UPDATE on August 19, 2021: After our military takes over a territory, Loree McBride replaces the evil people we killed (with her clones) and tries to retake the territory. To maintain our victory, we need to set up martial law over the conquered territory and arm a civilian military that will maintain control over that territory using citizen scanners (as outlined in this section) to execute any Loree McBride replacement clones that replace those we killed to try to usurp our victory. This is especially important in countries or territories that have strict gun control, so that innocent citizens are not at the mercy of a tyrannical government. What is good about citizen scanners is that they can distinguish between clones and authentic persons, minimizing the execution of innocents. Unfortunately, in a lot of wars, there are innocent civilian casualties (which Loree has no regard for), but we do try to minimize that. I encourage our military to read over what’s below and use what will work to maintain our victory in areas that we’ve conquered.
2.0 The biggest problem we have in conducting warfare against Loree McBride Jesuit troops is in their use of human shields to force us to execute innocent persons while we strive to execute Jesuits. Therefore, our primary weapons in warfare need to be CITIZEN SCANNERS (for use by ground troops and LAW ENFORCEMENT) and SMART BOMBS (for use from the air by jets or drones) and JEW CLONE GS SCANNERS.
2.0a A JEW CLONE GENETIC SEROQUAKKE SCANNER is defined as a mini-Seroquakke which first puts a shield (called a mini-Gail Shield) around the authentic person or INNOCENT CLONES, and then uses the mini-Gail shield(s) as the launching pad with which to launch a mini-Seroquakke from that shield(s) onto the evil clones of those not protected by the mini-Gail shield(s). By launching the mini-Seroquakke from the mini-Gail shield or from the innocents themselves, it serves to protect the innocents from being accidentally executed. Because this is a genetic scanner, it must be used cautiously to ensure innocents are not taken out.
2.0b The JEW CLONE GENETIC SEROQUAKKE SCANNER uses genetic profiling to determine who to target with the mini-Seroquakke. Because there is a high chance for error and the accidental execution of innocents using a genetic scanner, it is imperative that the innocents first be protected by the mini-Gail Shield to prevent accidental execution of innocents. By launching the JEW CLONE GENETIC SEROQUAKKE SCANNER from the mini-Gail shields encasing the innocents themselves, we hope to prevent accidental execution of these innocents.
2.0c The JEW CLONE GENETIC SEROQUAKKE SCANNER (or the JEW CLONE GS SCANNER) will only be operated by those who are members of our INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION and the first runs will be done by the Israeli-Gail military who work with our INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION (our International military). It seems only fitting that those who execute their Jew clones, should be the Jews themselves, who can ensure that they stay alive while they take out their evil clones. For the purposes of this section, the ISRAELI-GAIL MILITARY is defined as all authentic Jewish persons (not their evil clones) in the world who support Gail Chord Schuler as the worldwide Empress and leader. An authentic Jewish person is defined as one who is a genuine Jew (with a genetic profile that is at least fifty percent Jewish). A genuine Jew is defined as one who has an authentic Jewish genetic profile (not a clone Jewish genetic profile) that comprises at least fifty percent of that person’s genetic profile. It matters not whether they are a Jew by religion or by their mother. For the purposes of Conspiracy Law, a Jewish person is defined as one with the genetic profile of a Jew and all other criteria are irrelevant.
2.0d The ISRAELI-GAIL MILITARY will use JEW CLONE GS SCANNERS to take out Jew clones and all evil clones of all authentic persons. They will start targeting the Jew clones first, to give them military practice with the JEW CLONE GS SCANNER. Once they fine tune the launching of the JEW CLONE GS SCANNERS which launch from the mini-Gail Shields of the innocents (who have the genetic profile targeted) they can ensure that innocents are protected. Then they will expand their operations using JEW CLONE GS SCANNERS to go after evil clones (those who oppose Gail) of those on Gail’s marriage list and/or evil clones of those who are Gail supporters, like Donald Trump.
