Eating for Fat Loss
These are some helpful tips. But works the best.
Diet versus Diet, which one is best?
There certainly is a lot of debate over which diet is best for fat reduction. First of all, the word diet has gotten a bad rap. The word simply means; the foods one eats on a regular basis. However the word diet for most people brings up thoughts of starvation, deprivation and unsatisfactory long term results. So maybe we should just forget about the word diet and all of the next miracle fad diets that come along. Therefore the answer to the question is, none of them. No particular restrictive diet works for everyone and long term they are all unhealthy for everyone. Restrictive diets can and usually do create nutrient deficiencies, cravings and unhappy people. So eventually most dieters try and satisfy these deficiencies and cravings by bingeing on very unhealthy foods that pack on even more fat.
Bio-Chemical Difference
There is no one best eating program that suits everyone. Everyone is bio-chemically unique and thus requires a unique eating strategy. We each have certain health challenges, certain foods that our bodies can’t properly digest or that may cause an allergic reaction.
We all have certain nutritional deficiencies that upset our hormonal balance which can lead to fat storage. One of the primary ways to know what foods may be best for you is to determine your metabolic type. A qualified health care practitioner can test for any nutritional deficiencies and for your metabolic type. This information will help you to choose the foods that best suit your current health status and type of metabolism. You might also consult the book “Eat Right for Your Body Type” for some more ideas.
General Eating Tips
Eat a balanced diet of proteins, fats and carbohydrates
Eat real food grown by Mother Nature. Vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and lean animal products, raised naturally without hormones.
Eat at least 50% of your food raw.
Eat several small meals throughout the day
Eat slowly and chew your food well.
Avoid refined sugars sweets and processed packaged foods
Do not eat at least 3 hours before sleeping
If you follow these tips you will begin to burn significant amounts of excess body fat and it will stay off.