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So What’s Your Book About?, or, Creating the Perfect Elevator Pitch by

ow.ly/OQiM30hvb2B #amwriting


4 Reasons You Should Outline Your Settings bit.ly/outlining-sett #amwriting via


The scene goal is the basic driving force of your story on the scene level. #writetip

“Taken” – The Beat Sheet savethecat.com/beat-sheets/ta #scriptchat #writingtips

Writing Tips: Show, Don’t Tell by

ow.ly/sjDI30hwmbX #amwriting

Praying for you. “Dear Jesus, show Rybi the way to peace and happiness.” If you haven’t said this prayer, try it: gabriellechana.com/sinners_prayer After

said it, his depression about Loree’s rape of him lifted.

The 5 Secrets of Good Storytelling (That Writers Forget All the Time) ow.ly/KKJ930hEBSJ #amwriting

Masterful Narrative Scenes in Novels by

ow.ly/N8eJ30hEBrm #amwriting

Infographics for writer #storytelling buff.ly/2DkVSEe

The 2 Secrets to Creating Unforgettable Characters by

ow.ly/41Bq30hMOhA #amwriting

4 (Possible) Reasons Why We Write ow.ly/Cbfn30hW4i5 #amwriting

It’s a heated controversy that has been raging for several years now. Who exactly is Mystery Babylon? Two of the… fb.me/1wKoaN2BB

Keep Unlikable Characters From Alienating Readers ow.ly/NQ1530hW4oq #amwriting

3 Ways to Test Your Story’s Emotional Stakes – Helping Writers Become Authors buff.ly/2mZAjkN #writing #writetip

‘s Podcast is really helpful. Writer friends, check it out. itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/hel


Do you have a chaotic mind? We know a great #novel isn’t built on a formulaic checklist but it sure can help with the planning process. Check out this must read checklist by

here: helpingwritersbecomeauthors.com/novel-writing-

5 Important Ways to Use Symbolism in Your Story ~ WRITERS HELPING WRITERS® buff.ly/2n9Ztgp

#writing #writetip

Fix 4 Common Writing Problems with “The Emotion Thesaurus” buff.ly/2DBUzzL

3 Ways To Choose the Right Protagonist – via


4 Tips for Writing to the Right Audience ow.ly/rtom30i3e9L #amwriting

The 5 Secrets of Good Storytelling (That Writers Forget All the Time) ow.ly/w8cv30idKbQ #amwriting

Do Your Characters Talk too Much? When to Use Indirect Dialogue by

ow.ly/rTng30if0Ab #amwriting 

Beginnings and Endings for Your Memoir by

ow.ly/BA4y30if0Dw #amwriting

Your’s story central plot/theme question shouldn’t be answered until the Climax. #writetip

Deepen Your Story With Character Misdirection helpingwritersbecomeauthors.com/character-misd

“When laying out a story always ask: What does the hero want, and what’s stopping him from getting it.” Blake Snyder #amwriting #writingtips

Are you about to write your first draft? Stop right now & read this first. #amwriting #fiction #firstdraft #create bit.ly/2nU64Np

In using dual plotlines, and telling what essentially amounts to two stories, you must be careful in aligning your plot points. #writetip

Keys to Moving Your Plot Forward by

ow.ly/FqfD30iw7lK #amwriting

Don’t Write Scenes–Write Images ow.ly/VvlV30imuLz #amwriting
I just learned of the existence of the Impact Character and it totally exploded my understanding of my book in the very best way and my mind is blown yet again by the amazing way

makes everything just CLICK! #amwriting #writetip #turtlewriters

How to Spot and Avoid Self-Indulgent Writing helpingwritersbecomeauthors.com/spot-avoid-sel

Learn 5 Ways to Take Risks With Your Writing ow.ly/GbsS30iWZfl #amwriting

Is Your Concept Really More Scene Than Story? by

ow.ly/BGt030j2iYu #amwriting

The Shroud of Turin has its critics who view it as a unbiblical relic that some people worship. We view it quite differently, as does Russ Breault. We don’t worship it at all, but simply want to know if Christ… facebook.com/prophecywatche

Character development is especially important in the first half of the story, since readers need to understand and sympathize with the characters before they’re hit with the major plot revelations at the halfway mark and the climax. #writetip