2.0e Once it is determined that JEW CLONE GS SCANNERS can be used safely without danger of executing innocents, we will expand their use and incorporate them into the weapons used by all members of our International military or the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION, and will ramp up their use to execute all evil clones of all innocents worldwide. Because there is a strong danger of executing innocents using JEW CLONE GS SCANNERS, they can only be used by those trained in their use in our INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION. Because Loree McBride is obsessed with cloning Jewish persons, we will consider every authentic Jewish person who supports Gail a member of the INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION. To make them as safe as possible, each JEW CLONE GS SCANNER will be used for the genetic profile of only ONE AUTHENTIC PERSON. Because each JEW CLONE GS SCANNER must produce a mini-Gail shield which encases the innocents for its particular genetic profile before it launches and hits its target, we want to make the weapon as safe as possible and allow it to expend all its energies on ONE GENETIC PROFILE for each JEW CLONE GS SCANNER.
So no JEW CLONE GS SCANNER can be programmed to take out two or more different genetic profiles. This is to prevent deadly complications and not to confuse the weapon into misidentifying genetic profiles which could result in taking out innocents. Each JEW CLONE GS SCANNER can only take out one genetic profile. To ensure safety, each JEW CLONE GS SCANNER will be named after the authentic person they take out. So, we would have a Brent Spiner JEW CLONE GS SCANNER for instance, and it would put a protective mini-Gail shield around the real Brent Spiner and would be programmed to launch off the mini-Gail shield around the real Brent, to target Brent Spiner Jew clones with the mini-Seroquakkes that launch off the shield around the real Brent Spiner. So we would not use JEW CLONE GS SCANNERS to take out Loree McBride, for instance, because she is fully evil and there is no need to put a protective shield around any Loree McBride clones. For Loree, we would just use the mini-Seroquakke.
2.1 A CITIZEN SCANNER is defined as a scanner held by a non-Jesuit person used to execute Loree McBride Jesuits and only Loree McBride Jesuits and which does not execute non-Jesuits. A CITIZEN SCANNER or SMART BOMB will also remove any Loree McBride Jesuit weapons from the scene. All weapons used in warfare by our INTERNATIONAL GOVERNMENT must be registered with Church of Gail using encryption based on Gail Chord Schuler’s genetic profile as King David and Catherine the Great, any weapons not registered with Church of Gail with this encryption must be destroyed by our CITIZEN SCANNERs and SMART BOMB and MISSILES, this includes all bombs, missiles, nukkake, spaceships, guns, etc. A Loree McBride Jesuit is defined as any person who willingly and knowingly (directly or indirectly) supports Loree McBride/Angelina Ballerina in their goal for a worldwide takeover.
2.2 All CITIZEN SCANNERS and SMART BOMBS and JEW CLONE GS SCANNERS must be so programmed that they ONLY execute Loree McBride Jesuits and nobody else. Any programmer from our scientific teams that willingly and knowingly programs these SMART BOMBS or CITIZEN SCANNERS to execute somebody besides a Loree McBride Jesuit will receive the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator.
2.3 All CITIZEN SCANNERS and SMART BOMBS and JEW CLONE GS SCANNERS need to be programmed to be TAMPER PROOF, which means that if any unauthorized person tries to tamper with the programming of any CITIZEN SCANNER or SMART BOMB or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER, it will immediately self-destruct. To make it difficult for unauthorized persons to reprogram a CITIZEN SCANNER or SMART BOMB or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER, each scanner or bomb will have a strong shield or encryption that can only be hacked by one of our authorized scientists. This means that only one of our scientists can change the programming of a CITIZEN SCANNER or SMART BOMB or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER.
2.4 To further discourage attempts to hack into the programming of a CITIZEN SCANNER or SMART BOMB or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER by an unauthorized person, each CITIZEN SCANNER or SMART BOMB or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER will be so programmed that if any unauthorized person attempts to hack into a CITIZEN SCANNER or SMART BOMB or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER, that Jesuit will be executed on-the-spot by the CITIZEN SCANNER or SMART BOMB or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER. The CITIZEN SCANNER or SMART BOMB or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER will scan the person attempting the hack, do a brain read on them to determine motive (to see if they are an extortion victim), then will determine WHO is the willing and knowing Loree McBride Jesuit supporter behind the hack and execute that person. If the CITIZEN SCANNER or SMART BOMB or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER is unable to locate the Jesuit hacker, and the extortion victim is still going forward with the illegal hack, that extortion victim will be KNOCKED OUT (not executed) and detained, using transporter technology to transport this person to our cells to be examined and entered into our legal justice system for trial to sue the Jesuits for extortion, and to help us locate the Jesuit behind the attempted hack.
