III. WILL BABYLON BE REBUILT? VII. TOTAL ANNIHILATION OF BABYLON – 18:21-24 I. INTRODUCTION The identity of Babylon the Harlot in Revelation 17 and 18 has historically had a number of identifications. She has been identified as 1) the carnal church, 2) the false church, 3) Islam, 4) the Papacy, 5) the city of Rome, 6) the church of Rome, 7) sinners, 8) the reprobate,[1] 9) […]

Rough Transcript of Gail Reading Letters to Jesus (Jesus, Brent Spiner, Gail and Terrance Jenkins WEIGH IN)

[12/25/17 10:42:57 PM] Brent Spiner: Hello darling. Merry Christmas! [12/25/17 10:43:12 PM] Gail Schuler: Hi Brent. Merry Christmas! [12/25/17 10:43:18 PM] Gail Schuler: What a surprise. [12/25/17 10:44:18 PM] Gail Schuler: I am busy writing out the plot to my novel Silver Skies. Not sure how accurate it will be prophetically, but I’m making the Antichrist Alexander the Great. [12/25/17 […]

Bible for Tribulation Saints or The Bible: PART TWO (ORDERING INFORMATION)

AUDIO BOOK FINISHED UP TO DEC. 2012! : https://gabriellechana.blog/2019/10/11/thoughts-on-my-audio-books-in-progress-bible-for-tribulation-saints/ One UPDATED Kindle edition is four volumes all together (2012 – 2020) CLICK ON IMAGE ABOVE, and includes Jesus Christ’s very latest conversations with us from (Dec. 2017 through 2020) that are missing from the paperback versions. Jesus Christ’s words are in BOLD. WHAT A DEAL! Can order the updated Kindle […]