Daniel Course (Dallas Theological Seminary)

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I signed up for this Dallas Theological Seminary Daniel course several weeks ago and have sat on it, while I concentrated on my duties as U.S. President. But, it appears, that though I signed up for this course, it will not stay up forever (for me to access it), so I need to finish the course, so I don’t lose the links for the course. By the way, Daniel is a really helpful book for me, because, like Daniel, I am a government leader, who is also a Bible writer (as the author of Bible for Tribulation Saints), and God has gifted me with extraordinary wisdom to fulfill my roles. God gave to Daniel extraordinary wisdom to do God’s will as a government leader in Babylon who represented God’s interests. I, too, have been granted extraordinary wisdom, so Daniel is a great role model for me to study. Studying Daniel will give me wisdom for my life as well as giving me insight into the tribulation described in Revelation (which I’m studying as research for my novel Silver Skies 1996 Version). I will be adding the videos in the course as I progress through the course. Thus far, I’ve made straight 100s in all my Dallas Theological Seminary courses. I love how Dallas Theological Seminary teaches the Bible! I’m fascinated with Bible exposition.

For a more in-depth study, read John Walvoord’s Daniel commentary: https://b-ok.org/book/2213662/9f6e46