If we are unable to prevent the hack, the CITIZEN SCANNER or SMART BOMB or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER will self-destruct to prevent the loss of innocent lives. But, hopefully, the strong encryption and shield around each CITIZEN SCANNER or SMART BOMB or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER will prevent the attempted hack, enabling the CITIZEN SCANNER or SMART BOMB or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER to remain an effective tool in eliminating Jesuits.
2.4a If Loree McBride Jesuits wipe out all the CITIZEN SCANNERs or SMART BOMBs or JEW CLONE GS SCANNERs in a vicinity in order to pave the way to use their transport technology to transport Jesuits and/or Jesuit supporters to a vicinity, a red alert will be sounded at our military headquarters that a terrorist situation is in the works. CITIZEN SCANNERs and SMART BOMBs or JEW CLONE GS SCANNERs will be programmed that if they are somehow eliminated from a scene that we will automatically transport into that same area replacement CITIZEN SCANNERs and SMART BOMBs or JEW CLONE GS SCANNERs (for the ones that have disappeared or self-destructed) to execute any Jesuits or their supporters who have transported into the area during the lapse. Our military will monitor the situation to see if this has been successful in removing the Jesuits and/or their weapons from the scene.
2.5 The CITIZEN SCANNERS should replace the use of firearms as the primary means to execute Jesuits and for self-defense of citizens of Conspiracy Law honoring nations. Each CITIZEN SCANNER will not only execute Jesuits but any person with criminal intent who poses a threat to life or health. Therefore, the use of CITIZEN SCANNERS should replace the use of firearms as the primary means of executing criminals by law enforcement, thus lessening the load on our legal system and helping law enforcement to carry out their duties without the complications of accusations of racial profiling, discrimination, etc.
The CITIZEN SCANNER must be the primary law enforcement weapon in all police and military forces that operate ON THE GROUND, to ensure the fair execution of alleged criminals. For example, a person who suffers from a mental illness and is not a willing and knowing Jesuit, will probably be knocked out (not executed) by the CITIZEN SCANNER, this making the CITIZEN SCANNER legal proof, enabling police officers and soldiers to execute with all fairness. If the CITIZEN SCANNER was used, it would be the CITIZEN SCANNER, and NOT the police officer or soldier, who made the “decision” to execute.
Also, the use of SMART BOMBS will result in CLEAN warfare, where only the truly guilty will be executed. Therefore, the only bombs or missiles used by our jets or drones, should be SMART BOMBS or missiles, that will selectively execute all Jesuits or their willing and knowing supporters in their target range, and will leave the rest of the population in their target range alive and unharmed. This will greatly reduce the effectiveness of the use of human shields by Jesuits to make our execution of Jesuits seem unjust. The “human shields” will not be harmed by the SMART BOMB or MISSILE or the CITIZEN SCANNER, only JESUITS will die.
2.6 To ensure that these SMART BOMBS or MISSILES or CITIZEN SCANNERS are truly just, even knowing Jesuit supporters, but not WILLING Jesuit supporters will be spared. For instance, if somebody is a Jesuit and they know they support Loree McBride and the Jesuit Order, but HATE it (which can be determined by emotion reads) and IN THEIR HEART side with justice, the SMART BOMB, SMART MISSILE or CITIZEN SCANNER will not execute that Jesuit, but will just KNOCK THEM OUT and transport them to us to hold them in one of our prisons or elsewhere, where we will decide what to do about this Jesuit captive who serves the Jesuits, but hates it.
Some Loree McBride Jesuits could fall into this category. We may program our CITIZEN SCANNERS, BOMBS and MISSILES to knock them out (but not kill them) if they are participating in Jesuit criminal activities and HATE it.
2.7 If we determine a large number of Jesuits HATE serving Loree McBride, we could transport all of these UNWILLING Jesuits to a compound for safety and offer them amnesty if they will ONLY use our SMART BOMBS, MISSILES and SCANNERS on their own people and form a special Jesuit unit that we will name RULE 13’s ARMY. These pardoned Jesuits will actually be part of our INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE COALITION (our international military forces) and their ONLY weapons can be SMART BOMBS, SMART MISSILES and CITIZEN SCANNERS and JEW CLONE GS SCANNERs, which means they will be executing their own Jesuits who are evil and serve the devil, Loree McBride. They will NOT use any Jesuit military weapons, like nukkake, but will only use our SMART BOMBS, MISSILES and CITIZEN SCANNERS and JEW CLONE GS SCANNERs. If any of these pardoned Jesuits violates the terms of this agreement and uses ANY weapon outside of the SMART BOMBS, MISSILES or CITIZEN SCANNERS or JEW CLONE GS SCANNERs and does so with the intent to honor Zack Knight and his evil Jesuits, they will be executed on-the-spot. Also, none of these Jesuits can use any type of science (like cloning, brain control, etc.) without prior approval from our NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH TEAM. Willing and knowing failure to honor this Section 2.7 and Conspiracy Law by any of these pardoned Jesuits will bring them the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator.
