Gail's BFF "Hot" Women
UPDATE: It’s such a shame that Tulsi betrayed me as my VP in Feb. 2021. I was almost willing to give her the Presidency! I made this playlist to honor fellow hot women. May your band increase! Every man needs a great and hot woman who stands behind him. I made this playlist years ago, to honor women that I […]
NEW LAW: YouTube – An Enemy, Foreign Government Organization, GOVERNMENT MUST TAKE OVER & FULLY REGULATE IT
13.0 Empress Gail brings against YouTube charges of conspiracy to murder, war crimes, rape and tyranny because they encourage Loree McBride Jesuits in their censorship of the truth that exposes Loree McBride Jesuits’ murder, war crimes, rape and tyranny against innocents worldwide. A scan must be made of all social media outlets and tech giants to determine the presence of […]