Do NOT use Vimeo to post Alex Jones videos. They won't allow it.
Here is what I got from Vimeo: Hello Gail Chord Schuler, A Vimeo moderator marked your account for review for the following reason: Vimeo does not allow you to upload material that you did not create yourself. You need to take the following action as soon as possible: Please remove any and all videos you did not create yourself from […]
Gail with Genius Emotional I.Q. Studies the Big Tech CEOs, World Leaders, Celebrities
I’m doing something just for fun. You have to take into consideration that many of these photos may be doctored or of their Jesuit clone. I find that when I go with my “first impression” and ignore my rationalizations after I have a gut reaction, that my gut reaction is right on accurate. That is where my emotional I.Q. resides, […]