How Writing Changes the World by

ow.ly/rXTY30j98H3 #amwriting

Writers must know how to craft words that are beautiful because they are true and words that true because they are beautiful. Consider eight principles of writing both plain prose and beautiful prose. helpingwritersbecomeauthors.com/plain-prose-be

How To Structure Scenes in Your Story – via


How to Decide Between Plain Prose and Beautiful Prose ow.ly/GABq30jrvwd #amwriting

4 Questions to Improve Your Stories With Powerful Juxtaposition ow.ly/nyiS30jljGq #amwriting

Discover what authors of all genres can learn from fantasy author Brandon Sanderson about creating and describing a fabulous setting. bit.ly/fab-settings #amwriting

Consistency in Your Writing by

ow.ly/Zep030jzYdY #amwriting

What type of work does your character do? Get the details right with the Occupation Thesaurus. Here’s Personal Trainer ~ WRITERS HELPING WRITERS® buff.ly/2HlrUFq #writig #amwriting

Cultivating the Heart of a Writer by

ow.ly/O3Cm30jBRYw #amwriting

Protagonists should face trials that force them to acknowledge their own inadequacies and then, usually, change their ways in a manner that allows them to overcome both their faults and, as a result, the bad guy. #writetip

A moment of personal revelation and transformation is inherent to almost every story. #writetip

How Do You Divide Your Novel into Chapters? buff.ly/2qo0qDG via


What does it mean to ‘move the plot’? #writing helpingwritersbecomeauthors.com/mean-move-plot/ via

How To Banish Writer’s Block buff.ly/2Jag8Kp #writingtips thx

Want a Powerful Theme for Your Novel? Play Devil’s Advocate!


2 Rules of Creating a Fabulous Setting ow.ly/95D630jzYbg #amwriting

4 Questions to Improve Your Stories With Powerful Juxtaposition ow.ly/nyiS30jljGq #amwriting

has a TON of stuff about character arcs on her website. Here’s the first part of her section on flat character arcs


Most Common Writing Mistakes: POV Problems ow.ly/6H7g30jQUit #amwriting

Agree or disagree? —> “The hero knows … If you see a lot of question marks in your hero’s dialogue, there’s a problem.” -Blake Snyder


The External Story Versus The Internal Story by

ow.ly/LTAz30jY15D #amwriting

Subtext in Dialogue: 5 Places Where Your Characters Should Stop Talking ow.ly/phtm30jWaJz #amwriting

5 Lies Writers Believe That Are Holding Them Back ow.ly/5T9D30jY18z #amwriting

Most Common Writing Mistakes: POV Problems ow.ly/n7WR30k2g9P #amwriting

How to Hook Readers and Reel Them into Your Scenes by

ow.ly/mRpD30kaFJL #amwriting

Why Are You Writing This Story? ow.ly/aMWW30kaFFb #amwriting

4 Ways to Make Sure You Choose the Right Story Setting for Each Scene – Helping Writers Become Authors buff.ly/29jOkWi #writing #amwriting

What’s the Most Important Moment in Your #CharacterArc? From

| #AuthorTips

How the Truth Your Character Believes Defines Your Theme ow.ly/MR5Q30kdnGf #amwriting

Your protagonist’s ultimate relationship to the thematic Truth—and the specific Lie that keeps interfering—will define the entire nature of your story. Here are four important thematic principles, all of which are on display in Marvel’s Black Panther. helpingwritersbecomeauthors.com/truth-your-cha

Backstory must matter. If it doesn’t matter in a way that moves the plot forward, it doesn’t deserve to be told. #writetip

Why Authors Must Be Honest ow.ly/J6XA30khwZl #amwriting

How to Keep Your Story Moving With a Cohesive Narrative wp.me/p3QOd2-5C #amwriting

Use foreshadowing throughout your book to heighten the tension and give readers an idea of the insurmountable odds piling up against the protagonists. #writetip

Have you ever wondered, ‘What is Yeshua/Jesus doing today?’ Download and share with friends this months freebie on ‘The Present Work of the Messiah’ arielm.org/dcs/pdf/mbs078 #JesusChrist #Yeshua


