Jew Clones are NOT Jewish, but are part of the CLONE RACE (children of the fallen angels).

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The church has not replaced Israel. Dispensationalism is the only approach to the Bible that makes sense of all the Bible. Brent Spiner and I are part of the Jewish remnant that follow Jesus and Jesus is using JEWISH writers for my current book Bible for Tribulation Saints (me and Brent Spiner). All the Bible writers were Jewish. It seems we Jews are the best Bible writers.

As far as Israel, I consider Loree’s creation of the Jew clones as a form of anti-Semitism, because they claim to be Jews, but are evil, making the real Jews look evil.

I guess God would consider Jew clones Jewish, but maybe not. I’m not sure how God views clones in terms of their race. I think clones are a race unto themselves. They are the creation of Satan. So they are the children of the fallen angels or the children of the sons of God. I believe all clones have some genes from the fallen angels, which makes them the children of the sons of God (fallen angels) in the Bible. The children of the sons of God are a distinct race, separate from those of us who came into life via natural reproduction. The fallen angels have “sex” with humans using the laboratory and rape and usually are very lustful in their approach to lovemaking. They use their children to create more clone/human mixes. Clones and their offspring tend to be evil, because of the fallen angel genes in them.

The sons of God are described in Genesis 6:2, Genesis 6:4, Job 1:6, Job 2:1, Job 38:7. These sons of God in the Old Testament are not the same sons of God as in the New Testament. In the Old Testament, the term sons of God refers to the fallen angels, who are the creatures that inhabit the UFOs. All clones come into existence in the laboratory and are the creation of the fallen angels, so they are a race unto themselves, which I would call the children of the fallen angels. I guess if I gave that race a name, I would call it the clone race or the fallen angel children race. The Bible describes this race in Isaiah 57:9. He condemns them as idol or Satan worshippers, who are created in laboratories using messenger RNA (see King James Bible Isaiah 57:9).

John MacArthur has some intelligent discussion about who the sons of God in Genesis 6 are. He, like myself, believes that the sons of God are fallen angels.

Here are some good articles about this topic of the fallen angels having sex with women:

So, right now, it is a lot like it was in the days of Noah, you have the three main races from Shem (Asian and Jewish races), Ham (black races), Japheth (white races) or mixtures between the races, and then a separate race altogether called the clone race or the fallen angel children (composed of white, black and Asian or Jewish genes). The clone race tends to be evil, because of the fallen angel genes in these humans. The clones have a lot of characteristics of the fallen angels, with many of them having supernatural strength, like women who have the strength of a man. This is why Loree McBride and Camila Alves can so easily rape males. They have the same muscular strength (or even greater) than the males they rape. When it comes to clones, things are never as they appear. You are dealing with the children of the fallen angels. Clones literally have the genes of fallen angels in them! Yet, they are humans, but have been contaminated with fallen angel DNA.

Satan, realizing that he cannot win a person with a good heart to his side, has to create a race of people with evil hearts (the clones) to increase his following.

So I would divide the races into white, Asian (Jewish), and black and then THE CLONES. In these last days there has been a dramatic increase in the clone “race” on earth, and so evil has multiplied dramatically. We even have mixtures between the clone race and the natural born human race, with most children of clones also evil like their parents. That fallen angel DNA is so evil, it’s like leaven in the bread, it just contaminates and makes impure all that it touches.

The clones are described in Isaiah 57:9. God has a pretty negative view of most clones. Some of them are coming to Jesus, but most of them (like Loree McBride, who is a clone) do not. They have so much fallen angel genes in them that they are so evil, that they don’t come to Jesus. Like their daddy Satan, clones tend to be proud, vain, egotistical, rapey, liars and greedy. That some of them are coming to Jesus indicates that at one time, Satan was good (when he was Lucifer). But most of them don’t come to Jesus, because they are just like Satan in their hearts.

Zack Knight (former evil Jesuit leader) is NOT a clone, and neither is Rule 13 (former evil Jesuit military leader). Both of them have come to Jesus. Zack has been able to lead some clones to Jesus.

Jesus loves everybody, even Satan, and will hold off destroying all the clones in our war with them until all of them that can be saved ARE SAVED. Though they have fallen angel genes in them, they DO have souls and will either go to heaven or to hell. They ARE human beings, albeit contaminated with fallen angel genes.

Personal opinion: I don’t consider Jew clones to be JEWS. They are stealing the identity of the Jewish person they try to replace and behaving very evil. So the creation of the Jew clones is a form of rabid anti-Semitism in the form of identity theft and stealing and raping the good reputation of the Jew they strive to impersonate.

HOWEVER, Loree was successful in creating the Jew Clones because she got cooperation from REAL JEWS in Israel.

All I have to say to that, is those Jews are probably going to hell. The Jewish race, like all races, has sinners in it.

Regarding the bride of Christ (composed of Jews and Gentiles as believers in Jesus), the bride of Christ has NOT replaced God’s WIFE, who is Israel. God is sort of divorced from his wife right now, but he has not forgotten her and the Jewish nation in one day and all of them left alive at that time (a remnant of them) will accept their Messiah after the tribulation. God the Father’s wife is Israel. Jesus Christ the Son’s wife is the Church (composed of Jews and Gentiles).…/wife-of-jehovah-and-brid…

Though God the Father has divorced his wife Israel, he WILL remarry her in the future (right after the tribulation period). There are TWO wives mentioned as the wives of God and then of Jesus. God the Father has a wife, and Jesus has a wife. I, being a Jewish Christian am part of the wife of Jesus (the Church).

But my ancestor King David is considered to be part of the future wife of God the Father as being part of the nation of Israel when she was married to God. It’s kind of complicated, but Arnold Fruchtenbaum describes it well in the link to his post about this above. I know King David is in heaven, along with all the Jews that honored God the Father during their lifetimes (before Christ showed up the first time).

It gets even more complicated than this, because Jesus and God the Father are also in many ways one and the same. But when it comes to their brides, the wife of Christ is separate from the wife of God the Father in the Bible. It’s kind of like God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit are all one, and yet how they handle their wives are different. The Holy Spirit does not have a wife.

Brent Spiner and I are part of that Jewish remnant and I, the King David woman, am currently writing a Bible for the tribulation saints. What an honor. It is no accident, that God (Jesus) has chosen Jewish writers for this book! It seems that God only allows Jews to write his Bible.…/brent-spiner-types-…/

Basically any Jews that come to Christ after his first coming, are considered part of the bride of Christ, because of WHEN they come to him.

Then you have the saints who come to God during the millennial reign of Jesus, and they are not considered Jews or Christians. They are the millennial saints. The Bible can get complicated. God deals differently with the world depending on the time period we are in. That’s why I am a dispensationalist.

If you find it hard to believe that some fallen angel children come to Jesus, don’t forget that Satan was Lucifer before he sinned.

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