Letters to Vladimir Putin About Conspiracy Law (2-29-2004)

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2-29-04 Bemerkungen über 1-18-02 Tatbestand

I read an article in today’s paper (FL TODAY) about some Russian couple that was arrested in Cocoa and they’re now in New York getting ready to go back to Moscow. I want this matter investigated and if any CONSPIRACY LAW violations are involved (especially if these violations are connected to SIGNIFICANT PERSONS)–have those who are found guilty as JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to undergo cross-examinations and to give CONFESSION STATEMENTS and to be executed (follow the guidelines in Sect. 66 of 666-Computer Laws for PLPs).

I want our NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH TEAM to do research and see if we can come up with technology to not only detect MANIPULATING SIGNALS (see Sect. 23 of RCL:ST document) but to immediately disable them when they are discovered. It’s ridiculous that we still have roofs collapsing in Russia. This is obviously the work of criminal satellite activity. Of course, this may be the work of UNWILLING AGENTS (we don’t have this UNWILLING AGENT problem licked).

Please see the update I made to TERRORIST MONEY LAWS (Sect. 4.44), in which I mention that the executive producers of RUSSIAN BROADCAST NEWS will decide which cross-examinations and CONFESSION STATEMENTS will be aired. The number of cross-examinations and CONFESSION STATEMENTS which are required are overwhelming and there simply isn’t time to broadcast all of these, so only the most legally significant items will be broadcasted and those that are less significant (or that need to be more private) may just be mentioned on the RUSSIAN BROADCAST NEWS’ website.

Pope John Paul II is welcome to make any statement he wants to make on RUSSIAN BROADCAST NEWS. He can contact Vladimir Putin anytime he wants. Vladimir and the Pope will confer on how to present the Pope’s statement(s) on RUSSIAN BROADCAST NEWS. Though the Roman Catholic Church used to cooperate with the murderous Jesuits, currently the Roman Catholic Church (under Pope John Paul’s leadership) is not cooperating with the murderous Jesuits and the Pope may want to make a statement to this effect. When the Pope makes his statement, have him make it under 666-Computer lie-detection and amnesia-detection. Because it is true that the true head of the Roman Catholic Church (until very recently) has been the JESUIT GENERAL. So this Pope should not be blamed for all the crimes which occurred under the Jesuit General’s leadership. The true head of the Roman Catholic Church has been the black Pope or the Jesuit General (or at least that has been the case until around 2001). Pope John Paul II may want to mention this in his statement (that he wasn’t in charge of the Roman Catholic Church until very recently). So, therefore, the Pope is not totally responsible for the crimes of the Roman Catholic Church which occurred when the Jesuit General was running the Catholic Church. He may also want to mention that he is trying to reassert his authority as the true head of the Catholic Church.

Some past CONSPIRACY LAW violations may involve Roman Catholic leaders (who were not Jesuits), especially violations which occurred previous to 2001. This is because the Jesuit Order has been a part of the Roman Catholic Church since the 1500s. The Jesuit Order has a murderous history. If other Roman Catholic leaders are found guilty of violating CONSPIRACY LAWS, those persons will be tried and judged according to CONSPIRACY LAW (like any other criminal). If we have to execute other Roman Catholic leaders (besides Jesuits)–they will be described as JESUITS in any published or broadcast execution lists. That’s because the true head of the Roman Catholic Church has been the black Pope or the Jesuit General (or at least that has been the case until around 2001). Pope John Paul II may want to mention this in his statement (that he wasn’t in charge of the Roman Catholic Church until very recently) So, therefore, he is not totally responsible for the crimes of the Roman Catholic Church which occurred when the Jesuit General was running the Catholic Church. The Pope may also want to mention that he is trying to reassert his authority as the true head of the Catholic Church.

It is not our goal to start a public rampage against Catholic people, since the problem is not the Catholic people, but the problem lies with some of the corrupt leaders within the Catholic Church.

The Jesuit involvement in the Haitian uprising will be mentioned on RUSSIAN BROADCAST NEWS– and, if applicable, Sect. 66 of 666-Computer Laws for PLPs will be carried out for those who are guilty of being JESUIT CONSPIRATORS in this Haitian uprising incident (where the Haitian Pres. has been ousted).

From what I’ve heard about this Haitian uprising, I feel those who are in a rage in Haiti are UNWILLING AGENTS (manipulated by Jesuit IMPOSED PERSONS). And, if this is the case, this needs to be exposed (with evidence) on RUSSIAN BROADCAST NEWS. What we’re doing to try to solve this problem, should also be mentioned. Cross-examinations of SIGNIFICANT PERSONS and of Jesuit leaders may need to be done regarding this Haitian incident (according to Sect. 2 of CONSPIRACY LAWS AND GOVERNMENT).

To me, this Haitian uprising is the Jesuits’ LAST STAND. The Jesuits know they are about to lose a very serious advantage since we discovered their use of LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING and because we are cracking down on LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING. The Jesuits know if we get the victory (in this matter of LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING) that they will lose the war–so they are on a rampage.

The following is from a new Sect. 68 which I wrote in 666-Computer Laws for PLPs:

68.92 RUSSIAN BROADCAST NEWS will regularly broadcast the progress being made in enforcing this Sect. 68 and the obstacles which need to be overcome. The enforcement of this Sect. 68 is very, very important (and could turn the tide in this war against terrorism) and the Jesuits know it–therefore, we do not anticipate an easy victory in the enforcement of this Sect. 68.

My mother is being intensely attacked by Jesuits and they are inducing much emotional pain in my mother and she’s taking out this pain on everyone around her. Please pray for my mother, that we can free her from the clutches of the Jesuit’s LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING which has her in such emotional pain that she breaks out into uncontrollable rages. The 666-Computer controls the brain and my mother is being manipulated like a robot (using illegal LOOPHOLE PROGRAMMING which they put in my mother’s programming around Jan. 2002). Emotional pain can be a very difficult thing and I have experienced personally 666-Computer induced depression and, I must say, it was very unpleasant.

Jesuits are cruel and cold people and they specialize in emotional suffering. I want a special done on RUSSIAN BROADCAST NEWS in the Perspectives from History program which highlights how Jesuits have used emotional pain throughout history to torture their victims.

For instance, in Serbia (during WWII), a Serbian family was tortured (by the Jesuit-run Roman Catholic Church) and kept in jail and starved for a week (no food or water). After a week, a big roast was brought in. The famished family ate the roast (because they were famished). After they finished eating the roast, they were told they had just eaten the body of their father. It’s Jesuit torture like this that I want exposed on RUSSIAN BROADCAST NEWS. They were chopping off people’s heads and making a contest out of it and giving trophies to those who could chop off the most heads. They delighted in cutting out people’s eyes. There are photographs of Roman Catholic priests with a big smile on their face (during their Serbian occupation in WWII) holding up a decapitated head (you can get this from Jack Chick). I believe the Jesuits are attempting to repeat their emotional torture on my mother, myself and Bill Fuller. They have a history of emotional coldness and cruelty. THIS NEEDS TO BE EXPOSED NOW. You can get documentation from Jack Chick of Chick Publications and from Dr. Peter Ruckman of Pensacola, FL.

In the meanwhile, continue to use the cross-examinations, CONFESSION STATEMENTS as I recommend them in Sect. 66 of 666-Computer Laws for PLPs. JESUITS HATE BAD PRESS. This is one of our strongest weapons against them.

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Electronically signed: Gail Chord Schuler
Date: 2-29-04
Place: Melbourne, FL