If that pardoned Jesuit dishonors this Sect. 2.7 because they were forced against their will to betray us, each Jesuit that is such an extortion victim will be handled on an individual manner and the men on Gail’s marriage list (possibly in consultation with Gail) will determine the outcome of that pardoned Jesuit.
2.7(a) If Jesuits use transporter technology to transport themselves, a bomb, a gun or any weapon or thing of harm, the CITIZEN SCANNER or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER will be programmed to deal with each contingency in a specific manner. Each CITIZEN SCANNER or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER will have programming that will either interfere with the transport, cause the transported object or being to be transported away to a safe location, or will dematerialize and/or transform the object into another more benign object or into space.
2.7(b) If a Jesuit transports himself/herself into the vicinity of the CITIZEN SCANNER or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER, the scanner will interfere with the transport and if possible cause the Jesuit to vanish and die during the transport process. Our scientists will study the Jesuit technology which makes it impossible for Gail Chord Schuler to use transporter technology, because if she does so, she will vaporize and die. Using similar technology, we will set up our CITIZEN SCANNER(s) and JEW CLONE GS SCANNER so that if any willing Jesuit uses transporter technology, they too, will vaporize and die. Our CITIZEN SCANNERS and JEW CLONE GS SCANNERs will be programmed to destroy any willing Jesuit who transports within the range of the CITIZEN SCANNER or JEW CLONE GS SCANNERs. To help us detect Loree McBride Jesuits using transporter technology, we will scan for the molecules and/or chemical and energy configurations that occur while a Loree McBride Jesuit is being transported that indicate a willing Loree McBride Jesuit is being transported (via transporter technology).
2.7(b.1) Things to look for would be such things as the presence of accelerated growth hormone in combination with pride, in combination with a lying spirit (an obsession with deceiving others), and a desire to worship Satan and/or Angelina Ballerina or Loree McBride. The combination of these four factors will be called the JESUIT CLONE PRESENCE.
2.7(b.2) Another combination to scan for would be pride (an exorbitant obsession with self), in combination with a lying spirit (an obsession with deceiving others), and a desire to worship Satan and/or Loree McBride/Angelina Ballerina. The combination of these three factors would be called the JESUIT PRESENCE.
2.7(b.2a) Another thing that must vaporize during transport would be any JESUIT WEAPONS or BOMBs. The TRANSPORT DEATH SCAN will be programmed inside of each CITIZEN SCANNER or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER to vaporize and destroy any Jesuit weapons or bombs DURING THE TRANSPORT PROCESS before they can even rematerialize! It does us no good to destroy Jesuits, their weapons and their clones, if they can replace all these within a minute using their transporter technology. Therefore, the prime focus of all CITIZEN SCANNERS and JEW CLONE GS SCANNERs must be the TRANSPORT DEATH SCAN. Without an effective TRANSPORT DEATH SCAN (which makes it impossible for Jesuits to use transporter technology to move themselves and their weapons from one location to another with the speed of light practically), our CITIZEN SCANNER and JEW CLONE GS SCANNER is just a joke.
2.7(b.3) Our CITIZEN SCANNERS and JEW CLONE GS SCANNER would be programmed to detect the JESUIT CLONE PRESENCE and the JESUIT PRESENCE and/or JESUIT WEAPONS/BOMBS that are in TRANPORT or being transported via transporter technology. Using the same science that Jesuits use to vaporize Gail Chord Schuler, if she should ever use transporter technology, we would use this same science to vaporize anyone with the JESUIT CLONE PRESENCE or the JESUIT PRESENCE or JESUIT WEAPONS. The scan from the CITIZEN SCANNER or JEW CLONE GS SCANNER which makes it possible to vaporize and kill a Jesuit during transport (via transporter technology) will be called a TRANSPORT DEATH SCAN.
