Bible Writer Gail Chord Schuler (King David Woman's Divine Signs)
It appears that my transcript of my online communications with Jesus mostly via Brent Spiner M.D. has been added to the Biblical canon. In my video for today, I feature a photo of Loree McBride’s handiwork over Atlanta, Georgia (from one of my Facebook friends who lives in Atlanta). I mention how all the hurricanes/tropical storms that Loree McBride is creating are being deflected out to sea because of my powerful Gail Shield. I find it interesting that 72,000 pounds of chocolate caught on fire on a Missouri interstate, right at a time I mentioned at Facebook that my favorite food is chocolate milk (which I make from powdered milk and chocolate syrup).
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This will help me to devote more of my time to my writing and online presence, which Jesus considers very important. I have lost significant support in the last six months.
I am in Zechariah 9:15. I asked Jesus about this and he said, “That’s you in there!” Here is the verse taken from the NIV: “and the Lord Almighty will shield them. They will destroy and overcome with slingstones. They will drink and roar as with wine; they will be full like a bowl used for sprinkling the corners of the altar.” I do believe this verse will have multiple fulfillments and that it is inferring the Final Battle between Jesus and Satan. Notice a shield is mentioned and I have a powerful Gail Shield that is part of how God made me and it gets strong when I do the Gail Commandments and increase my followers. But I think it will have an earlier fulfillment (before the Final Battle) related to me and my men, possibly against the evil Jesuits. It’s also interesting that this prophecy is in the book of Zechariah and that I led the Antichrist Zack Knight to the Lord in 2016. Zack and Zech sound similar. Zack Knight is now one of my men. Please note that slingstones are mentioned in the verse and my genetic profile is literally half King David.
Regarding the Northridge earthquake, the only Hollywood people who died worked for Paramount Studios and 57 people died (my birthday is 9-15-57). It was a Paramount Studios Jesuit woman attorney who sent me the letter accusing me of harassment for writing Brent Spiner friendship letters in response to his intimate phone calls to me (from 1991 to 1993). That earthquake was Jesus’ statement over how he felt about that letter that I got from Loree McBride’s Jesuit lawyer.
Regarding the Ash Wednesday earthquake that hit me in Seattle when I lived there in Mukilteo (north Seattle suburb) in 2001, it was 57 kilometers (or 5 x 7 = 35 miles) deep! Again, my birthday is 9-15-57 and I’m the King David woman of Zechariah 9:15! Notice it hit on ASH WEDNESDAY, a major Roman Catholic holiday, and at the time it happened, I was going through a divorce with my Jesuit husband, who was also working for Jesuit Loree McBride at the time. The Jesuit Order is part of the Roman Catholic Church. Apparently, the Ash Wednesday earthquake was God’s statement against the Roman Catholic Church for what they were doing to Brent and me while I went through my divorce and tried to be with my long distance lover Brent Spiner at the time.
I wanted to marry Brent Spiner right away after the divorce, but Jesuit complications made that impossible. To let the world know that God didn’t send the earthquake as a judgment against me (because I lived in Seattle where the earthquake hit), nobody died in that earthquake, except a person who got a heart attack, which may have happened even without the earthquake. It was a powerful quake and certainly strong enough to have a death toll. I felt the quake in Mukilteo, but suffered no damage whatsoever.
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