THIS IS A NEWS ARCHIVE: SOME HISTORY ON THE NEW ANTICHRIST ANGELINA BALLERINA TRANSCRIPTS OF GAIL CHORD SCHULER AND TERRANCE JENKINS SNOOPING ON JESUITS ZACK KNIGHT AND ANGELINA BALLERINA IN JUNE 2013. From reading these transcripts and viewing Angelina’s picture, Gail Chord Schuler concluded in 2013 that Angelina was more evil than Zack Knight and Rule 13: JUNE 3, 2013: […]

Aug. 31, 2016 Skype with Terrance Jenkins, Brent Spiner & Jesus

THIS IS A NEWS ARCHIVE: August 31, 2016 Skype conversation with Brent Spiner, Jesus Christ and Judge Terrance Jenkins (part of this was oral, Gail will transcribe the tape recording, later): [4:10:23 PM] Brent Spiner: I’m here. [4:10:38 PM] Terrance Jenkins: I CAN HEAR YA BRENT [4:12:30 PM] Brent Spiner: You may need to put a tinfoil hat on the […]

Zack Knight (2016 News)

THIS IS A NEWS ARCHIVE: September 1, 2016 Skype with Zack Knight (from inside his semen bubble in deep space), Brent Spiner & Judge Terrance Jenkins: [12:09:38 AM] Gail Schuler: Going to take a shower now. Any progress with Matthew and Gerard? [2:06:19 AM] Gail Schuler: I believe I led Zack Knight to the Lord. [2:06:32 AM] Gail Schuler: Be […]