2.7(b.4) Our NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH TEAM will study to see how Jesuits can kill Gail during transport and use the same technology to set up a TRANSPORT DEATH SCAN which will make it impossible for Jesuits to use transporter technology! This will greatly hamper their ability to attack us. Once we create the TRANSPORT DEATH SCAN, it will be mandatory that it be programmed into every CITIZEN SCANNER and JEW CLONE GS SCANNER, including the BOMBS and MISSILEs that drop off CITIZEN SCANNERs as part of their explosion.
2.7(b.5) All of our BOMBs and MISSILES must drop off a bunch of CITIZEN SCANNERS as part of their attack, because even if we kill off Jesuits with our bomb, scans and missiles, Jesuits can replace all the dead with their clones in a split second, using transporter technology. Therefore, it is MANDATORY, that CITIZEN SCANNERS with TRANSPORT DEATH SCANs (that will drop off and REMAIN in the bombed location) be incorporated into every bomb and missile we use, so that if Jesuits use transporter technology to bring in fresh Jesuits and fresh weapons, we can destroy and vaporize these during the transport process. Failure to incorporate the TRANSPORT DEATH SCAN into every CITIZEN SCANNER (when this technology becomes available) will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
2.7[c] If a weapon transports itself into the vicinity of the CITIZEN SCANNER, the scanner will analyze the object and determine the best course of action based on what the object is and what it is doing. For instance, if the object is a bomb about to explode on a flying jet, the CITIZEN SCANNER will attack the bomb during transport and either deflect it into outer space or cause it to dematerialize or transform into something benign. It will also determine the source of the transport and if the person behind the transport is determined to be an evil Jesuit, will execute the person behind the transport.
2.7(d) The CITIZEN SCANNER will be connected to a network of SMART BOMBs and MISSILES, and if the CITIZEN SCANNER determines that transport technology is being used to transport a dangerous object or persons within its range, it will quickly determine where this transport originated, and will knock out the source so that it cannot continue to send dangerous objects or persons.
Let’s suppose a jet is about to crash. A Jesuit terrorist transported himself onto the jet, holding a bomb ready to go off. He dropped the bomb off, then transported off the jet with split second speed and accuracy. None of the passengers had a CITIZEN SCANNER equipped to deal with bombs or transporter technology, so nothing they did could stop the bomb. And though their CITIZEN SCANNERs tried to zap out the Jesuit, he was too fast and escaped, and was able to leave his bomb behind on the jet. Thus, the terrorist Jesuit escaped unharmed and the bomb exploded causing the death of all onboard.
Should this happen again, each passenger will be equipped with a CITIZEN SCANNER that will detect that transport technology is in use and would disrupt the transport technology and ideally would sabotage the transport, even killing the Jesuit terrorist by vaporizing him and his bomb during transport. It would then locate the source of the transport and with its connection to the SMART BOMB/MISSILE network, would cause a SMART BOMB to wipe out the Jesuits at the origination point for the terrorist Jesuit.
2.7(e) SMART BOMBS or MISSILEs will also be programmed to not only kill dangerous Jesuits, but to wipe out installations, buildings, or launch pads for nukkakees, missiles and other weapons associated with that Loree McBride Jesuit, if the SMART BOMB or MISSILE detects that the dangerous Jesuit is using this installation to launch a bomb or missile or weapon. The SMART BOMB or MISSILE will be updated daily to deal with the latest weapons that Loree McBride Jesuits may have in their arsenal, with programming to deactivate or neutralize these weapons in the most appropriate and effective manner. Thus, the SMART BOMB or MISSILE will be treated like an anti-malware program on a computer, updated daily to keep it effective in neutralizing “malware” or Loree McBride Jesuit weapons, so that these weapons can do no harm, while it (at the same time that it neutralizes the dangerous weapon) kills the dangerous Jesuit(s) associated with that weapon.
2.8 Any willing and knowing attempt by any person to violate the terms of this Sect. 2 with the intent to promote Loree McBride or her evil Jesuits in their goal for a world takeover, will bring the death penalty as a Jesuit Conspirator to that violator.
[…] The evidence against Loree McBride Jesuits is overwhelming. She is guilty of mass murder, impersonation, money laundering and just about any crime you can imagine. My Conspiracy Law to deal with her MUST BE ENFORCED! We need to arm the populace with CITIZEN SCANNERS and our 21st century weapons so they can defend themselves against this dangerous terrorist and her followers.… […]
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