IMO the same is true for creating fictional characters. The writer needs to ensure they are multidimensional. It makes the more complex and interesting… #amwriting #author #Creative #Character via


Little black squiggles on the page have the power to reach another human being’s mind and light it up with imagery just as vivid as anything that person might experience in the real world.

goo.gl/eLQrRA #writerslife

4 Ways to Write a Better Antagonist ow.ly/aRlI30kjazC #amwriting

Characters “must change in the course of your story.” –

#amwriting #writetip


Mmmmm. Characters + Theme = Perfection. Check out

‘s article on your character’s truth and how that impacts your theme:


4 Ways to Write a Better Antagonist ow.ly/aRlI30kjazC #amwriting

How the Truth Your Character Believes Defines Your Theme ow.ly/M4Xe30knwc3 #amwriting

“The more books I write, the more streamlined my process gets. Outlining plays a huge role in this.”

on the importance of outlining. #voidinterviews #writingtips #WednesdayWisdom #writerwednesday


5 Steps to Writing Great Character Chemistry ow.ly/EvzT30kqiEG #amwriting

How to Keep Your Story Moving With a Cohesive Narrative ow.ly/O1yf30kuk9I #amwriting

The Key to Bringing Your POV Characters’ Voices to Life ow.ly/kdDB30kuk43 #amwriting

The only scenes that matter to the reader are those that matter to the story. #writetip

POV characters’ voices will often write themselves, but only if you’ve figured out how to evolve the characters into unique personalities of their own. bit.ly/POV-life #amwriting #writetip

The Key to Bringing Your POV Characters’ Voices to Life ow.ly/kdDB30kuk43 #amwriting

25 Top Tools for Writers to Crush it in 2018 by

ow.ly/4dIb30kwypn #amwriting

As the foundations of story itself, plot, character, and theme must be present in every scene. Here’s how to ensure these elements always do their job. ow.ly/eMTc30kwW4u #amwriting

How to Intertwine Plot, Character, and Theme in Every Scene ow.ly/syQm30kwW4g #amwriting

The point of view (or POV) in which you tell your story’s narrative is arguably the single most important decision you can make about your book. #writetip

How to Write a Book That’s Based on a True Story by


ow.ly/ZWKi30kArB5 #amwriting

Pitfall: Sometimes, authors create characters to whom things happen, without also creating elements that allow the characters to act back in forceful and decisive ways. #writetip

FREE Writer’s Cork Board for PC – storyboard your novel with color-coded index cards – #writing #amwriting #author #writingtips – Download the Writer’s Corkboard at

If you find your main characters spending more time reacting than acting, if they stand on the sidelines while others chew into the meat of the action, you may want to reconsider the choices you’ve made about both your plot and your characters. #writetip

Writing Question of the Day: What is something true your antagonist tells your protagonist? #WQOTD



: Want a Powerful Theme for Your Novel? Play Devil’s Advocate! helpingwritersbecomeauthors.com/powerful-theme

#writers #selfpub #authors #Indieauthors #amwriting #writetip #novelwriting #fictionwriting

Because readers want to be right in the thick of the action, authors need to choose characters who can take them there. #writetip

7 Tips for Avoiding Publisher’s Remorse by


ow.ly/35Pg30kDrPB #amwriting

Writing as the Art of Thinking Clearly: 6 Steps ow.ly/psFN30kDrQL #amwriting

Try rewriting your passive character to allow him to take a more active role. Or, if that’s simply not an option, consider adding a few more POVs to include the action from the perspective of the characters who are involved in it. #writetip

Discover 6 steps writers can take to specifically optimize their ability of thinking clearly on their way to sharing vivid and coherent dreams with readers. bit.ly/thinking-clear #amwriting #writetip

6 Tips to Help You Finish Your Work in Progress by

ow.ly/fN3t30kHtTa #amwriting

Vladimir Putin will have a meeting with US President Donald Trump on July 16 in Helsinki


Put a dog on it: How to craft a bestseller by @BirderMurder ow.ly/i1w530kJKfV #amwriting

Writing Question of the Day: What’s a secret one of your minor characters is keeping? #WQOTD

The No. 1 Rule for Flashbacks in a Story Opening via

ow.ly/9ns530kHtUV #amwriting