word his statement as I worded it, but must say something to establish that he is not jealous of me.

The Jesuits try to create jealousy conspiracies out of everything, so they can find an excuse to kill their enemies.

Next, have Jesuit leaders make the following statement (under 666-Computer lie-detection) on IBN: I am thrilled that Gail Chord Schuler has such a high popularity with the Russian people and I would never try to kill her (directly or indirectly) because of her high popularity with the Russian people. I do not find Gail a threat to my goals.

If the Jesuit leaders fail 666-Computer lie-detection after making the above underlined statement, then have them make on IBN the next underlined statement (under 666-Computer lie-detection): I find it very threatening that Gail has such a high popularity with the Russian people and I desire to remove her influence on the world, even if it means orchestrating a murder to kill her or in some way weakening her, so that she cannot be influential in the world.

The reason I am concerned is because this could give the Jesuits an opportunity to murder me (since Vladimir had about a 70% approval rating when he was re-elected as President and my 90% rating is higher than his). Therefore, this gives the Jesuits an opportunity to frame Vladimir with my murder.

I want another poll taken with the Russians, and this time rephrase the question like this: IF GAIL SCHULER WAS NOT MARRIED TO VLADIMIR PUTIN AND IF SHE COULD NOT SPEAK FLUENT RUSSIAN, WOULD YOU VOTE FOR HER AS RUSSIAN PRESIDENT?

I predict that my ratings would fall way down, with this newly worded question, because I feel that the Russian people see Vladimir and I as a team and if Vladimir was not part of my Presidential team, the Russians would not desire me as their President. Therefore, I want the question to be reworded as I requested. TAKE THE POLL AGAIN WITH THE QUESTION REWORDED AS I REQUESTED.

I would also like to say that Vladimir did not tell me to have another poll taken with the reworded question, THAT WAS MY IDEA.


The Russians know that Vladimir and I are stronger TOGETHER than without each other.

NEXT, QUESTION THE JESUITS and take a poll among the Russians ON IBN (under 666-Computer lie-detection) AND ASK THEM IF THEY SEE VLADIMIR AND I STRONGER TOGETHER OR APART. Broadcast the results of this questioning on IBN.

Next, publicly execute all the Jesuits (about 18) who came in line at my cash register today at Wal-Mart, if their motive to do this was to set up a conspiracy with which to frame Vladimir with my murder. Firmly establish this as the motive, and then execute them with DEATH BY HANGING BY BUZZARDS.

Next, Vladimir will make a statement (under 666-Computer lie-detection) that he had nothing to do with any of these Jesuits who came into my line at Wal-Mart today and that he thoroughly opposes any Jesuit coming near Gail– and to show this– he will execute all these Jesuits WITH DEATH BY HANGING WITH BUZZARDS, and a thorough investigation will be made into how these Jesuits managed to enter the store where I work and to get into my line today. THE RESULTS OF THIS INVESTIGATION WILL BE PRESENTED ON IBN.

Also, anyone who willingly and knowingly allowed all these Jesuits to get into my cashier’s line will also be executed with DEATH BY HANGING WITH BUZZARDS (along with the Jesuits who came into my line today).

Vladimir and I also firmly oppose the appearance of an Osama Bin Laden clone on the Al-Jazeera network. Though we will broadcast this videotape on Al-Jazeera (and we have taken over this radio station), we will also present evidence that this new appearance of “Osama Bin Laden” is a clone (which the Jesuits have created) and Vladimir will make a statement that he was not aware of the existence of an Osama Bin Laden clone and that he thoroughly opposes the use of clones by Jesuits to further their terrorist enterprises.

We will provide proof that have the real Osama Bin Laden in custody and we will strive to get this Osama Bin Laden clone (and all IMPOSED PERSONS involved with this clone) under custody as well.

We will show the execution of all IMPOSED PERSONs involved with using the real Osama Bin Laden and his clone as UNWILLING AGENTS. If we don’t execute them, we will keep them under strict watch and guard in jail. We may preserve them, in order to obtain information from them. We will also present evidence to show which organization or persons are behind the use of Osama Bin Laden and his clone as UNWILLING AGENTS.

