Iran Condemns Melania Trump's Mid-East Airstrikes. Some Orthodox Jews Defect to Gail.
Those stabbings in New York were horrible. I think the attacker may have been a Loree McBride Manchurian candidate. Loree is angry that some of the orthodox Jews are coming to my side. I suspect that Loree McBride was behind this, cuz I think some orthodox Jews are supporting me now and Loree’s really pissed that she’s losing […]
Melania Trump's Rightist Fascists & Loree McBride's Leftist Fascists UNITE AGAINST LIBERTY LOVERS.
Chris Hedges exposes the fascism on the right, but fails to address the fascism on the left. The true Fascists in Christianity AND in politics are those aligned with the Loree McBride Jesuits and Melania Trump right now. Anytime you have a Christian leader who does not encourage critical thinking in their following, you run the danger of a […]