Gail Chord Schuler, Author of Lusts & Acclaim – Her True Story is like Pride & Prejudice

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I have updated my playlist for my book in progress Lusts & Acclaim to reflect the fact that I am using Pride and Prejudice as the model for my book. Check out my writer dream page at

You might say, I can’t imagine Zack Knight a main character in a book modeled after Pride and Prejudice! All I can say is that Zack Knight is not all he appears to be. Lots of surprises in this true story. By the time the reader is finished with this book, I will add a bit of class to Zack Knight! I will show why Rule 13 loves him enough to die for him. Zack will be a mirror of myself, because Zack and I have similar histories in a way, except we chose to act out our insecurities in different ways.

It’s also about Brent Spiner, who is one classy gentleman. And I will show why Lizzie Bennett and I have so much in common. Jesuits try to portray me as the crazy woman desperately in love with the uninterested Brent Spiner. In actuality, I was probably one of the most hard-to-get women he ever encountered at the beginning of our relationship, and, for a while, I despised him as a coward and told him so to his face. Like Lizzie I misjudged his motives and ended up eating my words. Like Lizzie, I thought he cared more about his reputation than in being a loving and just person. Like Lizzie, I misjudged his motives. Despite my poverty, I had my pride and I would not tolerate this rich celebrity thinking he would win me over solely on the basis of his status, riches or fame and I made it obvious to him that his obsession with these things made me despise him as a lover. I told him, “You care more about your status and your fame than you do me.” I even said if he dared to dream about loving me, after insulting me with Loree McBride, that I would be highly insulted. I saw Loree McBride as the stuck up high society lady and that he was willing to associate with her to maintain his reputation at my expense, and like Lizzie with Darcy, I despised this about him. I expect my book to be a fascinating character study and read.

Gail Chord Schuler (pen name Gabrielle Chana)

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