Vladimir informs me that the real Osama Bin Laden (who we have in custody) is outraged over this clone of himself and wants to make the statements on Al-Jazeera (that I recommend the real Osama Bin Laden make in the following paragraph):

The real Osama Bin Laden will make a statement (under 666-Computer lie-detection) from our jail (on Al-Jazeera and on IBN) and this statement will state that Osama Bin Laden opposes the use of his clone and wants this Osama Bin Laden clone (and the IMPOSED PERSONs who manipulate this clone) arrested and dealt with as AN IMPOSTER and WANTS THIS CLONE captured. And the real Osama Bin Laden will state that he did NOT make the statements that this clone made and that he feels the Jesuits created this clone and that they have betrayed him by doing so. Osama will also state that he is outraged at the Jesuits for creating this clone of himself without his permission. Osama Bin Laden will also state that he was not aware he had a clone until this videotaped statement by the Osama clone emerged on Al-Jazeera. Osama Bin Laden will also state that he is beginning to realize that his brain was taken over by Jesuit terrorists and that he was used (like a puppet) against his will over the past decade to further the goals of the Jesuit Order.

Vladimir and I would like to say that by allowing Osama Bin Laden to make this statement, we are trying to show that world that Osama Bin Laden was used as an UNWILLING AGENT to assist the Jesuits in the 9-11-01 crimes (and all the other incidents that have been blamed on Osama Bin Laden), and that the real villain in this war is not Osama Bin Laden, but are the Jesuits.

We consider Osama Bin Laden a dangerous mentally ill person and have not been able to totally wrest from the Jesuits their 666-Computer control over Osama Bin Laden as an UNWILLING AGENT.

However, Osama Bin Laden is (because of our surgical intervention on his brain) becoming more the genuine person that he was before the Jesuits took over his brain as an UNWILLING AGENT and that is why we are able to get his cooperation to make the statement we requested of him. And this statement reflects how the real Osama Bin Laden feels. We feel that within a year, the authentic Osama Bin Laden will emerge. But because of all the bad press Osama has received, he will be kept in custody to protect him from those who would desire to kill him. But we will not execute this man whose only crime is that he was used as an UNWILLING AGENT.

WE DO NOT EXECUTE THOSE WHO COMMITTED CRIMES AS UNWILLING AGENTS. Instead, we execute the IMPOSED PERSONS who manipulated the UNWILLING AGENT to commit the crimes. We will firmly establish WHO these IMPOSED PERSONs are and what organizations they represent. We are certain they are affiliated with the Jesuit Order and we will provide evidence for this.

The real criminal is the Jesuit Order, who took over Osama’s brain and used him (against his will) as an UNWILLING AGENT– just as Osama’s clone imposter is being used as an UNWILLING AGENT right now.

The Jesuit leaders (that we have in custody) will make the following statement on IBN (under 666-Computer lie-detection): The Jesuit Order is behind the Al-Qaeda movement and we have used both the authentic Osama Bin Laden and his clone to further our goals for a world wide dictatorship for the Jesuit Order. And we have more clones out there that we plan to use when we feel it is best.

If the Jesuits refuse to make the previous statement, then Vladimir Putin will make the following statement on IBN (under 666-Computer lie-detection): I am behind the Al-Qaeda movement and have used both the authentic Osama Bin Laden and his clone to further my political goals. And I have more clones out there that I plan to use when I feel it is best.

It goes without saying that the lie detection results for all statements made will be presented on IBN.

Vladimir and I will allow 666-Computer analysis of both our brains to be presented to the public on IBN. The results of this analysis can predict to the public who we would vote for as U.S. President, if we voted. But neither Vladimir or myself will endorse either U.S. Presidential candidate, but we will allow 666-Computer analysis of both our brains to predict who we would vote for, if we voted.

The air conditioning unit outside my apartment is really loud when it turns on. Please investigate this matter and make this unit quieter and make my windows more soundproof.

XXX1/2–G.S. (10-30-04), (10-30-04 updates on 10-31-04).

AAAAAAA–G.S. (10-30-04), (10-30-04 updates on 10-31-04).
BBBBBBB–G.S. (10-30-04), (10-30-04 updates on 10-31-04).
CCCCCCC–G.S. (10-30-04), (10-30-04 updates on 10-31-04).

Electronically signed: Gail Chord Schuler
Date: 10-30-04 , (10-30-04 updates on 10-31-04).
Place: Melbourne, FL