Hebrew Blessings & Prayers
Research for Silver Skies novels, with Conservative rabbi as main character.
Bible in Hebrew 3
OLD TESTAMENT HEBREW INTERLINEAR BIBLE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5jPvvPFehiu04Rp1TYRgxQ/playlists?sort=dd&view=50&shelf_id=3
Church of Gail Messages (Jan. 23, 2019)
Do you ever find yourself looking good to external observation, but knowing all the while that your heart is deep in entangling sin? How can you escape this desperate hypocrisy? John MacArthur explains today on “Grace to You.”https://t.co/U0vkOvGX9J — Grace to You (@gracetoyou) January 23, 2019
Hebrew Movies with English Subtitles 2 (Silver Skies Novel Research)
https://blogs.transparent.com/hebrew/learning-hebrew-through-movies/ https://www.quora.com/Do-most-American-Jews-speak-Hebrew
Review of Things to Come by J. Dwight Pentecost (book about Bible prophecy)
I will be adding more to the following review once I finish reading the book. I am about 60% finished with it now.
Biblical Hebrew Vocabulary/Video Flash Cards
I have a terrible memory and made these mainly to assist me in my Hebrew language studies to help me build vocabulary. It took me ALL DAY to make these, and I can’t get my GIMP (to make the Hebrew letters) to make the Hebrew ש (pronounced sheen) that has a dot on the upper right. It also does not […]